Set 41 Writing Diary Entry

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Anmol 18/04/2021

Dear Diary,
Today was my last day at Phillip Island. We had many plans for the day such as going to do a maze and eating
pizza for lunch. But I also knew this was the last day of my school holidays.
I started the day with a terrible body clock. I had slept at 1am the night before and had woken up at 9am. So, I
had started of the day sleep depressed. We had to check out of our temporary home by 10am, so I quickly went
into the shower while the uncles and aunties were making breakfast. I came out of the shower and after
changing went to brush my teeth.
I came to the dining table and had breakfast. For breakfast we had a sandwich which included carrots,
cucumbers, tomatoes, and avocadoes. So, it was a very healthy breakfast. Along with the sandwich we had
some coffee, which was very helpful as it gave me energy to function. We ended up leaving at 10.30am as the
packing had taken much longer than expected. Just like that we were of to our 1st adventure, a theme park names
A Maze N’ Things.
After approximately 40 minutes we reached the theme park. We booked a ticket for each family costing all of us
about three-hundred dollars! We got taken into many illusion rooms. In the first room, we saw many famous
and infamous illusions, one of which being the Penrose Triangle. Then we were brought into a slanted room,
however the gravity effect was insane! It was near impossible to move through the room. In that room we saw a
pool ball going up hill and ladder which could let us be lifted by air. In the third room we saw many tricks and
games we could play. One challenge was to try and complete a fun piece puzzle on an iPad. A game was to try
and explore Phillip Island as fast as you could on a boogie board.
The next room was a lot of magic tricks. There was a magic trick which involved a scarf disappearing then
falling from the roof, and there was also one which involved a floating jug pouring some tea. The room was
Harry Potter themed. To exit the room, we pulled a book from a bookshelf just like in the movie. We then went
into a time machine which made us go back in time 10 minutes. The next thing was a horror ride. Even though
it said children not recommended, I still went in and experienced it. It had a lot of jump scares and had scarred
me for life.
The final adventure was the maze. The challenge was to try and finding the route to all the coloured flags, being
blue, green, red, and yellow. We ran off in excitement. I immediately found the blue and yellow flags as they
were easy but then the ed flag stumped me for about 20 minutes. Even if I tried my hardest, I could not get to it.
Then I found one of my uncles, and he gave me a clue. Using that clue, I successfully finished the red flag. I
then smashed through the green flag. After the maze, we had a light snack and went to have lunch.
For lunch we ended up having to eat at an Italian restaurant called La Porchetta. I had Margherita pizza and
pasta for lunch. Now it was about time to finally go home. But first, we stopped at a shop as my sister and some
other friends wanted to buy some yarn to crochet with.
Then we finally went home. It took about an hours drive to get home. We reached home at 4.45 pm. But the day
does not end there, we were invited to a friend’s place for tea, and we went. We spent about an hour playing
table tennis and were back home by 6 pm.
Today the weather was cold - crystal clear weather with a slight breeze. It is now almost 11pm and I have
school tomorrow. I hope my 1st day of term two will be good. It should be fun!

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