Ethics Assignment#1

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Republika ng Pilipinas


Sta. Maria Bulacan Campus


Name: Evangelista, Allyana Belle D. Section: BSED EN 1-1

INSTRUCTION: Answer the questions below. (Answer should have a minimum of 1

paragraph per question, 5 sentences each paragraph).

1. Explain the meaning of work and relate to current situation in the society

 Work is an occupation or something that someone does or has done. The

purpose of work is inseparable from the purpose of life. A life well-lived is one
that pursues meaning, and work is one of the primary ways we pursue meaning
in life. Work is about meaning, and the pursuit of meaning. The world of work, as
anyone who has ever worked in an office will readily testify, is full of irrational and
inexplicable characters. Even the way we work can be irrational, based as it is on
policies and norms that made sense in a particular context at a particular time.

2. Differentiate and explain the types of work and give an example

 There are three types of works, these are occupation, laborer and lastly
profession. First, occupation, it is an activity or task which one occupies oneself.
It is usually the productive activity, service, trade or craft for which one is
regularly paid. Example of this is a waiter, delivery boy and more. Next is,
laborer, it is a person who does unskilled physical work for wages. Laborers are
in a class of wage-earners in which their only possession of significant material
value is their labor, this is the proletariat. A carpenter, stone mason and
construction worker is an example of laborer. Lastly, is the profession, a
professional job is a career that requires a specific amount of advanced training
and education. These jobs often require some level of post-secondary education.
Some examples of professional jobs includes, doctors, teachers and nurse etc.

3. What is the value of machineries for workers, explain and give an example

 Machines make any task an easy job and they enable Large Scale Production.
Many companies today are producing products in large mass with the help of
machines. It can save time and labor. And also machine works faster than man.
For example in rice planting, The mechanical rice transplanter is a manually-
operated machine which transplants rice seedlings in rows with a field capacity of
0.45-0.55 ha/day. A seedling mat, cut exactly 20.5 cm wide by 40 cm long, is
used with the transplanter. It is easy to operate and maintain. This machine helps
the farmers to easily transplant the rice without working it handy by hand.

4. Explain at least two perception of work and give an example

 First perception is, work as a right. Everyone has the right to work. The right to
work is a foundation for the realization of other human rights and for life with
dignity. It includes the opportunity to earn a livelihood by work freely chosen or
accepted. Workers' rights encompass a large array of human rights from the right
to decent work and freedom of association to equal opportunity and protection
against discrimination. Specific rights related to the workplace include health and
safety in the workplace and the right to privacy at work, amongst many others.
Next is, work as a determinant of social class. It defines the social status of
people. Modern political and economic theorists, most notably Karl Marx, classify
people into two classes, each identifiable by the general nature of their work.
Proletariats it is the physical labor for wages in order to live belong to the working
class. Bourgeoisies is the one who manage the business of firm. The evolution of
work from labor extended into knowledge and seems to have created another
class of workers called knowledge workers.

5. Explain the different factors affecting work and give an example

 There are many other factors that affect work performance. First is, personal and
societal values. It is a worker enters the world of work equipped with certain
values. The nature of his values determines how he performs his work and
guides his actions. Second is, code of ethics, it helps ensure development of
workers and professionals who are not only competent in their respective work
and professions, but also as persons who work with a sense of morality and
decency. Third is, law, it sets standards of how work is to be done. The law
regulates work as it imposes certain limitations to workers. Violating these
limitations may lead a person to be criminally or legally liable, risking his
employment or profession, his freedom, even his limbs. Fourth is, professional
associations, the promotion of higher standards for the practice of professional
work is the main reason why professional societies are formed. Thus, medical
associations are formed to preserve and enforce higher standards of medical
practice, and legal associations are for setting higher standards of legal practice.
Next is, policies enforced in the workplace. Policies do not only law down rules
and regulations; they also express a set of expectations from workers. The
company expects the best from its workers, and provides them with principles to
guide them in the conduct of their work. Lastly is, public opinion and perception ,
a worker who not only has the skill, but is equally blessed with a sense of
morality, good public relations and dedication is well-loved and respected by the
people. Public perception helps maintain the quality of work, as workers and
employers try to protect their positive image by being friendlier and by working
harder and better. Also religion , it plays an important role in the development of
values that determine how a believer perceives the purpose and meaning of
work. Religious beliefs of workers exert considerable effect on how well they
perform their work. People who possess religious values tend to work honestly
and diligently.

6. What is the value interest in work? Explain and give an example

 When you work, you develop new skills, learn new things, and create a record of
employment. Then when you want to get a new or a better job, or maybe even go
to college, your experiences can help you to do that. Work helps you gain a
sense of pride and self-satisfaction by reaffirming that you can support yourself.
With work, you earn money to cover bills and pay for activities in your leisure
time. It's becoming more common to see people with disabilities in a wide range
of jobs throughout the community. Successful workers are those who are
interested in the work they perform. It is important that we enjoy what we do,
what we were trained to do, once we are in the world of work. For example, we
can know if we enjoy our work is when we are trying to do our best without
pushing ourselves too much.

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