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National Service Training Program

Name of Student: Dana Sophia T. Leonardo Date: 18/09.2021

Subject/Section: NSTP – 7M Activity No. M3
Name of Instructor: Prof. Sheila Geronimo Activity Title: M3: Canvas: Learning Activ-

Drug-Free Society

Drug is a scary substance that once taken, it’s hard to get out. Duterte’s pur-
pose to suppress drug and to have a drug-free society is good however, I don’t think
killing is necessary. Similar to what Mr. Almerol said, a former drug dependent, only
the poor people were affected and if we really want to suppress drug, we have to cut
the root of it. As a youth, its concerning to know that there are over 90 million drug
addicts around the world especially among young adults or those under the age of
30. This does only show that there are a lot of people struggling and need the rapid
action in order to stop it.
Moreover, Drug-free society is the desired society of everyone. I do agree with
the treatment in Bicutan rehabilitation that drug addicts are not criminal but rather a
person that made a bad decision and needs professional assistance. Our society is
now a scary place and if we really want changes in our environment, we have to start
with ourself by having good decisions and focusing in our own path. However, those
people were lost in their path also because of the unhealthy environment or relation-
ships that they have around them but proper guidance can make them change. In my
opinion, the killing of drug addicts are alarming because it is against the human rights
and, I do believe that we can avoid drug and drug addicts can overcome it. People
need to be more aware of the consequences of drugs such as doing things that is
illegal or immoral and not only them can be affected but also the people around them.
Awareness is one thing that we also need to put an end in drug addiction. Being aware
of the consequences, being aware that they are not criminal, and lastly, they can
change and we can continue with life without drugs.

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