EEEG 207 Numerical Questions

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EEEG 207: Electrical Engineering Materials

Numerical Questions
1. What is the de Broglie Wavelength for a particle accelerated by Potential carrying charge q accelerated
through a potential? Express it in the thermal equilibrium too.
2. Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron with energy 2000 eV.
3. Calculate the velocity and kinetic energy of an electron of wavelength 1.66 × 10–10 m.
4. Why we cannot observe de Broglie wavelength with a fast-moving baseball? (Assume the necessary data)
5. An electron is bound in one-dimensional infinite well of width 1 × 10–10 m. Find the energy values in the
ground state and first two excited states.
6. An electron is bound in one-dimensional box of size 4 × 10–10 m. What will be its minimum energy?
7. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength for an electron moving with velocity 107 m/s and having mass
9 × 10-31 kg.
8. Find the least energy of an electron moving in one-dimensional potential box (infinite height) of width
9. Calculate the energy required to pump an electron from ground state to the 2nd excited state in a metal
of length 10–10 m.
10. An electron is confined in one-dimensional potential well of width 3 × 10–10 m. Find the kinetic energy of
electron when it is in the ground state.
11. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of neutron whose kinetic energy is two times the rest mass of
electron (given mn = 1.676 × 10–27 kg, me = 9.1 × 10–31 kg, C = 3 × 10 8 m/s and h = 6.63 × 10–34 J.S).
12. An electron is confined to a one-dimensional potential box of length 2 Å. Calculate the energies
corresponding to the second and fourth quantum states (in eV).
13. A quantum particle confined to one-dimensional box of width ‘a’ is known to be in its first excited state.
Determine the probability of the particle in the central half.
14. Consider an electron in an infinite potential well of size 0.1 nm. What is the ground energy of the electron?
What is the required energy to put an electron at second energy level?
15. Consider a microscopic object of 100 gm confined be moved between two rigid walls separated by 1m,
what is the minimum speed of object? What should be quantum number ‘n’ if the object is moving with a
seed of 1m/s? What is the separation of the energy levels of the object moving with that speed?
16. Find the probability that a particle in a one-dimensional box of length ‘L’ can be found between 0.4L to
0.6L about the mean position:
i) for the ground state
ii) for the first excited state
iii) for the second excited state
17. A particle is moving on one-dimensional box of finite height and width of 10 Å. Calculate the probability
of particle within the 4 Å at central of the box when it is in the state of least energy.
18. Find the probability that a particle trapped in box length L (1D Box) of length L wide can be found
between 0.45L and 0.55L for the ground and first excited state.
19. In the figure below, a rollercoaster is placed at ‘A’ as shown. Wen a rollercoaster is released from position
‘A’ based on theory of conservation of energy, its ca reach at best to see ‘C’ and can easily reach to point
‘B’. But in no condition can scale the height ‘D’ and can be found at ‘E’.

Fig: Path Roller Coaster Movement

20. The density if Silver is 10.5 X 103 kg/m3. The atomic weight of Silver is 107.9. Assuming that each silver
atom provides one conduction electron. Calculate the density of electron. The conductivity of silver at
300C is 6.8 × 107 ohm-1. Calculate the mobility of silver electron. Note that given mass is molar mass.
21. Calculate the number of energy states available for electrons in a cubical box of side 1cm lying below
energy 1eV.
22. Calculate fermi-energy at 0K for copper given is density is 8.96 g/cm3, atomic mass 63.5 g/mol and NA =
6.032 X 1023.

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