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Name: Shella M.

Jugan Course & Year: BSMT 2-B

Subject: PHILO1 Schedule: MWF 10:00-12:00

Instructor: Mr. Joey A. Cabrera Date: June 14, 2021

Question 2 – What are the principles of sustainable business?

The firm can no longer simply ‘stick to the knitting.’ A firm needs a diverse set of resources,
people and investments to be resilient. While diverse investments are seen to draw on
resources and absorb managerial attention, a single line of business, single sources of
revenues, or people with similar mindsets can expose the firm to greater risk.

Matrixes organizations are often seen as facilitating knowledge flows. However, such
organizations are not only resource intensive, they expose the whole organization to
shocks as they reverberate through the organization. Organizations need to be less
interdependent, and focus on modularity so they can be insulated from shocks.

These firms can sense issues on the horizon. They are constantly monitoring the external
environment, and drawing scenarios of possible futures, permeable, and malleable.
Resilient firms must know what’s going on outside their boundaries.

What do businesses like Netflix, Amazon, Spotify, Uber, and Google have in common?
Well, aside from being incredibly successful, these businesses all use subscription based,
customer-centric models. These businesses have found their success in allowing
customers to have control over their own experiences.
The sustainability movement is growing quickly as more people recognize the need
to contribute toward reducing negative environmental impacts with the end goal of
a healthier planet.

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