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Beginner Conversations Topic: Driving Part 1


Amy: In this conversation, we are going to talk about what it's like to get your license in
North America to be able to drive a car. Specifically, what you have to do to get a
driver's license1 in Canada, because that's where we're from. So, what is the first step?

Curtis: Studying the book that you get with all the rules of the road2 in it before you do
your written test3.

Amy: That's right. So you need to study all of the traffic rules4 that are in this book so
that when you're on the road5 in your car, you're able to act the same way that the other
drivers act, so everybody knows which direction people are going and they're able to
avoid accidents and keep things safe6. So after you pass that test, what's the next thing?

Curtis: You get into a car with somebody who has a driver's license and who has some
experience and then you get to practice with them.

Amy: That's right. It's like supervised7 driving. You do not have a license where you can
drive on your own8, you need to use this period to practice your driving skills9, to
prepare you for the next test.

Curtis: Right.

Amy: So the next test is the road test10 and this is where you go out with somebody who
evaluates11 if you are ready to drive on your own without supervision.

Curtis: An instructor12.

Amy: An instructor that is testing you and paying attention to errors that you might make.
So you can't make very many errors, otherwise you'll fail the test and you need to do the
exam again. In Canada, we have a period where, after you pass your road test, you still
have a limited license and you're not able to, for example, you can't have a speeding
ticket13 or get a traffic fine14.

Curtis: Right.

Amy: And you can only have one other person in the vehicle with you, and I think it's for
a year or something like that. In the United States, I'm not sure, but after you do your
final road test, you are finally able to drive on your own and you don't have to have any
of these rules with limitations.

Curtis: You get a Class 5 license15.

Amy: That's right, we call it a Class 5 license.

© 2017 Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies
Vocabulary Examples, Explanations and Images

driver's license1 – (image) an official document that gives a person permission to drive a
 Jane got her driver’s license last week and now she can finally drive a car.

rules of the road2 – (image) the rules for to traffic and the other drivers on the road.
 You need to follow the rules of the road to be safe and avoid car accidents.

written test3 – (image) a test to prove you are knowledgeable of a certain topic.
 The students had a written test yesterday, and another one today.
 The class was silent during the written test.

traffic rules4 – the rules that drivers have to follow while driving.
 The bus didn’t follow the traffic rules, so it hit a car in the intersection.
 The police will stop you if you break any traffic rules.

on the road5 – (image) to drive

 I love being on the road, driving is very relaxing for me.
 You need to be very careful on the road, it was snowing today.

keep things safe6 – to make sure everything is safe, that nothing goes wrong
 Lisa removed all the glass bottles from the shelf to keep things safe.

supervised7 – (image) when something is watched to make sure everything goes well
 The kids are supervised by the teacher in their classes.

on your own8 – to do something alone or independently, without anyone telling you what
to do.
 Juan was learning English on his own.
 You need to do things on your own, you can’t always ask for help,

driving skills9 – (image) how good a person’s skills are when they drive
 I love being on the road with Dana, she has great driving skills.

road test10 – (image) a test that you take in a car to see if you know the rules and you
have the skills to safely drive a car.
 I took my road test yesterday, and I passed!
 Taking the road test is necessary to get a driver’s license.

evaluates11 – to think about something in detail. A situation, circumstance or product,

for example
 We need to evaluate our approach to business.
 I will evaluate the best person to hire for the job.
instructor12 – (image) a person who teaches people practical skills
 Last week, we went skiing with an instructor.

speeding ticket13 – (image) a fine or fee that has to be paid because a vehicle was driving
too fast.
 I was driving too fast through the town, so I got a speeding ticket.
 The police officer gave me a speeding ticket for going too fast.

traffic fine14 – (image) a fine or fee that has to be paid because a driver did not follow the
traffic rules.
 I got a traffic fine yesterday for going through red light.

Class 5 license15 – (image) a category of driver’s license in Canada.

 Chris finally got this Class 5 license, now he can finally drive on his own.

Speaking and Listening Practice Questions

Listen to the audio track in this lesson and answer the questions to practice using the
vocabulary. You will hear a pause after the question is asked with time for you to answer.
Then you will hear each answer. Repeat the answers after you hear them.

Q: Are we talking about getting a driver’s licence?

 Yes, we are talking about getting a drivers licence.

Q: What is the first step to get a licence?

 The first step is to study the rules of the road.

Q: How do you learn the rules?

 You have to study a book with all the rules.
 There is a book with all the rules.

Q: Why do you need to know these rules?

 So that you can drive safely.
 So that you act the same way as other drivers.

Q: Who can teach you to drive?

 Someone with a driver’s license can teach you.
 Anyone with a driver’s license can teach you.

© 2017 Amy Whitney & Curtis Davies
Q: After you practice driving, what is the next step?
 The next step is taking a road test.
 You need to take your road test.

Q: Who decides if you pass your road test?

 The instructor decides if you pass your road test.
 The instructor will decide.

Q: How can you fail your road test?

 You can fail if you make too many errors.
 Too many errors can cause you to fail.

Q: What happens if you pass your road test?

 If you pass your test you get a limited license.
 You receive a limited license for 1 year.

Q: If you get a speeding ticket, what happens?

 If you get a speeding ticket, you lose your license.
 You lose your license.

Q: Is there a final road test too?

 Yes, there is a final road test.
 Yes, you have to pass one final road test.

Open Questions for Speaking Practice

An important part of improving your speaking skills is to try to create your own answer
and sentences. Try answering each of these questions below the best that you can. Use
full sentences.

1. Do you have a driver’s license?

2. What tests do you take to get a driver’s license in your country?

3. What is an example of a traffic rule?

4. How do people drive where you live? (good or bad?)

5. If you fail the driving test, what do you have to do?

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