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Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 2

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 3 Prologue LOCATION: Octanus System, aboard prison ship SOLARIIS on route to planet VULCAN. TIME: 2:17 AM DATE: 22nd of July, 2834.AD

Security protocols are activated and online. Containment field activated. Prisoner 80125 is locked down, initiating freeze burn synchronization in thirty seconds. The ships A.I voice was synthesized and smooth. Officer Bennett stared out of the main window that looked down upon the giant room. Eight heavily armed prison guards lined the walls inside the locked down chamber. Their tactical suits made them look like large odd aliens, their oxygen helmets made their appearance just that little more frightening.

I see everything is in order Mr. Bennett. Officer Bennetts attention was now focused to the main doorway. The automatic doors hissed closed, emerging from it, a large man entered into the main control room, his posture straight and lean. His uniform smoothed and ironed to perfection, it was obvious that he wore it with great pride. It was the captain and warden of the ship. Yes sir, Talia has now activated the freeze burn. She will be sleeping soundly until our arrival to the facility. The warden stood next to Officer Bennett, staring coldly out at their precious prisoner, their cargo. Good. No one enters the chamber, understand? The warden still did not make eye contact with Officer Bennett.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 4 This chamber is strictly off limits. I understand sir. Officer Bennett replied intently. They both watched as prisoner 80125 went into cold freeze; her eyes stared back at them, her blue eyes burning into theirs. She gave a slight smirk as the large metal cover closed on her containment tube. The warden then exited the control room. I want updates of her neural network patterns. Officer Bennett turned his head to listen on. I want to know what she is thinking and dreaming about. The warden then saluted the two guards positioned on either side of the door and briskly exited the room. The door gave a clean hiss while it closed. Officer Bennett exhaled deeply and crossed his arms. I hope we know what weve got ourselves into.

The containment tubes metal door closed with a heavy clunk. Followed by a large blue force field that materialized around the containment tube, it gave off a slight humming sound. Talia, the ships A.I confirmed the lock down sequence. Final lock down procedure COMPLETE. Prisoner 80125 is secure. Thank you Talia. Officer Bennett took one final look at the containment tube, and left the room. A holographic I.D badge was suspended two inches on the main containment tubes door. It read the following:


Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 5 PRISONER 80125 E.D.E.N

Chapter One Breaking and Entering

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 6 LOCATION: Octanus System, aboard Mercenary ship UNKNOWN IDENTIFICATION MISSION LOG: [Mercenary Agent, KANE] TIME: 2:27 AM DATE: 22nd of July, 2834.AD

The blacked out ship glided through the quiet emptiness of space. No sound. No lights. They were going in dark, a stealth move performed by all mercenaries. Of course, not all mercenary ships had the technology of having signal blocking systems installed on their ships. They could still be picked up on the Solariiss tracking beacons. But they had other plans. Mostly all Federal Alliance ships had technology to be able to scan for life forms within other ships, meaning that the Solariis could pick up their heat signatures. Okay, in about one minute we will be in full range of their beacon scanners. They will ask for our identification tag. On this moment I want you all to be ready to make the jump. Kane cocked his battle 9R rifle, it clicked into position. He looked at his team. They were ready and able. Stern hard looks on the faces told Kane that they were determined to complete their mission. After all, this entire mission was paying them at least 4.5 million credits each. Sir, exactly how much do we know about our target of interest? A younger looking mercenary stood forward, grasping the holding bar with his other hand. All you need to know is that our mission is to retrieve prisoner 80125 also known has Eden. She is a high priority package. Whatever stories, news or rumors you have heard about her, ignore them. If you have a problem with this mission then I suggest you keep it to yourself. But Kane knew everything about Eden. If his team knew the specific details then there was a

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 7 chance half would back out. But the payment seemed to help them stay. The young mercenary swallowed hard and stood back with his other team mates. Kirk stepped forth and approached Kane who was prepping is gear. His build was a little larger then Kanes. Its a lot of money for one target, sir. Kirk said softly to Kane, so as the others could not hear their conversation. His voice was deep and low. Kane turned and faced Kirk, he continued. I mean this has to be above a high value target. 4.5 million credits each? Why is this girl worth so much to the organization? Kane gave a slight chuckle. I knew one of you would question this mission. And how did I know it would be you? Kirk stood straight, his eyes locked on Kanes. Kane ushered Kirk over away from the other mercs, leading him into a small corridor. So you want to know what youre getting yourself into. Kane said with a stern, hard look. Kirk began to feel considerably uncomfortable. Of course Kirk said bluntly. Were being sent in under strict orders to retrieve Eden, and deliver her back to her rightful place, which is within the arms of the Organization. Kirk looked at Kane with his cold eyes. Kane continued. Eden is not exactly a humanshe is an experimental weapon designed to be the ultimate killing machine. She is an android, but with unbelievable intelligence and strength. Shes under warrant by the Federal Alliance to be exterminatedkilled. What exactly happened? Kirk said in wonderment.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 8 I dont really know, I was never told. But apparently she was working with a group of assassins on a mission and she went a little crazy, ended up killing them all, plus the target. She was arrested and captured and put under lockdown. Category 10, I believe. Why does the organization want her back? Kane held his fingers to his ear piece; the pilot notified him that they were in range of the Solariiss tracking beacons. Kane acknowledged and took one final look and Kirk. Because shes a defective product, they dont want her to become a diplomatic problem. The Federal Alliance wasnt meant to know about her. Shes only a prototype. Kane patted Kirk on the soldier and briskly walked back into the main cargo area, where the rest of his mercenaries waited. He stood on top of a small crate and addressed his men. Kirk stood in the corridors entrance. Okay we are now in the Solariiss beacon range. Im going to quickly go over the mission. Our primary objective is to break into deck A, we will then proceed and make our way into the containment chamber A holographic image of the Solariiss blueprints projected itself from the roof of the ship. The room was filled with a blue light, casting harsh shadows onto the mens faces. Eden was located on the top deck of the Solariis. Our secondary objective is to destroy the Solariiss security network. Otherwise we will be torn apart by their sentry gun and bots. Thats why I am splitting you into two teams. Team Alpha will hit A deck and infiltrate the containment chamber. Team Bravo will focus on shutting down the security systems. Kirk you will be in charge of that. I will focus on the containment chamber. Once you have completed your objectives, rendezvous at lifeboat deck 3. Stay on com channel 2 Kane spit his team up. A voice over the com channel then spoke.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 9 Its time to jump! There hailing for our I.D tag and docking serial! It was the pilot. You head him, lets make the jump! Kane and his team of mercenaries all put on their oxygen helmets and jet propulsion packs. His entire team where now ready. The pilot counted down the jump. Jump clearance grantedthreetwo, one. Jump! Good luck boys, see you planet side. And that moment, the ships airlock chamber closed, and the exterior door opened. Team Bravo went out first. They were violently sucked from the chamber. They then balanced the sense of gravity and glided silently to the Solariis, activating their jet packs they shot across the black velvet of space and headed for the docking bay. Kane and his team were now next out of the airlock. The young, but nervous mercenary that questioned Kane about the mission leant on the smooth wall of the airlock chamber. His breathing was abnormal and he was sweating profusely. Kane looked at him and got his attention. Hey. The young mercenary alerted his attention to Kane. He only looked the age of eighteen. Kid, slow your breathing. When that door opens just let it take you. When I say activate your thrusters do it. Shell guide you in. His breathing caused his helmet to fog with condensation. He nodded and closed his eyes, trying to control his breathing. Kane felt a sudden responsibility over the young boy. Okay Kane, I gotta let you go now, there activating their weapons. The pilots voice crackled over Kanes headset. Rodger that Jenkins, drop us when ready. Five seconds after, the airlock door quickly opened. And before they knew it they were all sucked out into the dark abyss.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 10 Kane ordered his team to activate thrusters. They glided up the side of the huge vessel, dodging antennae and foreign objects that protruded from the uneven surface of the ship. They made it to a ventilation shaft just three stories from deck A. They each made their way into the deep horizontal, but small artificial tunnel. They were in. There was no turning back now. Eden was theres for the taking. The only problem that was left now was getting past the thousands of security personnel. But Kane had already run over the mission in his head a thousand times over. But he also knew that things can always go unplanned, and anything can become unpredictable.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 11 Chapter Two Follow the Black Rabbit LOCATION: Octanus System, Planet New Terra Luminis City THE DEN CLUB. MISSION LOG: [Bounty Hunter, JACK FOX] TIME: 3.00 AM DATE: 22nd of July, 2834.AD

It was as if the suns had never set. A constant lunar of lights lit the city, constantly, burning brightly for hours and days on in. Jack lit up a cigarette, plumes of smoke danced into the air. His target of interest was situated inside The Den Club, a fugitive that Jack had been following for four days now. He was a petty criminal who was operating an illegal smuggling ring, a black market, selling stolen goods, anything that he could get his hand on. These ranged from drugs, weapons, prototype drugs and weapons, even items that were not even on the mainstream market. He also worked as Shadow Broker part time. Who would trade information, valuable information to others, whatever job was needed, they called this guy. His name was unknown, but he went by the call sign of The Black Rabbit as he was quick and evading capture and attention. He was good at what he did. But Jack was also good at what he does, tracking down targets, following and the intercepting. Before bring them in for a nice reward. Being a bounty hunter was a good job. Jack looked in through The Dens window from the platform outside. It was now or never to intercept his target. Jack took one final look of the city before making his way inside the club.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 12 The large expanse of city went on for as far as the eye could see. Speedy motives whizzed past, symmetrical lines of different shuttle vehicles all moved quickly through the high story city.

The club was a mix of different races including alien species. Even though New Terra was a planet colonized by humans, other alien races soon took refuge and started to make themselves comfortable, and call it their home too. Jack spotted The Black Rabbit at the far end of one of the bars. He looked extremely on edge; Jack flicked his cigarette off the edge of the platform and proceeded inside. The Rabbit was known for always being on edge, so Jack took this into consideration, and proceeded cautiously. The last thing he wanted to do was spook his target. Jack entered the club. The bouncer at the door stopped him in his tracks. Stop right there. Please stay still. The bouncer held out a scanning device in front of Jacks face. A blue cross of light scanned the features of his face. The device beeped, confirming the finish of the scan. The bouncer lowered his device and looked at the main view screen. Thousands of faces flickered passed. Jack stood and remained patient. Then the device beeped once more. A profile of Jack appeared on screen. It read the following: -FACIAL RECOGNITION COMPLETE NAME: FOX, JACK OCCUPATION: BOUNTY HUNTER FEDERAL ALLIANCE CLEARANCE LEVEL: MODERATE- HIGH IDENTIFICATION SERIAL: FJ-225-879 THREAT LEVEL: MINIMUM -AWAITING CLEARANCE

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 13

So, youre a bounty hunter. What brings you to a place like this? The bouncer granted access, and lowered the scanner device. Ive been trailing someone of interest for the Federal Alliance. Jack said confidently, but smooth. May I, enter? The Bouncer looked Jack up and down and gave a slight grumble. Try not to cause any trouble. Do what you have to do, and leave. Got it? I got it. Jack pushed his way past the bouncer and entered the club. Jack was hit with a wall of music and lights, almost disorientating him instantly. People were dancing on the main floor, holographic images of shapes and colors suspended themselves above the dancers and on the walls. Others were sitting in private rooms, with their own personal dancers. THE DEN was a popular place for the citizens of Luminis City. It served as a playground, a sanctuary, a place to meet privately and discreetly. People would trade, drugs. Have sex with prostitutes, or with each other. As long as you got paid, everyone was happy. Thats exactly what the Black Rabbit was here for, to meet with his next client. Jack made his way over to an empty lounge in the far corner, where he could keep an eye on his target. The Black Rabbit sat at the bar still, sipping on a class of green liquid. All Jack had to do was wait for his target to move, before he could intercept and take him down. There was no point now in taking him down, and making a scene. He had to execute this mission with precision, and silently. His mission was simple. Take him alive and bring him in to the Federal Alliance, or hand him over in a body bag. The bounty on

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 14 top of the Black Rabbits head was 35,000 credits dead, if he was to take him alive, it was paying double the amount. 75,000 credits sounded much better to Jack. He had been on this case for a good three and a half months now, tracking him down to this very location. He had been following him from at least six planets, before now residing in Luminis City. Jack wasnt planning on continuing following and losing him again. Tonight was the night that the Black Rabbit was going down. Jack continued to monitor him, before finally someone else entered the picture. A young male, no more than the age of at least 20 approached him and greeted him. The Black Rabbit stood and nodded his head. They exchanged a few words before the Black Rabbit ushered and gestured for the young male to follow him. Jack waited so there was a safe distance to follow. The Black Rabbit and his client made their way up the building. They entered an elevator, and rode it to the top of the building. Jack quickly boarded the opposite lift and headed for the top floor. He wasnt going to let the Rabbit out of his site. But what jack didnt know, was that someone else had their eyes on the same prize. And they werent going to share it. Not one bit.

Authors Last Name / 1-2 Words from Title / 15

Chapter Three Breaking and Entering Part II LOCATION: Octanus System, aboard prison ship SOLARIIS on route to planet VULCAN. MISSION LOG: [CLASSIFIED INFORMATION: Subject, EDEN] TIME: 3:15 AM DATE: 22nd of July, 2834.AD

She couldnt hear a sound. Her thoughts all became one. The chamber was like a womb comforting, silent. She found much solitude and calmness in it.

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