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Argumentative Essay

Name: Tasnim Tarannum

ID: 2013582047

Course: ENG105.5

Submitted to: Atanu Bhuiyan (Atb)

Submission date: 25th December 2022

Topic: Valentine’s Day is nothing more than a parade for consumerism.

The emergence of consumerism and A Day of Love

Valentine's Day is a day to honor adoration, passion, and lovey-dovey fidelity (Seipel,

2022). On this day, "love is celebrated, not only between lovers but also between friends." It's not

simply about buying presents; "it is a day in which we express the love we feel for everyone." "To

me, it's about celebrating love. It is all about showing love to everyone” (Valentine’s Day: Of Love

and Consumerism - the Rider Newspaper, 2017). The core of the holiday has been destroyed by

commercialization, which has made love superficial and readily replaced with transient objects.

Valentine’s day that once the day celebrated for love, but that love has been made

superficial due to commercialization. There are some fundamental tenets of true love, but

unrequited love is its worst enemy. It presents itself as genuine affection. Superficial love does not

let us accept the person how they are. It involves more adoration or purchasing pricey presents. It

only is about showing off and seeking validation all the time. It is all about grand gestures,

expensive gifts, and no depth of love at all.

Commercialization is the cause that this day’s love can be replaced with transient objects.

Valentine’s day has made love a passion for tangible things. People measure their depth of love

with the expensive gifts they buy for their better half. The more expensive the gift, the more they

love them and the more the probability for them being together. Valentine's Day is a marketing

ploy used by merchants to entice you into their establishments (Khazan, 2014).

My opponents may say that valentine’s day is the day celebrated for love and people just

show their love by giving gifts as a token of appreciation, it is definitely not related to

commercialization. But love cannot be appreciated by giving gifts. Spending money on someone

and telling them how much they love them cannot be the real form of love.
So, valentine’s day is nothing but a parade for consumerism which has made love

superficial with no depth at all and that love can also be replaceable with transient objects which

have made love tangible. This love accepts roses but is not ready to accept the thorns.

Word count:300


Khazan, O. (2014, February 14). Valentine’s Day Isn’t About Love—It’s About Obligation.

Valentine’s Day Isn’t About Love—It’s About Obligation - the Atlantic. Retrieved

December 25, 2022, from


Seipel, A. (2022, February 14). The dark origins of Valentine’s Day. Retrieved

December 24, 2022, from


Valentine’s Day: of love and consumerism - The Rider Newspaper. (2017, February 13).

The Rider Newspaper -. Retrieved December 24, 2022, from

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