Learning Activity 2.1

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Learning Activity 2.

Annotated Bibliography

Research Topic: The effect of organizational team building efforts on employee morale, Job
retention and work environment

Branham, L. (2012). The 7 hidden reasons employees leave: How to recognize the subtle signs

and act before it's too late (2nd ed.). New York: American Management Association.

The author examines factors that causes high employees turnover and reveals what can

do to retain valuable employees

Fapohunda, T. (2013). Towards Effective Team Building in the Workplace. International

Journal of Education and Research, 1(4), 459-468. Retrieved from


This article explores the key factors in literature that facilitates the development of teams

in the work environment, concurrent with stimulating a supportive work environment

beneficial to both employees and the organization.

Powell, K. (2016). Team building: Morale boosters. Nature, 534(7605), 141-143.


This article illustrates through team building experiments; the results of how team

building efforts can boost morale. This article supports collaborative efforts for a better

working environment.
Sulaiman, W. I., Mahbob, M. H., & Abu Hassan, B. R. (2012). An Analysis on the

Effectiveness of Team Building: The Impact on Human Resources. Asian Social

Science, 8(5). doi:10.5539/ass.v8n5p29

This study analyses the extent in which the effective function of team building may be

factored upon the sheer spirit, job motivation and high-level skill of employees, which

may indirectly improve how employees handle a stressful environment as well as reflect

the strength of the organization's human resource management

Zia, S. (2011). Business Management Dynamics. Effects of organizational team building on

employees' morale & job retention, 1.1(7), 31-37. Retrieved from


In this article, the findings suggests that organizational team building efforts are

obligatory to boost employee morale which will in turn increase the employee retention.
Part 2: Comment on 2 Colleague’s Post:

1. Post made by Keturah Thompson - Saturday, 4 February 2017, 10:47 PM

Hello Keturah,
You have provided an informative overview of the available resources on your topic. From your

summary of each source I am able to get an understanding on the value of the material to your

area of research. This is a good start as it relates to narrowing your area of focus for your

literature review based on the relevance and quality of the material on your topic. You can

further assess these sources to ensure that the information they provide meet the requirements of

your topic, as well as you can question the credibility of the information to ascertain if it is from

a reliable and academically respected source.

All the best in the remainder of your research



2. Post by Janeen Walters - Saturday, 4 February 2017, 5:19 PM

Hello Janeen,

Informative overview, your summary is both descriptive and evaluative which provides a clear

understanding of how each source will support your area of study. Though in its preliminary

stage, your annotated bibliography can serve as the basis of which you will assess other areas of

literature for your literature review to determine their usefulness or limitations for your research.

Remember also as you move forward with selecting other sources relevant to your area of
research, to consider factors such as reliability of the source, credibility of the author(s), poor

features, omitted content, and or weaknesses in arguments.

All the best as you progress to complete your research paper.


Part 3: Response to colleague’s comment on my post:

1. Comment made by Damian Mc Hugh - Saturday, 4 February 2017, 11:57 PM

Hello Damian,

I respect your suggestion, I believe it is food for thought, however based on my research

problem, the effects of team building efforts are being looked at as more of a ripple-effect in

boosting employee morale which can either directly or indirectly lead to increased job-retention

and ultimately a better working environment.

These three areas; employee morale, Job retention and work environment, are all areas of focus

that at the moment is being suggested can be improved by team-building efforts in my particular

organization. The need for the study indicated that this effort (team-building) is what is lacking

in my organization and causing a domino-effect; that is, low-employee morale, a non-

collaborative work environment and high turn-over rates.

My research is geared at testing this perception and determining if team-building efforts will

positively affect these variables.



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