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Term of Reference (ToR)

IISMA Safari

A. Background

In regard to the high interest in the IISMA program throughout these past two years,
International Office Universitas Padjadjaran would provide the tools needed to help increase the
chances for students to be accepted into IISMA. This year won’t be an exception. From January
to February there will be a series of events that Facilitate the students to get more information
about IISMA, and ultimately guide them throughout the process.

B. Key Activities

In the first series of events, Upgraders Unpad accompanied by the IISMA Awardees and
Faculties’ International Unit will be going to each and every faculty in Unpad to give general
information about IISMA 2023. This will be held online from the 25 - 31 of January 2023.

*For further information:

Like last year, we will be having a mentoring session, to help connect students with
interest to participate in IISMA 2023 with the awardees who’d have succeeded in all the process
of IISMA 2022. The mentoring will be held in groups of 10 (tentative to the number of
applicants) and every group will have one mentor (awardee IISMA 2022). Minimal 3
synchronous meetings online or offline (mentees and mentor agreement) that will provide
guidance for each process be it essay or interview.

*For further information:

Event of welcoming home the awardees and giving appreciation for the second batch of
IISMA that have just finished their exchange journey. In addition there will be a sharing session
which will divide the awardees according to their host countries and the students who are
interested in participating in IISMA 2023 can choose the country they plan to visit.

*For further information:
C. Objective
● Unpad students become aware of the IISMA program, including the general criteria,
timeline, and process
● The candidate/those who have interest in IISMA is connected to the system that will
help with their needs (Unpad IO can acts as the information center)
● The candidate will be able to go through each process with the help of IISMA Awardees
(through mentoring session)

D. Output
- Faculties visited: 16 Faculties
- Total number of participants in roadshow: 300 participants
- Mentees: 400 Mentees
- Mentors: 40 Mentors
- Target Audience: Unpad’s Students semester 4 - 6
- Target Mentor: Batch 2 IISMA Awardee

E. Timeline
General: Mid January - End of February
1st week January: Planning and conceptualizing
2nd week January: Approaching International Unit and target mentors, Preparation for
3rd week January: Faculty Roadshow
4th Week January: Faculty Roadshow, preparation for mentoring session and
approaching target audience
1st Week February: Mentoring session
2nd Week February: Mentoring session
3rd Week February: Mentoring session, IISMA Homecoming
4th Week February: Closing Mentoring

F. Closing
This ToR is conveyed with the hope a beneficial cooperative network can be established
for both of us. Knowing that this event would not be possible without the support of
other parties, we sincerely hope for your cooperation and involvement in order for it to
run smoothly and have a significant impact. We sincerely appreciate the time and energy
you've put into making this collaboration possible

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