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palin nde ee tA low & 2-P Sa bigh Betoun VP ot | —|-2_remepentn patsent, Witt be minimura |_| Oc a _inttimnediate composition & 8-P is | mar: Mirtune —HNO3 (359%) in waters (313) —_———_|-Lon taining 68 7. | 13 joxms—on_a 2earnape 2 itis’: Re 393:5 S| Aztormops (-mittuxt lannot be atporared | gi nro_rhein_ton achiengs bene dt Ati Notion. .Thtae tan {_atporortd by mee 7 ornoae dh tates aces ate = = Co Wigative Probetin- i The proper rica ( (Aol (ideal on dinate) which | _dtpend Onty on _no-< Aotutt hart Ww cel = ___|_dissoove Im —OL\inire amount _Aolvent __| =o | &do_not depend upon manu ot aovott —_| i ae Cole, penance propo ta ae MN a - Imp: Loiqahve propria cue el ae I\} Rebarut “Lowering oH Oe eee = iv) | fitvahon «6, BPS eee eee cece cel @____iii Dcpritasion Freezing Poins | = —iv\| Odmohe Prasunt = peas 2—— : = + eae Ritauue besaenins Whtn_o non voforni+ sorubs ta added ie G_yotorits sdivent the VP Gt Pap Ate | Y Thia dtc im V-P 1A caved fom enin, 4-9 vA Jn_sot® bana of aviwts oucuhr “sorny Auntace 3 Itssen SA ja se 1. I ~ | _paxnus— } AGtvent so thar they uy 4 cis | changt_te vepoun: This uP bot 7 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner aes | | WHEEEEEY 04 Ataa moot Aotwtnt_hannus cyaboxatt fConaidex_o_aot® contnining non_voloh LL ——}—Aolutt {8} in verorite dofvent (8) ———}—Bs= bet be pgs as Bova non volatty, Fg ee ee ———_| Auto Roots low Pay t qty _Fxtem 9B Lin)_use get is spa“ Pg tg [thy utayae EE [Do- of mots of astvent aa. indthindea |} Noh oF A olute Hence it tag OUiganve pxopeny | Ocrotmnation Of molecular masa eerste esereai Fstom Ghove al Og Pp npg Hing ———— vmusa Mp ton be" _cafuare S012 1s vin dita ne TT" - |o-052- T= 37315 7 = aati T2513 +202 K heli +} A_sotution * Py oor cotesay ma Ae gmat wos_prrpored 64) 6 isgotving soma wie. ~1nS00q 4 HO" Sotuten hoa _8-p! CotuulaR tht mots of gly ctrot 0-512 Km Z Lrg aatvent dec olon | the ton AB. ark Mt ADtid stants opptaning B V-P_dtearetply aang_the pot BC (Bee! dorid_hovt tow vb). ALB Ligh oid Kolvent ox in _siven Bo have dome ye Thus _8_Hepucsentapretzing prof pws Aotuent At ony ttmip_v-f PA feng _than_that Xotutnt «the on the De on_IN_bacezing oir 7 —___|_ Emees of Pht AutbA id the_ttmp oF hj Fiend Oum of G dubs Our oi : bol” Jita_buow thot _o4_sotvent. On coohne fOr 414. —Himpo shih toeid 2054 40m! - Is _Jotewsth<_pota DE At Eth _soris! Aubé have game V-P ss ae —_—_—_|-obpfax He pneatat -prcezing pro} sot! < @ scanned with OKEN Scanner atk —— Eaprssion. of 07) Expetimentaly, 16 14 obsaved. that DT, «mm ee AT) = Kym wh ik _motod dt pr tasion ‘oust on erescehie const Mota acptaaion Conat! may bt As}, 64 dap [ip prtazing pt whim mcf aot? ity vt \mot Avtar “dissotved_in iki aoiuent Unit_of_ky = kg mot} eee = Sr tm? To Prout_rhat Ocpnesion tO po —phepeany AT Arm ~ rare dcpends pen —no- oles —didsotued io —to00q—s} —s}doturoy &° nor om _latute Henit it fA o (oui yer pute brsenty kyo acopit_ Lona. | OT, = Ky sg Kpno __ing= buivim masa of otate® tet te hay sess Wns wt of sotutnt -AUNESEROS°ORS Sea LT STs J = Aatent beat uAron_ip. ua : —. Abbicanen, AL Depression nf = I) Anti paceze 20th ee | Ware ie usta io Qa tootant Frid Lom 14 to be ned in -ploca whew Hmp oa <0) theo won wowd _\aceze —in_tnt Hodiotona_To_owoid, hss problem, Corroin sobs amt used in }-Hodtatona. AQ That wartr Sota n't _picezt ot | Pow Hemp in Madiorou. Theac amr couled amb puze 2or? ani HOdiota xk GF Gute mobile. colin Qore_ig_Commonty _uaed \ <. dioton which tower the Ptzic tof AaG ter [Roaindn of. COR iM Loattn 1a cis Errernen a Ora Sec ve wb ‘tn 2 prevent ita twabonation ae Anti jaces Abtution on) Tht dubs uric a -2dded to nucbuct hep tezing pr of solute [Sn meine 4 tee —|NotL & (ot, orc used “rp dea know Bec st pitas The |-pt_of_eate_te_ 4uth_on tt ttnt_thot _waltr_connot jure. orn ice emer be mute —S4p toto Pacvosting. Henps : -15q4—oF of auuas areas wat, \_BY eau ng — A o Wher [noc of aust ey ah atone ma @ scanned with OKEN Scanner O--0-38= 0-54'C 1:84 15 alooo _ 182-36. q)m 0-34 9480 A-| OT p= Ky ting Alona wah Mg AT, = 80-3) 80-10 + 0-21°¢ a OLi* 2532125 Rios. £0 Mg = 288x196 xl000 - 94x Me 99.4022 —_|_Mg- 152+ st ytmet “BS 401" by moss A of cant sugar hos} | pe 271K (Bkwate rhe pa prof |gtucoar in water, i) tteezin {toate jaf 273015 Kk. 4 Rr ce Sy Cont sugar sot" by-moss atone 55 —— 4 Ta Sate didsotved in| ere eee stale qe “moa_mneana Si Saat Asso. jo quatoue | non Uectnolytt dtu dissolved in 5. _ben zene low OMO= 512% 1Xt008 bo Mes § Hes Sits. 25ba)eh — Sx Me—___ 2ug. | 2 ag. bol” one takin Ont tontuinin 1H wato—|- MMs bo-g}mot\_& othen — jiubt_2_in_toog of water aap tr Obs-uived_thot both che _4o1% ptoze ot tht —som«_remnp: Cabcwatt Men of 29 DT, (Urea) “STU 2) Twp kMg gg Aly T,'- aL 25. jase) Et . hea: ae + [2 dement AL 4 8.) ea tom peont basing. Hoi |=-CWox_jormuto AB, k ABy. When disadeved -in_leg of _benztnt_,14 of AB, Jowor thy jpeg, -piby 23K tuhotas I. of ABy 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Lower iby 13% (ky jon _binzence Sa Gey) ease edatges Ut ; al tg Sa tticce = 8 gine a ug OF, Zonda _s : 19618 gymnot Dent ¥ + 1h Mg 285-2 Mg 40 Mg= 42-14 gimes i Mas 2Me* 310-87, Ma Mo-81-\2242-La\~ 25-54 gymet tiv) Osmotic Preasune. a Bixwares = The spententous mining. of AbtoMt in sotvtne 1. \enmn Mit_14 1autd éij1asion Oemoric- Tht net sponrantous low Pnestcute prem soivent ro she" on porno, Pe Aoivent om, Litas tone. 408" to mone tenc- sot? Hhnouahy 4 _Ateni= permeobtt membrane is 1oed OS. ——-Dippusion pee Oamnosis 0. Bs Qu- = No Aechipuimto bb SPM ia usd Lomeimbaane ia nt a oe Dt sorte place in ——$_oppirts to sol” GALAGA ust GA AOL? ~ Oly — ia Th te_o hig iv} {O44 Addu tt mmole 4 Sn Hud procs, aotuint mov 6ut6 Ctly ante tao other e ow Of-sotucnt moteuk dhough SPM ti 4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner St takes ptoce prom Lower tone te higher higher lone to tower $1" cannot be arabped (on_be topped on On mevored Acyetacs by opt 5 pm aawu on aot? wit high conc Demonstranen of Osmosis Take 2cqq\ Hemove Hhe outer loop Shwe a) 4 PY dratotving OO. Themiin NO. Mocr one ae £49 Im water & orhur in : : ovo 33 Low. The 141 one 2. Oo: Naw awit & 2nd onc AnNinks swu Shain The Membrane under ine Endo-camosis €r0-care Cure shay of €gq oct as Atmmipuimtabs Membxone Whe “the membnant permit the Aclvent motetue 1 Come ow. through mem wrom., 14 14 called txo- atmoats AWhen Tht mempnant permit rhe sotvent matecut FO tnttr invade yt id couled endo-ormasit frni-_purmrobte membnant (SP m) Norunol Spm - vy gtrobtt & animal membsarwe which Gu jound Yuar under the outer kin 3B onimal. The igs jtadaer v4 Cormmen anima) mAtenbrant Used Ans ficial SPM - Paychmint paper, (atophan pobor ¢oin prerhty ppt imengonic Cu, fre LON),) (topp euouyanids), 4 Fe, Co, Nite The pacupitated @ scanned with OKEN Scanner e | | ae Se howe me ohe ported on Aomt motwnal bis i periens af Sema fp Oebied by prcpoung Tht _ppt_en wal oe pla i ——}-of-poxous pot ——|-na cy ns Ret —— Damon’ Prwaue Lp) __ TOT ple ede chen cei TR min_tritas prissu Shar has robe a Chbcadclai | @ppticd_on tne sat? to prevenr the ent are T= yy RT} Want Hoy tq jon ditvre sot” eo -MO_Of mala, Ve vot of sot in | of Aotwent inte tne soe? jA_tatled osmone P-_ Diu to_Osmoiis, Prov ia_a___| eh He | tend JOM Met | tow c+ Astveust tain ths! aaa chkoagn Kent et : ——}-ttnd_to_move_ouswand A feud in noxnigy >=———F = 2 coligam+_pxahuthy ———} fobe_wilt_jotl some _svitobte prcaause it : obptied el epeetes in _ : at tO, HC Leone) tne of mal 09 aotere po ———} dota tobe prevented A Sev of satyent Lo} _tat_aoi® tmnseapectiv. at —} Rawrow tybe_uil memain _conat at me jsetutt Hence it tA Lottiqative. puabesty [the puss, bighes than oamone Pit ¢ Obplied onthe sot, tht astvent oil pou ——}-ramn_A6h 4_pwu doivent though sem ¢ ——} Tht Process ia toned Hevense Bannosre. H Qty uals (eof Cellufose OcttOre plated ovo a tustoBn chen’ @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 4° NaW aot with tone. Low thon oe | Pypotenic 401? On plang RBC in _tae SOIT rey wai aod pm Seven fags « as Latms Tom Late 101325 box = —1:01325 x08 Pa. — Woon 6981 tm 16h) | £1 phonorien et _some phtnoemenon_on_tht —|boats of osmoria posse ta a lin4g pe ae info pickL women tort ———|-1nro__coe-_ katt aotvnion. This tad to —Ous-plousofwakot_thaoughn SPM dit to | -©smosis aan 3 —2-_Witred powers nevive hen placed in —pitshwoter dur to _endo= osmosis. B38. | Limprd_roxnot become jusmcd-cyin—wahen op} -ptoced_in_wattn bec. ef _¢nda= DASA. Heacaua ss {mata by dating A thot ot —proit by odding soganY can bier} | osmosit This “1a Ske tht ipactosiven “uohi | 14 _tttaponsibit Jon spoiling them toau wart Asalted “bruit dase Bamesis Aso | Mesut, if Ahaink A dite peainoic Ao9O Etat aie eee by porronc_tohumon R BL: On btacio, RBCS im Tht_ai. They Shuink to. 4 \—G_LO4 64 ABLE ov _R Lab. epee ee oe eb 4 ee 4 -ploacmotyais. __ 7 | fidaua, this ta didtodc toured edema. he ——|14 dato _vettn hom of Wooten 1m fasur cet ynic_ Aor” imme (Ab insurttusanspact bet od OAMOAIA= 22 hos touts (onc: On Leaser aenotic |P" than the othen dorn. at eels cae @ scanned with OKEN Scanner | =| Dus op 4 LoUig ative paopery, which col igahve 4 — prop esty fa fay jor d.trciminabon — of ——-| Motecuson masa &{—potymen, pxotein , biomoteubs | Boothe: mauiembitcutia As) Qsenotie Peau pay bec. 7 i) €Levation. in_B-pk_memed {on _biamoreus Like protein ia mot suitable bte thar _ MOLCUL4 axe not _Atable ot high Hmb. woh citaa odvantage of curate bedeaume aa that tt tan. btYrneasused ok oom temp: i) The_thanges abserved in th wc_pHobuinits |W vert amma oa Morecutau mos of macte mBteule one v phigh A tettigan —pMob_ax¢—inutxady top fo_Mg whortar 2 ——p OAmaneP_of—ond ui “o} lo ates con be tally _mtaaustd in teams pq -Usmone P method hos on ody. Thesis “hata mates inated te moles d d a Biological &mponrnnct of Gamoaig. iy Plamiy obsomb water | een_toil hiraugh thei root dur to oamosig Se aa ria mesa staan hed -ptont & ntdipea even ro tre Top_of tor ———|-tuer dur to oamogin — iii Go_animas, water nous body though eam oa) StH Uthing OF Jtoved, tower ete |tontaol osmosis. 2, bi Sh sotution 64 urea | Goscuare- vemone P | or 273 K. Sta momotan moa acoA vol — Of R= 0-082) Lotm Ki mot fel hs gee at So} wAto sol m.tond —S.q_o4 isin to0.q of sot. Merv 5-7 20.9. of 80 N= Sso-08714273 = bo R100 Alo std_by bisotuang 85mg @qini pratt in —24nto} oder heat | Qathoht Poy 6:32 tow _ot S°c_- Aasoming. thar £0 _Yeh06 posnk esos seta alsie token | R= o-bg21 Latm bk mort 98-2 £:95 MSAq a5 ei 29g | M+ 0-33 fonm = 0-43 atm. i bo 0:33 X 35.44 -mip->| Abnonmot Mota Moss: —_|unen thc _moteuos mass G{ 4ub4 dttormint— by 4redying ony of rhe coli gatiut pop | ena, ou L ot diy Then thitorat col ttpecttd valu, the subs (4 Aid to ANS. Abnonrmo) Molton mass Abnommas 4 ___n__ram__be_Obfainta dus __1p_]_tasen. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Fe “a | Dur to dissodranon Of Ao Ly postu —}—puepettta eil_be 1042 _Motrculan mast — ji bt garates than theononea vatur © F potty cog =. + keststo0t), ——§ oie at I - Nowmal no. of paxhdu — | $aoture_onduigo” diasoatanon.i>4 {tw u—" Gasoaiotieny ict de mM 60% not _und igo Gasosichon ox __ diagoaichon then + -Etchiolyr diaseaiat in the potas Asiuent -$o_giviS 2 ox mort porhue so phai—— 4 total no. of paxnd eine Thentjons+coUi anv apeh auch gol” wilh bt farigt- Os 0-P & 1, the observed mon will 6 oe? Sy solute 1A undomoing Lompttit dissoaanon Nou => Not+ | aon Sie Ati a a 3h as ; ee ylEc(eny,) — ak" bEtan te 8 _ ge ae 4 actuate ee tt emen eerie eee ded Thencpane , couigans pee $n Benin’ dotvent, ethanoic avid benzoic — Gcrd_tviast ora dienes. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Degeut of Dis Diasosianion (0) Olu dota mat _undurgo_compteHt “digaoaiohor fen ossoaiahon then we! bth a preston. G{ tot dubs Phar _undurgo |didssosiahan To fot noe» taken oe ee Sf fates — Se ww a Protein Determine oamone ? of aot? prtpantd by Oresotving 2:5 nI¢*4 ch K, 80410 LL of doors, ot 25°C: 4 Aas ume thee th it_tomp| disso giated) (R= o-08)1 Latmn K'mal” M-M_0} Ky $04 174 q}mor\ n the J ds 14 xr atrn. | Benzere ocid_didaotved im 4: behe hows a dc patasion in je of — (2K + Find Vane tt oH A predick tht nature of aoture dake slated Om dissancotec VM of benzoie ocid 2122 gma ky you LONE TTT TN OTS 7 M—shoul_o_dtputasion ad Lk, 4-4 Ken’! - What {a eee Tila ciao Of o.cid i} it poston die ete OT, =U ig ttn i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Amys \ ion ah 0-024 2 = Cokcwlate the_preezing pt_of det containin 4 8-1_q_of HBx in _\oog® of water Rasernin that eo %_toniacd Hof mote bo that peeezin 2 Kon water, sf Coe eae > No1 Whe 2a | Ye Ye Si xuigsinns | Wes SESd . 3: 14593 & —___lon%_SB:5: hig. = ome [i=2:49) disaciued {itn2-St_o water Avch! spar it 15 atm. eB es Coy ty Rooutt Law donot obey. Root AHrnve (Hen —4 0 — LS Venve | Do not jorrn, a2 cotnape— ear “Hip etsauni2s 3 (Thy {xm _eninimurn Biking o2taraepe @ scanned with OKEN Scanner hes —Chapranza Secanstbs 146 branch physica hemi ar. Which deal with. the AtLabonashib bhu UlcetHicod: envagu bh Chemical env See “how chemical YY produced inthe Nedax. _feeehion_con_bt_tonwucrd_1o_tee-enuigy. how €-€ con vatd ro bnia about a Mee Heaton which is oT, cnusith_non._apantante ——Tht_various processta that wot arody in .Uect nochemiatny one + Laememinaiae Geerrochemical proces & Thue procs Oe Atvditd in 2 diy. coms Cecimotyne UL = St tonvent Uectaical E -into_themical envi ‘Now —_____.. ii) ELectochemical cus @vonic eet] vortoiw ck = St Convert Chemicad trong to EE | Ebccemo tua [aria a as the procas Of Aecomporitios ULeCHHONYyH by The passage of Uccrni Throvgh.ira— oq. on motttn _atate “The | appedone uatd fo _bxing Gbour Ucctel lig caned Uternotyne (ou. A ‘aen-sponhanth proctaa ofcun in -Becinongh cu Eh ae cu wie $t_conaiat oy eee i tates vias te ushith ULtormoly rein form. of oq thot" ok an molitn rat is token Tuso__metatic_nod Exe erstouy ne eee Chectnotys @ scanned with OKEN Scanner s allied Uectmedt ant -dipped— init koe Connectté ro sounct Uccemicin The Ucetrodt tonntcred ro -vt — baxeiy 4 touted tathede & arbor connie {to_19t pare Sane vA_tolied gnodt- cchoniam. Gf _Etectrot. otyais | Sonisetion Theos i Inibtntwor ang Cectwoll}r ia dianotved an > swoteron is” token in’ motten Ate ith Hectotyr diaseaiat fp —_pmedidee avery bv {(ona__cdutd cation Sion On —poaaing’ Cte —|Cweient 4 thtet_ron_enout to abn 28 ed — | —dectmodt tocar thei change betcr— L neural. Oxidohen oom ab andde white ned suchon_to ki ptacr at cathede: Tar converaio Jen_inte_neomal aperia ob theirs susp, ~{ UtctH0dt iA couled pas samany 6 ere a —— Ptotna species id nor enable he mb —|-wifh itsey ox some orhet apeci }foxm ‘hoalproducs ia_taued chong ad fee taal a o{—mettta_NaUW : {—Motre “Nau rentain Not 2 UT ion —-On_pauins 4 | Ueercity Nat ton movt tpwand carhods 9 {boon move towaxd onodt At tothodr 4 z ein Ve 8 becom —mtutwal- Thin # —| No Basen 4 _Libuiated at farhode: On —\—tiLarhing anedt Chlonids ton Give on ¢ | bu btreni Meurmal Uf arom + Sinee C otom {aru _unatabu Thou O14 2atom_of UL cambint te. ,om__Chiomina hol ¢cute. Thus’ Uy ig (yotued or anode NaUiy — Naot + Oo” atte wie caniea "Raven At cathade |Redochon= gain oF, ey |Nat 40° —=_Na_ 1" chon. qo. a At anode {uitoon Loa } jg ase sgh staat ea Li. : [2No0.y elem 2No_t Ul, peal | “ “Lathes! Anode Atcamode- No is athosired [rae anodt = OW, 14 Lib orated x | erectmotyaia Molten. Poth, —— oe Pb Bray, s, * Pols 28H At_cothodt_{ Redochon = gees 2 fbi + 207 = Pb i At_anode__{ Oxidation = eta [ven 260220 844 Bx = Bn, Ph Bugg erm? Pb Bx, | Catnode _Aneds At cathedt = Pb ia deposited _onodt_- Bn, 16 Liberated ce Preporennas cena © Throw Han uectrot ot conaiat 2 ton & Utchduyais 1a that ov the ion ane Utctt0de Aimusrontouaty bur LOvotn cn Que fibenated ak Uectndde in_pruforence to Ofnin - SF tan be tip by brepeennat mosu than dont, tis observed nor _disthanged a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Fheomy ct rath 4 mont than ory ype S or adtnacted toward a pasticutlan ai | Phin _tht_ton_uwhich_ equine casi tnt za | 4b diachangea Thet_pottnnal_at which i [4s LSeiathanged. Om Stposites on svitabte ebeor [a most ta Sccutea -isthang pottona Day — Lon requir dat St Tht ten titty, be pattems pottnnol on inc onde Ao! (he ‘ona —{a—qiven has | Fon catien Be Nat nt “mg at —| Fox anion S |_S0y7, No,” — ELtcrnotysis ef og. Nau : Nou ~Not +47 Jar to St tom x2 = Caron Anion a - _ ——At tothe ds, No" & 1 ots mighattd toward a | _Lothode but? haa tower” Hacbang.s Poitonge Than No* .'. 4! i4diathanged 214 2e = 4 onodt, on RU ant mi nartd toward sanedét bus _U "hos towor DP thon oh a a fe Ih dia changed Z etd Bl (eet Oh _-anour2H,o 25 bru, + 2NooH | i ——_{otheas_foods bar" —— | At camede - Hy 16 tiberared jd anode = Gu u | _ Remaining, Aol? = Baar dus to NodH. uecrrotysis of | acidwoated wa! (oe tron? J x4 eis S04 > 2K" + Soqt | Ak cathode = ~ as 2h on, At_onode = OW ASO ant rig Hated toward | anode bur oH” haa tower_d. ani On = _on+ eo JAN S 2H,0 —> 2H, 10, 7 | Ae cathode =H, fa Piborared— Ab anode = 0, 4 on i Resulting sot? —~ Acidic duu to Hy $04, Werte Sry loniged A Hence. ig poon tondurtan act fprcace Oud make it iothaen pinta of deer: Etccrnoryes ts a Cusoy alee Te eta. Cusoy tui S04? Jar HO = Ht on day At Carhed =o?" hoa tower D-f (ota re = we Jx2 anedt — Or" hoa sower -? Ort ons eo How —> 2wara 2.8.04 12H,0 > 2.10.10) .7 24, S04 | Ae tatheds = Cu ia dap (4. Liborared @ scanned with OKEN Scanner [Remaining setusen = Acidic dua ao 1,50 % ELcetoUysie of aq. COU, Uaing PE Ute wneds 4 7 yh % (ou JH tur | Ho = at one | At _cathede Cote > Lo AA onedd UT ures Ix2 sae + (uu, lor a, At Cathods = (ua deposited At anods - Uy 14 Liberated fLectnotgas of 4g: 0504 using te (eo Ucuinods Cv Soy S>_Lo?* + Soy HO Aa ont 7 Ak Lothad Pre eet eee ff Oe ty 7 7 At oncat ee tg epee i AL torhod = tu is deposited | t_enods= Cu _meras get diasotued to Jon (ol? Jo: | Ei cetnolyaia ditur 1, S04 Vigo Do ants Sout” a3 | Etecenonyais o. 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