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1934 The essay “Body
Techniques” by French
sociologist and anthropologist
Marcel Mauss lays the
foundations for Pierre
Bourdieu’s re-elaboration
PIERRE BOURDIEU (1930–2002) of the concept of “habitus.”
1958 Max Weber suggests
that “a specific style of life can
be expected from those who
wish to belong to the circle.”
1966 English historian
E.P. Thompson says class is
“a relationship that must
always be embodied in real
people and in a real context.”
2003 US cultural theorist
Nancy Fraser says that
capitalist society has two
systems of subordination—the
class structure and the status
order—which interact.

rom Marx to Durkheim
and Weber to Parsons,
sociologists have been keen
to determine how the social class
system is reproduced, in the belief
that it is structurally bound to
economics, property ownership,
and financial assets.
But in the 1970s Pierre Bourdieu
claimed, in Distinction, that the
issue was more complex: social
class is not defined solely by
economics, he said, “but by the
class habitus which is normally
associated with that position.” This
concept was first discussed by the
13th-century Italian theologian
Thomas Aquinas, who claimed that
the things people want or like, and
See also: Karl Marx 28–31 ■ Émile Durkheim 34–37 ■ Friedrich Engels 66–67 ■ Richard Sennett 84–87 ■

Norbert Elias 180–81 ■ Paul Willis 292–93

activities were all similar to one

another. The French upper classes,
The habitus is a set of It is created from he noted, enjoyed reading poetry,
socially internalized the interaction of the philosophy, and politics. They liked
dispositions that informs individual self, going to classic or avant-garde
a person’s perceptions, group culture, and the theater, museums, and classical-
feelings, and actions. social institutions of music concerts; they enjoyed going
the family and the school. camping and mountaineering.
Within the working classes,
Bourdieu found that people liked
reading novels and magazines,
betting, visiting music halls and
boutiques, and owning luxury cars.
The choices were relatively limited
Habitus is reproduced and they were determined not by
Acting out these
and evolves over time cost, but by taste. He realized that
through the interplay of an people who were members of a
strengthens the
individual’s subconscious certain class, or “class fraction”
habitus of the individual
with the social structures (class subset), shared tastes
and the group.
they encounter. because they shared dispositions,
or “habitus.” They had somehow
come to like and dislike the same
things. And this awareness of
the way they act, is because they members of their social class shared habitus gave them a
think of themselves as a certain group. An individual from one distinct sense of place; they
kind of person: each of us has a class will “know” that something “fitted” into this or that class.
particular inclination, or habitus. is “pretentious” or “gaudy,” whereas The construction of habitus is
Bourdieu, however, develops a person from another class will due neither to the individual nor
the idea significantly. He defines see the same thing as “beautiful” the existing environment—it is
habitus as an embodied set of or “stunning.” He suggests that a created through the interplay of the
socially acquired dispositions that child learns these things from their subjective mind with the structures
lead individuals to live their lives family, and then from their school and institutions around him or ❯❯
in ways that are similar to other and peers, who demonstrate to the
growing child how to speak and
act, and so on. In this way, he says,
“the social order is progressively
inscribed in people’s minds.”

Class dispositions
Habitus is society written While researching class divisions
into the body, into the in France in the 1960s, Bourdieu
biological individual. noticed that people of the same
Pierre Bourdieu class exhibited similar cultural
values. The things they knew and
Fox hunting is a leisure pursuit
valued, the way they spoke, their that feels natural to some as a result
choice of clothes and decoration of their habitus, or disposition. The
of the body, and their views on same tendency makes other types of
art, leisure, and entertainment activity (such as karaoke) feel strange.
Expressing a view about something,
such as a work of art, provides another
person with information that enables
them to assess the speaker’s cultural
capital and judge his or her social class.

Bourdieu says the habitus is often

obvious through “judgments
of classification,” which are
pronounced about a thing, such as
a painting, but act to classify the
person speaking. Where one person
describes a painting as “nice,” and
another as “passé,” we learn little
about the artwork, but much more
about the person and their habitus.
People use these judgments
deliberately to distinguish
her. Individuals are born into a Habitus gives individuals a unique themselves from their neighbors
particular social class group. Each “sense of one’s place,” because and establish their class.
is defined by a specific lifestyle, their internalized self perfectly In addition to economic and
referred to by Bourdieu as the matches the structure of their cultural capital, people may have
habitus of the group. Every social external world. But if they were to social capital—human resources
class group has a group habitus stray into the “fields” (institutions (friends and colleagues) gained
that simultaneously defines, and or structures) of a different class, through social networks. These
differentiates it from, all the other they would feel like “a fish out of relationships give a sense of mutual
group habitus in society. water,” wrong-footed at every turn. obligation and trust, and may offer
The habitus of the group is also access to power and influence.
inscribed in the bodily dispositions Forms of capital This idea of social capital
and gestures of the individual. Bourdieu maintains that the can be seen in the success of
The social class of a person can habitus of an individual is made up social networking websites such
be discerned from how they walk, of different types and amounts of as Facebook and LinkedIn, which
talk, laugh, cry, and so on—from capital (economic, cultural, and provide ways for individuals
everything they do, think, and social), which he redefined as to increase their social capital.
say. For the most part, because “the set of actually usable resources Bourdieu also saw scholastic
they are born and raised within and powers” that a person has.
a particular group habitus, Economic capital refers, quite
individuals are generally unaware simply, to monetary resources and
of the ways in which habitus both property. A person’s cultural capital
enables and restricts how they is their capacity to play “the culture
think, perceive, act, and interact game”—to recognize references in
with the world around them. books, films, and theater; to know Scientific observation shows
Habitus—as the embodiment how to act in given situations (such that cultural needs are
of the dispositions of the wider as apt manners and conversation at the product of upbringing
group to which the individual the dinner table); to know what to and education.
belongs—provides people with a wear and how; and even who “to Pierre Bourdieu
clear sense of the type of person look down your nose at.” Because
they are and what it is that people habitus defines a person within any
like themselves should think and situation as being of a certain class
feel, as well as the manner in or class fraction, it is critical in
which they should behave. delineating the social order.
capital (intellectual knowledge), During their lifetimes, people put
linguistic capital (ease in the their various forms of capital to
command of language, determining work. They also “strategize,”
who has the authority to speak and figuring out how to compete with
be heard), and political capital each other for increased power
(status in the political world) as and capital. The particular forms
playing a part in class. that these strategies can take are
governed by habitus, and yet most
The class game people are not consciously aware
The class struggle, outlined so of the extent to which their actions
comprehensively by Marx, can be and choices in life are determined
played out on an individual level by these acquired dispositions.
using Bourdieu’s terms. He says
that an individual develops within The possibility of change Pierre Bourdieu
relationships (the family and Because Bourdieu’s idea of cultural
school), before entering various capital rests so heavily on the Born in 1930 in a rural village
social arenas or “fields” (such as constantly reproduced habitus, in southwest France, Pierre
Bourdieu was the only son
institutions and social groups), which is embedded in all of us,
of a postman. A teacher
where people express and he seems quite pessimistic about recognized his potential and
constantly reproduce their the possibility of social mobility. recommended he go to Paris
habitus. Whether or not people are However, the habitus is open to study. After graduating
successful in the fields they enter to change through different forces from the prestigious École
depends on the type of habitus within the field. The interaction of Normale Supérieure with
they have and the capital it carries. institutions and individuals usually a degree in philosophy, he
Every field has a set of rules reinforces existing ideas, but it is taught at the University of
that reflects the group habitus, possible for someone from a lower Algiers during the Algerian
to the extent that the rules seem social class to gain cultural capital Liberation War (1956–62).
“common sense” to them. People by, for instance, being sent to While in Algeria, he
are recognized for their “symbolic a “good” school. This might raise undertook ethnographic
capital” and its worth within their economic capital—and studies that resulted in his
the field. Their symbolic capital their children, in turn, might be first book, The Sociology of
Algeria (1958). On his return
represents the total of all their other privately schooled and benefit from
to France he became Director
forms of capital, and is reflected increased economic and cultural
of Studies at the École des
as prestige, a reputation for capital and a different habitus. So, Hautes Études en Sciences
competence, or social position. for Bourdieu, all forms of capital are Sociales, Paris, and began
interrelated: people convert their an acclaimed career in social
economic capital into cultural and studies. He believed research
social capital in order to improve should translate into action,
their life chances. and was involved in many
Bourdieu’s habitus has had a political protests against
major impact on sociological debate inequality and domination.
Those who talk of equality in the last few decades. More than Bourdieu died in 2002.
of opportunity forget any other idea, it captures the
that social games… are extent to which impersonal social Key works
not ‘fair games.’ structures and processes influence
Pierre Bourdieu what are regarded as seemingly 1979 Distinction: A Social
Critique of the Judgment
unique personal dispositions. In
of Taste
short, habitus brings together 1980 The Logic of Practice
insights of a number of prominent 1991 Language and Symbolic
thinkers in one compact and Power
versatile concept. ■

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