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Form Import Soal Pilihan Ganda berdasarkan Topik yang dipilih

Jawaban diisi dengan angka 1 untuk jawaban benar, 0 untuk jawaban salah
Cell yang berwarna kuning tidak perlu diisi

No Jenis Isi n
Read carefully and choose the best answer between a, b, c, d, or e!

Jack : Rita, .................

Rita : I am delighted to meet you.
Doni : I am delighted to meet you, too.
  JAWABAN Doni is my friend. 0
1 JAWABAN Doni wants to meet you. 0
  JAWABAN Don't you know Doni is my friend. 0
  JAWABAN Please introduce yourself. 0
  JAWABAN I'd like you to meet my friend, Doni. 1
Surya : Lusi, this is my new friend, his name is Doni. He is a company director.
Lusi  : Hi Doni.
  Doni  : Hello, Lusi .................? Nice to meet you.  
Lusi  : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.
  JAWABAN How are things with you. 0
2 JAWABAN What are you. 0
  JAWABAN May I help you. 0
  JAWABAN How are you. 0
  JAWABAN How do you do. 1
  SOAL Which word is an adjective?  
3 JAWABAN Beautifull 1
  JAWABAN Stop 0
  JAWABAN Play 0
  SOAL How many adjectives are there in this sentence: “I thought the film was very long and boring.”  
  1 0
  SOAL That’s a ............. necklace.  
  JAWABAN Wonderfull 0
5 JAWABAN Wrong 1
  JAWABAN Good 0
  JAWABAN Beautifull 0
  JAWABAN Nice 0
  SOAL Ara and Dani ... come to your house tomorrow  
  JAWABAN Will 0
6 JAWABAN Will be 0
  JAWABAN Is going to 0
  JAWABAN Are going to 1
  JAWABAN Am going to 0
  SOAL I will ... your ceremony.  
  JAWABAN Attends 0
7 JAWABAN Attends 1
  JAWABAN Going to attend 0
  JAWABAN Attending 0
  JAWABAN Be attend 0
  SOAL I will be ... if I don't eat.  
  JAWABAN Sleep 0
8 JAWABAN Healthy 0
  JAWABAN Health 0
  JAWABAN Sick 1
  JAWABAN Poor 0
  SOAL She will be ... all of this tasks.  
  JAWABAN Finish 0
9 JAWABAN Finishs 0
  JAWABAN Finishing 0
  JAWABAN Finished 0
  JAWABAN Finishing 1
  SOAL We will ... my graduation here.  
  JAWABAN Celebrate 1
10 JAWABAN Celebration 0
  JAWABAN Celebrating 0
  JAWABAN Be celebrate 0
  JAWABAN Celebrates 0
  Read the text carefully!


SOAL What is the monologue about?

  JAWABAN Paris. 1
JAWABAN Notre Dame. 0
  JAWABAN The crowded city. 0
  JAWABAN The city of light. 0
  JAWABAN The Louvre. 0
  SOAL What has become the symbol of Paris?  
  JAWABAN The Louvre. 0
12 JAWABAN The Cathedral. 0
  JAWABAN The Eiffel Tower. 1
  JAWABAN The lovely garden. 0
  JAWABAN The light structure. 0

SOAL For how many people the meeting facilities are up to?
  JAWABAN 5000 people. 0
JAWABAN 4000 people. 0
  JAWABAN 2000 people. 1
  JAWABAN 1000 people. 0
  JAWABAN 500 people. 0
  SOAL The text mainly focuses on…  
  JAWABAN Bangkok’s granduer. 0
14 JAWABAN Bangkok’s ”River Kings.” 0
  JAWABAN The water of the Chao Praya. 0
  JAWABAN The majestic river in Bangkok 0
  JAWABAN Shangri-La Bangkok. 1
A visual representation of hierarchical information that includes a central idea surrounded by connected
SOAL branches of associated topics is called....
  JAWABAN Flowchart 0
15 JAWABAN Chart 0
  JAWABAN Mind mapping 1
  JAWABAN Formula 0
  JAWABAN Sign 0
  SOAL A text that tells about story of events in the past, is called .......  
  JAWABAN Narrative text 1
16 JAWABAN Descriptive text 0
  JAWABAN Procedure text 0
  JAWABAN Hortatory text 0
  JAWABAN Factual text 0
The dilemma or problem which distrups the normal life or the confort of the characters and causes a
SOAL sequence of interesting events, is called ......
  JAWABAN Orientation 0
17 JAWABAN Complication 1
  JAWABAN Sequence of event 0
  JAWABAN Resolution 0
  JAWABAN All answer’s wrong 0
  SOAL It is trigged by the complication and may include as they happen, is called ......  
  JAWABAN Orientation 0
18 JAWABAN Complication 0
  JAWABAN Sequence of event 1
  JAWABAN Resolution 0
  JAWABAN All answer’s wrong 0
  SOAL It sets the scene and mood, introduces characters and include when, where, who, or what, is called ...  
  JAWABAN Orientation 1
19 JAWABAN Complication 0
  JAWABAN Sequence of event 0
  JAWABAN Resolution 0
  JAWABAN All answer’s wrong 0
  SOAL It is the climax or ending where the problem is resolved, it call.......  
  JAWABAN Orientation 0
20 JAWABAN Complication 0
  JAWABAN Sequence of event 0
  JAWABAN Resolution 1
  JAWABAN All answer’s wrong 0


SOAL The story above tells about ........

JAWABAN Snow White. 0
JAWABAN Sleeping Beauty. 0
JAWABAN Dwarfs. 0
JAWABAN Cinderella. 1
JAWABAN Princess. 0
SOAL The first paragraph is the………… of the story.  
JAWABAN Complication. 0
JAWABAN Re-orientation. 0
JAWABAN Orientation. 1
JAWABAN Resolution. 0
SOAL Why does Cinderella’s mother dead? Because she………  
JAWABAN Fell sick. 1
JAWABAN Fell injured. 0
JAWABAN Fell disappointed. 0
JAWABAN Fell ill. 0
JAWABAN Fell wounded. 0
SOAL The genre of the text is…….  
JAWABAN Recount 0
JAWABAN Procedure 0
JAWABAN Narrative 1
JAWABAN Legend 0
JAWABAN News item 0
SOAL How did her step-mother treat Cinderella ?  
JAWABAN She allowed go any where. 0
JAWABAN She doesn’t her to allow. 0
JAWABAN She allows goes every where. 0
JAWABAN She didn’t go any where. 0
JAWABAN She didn’t allow her go. 1


SOAL What kind of animal caused trouble?

JAWABAN Swordfish. 1
JAWABAN Whale. 0
JAWABAN Shark. 0
JAWABAN Dolphins. 0
JAWABAN Milkfish. 0
SOAL What is Captain’s feeling towards the little boy?  
JAWABAN Happy. 0
JAWABAN Proud. 0
JAWABAN Humble. 0
JAWABAN Jealous. 1
SOAL What happened to the boy at the night?  
JAWABAN He was killed. 1
JAWABAN He was appointed as the soldier. 0
JAWABAN He got a reward from the king. 0
JAWABAN He married to one of the king’s daughter. 0
JAWABAN He was accepted as the King’s son. 0
SOAL What is the little boy’s characteristic?  
JAWABAN Smart. 1
JAWABAN Stupid. 0
JAWABAN Brave. 0
JAWABAN Coward. 0
SOAL Who killed the little boy?  
JAWABAN Captain. 1
JAWABAN The King. 0
JAWABAN The little boy’s parents. 0
JAWABAN The grandmother of the little boy. 0
JAWABAN His neighbor. 0
SOAL A mark or shape that always has a particular meaning, it called...  
JAWABAN Sign and symbol. 1
JAWABAN Direction. 0
JAWABAN Shape. 0


SOAL What will you think about this symbol?

JAWABAN There is a cottage. 0
JAWABAN There is an inn. 0
JAWABAN There is a hospital. 1
JAWABAN There is a bedroom. 0
JAWABAN There is a hotel. 0


SOAL After you see this symbol, what will you think?
JAWABAN You can turn left. 0
JAWABAN You can turn right. 0
JAWABAN You have to stop be careful. 0
JAWABAN You can not park here. 1
JAWABAN You can not smoke here. 0


SOAL What does the sign mean?

JAWABAN We are allowed to smoke in that area. 0
JAWABAN Smoking is not forbidden in that are. 0
JAWABAN We may smoke in that area. 0
JAWABAN We can smoking in that area. 0
JAWABAN We are not allowed to smoke in that are. 1


SOAL Where do you usually find the sign above?

JAWABAN Hospital. 0
JAWABAN Restaurant. 0
JAWABAN Hotel. 0
JAWABAN School. 1
JAWABAN Post Station. 0

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