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Oil Spills Culminating Task: The Industrial Separation of Mixtures

In this assignment you will research the impact of the industrial separation of a mixture on
society and the environment. Your research should include the impact of the disposal of the
waste products created by the process you investigate. On the last page of this assignment
keep track of your resources. EVERYTHING buvuhvhg joko huhhhuhuhhhh loosest
ghvghvgycycghneeds to be in your own words and cited.

1. Choose one of the following separation processes or propose one of your own to your

→ Separation of recycling items in recycling plant Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

→ Separation of salt from water (called desalination) Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
→ Separation of oil from sand in the tar sands of Alberta Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
→ Separation of oil from water after an oil spill Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
→ Oil refining process Source 1, Source 2, Source 3 (textbook page 247, 249)
→ Evaporation of water from sap to make maple syrup Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
(textbook page 250)
→ Air purification systems in a building Source 1, Source 2, Source 3 (textbook page 250)
→ Separation of rocks in a quarry Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
→ Separation of seeds and pulp in the manufacturing of jelly Source 1, Source 2 , Source 3
→ Separation of wheat from chaff when processing wheat Source 1, Source 2, Source 3
→ Separation of minerals from ore in mining (choose from gold, silver, iron, copper, nickel,
uranium, salt, etc.) Source 1, Source 2, Source 3 (textbook page 248, 249)
→ Separation of oxygen from air to provide pure oxygen to people who need it Source 1,
Source 2, Source 3
→ Removal of carbon dioxide from the environment Source 1, Source 2,
Source 3
→ Separation of helium from air to provide helium for balloons Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

* Tips for finding relevant information and good sources: Click Here
** Search Engine for Students Click Here
Our choice:

Separation of oil from water after an oil spill

2. Find out the process that takes place to separate the components of the mixture. Represent
that process in a labelled diagram. Attach your diagram to this assignment. (You may hand
draw it AND scan/take a picture to upload it onto the doc).

3. Complete the chart below summarizing the positive and negative impacts of that process
and its resultant substances on society and the environment:

Positive momin Negative hamdan

The process removes oil The process affects the underwater
from local water sources environment due to oil escaping to
which are used for providing the sea.
water for drinking and day
to day living use. The process and resultant substances
cause pollution.
Society The easiest option to
separate oil from water is The cleaned water after the
after 10 to 15 days after the separation process, may still not good
spill because photo- enough for drinking.
oxidation will loosen the oil
and water mixture.

Dispersants are chemicals The containment and recovery using

that act like detergents to skimmers is only 10 – 15% efficient
break oil into tiny droplets. under even the best circumstances.

This dilutes the oil’s effect

Burning spilled oil causes heavy
by providing bite-sized bits
black smoke, which is not more toxic
for oil-eating bacteria that
than if the oil were burnt as intended
occur naturally.
in fuels. The black smoke spreads to
large areas with high winds.
The process of burning
spilled oil is 95 – 98%
The shoreline cleanup involving High-
efficient. Pressure hosing to rinse oil back into
water, does more harm than good by
The enhancement of natural killing almost all living things on the
biodegradation process beach.
involving oil-eating bacteria,
with fertilizers or oxygen, is
the least challenging activity
especially in large spilled

Additional notes:

4. Complete the chart below summarizing the positive and negative impacts of the disposal of
the waste products created by this process on society and the environment:

Positive momin Negative hamdan

The process will separate There are many chemicals used in

water and oil. this process which creates waste
The water will be cleaner
and can be used for day to Some of the chemical waste products
day things are known to cause damage to
humans and animals.
The oil can be cleaned
further for use in Cars and
Fireplaces or can be stored
in tanks for later usage.

The marine life and animals The marine life and animals can get
can live in a much cleaner sick if waste products are left
environment. uncleaned.
This can cause pollution which can
affect humans and animals.

Additional Notes:



Impacts of the Industrial Separation of Mixtures Rubric

Categories Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(50 - 59%) (60 - 69%) (70 - 79%) (80 - 100%)

Knowledge/ Describes the Describes the Describes the Describes the process
Understanding: process used to process used to process used to used to separate a
describe the process used separate a mixture separate a mixture separate a mixture or mixture or solution
to separate a mixture or or solution into its or solution into its solution into its into its components
solution into its components with components with components with with a high degree of
components.7s54. limited accuracy. some accuracy. considerable accuracy.
identify an industrial Identifies an Identifies an Identifies an Identifies an
application of a separation industrial industrial industrial industrial application
process. 7s54. application of a application of a application of a of a separation
separation process separation process separation process process with a high
with limited with some with considerable degree of
effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.

Thinking: Describes the Describes the Describes the impact Describes the impact
describe the impact on impact on society impact on society on society and the on society and the
society and the and the and the environment of environment of
environment of different environment of environment of different industrial different industrial
industrial methods of different industrial different industrial methods of methods of
separating mixtures and methods of methods of separating mixtures separating mixtures
solutions.7s43. separating mixtures separating mixtures and solutions with and solutions with a
and solutions with and solutions with considerable high degree of
limited accuracy some accuracy and accuracy and accuracy and
and effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.

describe the positive and Describes positive Describes positive Describes positive Describes positive
negative environmental and negative and negative and negative and negative
impacts related to the environmental environmental environmental environmental
disposal of pure substances impacts related to impacts related to impacts related to impacts related to the
and mixtures. 7s42. the disposal of pure the disposal of pure the disposal of pure disposal of pure
substances and substances and substances and substances and
mixtures with mixtures with some mixtures with mixtures with a high
limited accuracy accuracy and considerable degree of accuracy
and effectiveness. effectiveness. accuracy and and effectiveness.

Communication: Uses science and Uses science and Uses science and Uses science and
use appropriate science and technology technology technology technology
technology vocabulary in vocabulary in oral vocabulary in oral vocabulary in oral vocabulary in oral
oral and written and written and written and written and written
communication.7s48. communication communication communication with communication with
with limited with some considerable a high degree of
effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness. effectiveness.
Note: A student whose achievement is below Level 1 (50%) has not met the expectations for this assignment or activity.

Good effort boys, you displayed your knowledge and understanding, work on having everything in
your own words, it is vital. Please refer to document for feedback. 15/20 = 75%

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