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Every strum of my life

My name is Rica Dorado but, you can call me Rics., and I’m excited to share my life story with you. Life
has been a rollercoaster ride, filled with ups and downs, victories and failures. Through it all, I have
grown and discovered the person I am today. Join me as I take you on a journey of self-discovery.

I was born in Manila. My childhood was filled with laughter, sadness, and a full of music. Growing up, I
was a curious child, always asking questions and eager to explore the world around me. Whether it was
collecting seashells at the beach, dancing at family party, play instruments, and sing beautiful songs.
Each experience fueled my thirst for knowledge and adventure.

As I entered school, I discovered the power of words. Reading quickly became my refuge and writing, my
escape. I would lose myself in fantastical stories and immerse myself in different worlds. Through the
pages of books, I discovered empathy, resilience, and the endless possibilities that lie within our
imagination. Writing became my way of expressing myself, of capturing the emotions and experiences
that shaped my existence. I love writing so much, when I have a problem I always write a poem about it,
because I have no one to talk about it. I was victim of bully, because of how I act and my physical
appearance. I have no friends since elementary not until I was in fourth grade I made 2 friends, Mark and
Danred, they are the best!

Life, however, has its own plans, and my journey was not without obstacles. High school brought its fair
share of challenges—academic pressure, social dynamics, and self-doubt. Highschool is my nightmare
when I stepped in highschool I was traumatized for some reason, I thought high school has no bully, but I
was wrong. Everywhere there’s a bully. Nevertheless, when I’m in second year high school bully become
worst, I was in the band that time and my classmates teasing me because I’m fat, I made 2 friends again
they are my best friend, Mineah, Rhessa and Especially Janah… But it was during these moments of
adversity that I found strength and resilience within me. I realized that failure was not an endpoint but
an opportunity for growth. With determination and perseverance, I overcame these hurdles, emerging
stronger and more determined than ever.

In senior highschool, I’m sure what path I want to take, I want to take care to people whose hurt, I want
to be a psychologist I want people to feel okay, though I still wanted to be a successful lawyer. I still
continue my hobbies, I still play guitar, sing, and writing stories, I love making stories because I love
books, I always wanted to create a book so I decided to create a Wattpad account for making stories and
some people read my stories. I wanted to share to them what I imagined, I want to share them what’s
my thoughts through writing a story.

Life has a way of surprising us when we least expect it. I realized that my journey of self-discovery was
not limited to external experiences but also involved introspection and self-reflection. It was during this
time that I found my voice, my purpose, and the strength to live authentically. I always romanticized life I
love music and ocean it calms me when I felt sad, by writing stories I feel so a live.

The narrative of my life is an ongoing tale, filled with twists and turns, laughter and tears. Through the
chapters of my autobiography, I have shared glimpses of the person I have become—a seeker of
knowledge, a lover of words, a lover of music, a Life continues to present opportunities for growth and
self-discovery, and I am excited to embrace whatever lies ahead on this remarkable journey. My life is just
like a strumming pattern, sometimes it was low and sometimes it’s a perfect strum that feels like heaven
in my ears. Life? It is just like a book too, before it success it was just a broken pieces, like a puzzle. Maybe
we are suffering now, maybe we have a lot of mistakes and regrets, but trust me after that pain the last
chap, the epilogue part of the story is so lovely it’s a successful story, a great story that we are the main
characters. Don’t give up just because you’ve made mistakes, I didn’t give up, I choose to continue like
the birds on the tree when they tripped off, they still continue to fly.

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