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“CORROSION DATA SURVEY Metals Section Sixth Edition AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Published by National Association of Corrosion Engineers 1440 South Creek Drive Houston, Texas 77084 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 84-62018 ISBN 0:915567-07-5 Neither the National Association of Corrosion Engineers, its officers, directors, nor members thereof accep! any responsibility forthe use of the methods and materials discussed hevein. No authorization is implied concerning the use of patented or copyrighted material. The infor mation is advisory only and the use of the materials and methods is solely at the risk of the user Printed in the Unites States. Alright transfer into electronic or photograph) pressly forbidden, Jerved, Reproduction of contents in whole or part of ‘storage withoul permission o copyright owner is ex- Copyright 1985 National Association of Corrasion Engineers Sn trae tye a ee tis smc | . CONTENTS Preface to the Sixth Edition Introduction ......... : How to Use the Survey . : Sources of Data : NACE References Additional References Acknowledgments . . Key to DataTables......... — oo... Foid-Out Insert Identification and Nominal Analyses of Metals and Alloys ..... .. -. Fold-Out Insert Section 1: Main Tables . wt Section 2: Short Tables. ...... 1139 7 Section3: High Temperature Tables. 2.155 (Section 4:Graphs....0.... on 74 Operating Limits for Steels in Hydrogen Service to Avoid | 73 1 Decarburization and Fissuring . . . Time for Incipient Attack of Carbon Steel in Hydrogen Service 174 Hydrogen Sulfide vs. Low Chromium Steels . se 175 Phosphoric Acidvs, Typ2316Steels ...., feces 15: Carbon Steels vs. 3000 ppm Hydrogen Sulfide in 5% Sodium Chloride . 175 176 Caustic Soda Sesvice Graph . Mixed Acids Graph .... . Carbon Monoxide Graph 177 178 Hydrochloric Acid Graph +. 180 hydrofluoric Acid Graph. 182 Sulfuric Acid Graph. seen eee ee eeee pene 184 Index of Corrosive... . vet ete eeeeeteenerteeeeeteteeserete verse 187 Se nrina anes Wtienan Se SAARC ERSTE oN PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION ‘A.sumber of changes have been made in the Sixth Edition ofthis book to improve its accuracy and utility. Since the original edition (f the Corresion Osta Survey was published some thirty years ago, new oF modified alloys have been introduced and a separate survey on nonmetallic materials was published in 1976, An effort has been made in this edition to Incorporate as much new data {current to 1880) as possible and to revise and update the data on existing metallic matorials wherever data could be obtained, ‘The earlier ecitlons reported the highest corrosion rates for a given environment-alioy combination in cases where multiple references were found for the same conditions. This was considered to be the best practice for earlier exitions where many dupli cate references were not found. However, where a iarge number of data are available, the highest reported corrosion rate may not be representative of the expected performance of the ervironment-alioy combination. Consequently, the editor of this Sixth Edition used his engineering judgment in reporting corrosion rates trom conflicing data in the literatur number of alloys have evcived since the earlier editions were published, For example, alloy 20, alloy 8, alloy C have been tepiaced, mostly by alloy 2003, alloy 6-2, and alloy ©-276 respectively, These newer alloys can have corrosion resistance that is dit- tatent {rom their predecessors. Whenever Information was found on the new alloys, it was included inthis edition, Wen no informa. tion was available on the newer alloys, the dats on the older alloys were retalned, No effort was made fo verify the data carried over from previous editions, ‘Some format changes have also beer made. Most of the data trom the short tables of previous editions have been incorporated Into the main fables. New categories of fertitic stainless steels (aloy 26-4 and 430) and austenitic stainless steels (20Cr-25NH4.5Mo) have been added. Since the corrosion rates of different copper hase alloys were quite similar in most of the environments, these "a grouped into fewer alloy categories. Alloys G, G-3, 20, and 825 have been grouped together into a single family where previous: 1 only dats from alloy 20 and CN20 were included. A numberof tables such as those for corrosion by waters, soils, atmospheric cor. Dsion, low temperature corrosion, and stress corrosion cracking were eliminated since these were no longer considered adequate * to cover tne opi ares of interest Final, the footnotes for corosivs hava been deleted am he tales, References concen hazards of corrosives can be found at the end of the intiaduction, It is believed that these changes improve and update the available information on corrosion of metals in various environments, ‘However, neither NACE nor the editor believe that corrosion performance of alloys can be specified on the basis of data presented in this survey alone, Materials selection requites sound engineering judgment for each application. Additional information is re. {ule for making the proper choice of materials, D. L Graver Euitor -eepeemcy eet vomit stent ne INTRODUCTION In the development of new chemical processes, questions in varably arise concerming the choles of motels fr certaln equipment. However, since avalabe corosion information Is scattered widely throughout te lefalure, these questions fre avently are aitficuit to answar ‘This survey summarizes both published and previously unpvblished data in group of tables or ready relerence in Setermining sutabilly of materials or possible use. These {abies should serve only as 8 guide, and isto be expected that in most cases additional information will be Necessary. The tables nave been checked agains! actual plant conations anc a good correlation has bean found, n cates of doubt, representatives of metal and othér materiah subplots often can be halpfu In suppving adlitionl information Also, the services of 2 corrosion engines, 10 aid in prise interpreta {ion of the data, combined with supplemental information wil ost Benes ‘uch of the dela i this ection are taken trom the Fourth 7-4 Fifth Ecitions, although qumereus new cata points have (en added and many datapoints trom previous estions nave en changed or deleted. lst of data sources and individuals who have helped review the data from previous editions ape Dears af the ena of this intodtion. Many other indiviouats Fave contributed information and materiale which wa Care fully considered. Their help was appreciated and is gratetully acknowledged How to Use the Survey Persons using the suey ae reminded thatthe data given are Indicative only and are not to be interpreted as absolutes with respect to specific applications. The primary valves of the Suey are that i (1) identifies materials which ate maniesty unsuitable, 2) locates inose which may have saistactory pet. formance and are candidates for turther consideration, and (3) gives limited information other than corrosion rates. concern. ing performance which may be helpful, list of elated NACE publications and other related reterences may be found at the af this introduction ‘Throughout this Book, materials are arranged along the (eetzntal mi teach rae ales, Cova ae Hates ‘phabelically along the vertical axis. The data representing average penetration per year are plotied ona matrix of variable smpetatures and concentations in water. A Key tothe matrix used in the fables, # key tothe data points, footnotes to the ata tables, and a table idotiying the metals and alloys are located on the fel-out page immediately folowing this intro uction for convenient reference, For comparison of penetra tian rates, some typical ates ave given in the Average Penetia- tion Rate per Year Compared to Weight Loss table also \ocated on ine folg-out page. Penetration rates are not an un qualified indication of performance, Materiate with low Penetration rates in a given corrosive may be Unsuitable, oF failure may occur by some mose ielevant to penetration. For exarpla, ish liver oilmay be catalyzes by some copper atioys, thus making copper unsuitable fr this cowosive. also, nickel, Wihigh nas a low ecrrosiai rate in mercury, may stress crack Locating Data To find data on a partiutat material in a particylar cor ‘ouive, reer to the subject index at the back of the Book Locate the covrosive of interest. The number folowing the entry represents the page and line on which the ¢ata wil be found. Many synonyms for the corrosives have been cross referenced inthe index, although only one name will be given inthe tables. If the corrosive of interest cannot be found sn the Index, locate synonyms or anather similar corrosive if poss ble. an alloy of interest is not among those listed, data for a similar alloy may apply In reading the data tables, reference should be made 10 the temperatute/concentration matrix shown on the folc-out page. This illustrates the method by which concentration and Temperature are compated against corrosion rates, The abscissa designation “Percent Concentration in Water" does ot necessatlly mean “percent Solution,” But often pertains 10 slurries or mixtures above saturation percentagas, Data donot invariably conform to the actuat boiling points of mixtures. When reactions at temperatures above boiling points are noted its assumed that there is @ pressure ‘actor even though this is not denoted in the matrix. How the Data Are Posted Data taken from the literature are adjusted to fit the incre ments of the femperaturelconcenteation matrix and therefore cannot be considered exact, For example, a posting at the in tersection of the 40% concentration line and the 100 F (38 C) temperature line actually represenis a concentration of 35 10 45% and a temperature of $0 10 160 F (10 to 68 ©) No data are posted on zero concentration lines; therefore, ‘any posting on the shared line between data squares repre. ‘sents 100% concentration, Postings on the 100% lines usually, refer to anhydrides but also may refer to some concentrations in which a small percentage of water is present as may be the ‘case in everyday plant operations. In some Instances, special arrays of data on antyariges are posted. Data on mixtures of Unknown proportions are posted on the 100% tine. Thus, beer is posted as "100% ber.” In this edition as in earlier editions, the relative imprect- sion of the corrosives is acknowledged, Sometimes data are Posted which are detived from exposures of materials tc Feagent grade corrosives. However, many of the data come Irom reports of actua! operating systems whece reagent grade ccortosives ate rarely i! ever, encountered. The foliowing comments enlarge on the means used 10 present the data and empnasize the importance ol many aadt- tional factors in determining the corrosion resistance of a material, since these cannot always be expressed in simple, {graphic form. Consequently, IT 1S IMPORTANT THAT THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED SECTIONS BE READ CAREFULLY. 1. Corrosives Although corrosives ace listed alphabetically in the main tables, a series of other tables ang graphs listed in the Table of Contents presents additional information on special topics and on certain generally encountered cotrosives. Previous ex perience has revealed thal grouping corrosion rates by similar compounds is helpful. When information on she particutar cor. rosive under consideration is insufficient cr lacking, there may be others in the same general group which could be expected 10 react with materials in a similar manner. 2, Materials of Construction Materials of construction available at reasonable cost 1 in a wide variety of forms have been selected for general ng, 10 special cases, other materials also are 6 X plotted, Materials have been grouped under general classifica tion headings according to the major base metal. Within each classification are a number of materials frequently consigered to have comparably similar corrosion resistances. For exam- ple: 3, In carbon steels, carbon content up to 0.30% Is not con- sidered lo alter appreciably the corrosion rate. », Silicon bronze, aluminum bronze, and tin bronze are con: sidered 10 have similar corrosion cesistances in most ‘media, bul it is recognized they can differ markedly in specilic environments, . Instainless steels, Types 302, 04, 304L, 321 and 347 are ex pected to have similar corrosion resistance and are grouped as 18Cr8Ni austenitic stainless in the corrosion lables. 2. In sluminum alloys, the following types are expected to have equivalent corrosion resistance: 1100, 3003, 3004, 55052, 6961, 662, and cast 43, 8214, 356, and 408. No alum. rnumm alloy containing over 1.0% copper should de con. sidered 10 have corrosion resistance equal lo 1hese. Thus where data on any of the above are shown in the data tables, other materials in the same group usually can be ex. ected 10 perform in a like manner 3. Concentration of Corrosives Concentrations in all cases (except in certain solutions land gases, either desiccated or essentially so) are considered to be water dilutions of pure compounds. Although itis fully understood that small quantities of contaminants may have a protaund effect on corrosion rates, this factor Is not ordinarily taken into account in the tables, often because the specific contaminants are not reported in the references from which data are taken. In instances where a metal was designated as being unatfected by a chemical ang no mention was made of coricentration or ternperature, the tables show the metal as satisfactory al the 100% line at toom temperature, This in dicates that the metal has a possible use end could be con. sidered, 4, Temperature Temperature may affect the corrosion rate through its et fect on oxygen solubility and ovailaily. As temperature ‘ises, oxygen solubility in an aqueous solution decreases and at the Boling point most oxygen is removed. On the contrary, the diffusion rate of oxygen increases wilh temperature, The cortosicn rate may increase with letnpe:sture To some maxi: ‘mur gnd then, gecreases 10 some low value at ihe boiling point. Teinpétaiur® aiso may attect corrosion though its effect on pH, with Increasing temperature often resuling in decreas: ing ti Temperature also may affect corrosion rates through its effect on tims tay Inctease the solublty of protective cor fosion product, gs n the case of lead in ysiocioric ac. A change in tempireluré als6,may bring about changes in he physical nature or. iN6 chaniéal Composition of corrosion duets which may take ther cofslderebly mote of less pro ‘ctve. The Belaviog of zig Ih Wale (san example, Another stlect of rising teniperatutes on is If caused by precipita tion of protective coatings on metalic surfaces, ain waters Ceontsining calcium sulfate and calcium cerbenate. In solutions under pressure al temperetuies above ther normal batting points, cortosion rates may increase quite ‘apicly with temperstute, possibly beteuse many of the fac sors (such es aifesion, which normally ects to lit eestason) ate n0 longer contcting, Te limiting elec of ditlsion also ‘The effect of heat tlux on the corrosion 1ale must be recognized. Maintaining a liqui ata bulk temperature of 248 F (120 ©) in a vessel can precuce no corrosion, whereas the same temperslure on the heating side of a metal surface may resuil in catastrophic corrosion, Temperatures ate plotted in degrees Fahrenheit trom 0 10 500 (~ 18 to 260 Celsius) on the vertical avis of the matrix shown on the fold-out page. This matrix makes up the data tables throughout the book 5. Corrosion Rates ‘An arbitrary set of corrosion rates has been established {or this survey 10 meet he requirements of stiument, design, ‘and maintenance engines. (See the Key 10 Data Points oa {oidout page! Theideal rating (enoted inthe lables by a solid circle) has been assigned when corosion is less than 2 mils (50 pr) per year. Many materials have this property and may be used for some pieces of equipment, although they may be ‘led out for others because of other failings, such as con tamination of prooue, piers, temperature limitations oF unavailasiiy in suitable form When this highest degtee of corrosion cannot be te: sicsted, a secondary rating fan open circle) representing less than 20 mils (608 yin) per year conosion rate is used. In the evelopment of this category, considerable dificulty has been encountered due 1 the various methods of reporting corrosion Gata. Materials reported as “vecommended” or ‘completely tesistant” may have corrosion ales less than 2 mils pet Year but without actual figures, they have been placed in the sec ond category 20 mils per yean rather than the ideal one. Fat he majority inthis category, tte corrosion rales probably will be below § mils per year, The rating of 20 mils per year in dicates those materiais whieh normally would be specitied where a corrosion allowance af 60- 120 mils Is added for pro- tection against possible miké contosion A tid classification (an open square) is provided to in dicate a corrosion rate between 20 and 50 mils (908 and 1270 im) per year. These materials can be used only in special Eases where such @ rate can be tolerated, but are not com sidered adequate for general plant construction ‘The final rating (an X) is given where the corrosion rate is probably too high (over 50 mils per year] fo merit considera tien 6. Additional Factors influencing Corrosion Rates ‘Thete are many factors besides concentration and tem peralure which influence corosion rates and, while they are Cften extremely important, i's impossible to lst them all ina survey of this type. For exempie, velocity, aeration, Neat flux, ihe presence of oxidizing agents, and other chemical con: taminants can elther increase or decrease the corrosion rate. The effect of galvanic coupling is also important in assessing the usefut life of a piece of equipment and should be com sidered. Welding is ancther factor which may influence service life, Aside trom intergranular corosion, which is discussed below, there are instances whete as deposited weld metal is attacked in preference 1 ine base metal, conversely, there are tccasions when the weldmsnt is more resistant Additionally, locatized stresses due to welding olten make zones adjacent to welds susceptible to.stress corrosion cracking. For these feasons, selection of the conect welding material is 8s impor. tant as Selection of the base material Many alloy systems show vatialions in covrosion resist lance as a resull of being heated orcooied in a certain way. tis, important that fabsication and heat treatment are such thal an ailoy's corrosion resistance it not imped if the fabricated artis intended for corrosive service, Generally the solution ted condition Ie prefered, bul the manulacture’ of the howls be consulted 10: We tecemmendations. 7. Effect of Stress on Corosion Rates Two ver important Instances when shese snd coresion ‘opetating simultanaovsly will not cause increased general st tack but will produce lecture ae cortosinleigue sre stress trosion cracking. While corosion fatigue ay eecur in any Cr "osive medium, sitess conosion cracking reaites. -peciic combination ol ally and environment uae atten the stress which causes siezs corrosion cracing is Cue not ony fo operating conditions but also to locked: stress. due to fabrication, Welding n parla, often induces stesses sul. ficlnt to cause failure For this reason post fabrication hoat treatments often are specified, Whon stoss cracking is In- Glested nthe tables, the materials Getntey shouldbe stress relieved after fabrication, ora metal not suscaptble o stress Cracking should be selected. For srss relieving ines and temperatures, the manulacurer ofthe alloy should be com sulted Genetally, stressing metals at ess than thelr elastic lit does not markedly increase corrosion rales, Under some cit umstances this may not be tue. Occasionally alternating sthesses resull in faster cotrosion sates than stale stress In ane citection alone. Marked diferent corrosion rates have been experinceg with certain metals when they wee stressed alter exposure in an environment rather than before. There also may bee differential in covosion ees between thal side ora matenal under compracshesiaxs and the one under ex G& Intergranular Corrosion Intergranular conosion attacks grain boundaries of materiais and oan be particularly aggressive when certain chemical solutions are in contact with austentc stainless steels which have precipitated carbides at grain boundaries (sensitization). This precipitation & produced when the steet has been subjected te temperatures bateen 600 and 1400 F (£28 ane 760 C) ands often present acjacont to welded areas Various methast have been developed fo eliminate this un desirabis concition. However, because inerganulat corrosion isnot produced by all corosive media special heal eatments or specication of stabilized types’ of austen stains steels often ate unnecessary. Certain other metals snd alloys are subject 10 inter aranviat attack when exposes to specific media under some environmental conations and others alter an adverse heat Nreatment. in such cases the manufacturer should be con Suited for information relating to hs produc. 9. Corrosion Inhibitors ‘Also not considered in this survey are the electrical tect 188 of cathoaic and anodic protection, both of which have nefits under some concitions. Those who ure interested in Fvestigating these techniques may get good acvice trom manufacturers and consultants in these fields, The technology of inhibition is well developed, but is not considered in this book. Consult the reference list below for ‘sources of published information on inhibition. G Sources of Data The majority of data for all editions of this book has Dean collectee from the following publications: Atmospheric Corrosion of Metals |. L Rozenteld, 1973, English Egition, NACE, Houston, Texas. Book of Stainless Stee's, €.€, Thum. Chemical Engineering, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York, New York Combating Corrosion in the Process industries, Crane Co. Corrosion. Behavior of Major Architectural and Stuctural Metals in Ganadian Atmospheres, Summary of 2-Year Re. sults, E, ¥. Gibbons, Chairman Subcommittge C on Atmos: Phere Cocrosion Testing, 7959, ASTM, Philadelphia, Penn syvania, om Corrosion Catalog, Facilic Foundry co. Corrosion Data Survey on Tantalum, M. & slr, 1972, Far steel inc, N. Chicago, llinois. Corrosion Guide, 2nd Evition, Eric Rabalt, 1968. Elsevier Pub. lishing Co,, New York, New York. Corrosion Handtbok, H.H. Unlig, Wiley & Sons Publishing ‘Co,, New York, Naw York Corrosion in Nuclear Applications, W. €, Berry, 1971, Jonn Wiley, ine, New York, New York, Corrosion Resistance of Metals and Alloys, 2nd Ecition,F. LL LaQue and H.R. Copson, 1953, Reinhold Publishing Co. New York, New York Dechoma Werkstoft-Tabelle, Theodor Heussaller, Frankfurt, ‘West Germany. Dutiron Catalog, Duriron Co. Guide t0 Gorosion Resistance, J. P. Polar, 1982, Climax 1um Co, Div. Am, Metal Giimax, Inc,, New Yor, Handbook of Chemisty and Physics, 47th Edition, Chemical Rubber Co, Cleveland, Ohio, High Temperature Materials and Technology, I. €. Campbell land EM, Sherwood, &d,, 1967, Wiley & Sons, inc, New York, New York. Industrial Engineering and Chemisty, American Chemical Society, Washington, 0.C. Inte'state Commerce Commission Regulations. Korrosionstakellen Metaiisher Werkstotfe. Lead, Lead Industries Association. Materials of Construction for the Chemical Process Industries, James 4, Lee. Materials Performance, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, Texas. Meehanite Catalog, Meshanite Corp, Metals and Alloys, Reinhold Publishing Co., New York, New York. Metals and Alloys Data Book, S. L Hoyt Metals Handbook, Vol. 1: Properties and Selection of Metals, 81h Edition, Tayior Lyman, Ed,, American Society for Metals, Metals Pati, Ohio. Nickel and Nickel Alloys, international NI New York il and Gas Journal, Petroleum Publishing Co. Proceedings on Fundamental Aspects of Slress Corrosion Cracking, A. W. Staehle, A.J. Forty and D. VanRlooyen, E¢s, 1969, NAGE, Houston, Texas, Proceedings, 24,25 and 26th NACE Conferences, NACE ton, Texas, Proceedings, 1st International Congress on Metallic Coro- ‘sion, 1961, Butterworth's, London, England, Proceedings, 2nd International Congress on Metallic Corro- sion, 1983, NACE, Houston, Texas. Proceedings, 3rd International Congress gn Metallic Coro: ‘sion, 1966, SwelsZeilinger, Amsteroam, The Netherlands, 1 Co, New York, (English Edition, Proceedings, ath International Congress on Metallic Cotto sion, Houston, Texas. Rare Metals Handbook, 2nd Edition, C. A. Hampel, Ed, 1951 Reinhold Publishing Co,, New York, New York Resistance of Ti to Organic Acids, NACE TSA, July, 1972, NACE, Houston, Texas. Silver in industry, L. Adicks, A. Butts, J. M. Thomas, Underground Colrosion, Circular 579, Melvin Romano, 1857, National Bureau of Standards, Washington, DC. Zine: lig Corrosion Resistance, ©. |. Slunder and W. K, Boyd, "874, Zine Development Association, Londan, Englang, NACE References ‘Alias of Electrochemical Equilibria in Aqueous Solutions, Marcel Pourbaix, 1974 Bibliograpty of Corrosion by Chlorine (TPC-4), 1976. Biblicgrephy on Chemical Cleaning of Metals (TPC&), 1950. 1974 Control of Pipeline Corrosion, A. W. Peabody, 1967 Corrosion and Its Contsot, An totreduction to the Subject, J TIN. atkingon and H. van Drotfelaar, 1882. Gotrosion Control in Pet/oleum Production (TPC), 1979, Gotresion Dale Suvey—Nonmetals Section, 1975, Gottosion Fatigue (NACE Reterence Book 2), 0. F. Devereux, ‘Ad. McEiily, R, W. Staenle, Eds, 1972, a ( { \ Corrosion Inhibitors, C. C. Nathan, E<,, 1973. | Forms of Contosion Recognition and Preveation: NACE Hand: ook 1, C. P. Dillon, Ed, 1982 Handbook of Corrosion Experiment High Temperature Corrosion (NACE Reterence Book 6} Robert ‘A Rapp, €6., 1983 High Temperaiure High Pressure EvectroGhemisty in Aque ‘ous Solutions (NAGE Aeference Book 4, A. W. Slaehle, 0.6, Jones, JE, Slater, Eds Introduction to Oilfield Water Technology, AG. Ostrolt, 1978, Localized Coctosion (NACE Reference Book 3) F. W. Slaehle, ®.F. Brown, J Kruger, A. Agrawal, Eds, 1974 Process Industries Corrosion, 1975. Stiess Corrosion Cracking and Hydrogen Embrttlement af iron Base Alloys (NACE Reference Bock §) AW. Steehie, J Hochman, RD. MeCright, JE Siater, Eds, 1977 stress Corrosion Cracking Control Measutes, 8. F. Brown, 1977 The NACE Book of Standards “The NAGE Cortosion Engineer's Reference Book, FS. Tesedet, 6, 1960, The Fole of Bat (1°03, 1976, ig in the Corrosion of Oil Field Equipment Additional References Hangbook of Reactive Chemical Hazards, L. Bietherick, Ed. 7884, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Inc, New York, New York. Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials, 6th Edition, INI, Sax, 1984, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, nc, New York, New York Toxic and Hazardous Industrial Chemicals Satety Manual, 1982, Inlemnatianal Technical infosmation Institute, Tokyo, Japan. Material Safety Data Sheets, J. M. Nielsen, Ed,, 1980, Tech ology Marketing Operation, General Electric Co., Sche- eclady, New York, The Merck Index . An Encyclopedia of Chemicals and Drugs, ‘9th Edition, M. Windholz, Ed, 1976, Merck & Co, Inc Acknowledgments Assistance of the following individuals in reviewing and contributing dala tor previous eaitions is grafetuly acknow edged! W. G. Ashbaugh, Union Carbige Corp, Texas City, Texas. Ronald E. Beese, American Can Co., Barrington, llinois, Karl J. Bergaten, Butfalo Pumps Div, Buffalo, New York ohn R. Boyd, The Ciow Co,, Coshocton, Ohio W. K, Boyd, Battelle Memorial Inst, Columbus, Ohio Marshall H: Brown, |, du Pont de Nemours & Co,, Inc, Wit ‘mington, Delaware F. H. Cocks, Tyco Laboratories, Waltham, Massachusetts AR. Cook, international LeadlZino Research Org., New York New York Roy V. Comeau, Esso Research & Eng, Baytown, Texas L © Covinglon Titanium Metals Corp of Amenia, Hende ‘son, Nevada TF. Degnan, E.. du Pont de Nemours & Co, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware Lanry €. Drake, Stauffer Chemical Co, Dobbs Ferry, New York G. B. Eider, Union Carbide Carite, Inc, Ponce, Puerto Rico G. E. Galonian, General Electric Co,, Scheneciacy, New York Paul J. Gegner, PPG Industries, in. Barberton, Ohio L'W. Gleekman, Southtiela, Michigan Gatl Hack, St. Joseph Lead Co, New York, New York P_R. Handt, Dow Chemical Go,, Midland, Michigan R.L. Jacobs, Getty Oil Co,, Delaware City, Delaware Fuss W. Kirchner, Stelite biv., Cabot Corp., Kokomo, Indiana Dale W. Koch, Babcock & Wilcox Co, Akron, Ohio 4.8. Lawler, Allied Chemical Corp., Camden, New Jersey Bert Lotbiad, Sandvik Stee! Inc, Fait Lawn, New Jersey Anthony B. Misercola, Hooker Chemical Corp., Niagara Falls, New York B. Moniz, Intemations! Nickel Co, of Canada, Lt Ontario H.B, Rice, Huntington Alloy Products Div, The International Nickel Co,, Ine., Huntington, West Virginia Glenn Sctieielbein, Stainless Foundry & Eng, Co,, Inc, Mil waukee, Wisconsin 6.6. Seastiom, E. | du Pont de Nemours & Co,, Ine, Wilming. ton, Delaware RR. Skabo, Wyandotte Chemicals Corp, Wyandotte, Michigan LS, Surtees, Kerr McGee Corp., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: LS. VanDelinder, Union Carbide Corp, South Charleston, West Virginia 4J.M. A, VanderHorst, Consultant Rita Wieland, Shell Development Co,, Emeryville, California Louis Zadra, ‘General Ametican Transp. Corp,, Sharon, Penn. ‘sylvania A. I. Zimmerer, Petto-Tex Chemical Co,, Hoyston, Tevas, Toronto, ey Keys to Data Tables (Fold out) se tA ES EN IDENTIFICATION AND NOMINAL ANALYSES OF METALS AND ALLOYS - Soeiweet S hame aa ie tenet one | ron] ROT sans Bowe poxprone | sae | ™ | se iso shospnors 0 ‘Brass, ww ied o| > i 7 € ° Sector cream [waar | Gaara [messam | mance | toe [GOT [Caan] Section 1 Main Tables 1G. tonng ais contin tne ray ott ound ints volume Al sain seston praia toe sae tatohoy pears ton dase conor ave ntl base, and ie) ane epson expire toconstesin hed SOF (18 260 lenpralare rage te cate lhe ea hind ad elabiy and cme tom te ae ‘tice ster eae fanaa Thetesat is adtedts earn heaving maticepon wich he tables mis selin arebaseabelre auensng ous elon. Arephca ent appents om he sjacent but pe ay lence sentadng neobes Ay oie dle as ging ssp pension acs par fou. sey feencan page. Consult the preceding introduction for further instructions on how to use this data survey, F ©) 500 (260) 400 (204) 300 (149) 200 (93) 100 (38) 0 (- 18) Percent Concentration in Water Keys to Data Tables F (Cc) 500 (260) Matrix Key 400 (204) Throughout the data tables in this book, data points represent- ing average penetration per year {key below) are plotted on the matrix enlarged here. The hor izontal grid represents percent concentration in water and the vertical grid represents temper- ature. For more information on how to use this data survey, 300 (149) aw (93) 100 (38) consult the preceding introduc- tion 0 (18) Percent Concentration in Water Average Penetration Rate Per Year £ 1 Code Mils Inches mm ef 50 0.050 1270 1. | Footnotes for Data Squares 1. Pitting 2. Stress Corrosion Cracking Key to Footnotes (ais 3, Intergranular Attack 4, Crevice Attack 5 ar 128-129 COPPER BASE TRON BASE 9 CORROSIVE cast no Games sen ACETALDEHYDE ACETAMIDE 28 ACETANALIDE 3 ACETIC ACID erated toma _. Alba ACETIC ACID Hyper ACETIC ACID t a vopor | { ACEC ‘ANHYDRIDE ACETOACETIC t {tf Acid : a ACE CYANOHYDRIN lo ACETOPARA- ‘TOLUIDINE ACETOPHENE- TIDINE Ig ACETOPHENONE lal ACETOTOWIDINED PEE et 15 Ley I q ACETYL ACETONE & 16 OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS HEE & CORROSIVE | cast HOW STANNitss S700 | GRAY NICKEL 26-1 304 36 [20-25-45 | BRONZE aoa ACETYL CHLORIDE ‘ACETYLENE: ACETYLENE TETRACHLORIDE AGEL SALICYUC ACID 2,ACETYL FPPSOHENE ACONITILACID ACRIDINE ACRYUC ACD ACRYLONITRILE Sonn ACID ALIPHATIC ‘ALCOHOL SULFONATES jo] ALKANE SULFONIC ACID g ALKYLARYE SULFONATES 4 ALKYL BORANES| I5 ALKYL PHENOL (i i NICKEL BASE TRON BASE COPPER BASE cast HON STAINLESS STEEL comer ALLYL AMINE Alby CHLORIDE FT" f 1 tH t | | [ r j AUYLDENE { 5 FE pINcerATe 1 t t E pe | ALLYL SULFIDE 1 Cert FE HH + ALUMINUM ACEIATE ALUMINUM CHLORATE ‘ALUMINUM CHLORIDE ALUMINUM ct Tt t ECEEEEEEHHH] DIFORMATE : | co | & um ‘ALUMINUM FLUORIDE ALUMINUM FLUOSIICATE ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE ‘ALUMINUM NITRATE 5h ALUANINUNE POTASSIUM é APA gla NICKEL BASE ‘OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS SEED Se ‘ TRON ASE core BARE EaosvE cane Taner capa cw [won | ve | ve | m1 | om | oe [ooasas] mower ‘ALUMINUM SULATE AMINOANTHRA- ‘QUINONE ‘AMINOAZO- BNE AMINOBENZENE- SULFONIC ACID ) | AMINOBENZOIC| gFR 3 ‘AMINOETHYL. ETHANOLAMAI ‘AMINOETHY ETHANOLAMII Carbon Dioxide. Hydrogen Sulfid AMINOETHYL ETHANOLAMIN +CO+HS AMINOPHENOL’ \ Ul AMINOGALICYUC ‘ACID : AMMONIA (ANHYDROUS) J AMMONIUM ACETATE lA ANAMONIUM. BICARBONATE Ig AMMONIUM UORIDE NICKEL BASE OTHER METAAS AND ALLOYS aot stew | tentlin | tamsen | 2oconion | Z IRON BASE COPPER BASE CERROSIVE cast now fas Su BIPHOSPHATE AMMONIUM BISULEITE AMMONIUM BROMIDE AMMONIUM CARBAMATE /AMWOMONIUNA PARONATE AMMONIUM CHLORIDE ‘AMMONIUM. CITRATE AMMONIUM DICHROMATE AMMONIUM. FLUORIDE AMMONIUM, FLUOSIICATE FN € sium, Mae ‘ANMIONIUM. HYDROXIDE: 2188s ANAMONIUM MOLYBDATE ‘ANAMIONIUM. NITRATE 14 ‘ANAMONIUM, OXALATE Stara aAwwonum FA ERCHLORATE & tal 10 Ron past COPrER BARE CORPSE |, ost a Tames se conver seas | cons AMMONIUM PERSULFATE AMMONIUM. PHOSPHATE ‘AMMONIUM PICRATE ‘AMMONIUM POLYSULFIDE AMMONIUM. SALICYLATE A SULFAMATE ‘AMMONIUM, SULFATE ‘AMMONIUM SULFIDE AMMONIUM. SULFITE AMMONIUM THIOCYANATE 10) apoeran © I AMMONIUM TUNGSTATE 12 AMYL ACETATE 13] AMYL ALCOHOL [I la) AMYL CHIORIDE 15 AMYL CINNAMIC ADEE I NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS fi TRON BASE COPPER BASE ‘CORROSIVE can wow States STEEL core Ts | cow ‘ANYL LAUREATE| | ADAYL MERCAP- TAN 2 AML NITRATE 3 AMMYL PHENOLS: 4| ANYL (SPONATE hoe 5 AUMYL VALERATE 4 ANILINE Z| ANILINE HYDROCHLORIDE! 8 ANTHRACENE 10 Ea RAN LORIE 4 ANTHRAQUINONG 12 ANTHRAQUINONG DISULFONIC ACIDS 13] ANTIMONY PENTACHLORIDE la ANTIMONY PENTAFLUORIL NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS secge [sncote Le a) meme Pxecoe |, Te see | tonstom | tance eos | eter “ls 7 oe | COPPER BASE & s TRON BASE CORROSIVE = cast WOH = srainiess see cy [wer | ao | ve [i | so | ae [roasas} moue T ANTIMONY TRICHLORIDE y ANTIMONY. TRIFLUORIDE AQUA REGIA ARACHADIC ACID ARSENIC ACID oY ARSENIC TRICHLORIDE ARSENIC TRIOXIDE Z| ‘ASCORBIC ACID E ASPARTIC ACID 9 AZOBENZENE yi ha ETT NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TOPS PS pected Mom oo a oe stat | tomsion | tisim | rconiom T oman AD NPRROSIVE | CAST IRON BARIUM CHLORATE BARIUM, CHLORIDE BARIUM. CYANIDE, BARIUM HYDROXIDE BARIUM NITRATE Dp BARIUM, PEROXIDE BARIUM, POLYSULFIDES: BARIUM, SULEATE BARIUM SULFIDE oe BENZALDEHYDE ZENE HEXACHLORIDE 13] BENZENE 1 SUFONICACID 4-4 [deeb boarded BENZIDENE BENZILIC ACID COPPER BASE tance NICKEL BASE - OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS mice [incite : z git tod | ster | tosnten | tiem f = TRON BASE COPPER BASE (Carosive | east won aitss sree coven mass | con cor [wc | ae | ve [om | ao oases | MONE BENZOIC ACID BENZOIC ANHYDRIDE BENZOIN BENZONITRIE BENZOPHENON' BENZOTRI- CHLORIDE BENZOTRI- FLUORIDE BENZOYL BENZOIC ACD BENZOYL CHLORIDE BENZOYL PEROXIDE BENZYL ALCOHOL 12| BENZYL AMINE 13 BENZYL BENZOATE lA BENZYL BROMIDE BENZYL CHLORIDE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS cc .dosive 7 AST WOR BENZYL C DICHLORIDE BENZYL PHENOL| BENZYL SALICYLATE ao BERRYLIUM CHLORIDE saa BERRYLIUM FLLIORIDE BERRYLIUM SULFATE BORIC ACID BORNYL ACETATE BORNYL CHLORIDE BORNYL FORMATE 10) my Neer AORIDE 4 BROMIC ACID 2b BROMINE-DRY 13) BROMINE-WET \4| BROMINE TRIFLUORIDE 15] BROMOBENZENE| oO I ae IRON BASE COPPER BASE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS note | nceote wien og Fema . : soa _| rete? be Pum BROMOTOLUE BUTADIENE Ng BUTANEDIOLS BUTYL ACETATE BUTYLAMINE BUTYL ~ goATE BUTYL BUTYRATE BUTYL CHLORIDE BUTYL LACTATE eur. MERCAPTAN. BUTYL METHACRYLATE \6 TRON BASE Wasa COPPER BASE comer NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS wees Prete Le a newe [omc | oy eorr_| me? a2 | cam wet fs tomsion | tienen | teconiom TRON BASE COPPER BASE (rosie cast WON stauess ste west | cone sees Foor | ene wer [0m] ae [roanas BUTYL PHENOAS| J BUTYRIC ACID Alal BUTYRIC ANHYDRIDE BUTYRYL, CHLORIDE NICKEL BASE ce [mec Li Nome [ome | boop [76-7 tr | can OTHER WETALS AND ALLOYS Racoon TRON BASE COPPER BASE AST HON STaWwliss stare cone * mass | con co [wa | ae ter [aoe] se [rotsas| monte | © TI | i ! CHLORIDE CADMIUM. SULFATE CADMIUM. SULFIDE: CALCIUM ACETATE CALCIUM oS SENATE, CALCIUM BENZOATE CALCIUM, BISULFITE CALCIUM BROMIDE CALCIUM, CARBIDE CALCIUM (CARBONATE We & cum SSRELORATE CALCIUM CHLORIDE CALCIUM CHROMATE CALCIUM FLUORIDE CALCIUM, GLUCONATE ste caclum HyoRIDE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS COPPER BASE TRON BASE PORROSIVE [7 [cast now Tani se oy s s ca [nan | ae wot [ee] [aoaseas] tone | AS | ON CALCIUM HYDROXDE catciu HYPOCHLORITE. 20a CALCIUM UACTATE CALCIUM THIOCYANATE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS weoerte ime | wrcrae cat trae 26 | sting | aed steer | rent | hese rete? ha | cam Tetum TRON BASE COPPER BASE AST OH ‘Stainuess steet coe meas | cone cea [woe | ao ae [ste [ae [oases] monte CAMPHORIC i ACD CAPRIC ACID 2| CAPROALDEHYDA} 3 CCAPSICIN CARBAZONE - {on “esdON DISULFIDE CARBON, FIUORIDES Z| CARBONIC ACT ‘CARBON DIOXIDE __8hx CARBON. MONOXIDE CARBON. TETRABROMIDE Jot CARBON &-ACHIORIDE Rugd i CARNALUTE 12h CAROTENE CASEIN CRLULOSE ACETATE CELULOSE ACEINTE BUTYRATE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS “ge IRON BASE COPPER BASE CAST ROW STAINUESS STEEL corre v CAUULOSE METHYL ETHER CELULOSE NITRATE SIUM CHLORIDE CesUM HYDROXIDE bal ceTYL ALCOHOL TT st a wv -HOOGRIC} "ACI ote Z| CHLORAMINES i Bhpepe, | pera CHLORAM- PHENICOL CHLORANIL CHLORIC ACID \hefebetapst bets CHLORINE CHLORINE DIOXIDE CHLORINE TRIFLUORIOE CHLORACETAL- OEHYDE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS nuce wiowe | secre cpa avin | SR | used | her | ton enim wos | rer [OM] ae | care fot IRON BASE COPPER BASE TAROSIVE an wow Janu hen caper 7 ‘CHLOROACETIC 4 ACD (MONO) | CHLORACETONE 2 CHLORACETYL CHLORIDE CHLOROALKYL ETHERS 4 CHLOROAMINO BENZOIC ACID go 5 ‘SHLORDANILINES | g CHLOROREN. ZADERYDE [+ Z| CHLOROBENZENE [111 | CHLOROBENZO- TRUORIES CHLOROD. ET FLUOROETHANE lo FE ODIO. Saggy THANE CHLOROETHYL BENZENE CHLOROFORM. y CHLOROHYDRIN \ CHLORONAPH. THALENE ‘9 CHLORONITRO- NieKEL BASE OTHER WETAIS AND ALLOYS wince cet [ae rma ' ou TRON BASE COPPER BASE CET JOSIVE ow ‘Stanitss Steet core Te 5 CHLOROPHENO- HYDROXY ACETICACID | SHLOROPHENOLS| 2 CHLOROPICRIN 3 CHLOROPRENE [P ae cHioroautne [| ~ 5 ‘og CHTGROSILANES| 4 HiOROSULFONIC| ACD TCC ‘CHLOROTOLUENE| SUIFONIC ACID “f Pessennon CHLOROTOLU- IDINES CHLOROTRIFLUO- ROETHYLENE (cre) sok cyrorrevo ff fant. Eh I cHLoROXYieNOL| 12 CHOLESTEROL _ i3| CHROMIC ACID Lape CHROMIC CHLOR CHROMIC FLUORIDE, NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS nice [nicer wie [rercome oye TES [REGED preccteae] Me seem ney |e seer | tonahen | raion COPPER BASE OTN EepROSNE sets cas oN & ear wicxer CHROMIC HYDROXIDE CHROMIC NITRATE CHROMIC PHOSPHATE CHROMIC SULATE CHROMIUM POTASSIUM SULFATE IDE CINNAMIC ALCOHOL CINNAMIC ALDEHYDE cmTRIC ACID ~ BAIT ACETATE ws u CoBALTOUS UINOLEATE CODEINE SULFATE COD LIVER Ot CONIFERIN Sie [aoasas] mone NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TRON BASE ROSIVE cast HON f COPPER AGIATE COPPER AMMO-| NIUM ACETATE 2 COPPER CARBONATE 3 COPPER NITRA COPPER SULFAT CROTONALDE- HYDE CROTONIC ACI I CUIMALDEHYDE ul CUMENE 12 CUMENE. AYDROPEROXIDE| 13] cuRIC CHLORIDE cupRIC CYANDE ‘CupROUS CALORIE COPPER BASE weass | coon NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS fa ROSIVE CYANAMIDE CYANOACETIC ACID CYANOGEN CYANOGEN CHLORIDE CYANURIC CHLORIDE Z “CR HEXANE XYCLOHEXANONE CYCLOHEXENE 9 cyc.o- HEXTAMINE, J * TENTANE ul “YCLOPENTADIENE| > 12 20 POLYOLEFINS| I3| TRON BASE ter [| su | 3 [eons COPPER BASE toe seas | cons cost NICKEL BASE ore OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS Ga COPPER BASE TRON BASE CORROSIVE | AST HOW STAINLESS STEEL mene wen | ae] ae [aoteas| trout weass | cons DEXTROSE DIACETONE ALCOHOL DIALLYL PHTHALATE DIAMYL ETHER DIBENZYL gee atl DBUTYL AMINES DIBUTYL ETHER, DiBUTYL PHTHALATE DIBUTYL THIOUREA, DICHLORO- BENZENS DICHLORO BUTENE DICHLORO| DIFLUORO (METHANE por NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS Niece nie ] nice ald trot Aline tot | ster | tension | tionin | ticon Posie DICHLORO- ETHYLETHER DICHLORO. HYDRIN, DICHLORO. PHENOL DICHLORO- PROPENE DICHLOROTETRA. FLUOROETHANE. ir 5 DicgRIN DIETHANO. UAMINE: DIETHANO. LAMMINE +HS DIETHANO LAMINE. +HS-+CO2 DIETHYLAMINE. 10] DIET 2 te Bo ML ZINE DIETHYLENE GLYCOL DIETHYLENE TRIAMINE DIETHYLETHER i DIETHYLPHTHA LATE 15 DIFLOURO ETHANE IRON BASE Sannas COPPER BASE @ bee | tease | coon Toasas| MONE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND Altovs Wier 1 Gale trot torino | E! tod | stew | tomtom | rroiom | tieoniom 76-16-7 a2 | cae Petem s 6 COPPER BASE TRON BASE STAINidss STEEL Qrosive ; St HON weass | Goons ter ee ia Pee asas | MONE DiGLYCOLIC ‘ACID DIGLYCOLIC ‘ACID DIBUTYLESTER, DIHYDROXY DIPENYL SUFONE DIISOBUTYL CARBINOL DISOBUTYL KENTONE c Get HYL “AMINE DIMETHYL ETHER DIMETHYL FORMANDIDE 8] DIMETHYL HEXANE DIMETHYL HYDRAZINE UNSYMWETRICAL| DIOXANE DIOXIDINE DIPENTENE DIPENYL OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS NICKEL BASE Nee crete onion | SR | teed | sear | tmmtom [tion | trcoion om Fen | ' 1 i TRON BASE Senos CAST ON STAINLESS STEEL DIPHENY. UAMINE I DIPHENYLENS ‘OXICE (OBENZOFURAN DIPENYL OXIDE DIPHENYL PROPANE DODECYL, BENZENE wD COPPER BASE commer a 2 Be [roared NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS weer | eum | O IRON BASE COPPER BASE 2 a we [et [se | oe [reson] mount CORROSIVE ‘ AST ON TaIniess stn Cone ey entHono- HYDRIN ETHANE ETHYL ACETATE 4l ETHYL ACGTOACETATE 5] r A fATE 4 ETHYL AMINE ETHYL BROMIDE ETHYL BUTYRATE ‘CHLORIDE ANHYDROUS SHYL + ‘CHLORIDE MOIST ETHYLENE STHYLENE CHLORO FYORIN 49 THYLENE "YCNOHYDRIN NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND AlLOYS CORROSIVE sree CAST IRON = cen] Newt ETHYLENE DIAMINE ETHYLENE. DIAMINE DROCHLORINE, ETHYLENE. DIBROMIDE 3| ETHYLENE DICHLORIDE 4 ETHYLENE. DICHCORIDE & ETHYLENE GLYCOL OIBUTYL ETHER aTHYLENE GLYCOL MONBUTYL ETHER ENE GLYCOL \ONOMETHY- (GIA ETHER, ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONO ETHYLETHER 10] ETHYLENE IMINE 7 ‘OXIDE ETHYL FORMATE ETHYLIDENE CHLORIDE ETHYL MRALONATE ETHYL MERCAPTAN TRON BASE COPPER BASE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS nice [oreore [ie od . ve IRON BASE COPPER BASE CORROSIVE east How aries see = fee hay NICKEL 7 a 76-1 304 386 [20-25-45 | sRONzE Toren a ETHYL NITRITE ETHYL PELARGONITE ETHYL PROPIONATE STHYL SIUCATE ETHYL ‘STEARATE, Vico ATE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS wee Poet Teer) meme Peete [ae | | tae , me ee wee Pm | atanen | \ Siew | tonalum | tion | Zeon ih ig bn A A aI NNR IPI ETO TI COPPER BASE TRON BASE cast HON @auosve FE FATS, NATURAL FERRIC CHLORIDE FERRIC. HYDROXIDE FERRIC. NITRATE FERRIC. ‘SULFATE ha reg “AMMONIUM SULFATE FERROUS CHLORIDE FERROUS SULFATE FLUOBORIC ACID FLOURINE FLUOSIICIC ACID I FORMALDEHYDE] Ish FORMANIDE 4) FORMIC ACID 4 FURFURAL OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS NICKEL BASE ce IRON BASE COPPER BASE QRROSIVE car ne Hawise see corre FURFUAL ALCOHOL NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS COPPER BASE TRON BASE SAINNesS STEEL wet [tee ots CORROSIVE |, CASE HON £8 cer] wens | Pe GALLIC ACID t GELATIN GUCONIC ‘ACID GIUTANIC ‘ACID GLYCEROL & FRO Nu. GLYCEROPHOS- PHORICACID [7 — Te GYyCDOL GYOXYIIC ACID (GUANIDINE NITRATE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS ced ae wer | tenon | wisn WON BASE COPPER BASE CORROSIVI AST ON STADESS STEN core | suey Gen wiexte we [mei [se [ae Jroreas} nome | ASS | con | HEPTACHLOR HEPTALDEH HEXACHLORO- BUTADIENE HEXACHLORO- HEXANETRIOL I HEXANOL Ig HEXYLENE GIYCOL HYDRAZINE I5 HYDROABIETYL ALCOHOL NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS IRON BASE COPPER BASE CORROSIVE & HYDROBROM! ACID cay | wen | ae ner [300 Toras| towne en HYDROCARI FLUORIDES HYDROCHLORI ACD Gerated HYDROCHLORI ACID Tot cerated HYDROCYAN ACID HYDRORUOR! * atetted HYDROFLUOR! ACID Not oerated HYDROGEN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE (ANHYDROUS), HYDROGEN FLUORIDE (ANHYDROUS), HYDROGEN PEROXIDE OGEN SUPFIDE (ANHYDROUS) HYDROGEN SULFIDE 13] HYDROIOTIC t Lert 1 rot ACID ! i 4YDROQUINONE| iste HYDROXYACETIC ‘ACID NICKEL BASE Incite OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS rapes epebaabepdpale 7 TRON BASE Gear [ wore 7 et m1 NELLA’ I HYPOCHLOROUS| ‘ACID 2 COPPER BASE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS om ene IRON BASE COPPER BASE Epps cast WO anes se core = cer [won | Pe aet_[ ame arduce | MASS | Got INDOLE ACETATE ISOBORNEAL ESTER ISOBUTYL ACETATE ISOBUTYL CHLORIDE ISORUTYL OL taht sOBUTYL OXIDE SOBUTYL ISOIVALERATE 13] soauTYt PHOSPHATE lal SOCHOTYL CALORIE Fata NICKEL BASF OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS | sood | ster | tamaton | trom | Ziconiom COPPER BASE TRON BASE CORROSIVE ems) antsy SEL or Ts) con & gear miceee ve [304 vores] move en ISOPHORONE _ 2 ISOPROPANYL ACETATE 'SOPROPYL ‘ACEIATE ISOPROPYL 2 CHLORETHYL SULTE Prk \ GodRIDE ISOPROPYL AMINE 'SOVALERIC ACID NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS IRON BASE rosie LacTiC ACD LAuRIC ACID LAURYL ‘ALCOHOL LEAD ACETATE EAD, ‘ARSENATE ™ ley BROMIDE LEAD. CARBONATE 7| LEAD CHLORIDE ali LEAD. (CHROMATE of LEAD DIOXIDE 10] eee t uEy LEAD NITRATE labehe LEAD OXIDE + ig LEAD SULFATE . M4 EAD SULFIDE 15] (EAD TRINTRO. RESORCINATE ze COPPER BASE copra Tosa] sechee | ME | Oe ita iat anise NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TRON BASE COPPER BASE east ow SrAINLese Stef see] ae faeaean] moe | SS | oN a [wen | ao [ve 7 te 3 1 EAD TRINTRO | RESORCINATE j LEVUUNIC ACID LINSEED OIL uTHIUM CARBONATE Pic UTHIUM CHLORIDE Roe 4 uTHIUM HYPOCHLORITE 25 UTM SULFATE LTHOPONE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS meee [mete cra] Mme | Morte i aed | sar | temstom | these | Zecosiom IRON BASE COPPER BASE ROSIVE CAST OR sates SEL eT om [weet 5. Baa MANGANESE CHLORIDE MANGANESE DIOXIDE MANGANESE ‘SULFATE DRANNITOL MERCAPTAINS ao MERCURIC ‘CHLORIDE, ‘MERCURIC CYANIDE MERCURIC FODINE (MERCURIC NITRATE ‘MERCURY PNRSOL CSPonc ib MESITYL OXIDE 124 _ { t | (METALDEHYDE ETHALYI HH | | ‘AMINE | { | METALL CHLORIDE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TRON BASE COPPER BASE Gear [ween pe] [tet [aes] oe favre] cue |S | SO TERT ETHYL OLEATE ae FORMATE EaWNTOOE a WERYE ISOBUTYL CARBINOL a BAL KENTONE MeL ISOVALERATE Z| ETL PENTADIENE VENT, SUPURIC Reb WENT \VALERATE Tak MD 5 ‘ACIDS. HsSO. & HNOs 12] TNOLASSES 13) WONOAIYT >ATHALATE Ia RONOGHIGRO-[} BUTENE t JONOETHANO, AMINE F 16h NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TRON BASE COPPER BASE ‘CORROSIVE 1 oN SaIniess Se come a \GaARONTRO- TORVENE. | -MORPHOLINE: NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS IRON BASE COPPER BASE RROSIVE cast HON Stanwiess set conree a ca | ween | we ae tee Teasas| owe NAPTHA NAPHTHALENE NAPHTHALENE CHLORIDE, NAPHTHALENE SULFONIC ACID NAPHTHALENE ACID oO xs NAPHTHO- QUINOLINE: NAPHTHYLAMIN: +SULFONIC ACI NIGEL AMMONIUM SULFATE NICKEL CHLORIDE NICKEL NITRATE co NICKEL SULFATE 12 NITRIC ACID 13] RED FUMING NIRICACID WHITE FUMING NITRI ICACD 4 Nice HYDROALUORIC ACID Ie NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS wees [weer j | TON BASE come TARE gogrosve cee Le Siamese core mass | cons NITROANILINES ‘NITROBENZENE 2 NITRODIPHENYL | emer 4 NITROETHANE: f | de NITRORUORO- BENZENE 5 Pe ! © IKIDE | WATER <0.19% 6[7 NOG t | TETROXIDE 10% warer 7E--T- NITROGLYCERINE E NATROISOPROPYL| BENZENES | NITROMETHANE [>> torr NITROPHENOIS £ >i & NITROPROPANE 124 NITROSYL CHLORIDE gl NIFROSULAURIC Ac0 ahr Wicket BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TRON BASE COPPER _BASE mass | cone nig [Goze as] MONE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS eae ot | steer | tonto | tienen | tianom TRON BASE COPPER BASE cas Won ‘STAINS STEEL coer seas | cons um [wen | ae [ve [i | oe ponaseas] mone DETYL ALCOHOLS DCTYL CHLORIDE ‘OIC ACID DRTHOTOLUIDINE 5 a NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS Bec Pmecte Mice teme] Meme Jmece | asm LSE Leg | star | tenttan | tamu | Bocas bean | 7687 ‘ cam Aeon Ton BASE CoPeeR east (2prosive Tan wow eet Conran PALAMITIC ACID} | PARAFORMAL. [3 DEHYDE 2| PARALDEHYDE gy PARATHION Al PENTACHLORO- ETHANE L eIACHLORO- cTHVENE PENTACHLORO- PHE TNO. ENTAERYTHRITOL 3 PENTANE t Seth PERCHLORIC Cty aco lbs geft RERCHLORO- RN ft PERCHLORYL, FLUORIDE 2 PERSULFURIC Aco 13] PHENETHYL ALCOHOL ld PHENOL ‘3 PRENOLES EET DISULFONIC Cy AgIO Ieee t t NICKEL Bade OTHER WETAIS AND LOVE ey) IRON BASE COPPER BASE CORROSIVE |" [_est on | 1,3. PROPANEDIOU 4 PROPIONAL- DEHYDE PROPIONIC ACID t Bhappcbobeboths N-PROPYL ACETATE N-PROPYL ALCOHOL OO RYIENE PROPYLENE DICHLORIDE 12] PROPYLENE Oxide N-PROPYL NITRATE PYRIDINE 2YRIDINEFTAR soxvuc acio+ F-O74 SIMMETHYL AMADA! COPPER BASE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS necete sitar | torton | tienen | tocenan TRON BASE COPPER BASE Qrosive east non SIAN ore wpa - weass | con ear] went . ter [| se [roaeas| wont PYRIDINE SULFONIC ACID PYROGALLIC ACID PYROLIGNEOUS ACID PYRUVIC ACID al 106 : NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS TRON BASE COPPER BASE Stantese see cone caosne | cas ae my g a zor [ae] oe fooaeas] ancuce | mH | Go QUINALDIC AC! QUININE QUININE BISULFATE QUININE 4YDROCHLORIE QUININE QUINIZARIN QUINOLINE QUINONE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS rece [wecore |e creme! Meme | secre og a | os @ TRON BASE COPPER BASE ‘CORROSIVE | AST ON STAINLESS STEEL cone mass | cow Gaara we [te | om | ae [roaeas| mowe NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS Bree fete Nec teaal Me Hl wer | tomtom | thanin | Been seat rete bea 5) TRON BASE COPPER BASE “CORROSIVE [ cast HON Sraness Steet connee | « oa pea Sa ee seuss | con F SACCARIN 1 tL SOWUTIONS SALICYUC ACI 2 { SWICON TERACHORIG, SILVER BROMIDE Ale SWVER CHLORIDE ‘ Se SEVER CYAN DE [| SuLVER NITRATE Soap ce f. Pbncecioneeus SODIUM ACEIATE SODIUM ALKYL ARYL SULONATES DIUM “S ALUMINATE 4 ee ud TUN ‘ALUMINUM FLvoRne _12f SODIUM ‘ALUMINUM SULFATE __13| SODIUM, ARSENATE SODILIN Nn ARSENTE (S[ees5s SODIUM NZO, & BENZOATE 16fe4 OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS NICKEL BASE eae Nace be-c-teme “raat stn SO tte &Y IRON BASE COPPER BASE ‘CORROSIVE eat nos Ganuese se connie a sass | con | sou_[ 316 [oases | owe SODIUM BICARBONATE SODIUM: BICHROMATE SODIUM BIFLUORIDE SODIUM BISULFATE SODIUM RIDE Lun BISULFITE SODIUM BITARTRATE SODIUM BRONTE SODIUM BROMIDE SODIUM BROMILE & un GOON soDIUM CHLORATE SODIUM CHLORIDE SODIUM CHLORIE SODIUM CHROMATE sopium citeare[ 1 & isk: NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS COPPER BASE TRON BASE @Rorrosive seams sie ern | anass | co SODIUM CYANATE SODIUM CYANIDE ‘SODIUM DIPHENYY suEATE SODIUM DISILICATE Al SODIUM DITHIONTE TUM DODECY ene SULONATE _ 6f sooluM ETHYLATE SODIUM ETHYLENEDIAMINE TETRACEIATE 8} soon wscrig | ac SODIUM FLUORIDE f ROCA, Gum uORORCS ou sooum FUORCSUCATE 13] 12] sop FORMALDEHYDE SULFOXYUATE | SODIUM FORMATE SODIUM GLUTAMATE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS n7 OO COPPER BASE DROW BASE AST ON ORROSIVE mass) cons soDluM HYDROSULFIDE ZI, SODIUM BE \rosoxive Sy OM : 1 ZT ypociormé fH f SODIUM 1ODIDE SODIUM, METAPHOSPHA\ : © soum ESTASIICATE SODIUM METHYLATE Solum NITRATE Sooium NITRITE SODIUM PEN TACHLORO- PHENATE soDIUM ,, SORATE iy Gua PERCARBONAT SODIUM PERCHLORATE rao SODIUM PEROXIDE a Lab \ SODIUM rt PERSURATE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS a Qrrosw SODIUM PHOSPHATE SODIUM PHOSPHATE (TRIBASIC) SODIUM, PLUMBITE SODIUM POLYSULFIDES SODIUM (CATE SQUISILICAT SODIUM SILICATES SODIUM ‘STANNATE SODIUM SULFAT SODIUM SULFID' I {Sou sue sooium TARTRATE opium THIOCYANATE, SODIUM HIOGLYCOLATE \4| SODIUM THIOSULFATE 15 TRON BASE 120 ee 7 COPPER BASE sone sass con NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS wee Juco creed Meme Pees Pe | 8 Ped | star wear | rower wa | cam rotun TRON BASE COPPER BASE ‘SORBITOL SORBASE _ 2 cane. ff 3 STANNIC AMWONIUM iH oRIDE { STANNIC CHLORIDE fe ea SULFATE STANNOVS | CHLORIDE STEAM [EAM GEOTHER, WAL (AERATED) | TEAM GeoTHeR.| VAAL (AIRFREE) lo) IC ACID ssh STRONTIUM, SHLORIDE STRONTIUM \ITRATE STYRENE 122 OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS NICKEL BASE TRON BASE COPPER BASE CAST on STANUESS STECU corre ca [wen | wer] see Foasas] manne | MAS | Son Ta ‘SULFATE BLACK UQUOR SULFATE GREEN UQUOR SULFATE WQUOR ‘VITH 10% SULFLR| DIOXIDE 3 SULFONATED 2 SULFUR CHLORIDE SUFUR CONTAINING ous 8 SULFUR DIOXIDE 9) ‘SULFUR DIOXIDE| 2.5% PLUSH: 10) SULFURIC ACID, TO ae] Noe Upepebastehety SULFURIC ACID FUMING yo] SULFURIC ACID NO AIR (STATIN ‘SULFUROUS ACID SULFUR Chet . i i \ TRIOXIDE SULFURYL 1 t i ; CHLORIDE 124 . NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND Alloys IRON BASE COPPER BASE f CORROSIVE | CAST ON Samwidss SEH cone weass | cone wl OL q TANNIC ACID 2 TARTARIC ACID 3 TERPENES TERPINOL 5 ‘TETRBETHYLENE AMINE - é j TETRAFLUO- : RETHYLENE Z| TEIRAHYDRO- NAPHALENE: TERA PHOPNORIC PET ACID EEE ee THOAMYL ALCOHOL THIONYL, CHLORIDE iN AMMONIUM, CHLORIDE ‘TTANTUM SULFATE \ 14k TAN, TETRACHLORIDE TOWENE ' 126 NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS ca f { AEQRROSIVE ty TRCREVL PHOSPHATE TRITHANOL ADAINE: TRIETHYLAMINE TRIETHYENE GLYCOL Ary TRETHYLAMINE [11 TETRAMINE 4 5| CORO efi ‘ACD TRFISOBUTYL ALUMINUM CHLORIDE Tee ISOPROPANOL AMINE TREVETHYL BENZENES 9 TRHSOPROFYL BENZYL CHLORIDE TRIMETHYL “TRIVETHYL PENTANES: ‘TRIVETAYT PHOSPHITE TRIPHENYL PHOSPHITE TORPENTINE Gay | wenn IRON BASE COPPER BASE cone erass | con NICKEL BASE DINER METALS AND ALLOYS Neco oa] wa es Paton IRON BASE COPPER BASE RRosve cast HOW Svarsiess see coven ef Cee anss | coo URANIUM HEXAFLUORIL URANYL ‘CARBONATE URANYL FLUORIDE URANYL NITRATE URANYL _SULFATE UREA URIC ACID NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS : SHY as seer | tesoten | tame | toconom IRON BASE COPPER BASE Egtosvt sie CAST ROW Sranitis siete ore &) teas | cone Gear] Nee [ve [mm | om Tereae| mowe s VEGETABLE OILS, - rr 3 3 Hee | VINYL ACETATE 2 VINYL BENZENE VINYL CHLORIDE XYLENE 5 “DINE ‘YEAST ebb ag NICKEL BASE OTRER METALS AND ALLOYS oe aod [star | tons | tiene | TRON BASE ZINC (CARBONATE ZINC CHLORIDE 2 ZINC AUOROSLICATE ane rn Hy HyOROSULATE HE ZINC SULFATE A _ | COPPER BASE NICKEL BASE OTHER METALS AND ALLOYS secre inion | St f ssad [stew | tonsen MISCELLANEQUS METALS AND ALLOYS. ® corrosive ALLYL BROMIDE ‘ALUMINUM FLUOROSULFATE ‘ALUMINUM OXALATE ‘ALUMINUM ge RATE : AMMONIUM ARSENATE AMMONIUM AZIDE AMMONIUM BENZOATE AMMONIUM BORATE AMMONT (ODide ‘ANMONIOW LAGTATE CORROSIVE AMMONIUM THIOGLYCOLATE ARSENIC PENTOXIDE & 62% SULFURIC : ‘ARSENIC DRULFIDE KRSENIC TRIOSULFIDE BEER ERVLIUM OXIDE SISMUTH SUSCARBONATE SSMUTH NITRATE, BROMOBENZYL CYANIDE 4 MISCELLANZOUS METALS AND ALLOYS MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS _ CORROSIVE BROMOISOVALERYL UREA BUTYL BENZOIC ACID CALCIUM CYANAMID! alte SRUCIOM CYANIDE TTT CALCIUM HYDROSULFIDE CALCIUM PEROXIDE CALCIUM ~ PHENOSULFATE &é CALGTUM PROPIONATE "ALCIUM PYRIDINE SULFONATE GEROUS CHLORIDE Pt MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE EROUS FLUORIDE cast ros z HLOROBENZENE 60: CHLORAL 40% CHLORIDE HLOROPICRIN CINNAMIC ACID COBALTOUS SULFATE fama HEE LFF! c E | COPPER GLUCONATE He | COPPER NAPHTHENATE YANOHYORIN ————______ +. MISCELLANEGUS METALS AND ALLOYS G2) CORROSIVE DIBUTYE SEBACATE DIBUTYL SULFATE GICHLOROACETIC ACID , r J 4 BISOBUTYE ALUMINUM CHLORIDE OIMETHYL. CHLORACETO ACETAMIDE 46] oraerey oR a ae HYDRAZINE + 1 = HYDRAZINE 50% 50% Free He t Ht fet tt OIMETHYU SULFATE FERRIC FERROCYANIDE az. FERROUS AMMONIUM CITRATE Pod CORROSIVE \FERROUS IODIDE Hi = FMONOCRLORO once GOLD CYANIDE PLATING SOLUTION A IRON SULFAMATE ISOBUTYLENE GHLOROHYORIN iSOBUTYRIC ACI0 ISOPROPYL NITRATE LEAD FLUOSILICATE + ass HSiFe + 89% PSL, LEAD NAPHTHENATE EAD PATHIALATE 7| 8 MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS San ea Ta HE US METALS AND ALLOYS © CORROSIVE [_ > _ MN SCEAN LEAD SALICYLATE tT Te TT mt TI cht aaa Tr \ L UEAD STEARATE we 2] reer re [EAD TETRA-ACETATE i : ToT Coot x Le] cot r Pet | 3 SCE Ce TINALYE AGETATE™ SS ame TiHIUM BENZOATE 5 TFRIN BROMIDE 4 LITHIUM SALICYLATE SY saan To +t t coer 7peeteeer ot MAGNESIUM 1 a GLUCONATE 3 WAGNESIUM GLYCEROPHOSPHATE 9 MAGNESIUM HYPOPHOSPHITE CORROSIVE oo MAGNESIUM | PERCHLORATE H ‘MANGANESE ‘CARBONATE MANGANESE LINOLEATE }—- I Hh ae MANGANESE ~ sue T NAPHTHENATE LK TT adios MERCURIC “ ACETATE WMERCURIC a, SULFATE a ty oH t ola WETRACRYLIG ROD aes 1 1 . 7 METHYL ABIETATE oe METHYL ACRYLATE we] ie | - HH Core t PoE VERVE oe] Sime [ollie | eal “TO ACETATE eo MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE = [ee | a [ame 7 curate | eal | citite I METHYL LACTATE Sy PS SEs T FEE PRE H METHYL Guan | METHACRYLATE = + 2h u METHYL PROPIONATE | | anim, | atm hot Hea cH THEE METHYL SAUCE "| ST 7 oto rope ~ EE 4 poorer MONOMETHYL See T* perme HYDRAZINE os PEC eH { -H HE rH CEEEErCEE EEE NAPRTHENIC ACIDS NICKEL ACETATE NICOTINE NITRIC ACID (25-35%) +515 ppm CHLORIDES NITROXYLENE eT Ee CORROSIVE PENICILLIN | NUTRIENT FSERAGETIC ACD PERMANGANIC ACID PRENOL + 25% SULFURIC ACID PHENYL GLYCINE PHOSPHORUS FRIBROMIDE POTASSIUM CITRATE POTASSIUM GLUCONATE POTASSIUM ae METABISULFITE rr Ect ia yo POTASSIUM cities STANNATE Tt coco Tt | | 8 CORROSIVE MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS. | 1 RESORCINOL : CoE RICINOLEIC ACID SELENIC ACID Cy “SELENOUS ACID SILICOTUNGSTIC ACID SILVER SULFATE 771M Qyptonvonve soDIUM CYANIMIDE sopium GLUCONATE f soplunt EERE EEC EE HYPOPHOSPHATE HAAR tH {TS Ee 150 ee w — MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE f SODIUM | KYPOPHOSPHITE SODIUM PROPIONATE SODIUM PYROSULFITE soium RESINATE, soDluM STANNATE SODIUM TETRASULFIDE SODIUM TRICHLOROACETATE STANNOUS. FluoRIDE MISCELLANEQUS METALS AND ALLOYS Proreosve STREPTOMYCIN STRONTIUM CARBONATE 2 ware STRONTIUM CHLORIDE SULFAMIC ACID SULFANILIC ACID SULFONIC ACIDS TERPINYL {CATE THIOGLYCOLIC ACID 8 THIOPHOSPHORYL, CHLORIDE THIOUREA 152 MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE THORIUM NITRATE TRIACETIN TRIALLYAMINE TRIGHLOROETHANOL AMINE TRIETHYL, PHOSPHATE pr |UNDECYLENIC ACID i 7| URANIUM CHLORIDES VALERIC ACID ‘ 9 lane oraNivE MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE ic Wwireme | eae wer eae ZINC DIHYOROGEN PHOSPHATE ZING NAPHTHENATE ZINC PHENOLSULFONATE =i 3 i 44 Section 3 High Temperature Tables which cou'd not easily be accommodated in the maint m the same sources as other data four bles, The data are ofthe in this volume ables in this section a (Giving averace penetra ion rates per year compared ta weisht loss, ow 10 use this data survey 850 1560 750 1380 650 1200 550 1020 450 840 350 660 c oF PERCENT CONCENTRATION IN WATER 155 MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE mew ALIPHATIC DICAR- Boxyuc AciD ft ALUMINUM ANIMONIA AMMONIUM CHLORIDE BARIUM CHLORIDE 18 308.0 Spa MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS Teen | mca CORROSIVE BIPHENYL sisMUTH ‘CADMIUM. t yee: i CALCIUM vest | Sovser | beeay_pot2000 ¢ CARBON DIOXIDE CALCIUM. CHLORIDE 1. No water FOOTNOTES Fom DATA SQUARES 2.No ar oxygen 13. Mey oi 27 538 C= nircing 3. Low av, onygen 14. May stress crack sous 4 Pits 15, Transgranular attack 49.8 Ip 000 5 Sires cracks 16. Vapor 20. Agitated 29-8 Ips 8 Sires cotronion 17 Aerated” 21.7 of 50, Oxide 7. Discos 18, Cotaiyaes22.< 73H 31 When wet SB Crevice svick 19. Stone 23. 7B 52, Woh gin 9 Intergranvlar stack da 15 wt 33125 ps 10. No chlorides 3S Grach ‘0c ® ‘11 May discolor s raphitives 12 May catalyze 26, Embrtes MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE CARBON MONOXIDE 1 TOT ‘CARBON a TETRACHLORIDE CHLORINE CHLORINE + STEAM cESIUM, SULFIDE COPPER, 1 =ET oe | (ape oe To o17 pH 26, No hydrogen sulfide 27 No.quart7 Embritiled by O2 oF N 29 No nitrogen 30. Liquid uF vay 31 Decarburising CORROSIVE HYDROGEN HYDROGEN CHLORIDE HyDROSEN CHLORIDE HYDROGEN + #5 HYDROGEN FLUORIDE | HYDROGEN SULFIDE MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS senans) cen | Bu we [we | mens] no [2 om se = ej= [== Le o/s 10 | aun T5089 aeaween cna seo ne Pp of] 2e-{ ome T5080 | Re en [430 ons0 pa700 | Pepa [ue Tae ane wo ww Lt : Ser Cis 77 Speer feast Slam [ see i - eter [soe fs a A SS MISTELLANEQUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE HYDROGEN IODIDE t \8ON, MOLIEN 1835 LAD No water v5 ay fOOTNOTESFORBATASQUARES 54, anneled No aie, oxygen May pit 27. 35. No cold work ay stress crac mbriftles cold wor Pe ere Monanulr sack 2. May crburze 36 Bote 41, Weight ot Stress cracks 18. Vapor 20. Agnated 29.< 0.04% P + S, 37. ~ Impervious Stress corrosion V7.eerated 2.~ 7H — 180 Crewce auack 19, Staie 23,57 pH | 40, Weight gained — roi Intergranular ottack 24. + 7% HaS, 2000 psig 31-1500 ps ent 8 velle Noctis Oe paces, 800 rok 32. <60,000 psi UYS. 43, Anhydrous, 10% Woyacasr 3 2 HS. 33 Low thS 44 Sots 12 May catalyze MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE UTHIUM i wasnesiia oT Set eet sone | we.0, | tomm | poe vercury wool wie | SE [BR [me [we [oem fon Ch Ty +t HH 3 NAPHINENIC ACIDS =| = J- Tato 30 | 0070 | 308.0 ror] 209 1508. fol MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE PHENOL PHOSGENE POTASSIUM POTASSIUM CARBONATE POTASSIUM CYANIDE POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE POTASSIUM NITRATE 1 Nowser FOOTNOTES FOR OATA SQUARES $5. Moss ronater 2.Noair, oxygen 13. May pit 27 Sisessea 36, No sulfur 3 kowawconvarn [8 May resserach 35. Flowing 37, Phase boundary Sewers 1a Vanee JOANNE 35 32.38 pom envaen 35, Vacuum & Stress conoson 17. Aerates 21. = 7px 30, Decarburication 39.4200 pst 7 Discotors 1B. Catatyzes 22.27 pH 3), 7 pH Low carbon Flowing <100 ppm oxygen 27.~ 1D ppm oxygen 28. Decarburizes 39. > 400¢ 30. No amreonia salts 31. Wish Muorises 32. Hydrogen embeatiles 33. I stressed 3A. Mass dratsfur > S00 ¢ 235, 30 In/sin | CORROSIVE SODIUM NITRATE 1 SODIUM PERCHLORATE, SODIUM POTASSIUM 5 4a SODIUM SILICATES 5 SODIUM SULFATE Oa tr MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS ee = | i + T FET aol, r teem | Cm SOQIUM SULHDE wow Tb | Ft pe (are Sores 8 ot TT | [fren sa] ore STEAM SULFUR SULFUR DIOXIDE CORROSIVE STRONTIUM NITRATE + TETRAHYORATE MISCELLAN, 2OUS METALS AND ALLOYS No water No air, axygen Low air, oxygen Pa Suess cracks Strass corrosion Discolors Crevice arcack 13 14 15, 16. ”. 18 19 Tntergranslar uttock 24 No chlorides May discolor May catalyae 25, 26. FOOTNOTES FoR DATA SQUARES. May pit May stress crack Transgranular attack Vapor 20. Agitated Aerated 21. ~7 pH Canatyoes 22. <7 ok Siane 23> 7 oH Explosive No pressure + Vanadium pentoxide 34.125 mpy, 1204 27. Flowing, no pressure 28, 4400 psig 35, Hy evolved > 1127 € 29, 5000 psig 36, 198 C, < 200 psig 30. May sensitize > 1400 37. Weight gain est 38. Emonitles 39. No sulfur 31, May embrittle 32. 268 mpy, 1204 C 33. Semi pits, 1095 C 40. May explode if wet under pressure 41, Low carbon MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS CORROSIVE + SUEUR TRIOXIDE 1 TN orcad Soam | oven | coutun[sanen] pt 2 —— URANIUM FLUORIDe [mS | Mit we | Ne ¢ Kt i vaNaoum Penroxioe | | Fett feed wow | ware | wee | we | some a job ee oa a VINYL CHLORIDE ese semen we = a Ef i eee eet 5 gti oe ; -+ ame | mwa | BEST | Bene peseam| en nem [amen | oe WATER GAS Towvearvoy Mite [359 [ Bist Jeem| om | won [ see [none | ow BE i + cn Sooo t ys 0 eo oor so of 0 | 0070 [50850 ses 1 off] Ae) ou [stk °| 050 17700. ss veo = so 12700 Se] (Staee «wl 8 4 4 2 of Glimessifaeefametz] | CORROSIVE ZINC MISCELLANEOUS METALS AND ALLOYS No water Na air, oxygen Low air, oxigen Pas Stress cracks Stress eononon Discolors Crewee attack Fntergranaiar attack No chlorides May ciscotor May catalyze FOUTNOTES FOR DATA SQUARES 13. Mey pin 14, May stress crack 15. Transgranuiar attack WB. Vapor 29. Agnaed _wesels Te need TaN 29 bce dew dved YB easly 27 70H ay fy gute reducing 2a, Muss ans Sot . 28, Variable 3 No sul 36, With sedan 27, Wish sogiuan saltate 3B. Stress relieve prosure 2. % Steltite Duivers 4 169 Section 4 & & Reterences and Comments for Figure 1 ‘The data points in Figure | are labeled with the reference rnombers of their sources as listed below The letter symbols in the figure refer to the comments following the references, Riverences 1 Shell Ol Campeay. private communication API Subeomnmiice on Conosinn 2. Turin Rover Bearing Company. private communication wo API Sub ompnitee on Coctoson 5. Naumane. F K.. Influence of Alloy Additions w Steel upon Resi tance le Hydogen Under High Pressure. Technische Mintesfungen Krep, 1938, Wal. 1.0. 12, pp. 233-34 44 Inglis, NP. and’ Andrews. W.. “The Etfeee on Various Steels of Hiyctogen at High Pressure and Temperature.” Journal of the Dee and Sirf Fvtue, WX3, Wal, 128, No. 2. pp. 383-97, So Cox. JL. "What Stel w Use ar Hiph Pressures snd Temperatures.” Cherival & Mealarghut Emioeerig. 1933. Vol, 40, pp. 405-9. 6, Sajurt, RJ and Midoleham. T. H..Slcels for Autorlaves.” World Power Conference. Cheaial Engineering Congress Teasurtions. Lote thon June 1986, Vol Lpp. 65-110, 7" Standard Oi! Company of California, private communication Ws API Subcommitee on Comtosnan ET du Pont de Nemours & Company privat cummoric Sobcomnmitice on Corosion, S. Animuniswerh Merscberg. private commuriction wo API Subcom ritge om Cumosion, 1938, 1 eles Pose Crp, pate communion a AP Sie IY Zaptie.C. A. “Bailes Embitement." Tronuction ef the Amen Suits of Meckarieal Enginrrs, 1944, Vol. 66.79. 81-526 12. The M, W Kellogg Company, private communication o API Sub conmitice on Corian, 13. German operating experience. private cumsmunication API Sub ‘cummiter em Corian, 1946 14 Vaneau Corporation of Ameries, private commun Sebcommiee on Corsi, $.Inieral Cherveal Indounes, Bingham, Cagland, pute cams icon AP! Sabsovnmite on Corvin 6. Evans, TC. "Hsdropen Attack oe Carbon Stee Enginrrin 46, Vol. 70. pp. 414-16 7" Nonwoy Hyatoeletric. Galo, Norway. private communication 19 APL Sabeconintie on Corrosion. IM. Union Ou! Coorpany of California, private communication te API Subcom on Coersion, 1980 TW. Ciufreda& Rand Rowland, WD. “Hydrosen Atach of Sted in Relormet Serie.” 22 Px redings, Nolome 47. pp 18-26. Amie icyn Pooleurfnsiute, Washington. B.C.» 1987 36" APL Refinery Comtsion Commitee Survey, 1957 21. i Praduts Inurporated, private commision AP] Subcom nies on Comsion. Match, 1980. 2 Gardner. G_D._ and Donovan. J. T.. “Corsion ad Exon the Syniheic Fuels Demansinain Panis.” Fransaciont of the American St eh of Mechavical Engineers. 1993. Vol. 78. pp. 325-33, 25." Amuce Oil Company. prvwe communication te APY Subcomminee for Gonos. 190) 24 Coming EW. High Prose Techy, MeGro Hi}, New Yor se 2S Hnegowe, M ion to APL on 09 APL Mechanical apd Fujinaga, §..~Anack of Hydrogen on Oil Re finery Stele.” Tet fs Megane, 1980, Vol $8. Nu €0, pp. UMO=52 26 Moore. K. L. and Sid, DB. “How to Reduce Hydroger Plan Comosien.” Hudraatinn Processing, 1968. Vol 48, No. 5. pp. 9 ee F°Urina Oil Company of Cahforna, private communication 1a APL Sebcammiiee on Corea, 1976, 2H. Armoco Ohl Company. private communication t9 APL Subcommitee fon Goneaion, 1976 29. Standard Os| Company of Califor, pevate communication 0 APL Subcommities on Consign, 1976, 30. Exxon Corporation, priate communication © API Subconmitce on Comosion. 1976. 31 Shell Of Company. prsatecommenicaion 9 API Subcommitee 09 rrasnn. 1978 Cais Service Compan, private commonication 1 API Subcommitee fon Comosion, 1976 33. Gulf Os! Corporation, private communicaion to API Subcommitiee ‘on Corasion, 1976 534. Koen Refining Company, private communication 19 API Subcom ‘ave on Corresion. 1960, fon mide ol 8 106 pipe vas found 1 beatae 10 27 percent chness afer $745 hauts. Other pices of pipe in the same line ‘wete unaffected, 1. The stick was concenuted inthe ovesheated section of 9 hot bent Steel elbow. The unheste saight pations ofthe elbow were me tacked Cone series of 29 sel samples, |2 were stacked while 17 were not D. Aer 2 years’ exposure, fine out of six pieces of carson steel pice weve atached. One pice of ie was unaffected E- rtack was concentrated inthe weld ang heat affected sections of A 1g pipe. Metal ar ether side of this aoe was unaffected F. Afier 1] year’ service attack was found ia the hot bend section of A 106 pipe. Vanes sight Sections were nt affected G. Stier 2 years sere. all pans of catom ste! pipe. including wet hea feted tones, were atic He alier 4 seats sence. weld ang heasecied Zanes of A LUO pipe showed erchs J afte 3 years” service, a Soging of 0.3C-1.3C1-0.25Mo ste) showed ‘racks 0.004 ich 0.2 rilimeten deep. A Piges of 1 25C246,25Mo ste L Afier # year) sence, 2 forging of 0.3C-1.2Cr-0.25Mo sel was uneteced M. after 4 year’ serie, 2 forging of 0.2C:1.2C-0.35Mo ste! showed rach 6.032 inch (0.8 miter deep No Ate? years: sevice, 2 foreing of ©.5C-1.$2C1-0.50Mo ste! showed £achs O80 snch (1.3 milimeiers) dep. BP. Afier 30 year’ semice, a forging of 0.30C:0.74Cr-0 43Ni steel was vratfeced (©. Aer IS sours ammonie semace, 3 pipe of O.ISC-2.28Cr1,0Mo see shoved hydrogen cF8CkS By was ced 10 8 depth of 0,012 ach (03 miinesen, Stainless sec cledding on 0SMo steel. No known hydrogen attack Alter 8 years, carbon steel racked ‘Ales 18 yeas, carton steel didnot show hydrogen attack. ‘Alles 450 days’ exposure. 1.28C.0.5Me valve bed 638 nox damsyad 9 hydrogen Uperauing Limits tor Steels in Hydrogen Service to Avoia 9 Decarburization and Fissurif’ vvonegen PARTIAL PRESSURE, UP os ttt Le i—+ I aa ‘eMPerarune.¢ of 'Stnnis tor Hyrogen Service al Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Pelrolaum Refineries ang Petrochemical Plants, APY fn 981. Third Edition May 198), Meprinted w:lh permission trom the American Petroleum institute, Washington, DG Time for Incipient Attack of Carbon Steel in Hydrogen Service VvOAOGEN SRRTIAL PRESSURE, MQ ote see a ! : 3 a | >ee 00 RT = 4 ——— a te Re A. mx Oil Company. piste ermiunistion iy APL Sutcemmiter fo Comtsinn. 19 Utd Gun Jowmnal saber 9, 1988, Vol SE. Na TH G. Neumann, F K..“Infuense of Ally Addins to Steet upon Ress B Ciuttreds. 8B. apd Rowland WD. “Hydiugen Attack of Sech — th teydrogen Lier High Prewoe,” Terdue Ait dnen Kripp. on Reloimey Senne. “APL Prnedie. Noiume pp LIA=26 Arete T93K. Wo 1. Na, 12 pp 223-8 Xu eirleum lasts, Washingon. DG 1¥S K. Mexepawe.M ~andFujimaps,§.Anuch of Hydgsn on Oi Rebs Co Zapstes C4 Bier Emini, Thanos ote A Sich tyra Po Hogan ta Vol ah Nov Hk pp 18893 et of Mec hana! Bnei. 1948, Nol th, ap hl 126 Bo Eve TC. Hedigen Atel an Cain Mes lanai La Dosen RE Jamen ® J. Rosenthal PC and Saino FH “The Rate of Inevervbie Hydrogen Mak of Stel vi Elevated Temp ring. 1884, Vol Th pp. 31416 ‘iv Piadues, Inururated. pve communication t APL Sabon 31s Yoh a pp Sri Povoleom Ine iiee ug Consan. Match. 1800 Wins 1361 [SPI Rebnery Comm Comme Sunes. 957 LC. Kaneues and Mehsana sotean Anak Sel M_ less 1 -Prowem Ste f Keowee im Respect tthe Prapemes 961 Vol TT pp lave ni Steen Resslant io Hudeopen Vader reste.” Sl wed Bisen.Auzust Deiehler 1K and Wowall. GK. “Banding aCatasw 1 198K “Figule 4 of “Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevates Tem: ‘ang Pressures in Petroleum Relineries and Pelrocherical Plants. API Publication 9¢1, Third Eaution May 1983, Repsintec with peimission trom ine American Petroleum Institute, Washing 1 & HYDROGEN SULFIDE and PHOSPHORIC ACID Hydrogen Sulfide ve Low Cr Steels Phosphoric Acid vs Type 316 Steel TEMPERATURE," 260 AREA "C 240 220 200 i 1S ARES NICKEL ALLOY TRIM FOR IN AREAS “BY °C i 125 VAWES 00 carson ste 180 FeuEvE WELDS & eo uo | | op —_---4 | 100 + | | carson sree “ 1 NO /HESE REY NECESSARY 1 Py a a —__| 40 —— — a | ° | | I Sc { 1 ~ io 70 ~ 30 ~ 40 50 FATION MAOH & EY WEIGHT 478 TEMPERATURE,"C. ZONE 1 20Cr 30Ni Gold Lead Platinum Silicon Iron Steel C antalum ZONE2 ZONE 3 18Cr BNI 20Cr 30Ni 20Cr SONI Gold Cast tron Platinum Gold Silicon Iron Lead Tantalum Platinum Silicon tron. Tantalum CORROSION RESISTANCE OF MATERIALS TO MIXED ACIDS AT ROOM TEMPERATURE 17 ‘CODE FOR MIXED ACIDS GRAPH Materials in shaded zones have reported corrosion rates of <20 mpy ZONE 4 48Cr BN 20Cr 30Ni Gold Platinum Silicon iron, Tantalum, ZONES 18Cr BNi 20Cr 20Ni Aluminum Gold Platinum Silicon ron Tantalum 100% HNO3, TEMPERATURE *F 800 SOIT ee 700 | — 600 500}~ 406 200 200 100 400 300 yoo CARBON MONOXIDE FAPTIAL PRESSURE, (B5/S@ IN 178 TEMPCRATURE,"C os CODE FOR CARBON MONOXIDE GRAPH Materials in shaded zones have reported corrosion rate <20 mpy 20NE1 ZONE 4 5Cr 0.5Mo steel 12Cr, Types 405, 410 12Cr, Types 405, £10 17Gr, Type 430 17Cr, Type 430 18Cr BNi, Types 321, 2471 18Cr 8Ni, Types 321, 347 25Cr, 20Ni, Type 310 25 G1 2ONi, Type 310 27Cr, Type 446 5Mn Bronze 5Mn Bronze Carbon Steel ZONE2 12Cr Steel, Tyne 405, 410 ZONES 17Cr Steel, Type 430 5Cr 0.6Mo 27Cr Steel, Type 446 12Cr, Types 405, 410 18Cr BNI, Types 321, 347 17Cx, Type 430 25Cr 20Ni Steel, Type 310 18Cr ON, Types 321, 347! 59% Mongonese Bronze 25Cr 20Ni, Type 310 27Cr, Type 446 ZONE3 &Min Bronze 18Cr BNi, Types 321, 347 Carbon Stee! 25Cr 20Ni, Type 310 27Cr, Type 446 Mn Bronze 2, (Rel Techoial Os Reel 87, Bog 3979, tem 115, Pages 1648. 18607 473 Soe ey > 3 “A . - =a L > Lys y yy Es 0 yy @ CODE FOR HYDROCHLORIC ACID GRAPH Materials in shaded zones have reported corrosion rates of <20 mpy ZONE 1 ZONE 3 20Cr 30Ni? 62Ni 28Mot 66Ni 32Cu? Molybdenum 62Ni 28M0 Platinum Copper? Silver Nickel? Tantalum Platinum Zirconium Silicon bronze? Silicon cast iron? Silver ZONE 4 Tantalum 66Ni 32Cur Titanium? 62Ni 28Mos Tungsten Platinum Zirconium Silver Tantalum Tungsten ZONE 2 Zirconiurn 62Ni 32Cu Molybdenum Platinum ZONES Silicon bronze? 62Ni 28Mo! Silicon cast iron? Piatinum, Silver Silver Tantalum Tantalum Zirconium . Zirconium uns 9 28 ce TEMPERATURESF \ tT T ~ a T ~ Cc Poy) ty] | | | | | ' j | | 4 250} -— +. |_| | _ t ob “101 sbume ros | 30 40 50 CONCENTRATION HFS _ 182 CODE FOR HYDROFLUORIC ACID GRAPH Materials in shaded zone have reported corrosion rate of <20 mpy ZONE 1 20Cr 30 Ni 25Cr 20Ni Steel 70Cu 30Ni* 66Ni 32Cu! S4Ni 18Cr 16Mo Copper! Gold iad! Nickel Nickel cast iron Platinum Silver ZONE 2 20Cr 30Ni 70Cu 30Ni" SANi 18¢r 16M 66Ni 32Cu! Copper! Gold Lead! Nickel Platinum Silver ZONE3 20Cr 30Ni 70Cu 30 Ni? S4Ni 15Cr 16Mo 66Ni 32Cu! Copper! Gold Lead! Platinum Silver ZONE 4 70Cu 30Ni! 66Ni 32Cu! S4Ni 15Cr 16Mo Copper Gold Lead? tatinum Silver ZONES 70Cu 30Ni' 66Ni 32Cut SANi 15Cr 16Mo. Gold Lead? Platinum, Silver ZONES 66Ni 32Cut S4Ni 15Cr 16Mo. Gold Platinum Silver ZONE? 66Ni 32Cu! BAN 1Cr 16Mo Carbon steel Gold Platinum Silver 300 5. SuNAvSaWN3L g AVOID HASTELLOY 8 AND D IN THIS RANGE AT BOWLING FQINT Zz - 9. $ z ° 8 8 8 3 8 g saunivesaw 3 TER KoWe CONCENTRATION | PERCENT ZONE 1 20Cr 30Ni 66Ni 32Cu! 62Ni 28Mo Type 316° Al bronze 10%! Copper’ Gold Lead Molybdenum Nickel cast iron Platinum Silver Tantalum Zirconium ZONE 2 20Cr 30Ni3 68Ni 32Cu' 62Ni 28Mo Type 316° Al bronze 10%! pert Gold Lead Motybdenum Nickel cast ironé Platinum | CODE FOR SULFURIC ACID GRAPH Materials in shaded zones have ZONE 3 20Cr 30Ni> 66Ni 32Cu! 62Ni 28Mo Gold Lead Molybdenum Platinum Silicon iron Tantalum Zirconium Siticon cast ir Silver Tantalum Zirconium on sented a 25 ¢ reported corrosion rate <20 mpy ZONE& 20Cr 30Ni 62Ni 28Mo Type 316” Gold Lead® Nicke! cast iron Platinum Silicon iron Steel Tantalum Zirconiumt ZONES 20Cr 30Ni? 62Ni 28Mo Gold Lead® Platinum Silicon iron Tantalum ZONE 6 62Ni 28Mo!° Gold Platinum. Silicon iron Tantalum 2ONE7 Gold Platinum. Silicon iron Tantalum ZONE® 20Cr 30Ni 18Cr BNi SANT 18¢r 16Mt0 Goid Platinum Steel ZONE 9 20Cr 30Ni 8Cr BNI Gold Platinum ZONE 10 Gold * Platinum Sera Acetaldehyde, 24 Acetamide, 22 Acetenalice, 23 ‘Acetic acid erated, 24 nomaerated, 25 vapor, 26 Acetic enhyatride, 27 Acetic ester (see ethyl acetate) Acetoacetic acid, 28 ‘Acetone, 29 ‘Acetone cyanohyatin, 240 Acetonitrile, 291 Acetoparatolyidine, 212 ‘Acetophenetidine, 2-13 Acetophenone, 214 Acetototuicine, 248 Acetyl acetone, 216 Acetyl chloride, &1 Acetylene, 42 Acetylene dichloride (see dichloroethylene) Acetylene tetrachloride, 43 Acetylenogen (see calcium carbide) Acetyl formic acic (see pyruvic acig) Acety! oxide (see acetic anhydride) Acetylpropionic acid (see Jevulinic acigh Acety! salloyolic achd, 44 2Acety! thiophene, 45 Aconitl acid, 48 Acridine, 4.7 Acrolein, 48 Acrylaldenyde (see crolein) Aorylic acid, 49 Acrylonitfile, 4.10 Adipio acid, 411 Aldehyde (see acetaldehyde) Aliphatic alcohol sulfonates, 412 Akane (see dodecyl benzene) ikane gullonic acia, 4.13, Alkylaryl sulfonates, 414 ‘kyl poranes, 415 Alky! pheno}, 416 Alkylnapnthalene sulfonic acig, 64 Allyl cota, 62 Allyl algehyde (see acrolein) Allyl smine. 63 Allyl bromise, 136-1 Ally! chiorie, 64 Allylisene diacetate, 65 Aly! sullide, 66 ‘Alpha hydroxytoluene (see benz alcono) Alphagenty! cinnamaldehyde (see amy! cinnamic aldehyde} Aluminum acetate, 6.7 chiosate, 68 chlotide, 69 difermate, 6-10 emyiate, 617 fiyorice, 6-12 siuorosilicate, 613, 1382 SUBJECT INDEX brydrovide, 14 nitrate, 615 oxalate, 1983, potassium sulfate, 616 stearate, 198-4 sulfate, &1 Amino. amthraguinone, 82 benzene, 83 benzene sulfonic acid, bbenaaie act, 85, ethane (See etry! amina) ‘ethanol (see triethylamine) * + carbon dioxide, 87 * 4 hydrogen sullice, 6S "4 OD, + S68 alicyclic acid, 6-12 phenols, 810 pyridine, 8-11 toluene (see benzy! amine) Armonia (anhydrous), &42 ‘Ammonium acetate, E14 arsenate, 1985 azide, 136-6 benzoate, 137 bicarbonate, 615 bifuoride, 616 biphosphate, 10-1 bigustite, 102 borate, 1388 bromide, 103 carvamate, 104 carbonate, 10:5 chloride, 106 citrate, 107 dichromate, 108 fuorige, 109 fiyorositicate, 100 formate, 10-11 hydroxide, 10-12 iodioe, 1388 lactate, 136-9 molybdate, 1043, nitrate, 10-14 oxalate, 1045, peichiorate, 1048 persulfate, 12-1 phosphate, 12-2 picrete, 123 polysulfide, 12-4 salicylate, 125 sullamate, 128 sulfate, 127 sulfide, 128 sulfile, 129 thiocyanate, 1210 Inionlyeotete, 189-1 thiosulfate, 12.41 tungstate, 1212 Amyl acetate, 1243 alcohol 12-44 chiorige, 12.18 cinnaric-aldehyde, 12.48 187 hydride (see pentane) laureate, 14-4 mercaptan, 142 nitrate, 1433 phenols, 144 Prorionate, 145 valerate, 146 Aniline, 187 Aniline hydrochlonde, 148 Anisoie, 169) ‘Anthracene, 1240 ‘Anthracene chloride, 1411 Anthvaalic acid, 1202 Anthraquinone, 14:12 Antraquinone disultonic acids, 14-19, Antichior (see sodium thiosulfate) Antimony entachioride, 14-14 pontaluoride, 1615 sulfate, 14-16 wichlorise, 164 trifluoride, 162 ‘Aqua regia, 163, Arachadiec acid, 184 Aragonite (see calcium carbonate) Arsenic acid, 165 isulfige, 139.4 pentoxide & 62% sulfuric, 1398 IWichloside, 166 eiosultide, 1305 trioxide, 167 Ascorbic acid, 168 Aspattic acid, 189 Aziridine (see ethylene imine) Zobenzene, 18:10 Bariue ‘chlorate, 18-1 chloride, 182 ‘eyanie, 183 hydroxide, 18.4 niteate, 185 Peroxide, 188 polysullides, 187 sulfate, 188 sulfide, 188 Beer, 1396 Benzaldenyde, 1810 Benzamice, 18-11 Benzainrane (see benzy! benzoate) Benzene, 16.12 Benzene herachiorice Benzene sulfonic ati, Benzidene, 1815 Benailic acid, 1816 Benzcic acid, 201 Benzole anhydride, 202 Benzoin, 203 Benzonisie, 204 Benzophenone, 205 Benzotricnlorige, 206 Senzotritluonide, 207 Benzoyl benzoic acid, 206 Benzoyl chloride, 209 Benzoyl peroxide, 20-10 Benzyl acetate, 2017 alconol, 2012 amine, 20.13 benzoate, 20:14 promice, 20.15 chloride, 20-16 dichloride, 22-1 phenol, 22:2 salicylate, 22-9 Berrylium chloride, 224 Berryium fluoride, 225 Borrylium oxide, 1397 Berrylium sulfate, 22.8 Belametnylacrotein (see crotonaldehyde) Belamethacrylic acid see crotonic 2ci¢} Bismuth sudcarbonate, 1338 Bismuth nitrate, 139.9 Boric acid, 227 Bornyl acetate, 228 Beanyl chloride, 229 Bornyi formate, 2210 Borom trichloride, 22.11 Bromic acid, 22-412 Bromine—ary, 2243, Bromine—wel, 22-14 Bromine trifluorige, 2245 Bromobenzene, 22.18 Eromobenzyl cyanide, 138-40 Bromochloromethane, 24:1 Bromochloropropane, 24-2 Bromoform, 243 Bromoisovaleryl ures, 140-1 Bromotoluene, 24-4 Butadiene, 245 Butane, 266 Butanediols, 247 Butanol, 248 Buty! acetete, 249 ‘amine, 2410 benzoate, 26-11 benzoic acid, 1402 butyrate, 2412 Chloride, 26-13 lactate, 24.14 mercaptan, 2415 methacrylate, 24-16 phenols, 26 stearale, 22 Sutyraldetyde, 263 Bulyeic acid, 26-4 Butyrie anhyetride, 265, Butyrolactore, 266 Buiyryl enlonde, 267 c Cadmium chloride, 284 Caamium sulfate, 282 Cadmium suitide, 263 Csleium acetate, 2.4 arsenate, 285 beraoate, 266 bisulfite, 287 bromide, 288 carbide, 209 carbonate, 2810 chlorate, 28-41 chiorice, 28:12 chromate, 28.13 ‘cyanamide, 140-3 cyanide, 140-4 fluoride, 2816 ‘gluconate, 28-15 yorioe, 2898 hycrosultide, 1405 hysroxide, 3041 hypochlorite, 20-2 lactate, 303 naphthenate, 30-4 nitrate, 305 oxalate, 306 oxide, 207 permanganate, 30-8 peroxide, 1406 phenosulfate, 140.7 phosphate, 30-9 propionate, 140.8 pyridine sulfonate, 1208 stearate, 30-10 sulfate, 9047 sulfide, 30-412 sulfite, 3043 thiocyanate, 20-14 Camphene, 30-15 Camnphor, 3046 Camphoric acid, 324 Capric acia, 322 Caproaidehyde, 32-3 Capsicin, 32.4 Carrazoia, 25 Casbito (see diethylene glycol) Carbon ésultige, 3 Garton flyordes, 32-7 Carbonie acid - varbon dioxice, 228 Carbon ‘monoxie, 22.8 tetrabromide, 32-10 tetrachloride, 32-11, Carmatite, 324 Carotene, 32.13 Gasein, 3214 Cellulose acetate, 32-18 acetate butyrate, $2.16 ‘methyl ether, 241 nivate, 342 Gerous chioride, 140-40 Gerous fluoride, 141-1 Corous sulfate, 141-2 Cesium chloride, 343 Gosium hydroxide, 34-4 Getyi alconol, 248 Ghaulmoogre acid, 346 Chioval, 247 Chioramines, 348 Chioramphenicol, 349 Ghioranil, 34-70 Grloraane, 34:17 Ghlesie acid, 34-12 Chlorine, 24°13 Ghlorine dioxide, 94-14 Chlorine Wifluoride, 2498 Chloracsialdehyce, 34.16 Chioracetic acid (mono), 364 188 Chioracetone, 36:2 Chioracelytchioride, 36:3 ‘Chioroalkyl ethers, 36-4 Chiotoamino benzoic acid, 365 Chioroanitines, 365 Chiotobenzaldohyae, 36-7 Chlorobenzene, 68 Chlorobenzene 60%, chloral 40 Chiorobenzotritluoriges, 389 Chiorobenzoy! chiorice, +414 Chloroditluoroethane, 36:10 Chioroditivorometna 361 Chioroethyl benzene, 35:12 Chloroform, 36-13 Chiorohydrin, 3614 Chioronaphthalene, 35-15, Chloronitrobenzene, 36-18 ‘Ghlorophenohydroxy acetic acid. 384 CChiccophenols, 38:2 Chioropierin, 38.3, 1415 Chioroprene, 38-4 Chloroquine, 355 Chiotosiianes, 38.6 Chiorosuttonie acid, 387 Chlorotoluene sulfonic acie, 38.8 Chlorotoluidines, 38.9 Ghlorotritluoroethyiene {CTF}, 38:°0 Chiorotritluoromethane, 38-11 Chloroxylenol, 38-12 Cholesterot, 3813 Chromic ‘acid, 3814 Chlotide, 38-15 ‘loride, 38-16 hydroxice, 40-1 nitrate, 402 phosphate, 403 sulfate, 40-4 Chromium potassium sultate, 40-5 Chromyl chlorige, 408 Ginnainic acid, 141 Cinnamic hol, 4-7 Cinnamic aldehyce, 408 ~ Citric acid, 409 Coal gas, 40-10 Cobalt acetate, 4011 Covaltous lincieate, 40:12 Cobaltous sullate, 141-7 Codeine sults, 40-13 God liver ot, 40-14 Conifer, 40-18, Gopal, 4016 Copper acetate, 221 Copper ainmonium acetate, 422 Copper carbonate, 423 Copper gluconate, 141-8 119 Conber naphthens Copper nite, «24 ‘Copper sulfate, 425 Copper Sullate 8 5% H,80,, 428 Crecsote, 427 Greosol, 428 Grotonaldehyce, 42:9 Grotonic acia, 42:10 Cumaldehyae, 42.11 Cumene, 4212 Gumene hydroperoxide, 4243, Cuprie ehlorise, 42-14 Cuprie cyanide, 42-15 ‘Guprous chloride, 42:16 Gyanamide, 44:1 1at3 Groce Srsconrs Shrove sis Srentre Greeny 03 D Dextrose, 46 Diacetone alcohol, 46.2 Diallyl phthalate, 453 Diamy! ether, 46-4 Dibenzo furan (see dipnenyiene oxice) Dibenzy!, 465 —Didenzyl ether, 466 A >ioutyi amines, 46.7 ether, 46-8 phthalate, 469 sebacate, 142-1 sulfate, 1422 thiourea, 46:10 Dichlorcacetic acid, 1423 Dichlorobenzene, 46-11 Dichlorobutate, 46-12 Dichlorobutene, 46-13 Dichlorodifluorsmethane, 46-14 DOT, 46.15 Dichloroethytene, 26-16 Dichioroethyfetner, 481 Dichlorotydrin, 482 Dichlorophenol, 483 Dichloropropene, 40-¢ Dichlorotetratiuoroethsne, 48.5 Dielarin, 436 Diethanolamine, 487 Diethenolamine « 1,8. 488 Yietnanolamine + HS + CO; 489 Dietnylamine, 46-10, Diethyl anitine dimetny! aniline, 4811 Dietnylearponate, 142-4 Dietnylene glycol, 48:12 Diethylene triamine, 283 Dietnyletner, 48-14 Disthyiphinatate, 48:15 Dilluoroetnane. 28 16 Diglycotie atic, 307 Diglycoie acic dibuiylesier 902 Dinyoroxy dipeny! sultone. 503 Diisobuty! aluminum chlonae, 1425 Diisobuty! carbinol, 50-4 Diisobuty! Kenione, 50-5 Bimatny! amine. 506 Bimetny\ chloraceto acetamae, 1426 Dimetny! ether, $07 Dimethyl formanaive, $08 Dimasnyi hexane. $08 Dimesnyl jung) nydrazine = Pysrazine 50-50%, 1427 Cimetny! nydrazing ursemmerncal. 80-10 Bimetnyl sults. 122 @ Dinitrocnlorabenzene. 3017 Diocty! onthalate, 50:12 Dioxane, $0-13 Dioxigine, 50.14 Dipentens, 50-15 Dipenyl, $0.36 Diphenylamine, 62-1 Diphenyleng oxice (dibenzo‘utan), Dipeny! oxide, 52.3 Diphenyl propane, 524 Dodecy! benzene, §25 E Epichlorohyarin, 64-1 Ethane, 56:2 Ethanol, 54:3 Ethyl acetate, 54-4 acetoacetate (see acetoacetic ester) acgloacetate, 545 acrylate, 548 alcohol (see etnanal) amine, 547 benzene, 548 benzoate, 54-9 bromide, 5410 butyrate, 54-11 chloride anhydrous, S412 chloride moist, 54-13 formate, 56:13 malonate, 55-15 mercaptan, 56-16 nitrite, 58-4 pelargonite, 582 propionate, £83 Silicate, 58-4 stearate, 585, valerate, 586 Ethylene, 5414 Ethylene ‘chioronyerin, 5445, cyonohydrin, 54.16 diamene, 56.1 iamene hyarechiorine, 62 sibromige, 56.9 ichioride, 96-4 Gichioride & steam, 535 alycol, 55.6 ‘Shyeo! dibutyl ether, 56.7 Blyeo! menobuty! ether, $68 g!ye0l monomethylscetate ether, 669 ‘dlyco! monoetnyiether, 5670 mine, 56-77 ones, 88:12 Einyuaene chiorise, $6.16 Fats, netural, 60-4 Ferrie Cchiorige, 602 ferrocyanise, 1429 byaroxide, 603 nitrate, 04 sulfate, 605 Ferous ammonium citrate, 42-19, ammonium suilate 656 189 chloride, 60-7 \ iodide, 143-1 sulfate, 608 Fluoborie acid, 60-9 Fluorine gas, 610 Elvorine liquid, 60-11 Fluosilicie acid, 60-12 Formaldehyde, 60-13 Formanide, 60.14 Formic acid, 60-15 Furfural, 60.16 Furtural alcohol, 621, Gallic acid, 641 Gelatin, 642 Giuconic acid, 643 Giutanic acia, 64-4 Glycero}, 648 Glycerol + NaCl, 645 Glycerolmonochlorohydrin, 1432 Giycerophosphoric acid, 64-7 Giycidot, 648 Giyorylic acid, 669 Gold cyanide plating solution, 1433 Gusnidine nitrate, 64.10 Heptachior, 6-1 Heptaldehyde, 662 Heptane, 663 Hevachlorobutacions, £64 Herachloreethane, 665, Hoxachloropontadiane, 666 Hesaethyltevaphosphale, 057 Hesativoronyione, 668 Hecamethyene clammanium aivate, 8 Heramethyiene tetiaming, 6510 Hevane, 611 Heraneiio, 652 Hevanol, 66.19 Henylene ghcol, 66-14 Hyérazine, 9535 Hydtoebetyt alcohol, 618 Hydrobeome act 681 Hyaracaten woes, 68.2 Hyorochionc sca aerated, 660 Cooshieng su ns) #eateh, 682 Ayorocyame ac, 65 cravat acd feeral), 626 Hygrotlvone acl (ot aerated) 667 Hydrogen, 688 Ryarogen "Gnloride anhydrous), 629 fysrise onrysrousy 6810 peronide, B11 Siti lanbyerous, 6812 Sue. 6873 vydionte #03, 6814 Ejorocuisone, 65.13 Hyaroxyacene sed, 6816 eeSteryervoneta, TO hlorous seid, 702 anaemiie mene tn 6 Indole, 72° loging, 722 Idotorm, 72-3 Iron potassium sulfate, 72-4 Iron sullamate, 1434 Isoamyl, 725 Isoamy! buiyrate, 726 iseborneal acetate, 727 Isoborneal ester, 728 ieobuty! acetate, 72.9 chloride, 72-10 glycol, 7211 oxide, 72-12 ‘soWvalerale, 7243, phosphate, 72-14 Isobutylene chlorohydrin, 1495 Isooutycie acid, 1436 Jsochotyl chloride, 72.15 Isododecane, 72-18 Isophorone, 76+ Isopropanol, 76-2 Ssopropanyl acetate, 763 Isopropyl acetate, 76-4 Isopropyl 2 chloroettiy! sulfite, 76-5 Isopropyl chloride, 766 Isopropyl amine, 767 Isopropyl nitrate, 1237 sovaleric acid, 768 Lactic acid, 741 Laurie acid, 742 Laur! alechol, 74-3 ead acetate, 744 arsenate, 74.5 bromide, 72 carbonate, 747 chloride, 74-8 chiomate, 749 dioxide, 74.10 tlyostlicate 4 65% HySiFe + 69% PDSiF, 1438 linoleate, 74-11 rnaphthenate, 143 nivrate, 7412 oxide, 74-13 pathalate, 1430 salicylate, 140-1 stearate, 1442 sullate, 7414 sulfide, 7418 tetraacetate, 1449 trinitroresercinate, 74.16 Levulinie acto, 782 Linaly! acetate, 1444 Linseed oil, 783 Cithium benzoate, 1445 promise, 1445 carbonate, 784 chloride, 785 hydroxide, 786 hypochlorite, 787 salicylate, 1447 sulfate, 768 LUnepone. 76-8 Magnesium gluconate, 1448 lscerophosphat hypaphosphite, 144-10 perchlorate, 1454 Manganese carbonate, 1452 cohlarice, 80-1 dioxide, 802 Yinoleate, 1453 raphinenate, 1454 sulfate, 803) ‘Aanniol. 80-4 Mercaptains, 805 Mercurie acelate, 1455 chloride, B68 cyanide, 807 iodine, 808 irate, 808 sulfate, 1455 sutfste, 1458 Mercury, 80-10 Merso! sulfonic acid, 80-11 Mesity!exide, 80-12 Metalcehyae, 80-73 Methacrylie acid, 145-7 Methaily! amine, 8-14 Methelly| chloride, 2018 Metnane, B16 Methyl abiatate, 1458 sonylate, 1459 amyl acetate, 145-10 cethy! Ketone, 82-1 ethyl oleate, 822 formate, 823 locige, 82-4 jgobutyl carbinol, 82.5 isobulyl Kentone, 826 isovalerate, 827 lactate, 14641 methacrylate, 1462 pentadiene, €28 propionate, 1463 salicylate, 1464 sulfuric acid, 829 valerate, 82-10 wih, 8215 Mixed acids, H,S0, & HNOs, 2.12 Molasses, 62.13 Monoaliyi phthalate, 2.14 Monachlorobutene, &2-15 Monosthanolamine, 82-76 Monomethy! hyatazine, 146 Mononitrotolvene, 84-1 Morpholine, 8&2 epins, 6641 Naphinatene, 862 Naphthalene chloride, 66:3 Naphthalene sulfonic acid, 86-4 aphthslene acid. 26:5 Naphthals, 066 Naphihenic atids. 145-5, pninenic acigs 146.6 Nepnihequiactine. §& 190 wlapneryamine + sulpic ace, 868 Nickel acetate, 467 ‘ammonium sulfate, 869 niavice, 8510 nitrate, 8541 sulfate, 8612 Wicotene, 1468 Nite 2i6, 813 25-35% + 515 ppm chlorides, 1469 red fuming, 86-14 white fuming, 8645 Nitric + hydrofluoric ac Nitroaniines, 8-1 Nitroberzene, 862 Nitroaipheryl ether, 883 itroethane, 884 Nittolluerobenzene, 8&5 Nitrogen tetoxide + <0.1% watet, 66 Ytreges Wecovide + > 10% water, 887 Nitroglycerine, 8&6 Nitroisapropy! benzenes, 889 Nitrometnane, 8840 Nitrophenots, 6811 Nitropropane, 88-12 Nitrosy! onioride, 88:3 Nitrosulfutic acid, 8814 Nitrotolvenes, 88:5 Nitrous acd, 8-16 Nitrous orice, 90-1 Mitvonyiene, 146-10 8616 ° ety! acetate, 82-1 Ccty! alcohols, 922 ety! chloride, 923 Oleic acid, 924 Osthotoluidine, 225 Oxalic acid, 926 P Palamiticacia, $41 Paratormaidenyde, 42 Parelachyde, $43 Parathion, 94-4 Penicillin nutrient, 47 Pentachloroethane, 948 Pentachloroethylene, 966 Pentachiorophenol, $47 Bemaeryinita, 968 Pentane, 969 Peracetic acid, 147-2 Perchloric acid, 9410 Perehioroetnylene, 9417 Berchiory fivorize, 9472 Permanganic acid, 1473 Persulturic acid. 94413 Phenethy! alcohol, 94-14 Phenol, 24.18 Phenol + 35% sulfurle acig. 147-4 ehenol2-4 Gisullonic ac, 94-16 Phenot sulforie 30'3, 957 Phenyl acetic acid. 982 slyoine, 127-5 hyorazine, 963 hydiazine hydrochloride, 96-4 sreieuns acetate. 365

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