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Altona College Individual Education

Term 1, 2023
Student Name: Isaac Adewale
Year Level: 5
Semester: One
Date: 08/02/23
Teacher: Nicholas Burgess
Long-term goals
Provide a clear, summarised statement of 1-2 sentences that guides the development of the short-term goals below.
In Reading Isaac will independently read for meaning and develop his comprehension by summarising. In Writing, Isaac needs
to work towards using compound sentences and a range of sentence openings to engage the reader. In Maths Isaac will
consolidate knowledge of his multiplication tables to 10 x 10.

Term 1
Short-term SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Relevant, Time-bound).
Identify the sub-skills required to achieve the long-term goal/s above. Number and include all SMART goals below.

Goal 1 - Reading
Current entry level skills:
Isaac uses visual clues to decode words. He makes some mistakes e.g. mouth instead of month. He is not using meaning to
decode unfamiliar words. He reads with some fluency, reading 3-4 word phrases at a time, with little expression. He pays
attention to full stops when reading, but does not pause at commas or ellipsis…

GOAL # Action e.g. what will Under what conditions e.g. Success criteria e.g. what By when
the student do? where, with whom, with does success look like?
By the end of Tactile: Work in the classroom with I can answer who? what? End of Term 1.
term 1 Isaac a small focus group and ES. when? where? and why?
v Dice/ flip cards/
will be able to questions
summarise the
main ideas in a Guided reading Group

Fill in the blank

question bubble

Teaching strategies, adjustments and supports Person responsible

Tactile resources as listed above Nicholas Burgess
One-to-one and small group support with Learning Aide Learning Aide
Small group Guided Group reading support - focus on his goal

Review DATE
Student progress/comment:
Engages positively in reading groups.

Books that he is interested in are David Willams.

Ahn Do…

Sticky Note each chapter.

Goal 2 - Writing Current entry level skills:

Isaac can use capital letters and full stops to punctuate simple and compound sentences. He needs to now develop his use of
other punctuation at the end of his sentences i.e. ? and ! With support, Isaac can use ‘and and ‘but’ to write compound
sentences and now needs to experiment with other connectives e.g because, or and also and do this with greater
Continue to form letters correctly
GOAL # Action e.g. what will Under what conditions e.g. Success criteria e.g. what By when
the student do? where, with whom, with does success look like?
By the end of Tactile: In a whole class setting I can accurately punctuate End of Term 1
term 1, Isaac Isacc will use the strategies my sentences.
Simple sentence cards
will be able to listed to ensure he is
with compound words
write writing in compound
compound sentences.
conjunction dice
punctuation dice I can join 2 simple sentences
with the joining words.
End of Term 1
story cubes

In class, ES uses entry and

exit points to rehearse I can start and end my
handwriting words. letters and numbers in the
correct place.
By the end of
term 1, Isaac
will be able to
form letters
and numbers
Teaching strategies, adjustments and supports Person responsible
Nicholas Burgess
Tactile resources as listed above
Mini whiteboard and pen for quick activities
Seating position in class
Small handwriting group support
Worksheets with entry and exit points

Review DATE /
Student progress/comment:
This term we focussed on narrative writing. He is continuing to develop his skills to write compound sentences.
He has creative capability. Mum has a concern with spelling words. Informed about the current program.

Nick to email photo of his sizzling.

Goal 3 - Numeracy
Isaac can add and subtract 3 digit numbers using regrouping. He uses vertical algorithms to calculate addition and
subtraction. He is fairly confident with his times tables up to x6 but will need to continue to practise each of his times tables
in order to commit them to memory.

GOAL # Action e.g. what will Under what conditions e.g. Success criteria e.g. what By when
the student do? where, with whom, with does success look like?
By the end of Tactile - Small Group tasks, I can recall my 7, 8 and 9 x End of Term 1
term 1, Isaac tables in order.
will be able to
recall his 7, 8 Dice multiplication Teacher/ learning aide
and 9 x tables support
Laminated 100
square to identify
Laminated x table
Magnetic numbers
Colour x table activity
Times tables songs/
videos online
Teaching strategies, adjustments and supports Person responsible
dice Isaac
laminated 100 square and pens Nicholas Burgess
times table colouring sheets Learning Aid
magnetic numbers
Access to laptop and headphones
Review DATE /
Student progress/comment:
We will reassess this next term to suit the scope and sequence.

Goal 4 – Social/Organisational
Current entry level skills
Isaac has been working well in the classroom. He infrequently becomes emotional when losing team games in sport. He still
becomes frustrated if he loses at quizzes/ challenges in the classroom or if a time limit is imposed. His organisational skills
have improved, he remembers his diary on a fairly regular basis. He is slow to get prepared for when lessons begin and
distracts himself during lessons. Has occasionally become reluctant to work with learning aides and can ‘talk back’ when
being asked to carry out tasks he does not wish to.

GOAL # Action e.g. what will Under what conditions e.g. Success criteria e.g. what By when
the student do? where, with whom, with does success look like?
By the end of Use school SWPBS to Sitting at his table, facing I can keep my eyes facing End of Term
term 1, Isaac refocus Isaac in class. the person who is the right way. 1/ongoing
will be able speaking/
To focus on instructing/presenting
tasks and Move his seating I can redirect myself if I'm
make good position in class so he distracted.
choices is front facing

By the end of Visual reminder next Dojo points for being

term 1, Isaac to his locker prompt and having the
will arrive on correct equipment I can be in my seat, ready for
time for the lesson to take place.
lessons and Teacher to check in
be equipped that he understands
and ready for what to do before
the beginning independent tasks.
of a lesson
Teaching strategies, adjustments and supports Person responsible
Commendations for repeated success
Teacher and Learning Aided to check that he understands the expectations of a task
Check in using ‘barometer thumbs’ to show that he is ready to learn
Visual prompts to be placed in his cubby/locker to help with morning organisation
Review DATE /
Student progress/comment:
Issac has achieved this goal. He is prompt to line up, well organised and comes with relevant resources and
materials to class.

By the end of term 2, Isaac will know and implement desclations strategies.

*Review goals and strategies at least once per term. Collate and analyse data to determine whether the goals have been
achieved. Report and feedback on achievement of goals based on the effectiveness of the teaching strategies, adjustments
and supports provided in Stage 3.

* Short-term SMART goals. Provide evidence through formative or summative assessments or qualitative information.
Additional comments: e.g. What is working well or not? Should goals be modified? Should the strategies be continued,
revised or replaced?
Ensuring Isaac is seated towards the front of the classroom, surrounded with positive role models helps him to focus on his
work and avoid distractions.

Minutes of SSG:
Item Discussion Actions
Incident with Joshy. Dealt with at school. However, mum is CW
Julie Giles to inform give advice on when and how to tell Isaac.

Swearing Heightened.
Homework Reading, mathletics and writing expectations. NB - to email
mum each
week the
Es Support Isaac is beginning to wonder why someone is with him. NB

Signature: Principal (or delegate): __________________________

Date: ___________________________

 *Student consulted

 *Parent/Carer/Guardian consulted

*Date of next meeting: ___________________________________

*Please refer to the Individual Education

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