IMC Report

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Final Term Project

IMC Campaign Based on One Component of the See, Think, Do, Care Model
Submitted by:
M Azeem Ilyas F19BB105
Amna Ashraf F19BB106
Shahzaib F19BB024
Zeeshan Ali F19BB143
Mishal Shahzaib F19BB125
M Haris F19BB111
Hassan Iftikhar F19BB003
Submitted to: Mam Amna Arif

Institute of Business & Information Technology, Punjab University,


Table of Conten

Overview and Purpose:..............................................................................................3

See Stage of STDC Model:........................................................................................3
Creative Brief.................................................................................................................4
Goal and Objective of IMC campaign:......................................................................4
Target audience:.........................................................................................................4
Key Message:.............................................................................................................5
Budget and Timeline:.................................................................................................5
IMC Campaign Budget:.............................................................................................5

IMC Campaign
Overview and Purpose:
The AI agriculture drones chosen for the "See" component of the See, Think, Do,
Care model is the advance product with artificial
intelligence capabilities specifically designed for
agricultural purposes. These drones feature AI base
sensors to collect data, monitor crop health, and
improve farming operations. These AI agriculture
drones aim to revolutionize the way farmers manage
their crops and maximize agricultural productivity by
providing real-time insights and actionable
The purpose AI agriculture drones is to enhance
efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in the agricultural industry.
Our IMC campaign aims to raise awareness and generate interest among farmers and
agricultural professionals regarding the adoption of AI agriculture drones. By highlighting the
capabilities and advantages of these drones, our objective is to demonstrate how they can
revolutionize traditional farming methods and have positive effects on crop production,
resource management, and environmental sustainability.

See Stage of STDC Model:

The See stage is first stage of STDC model and it’s referring to initial phase where
potential customers become aware of brand’s existence. This stage is very crucial for any
startup business as it helps to set the foundation for rest of customer’s journey. The primary
objective of marketer in SEE stage is to attract attention of potential customers and get them
interested in the brand. During this stage the message that we going to convey to our
customers should be focus on brand awareness, education and engagement rather than sales.

The product that we have taken is AI based agriculture drone that will help in
opening up new possibilities to increase the crop yield with better applications and real time
access to information. As this product is new in Pakistan’s farming and agriculture and
people (farmers) are not so well aware by this product, so our main objective is to create
awareness of these drones among our potential customers and convince them to buy our

To achieve successful in the "See" stage, it's important to understand the needs and
desires of our target audience (farmers, agriculture contractors & Landlords). By
understanding their pain points, interests, and preferences, we can create messaging that
resonates with potential customers and motivates them to take action. And after that we will
use their pain points and interests in our campaigns and marketing strategies that will help us
to gain the attention of our customers and this is how we will create awareness of our

Creative Brief
Our IMC campaign aims to raise awareness and generate interest among farmers and
agricultural professionals regarding the adoption of AI agriculture drones. By highlighting the
capabilities and advantages of these drones, our objective is to demonstrate how they can
revolutionize traditional farming methods and have positive effects on crop production,
resource management, and environmental sustainability.

Goal and Objective of IMC campaign:

 Generate Awareness:
The primary objective is to raise awareness among farmers and agricultural
professionals about the benefits and potential of AI agriculture drones. The campaign seeks to
introduce the concept of AI drones and their ability to improve crop yields, reduce costs, and
improve sustainability in farming practices.

 Educate and Inform:

The campaign aims to educate and inform the target audience about the
functionalities, usability and practical benefits of AI agriculture drones. It aims to provide
clear and concise information that helps farmers understand how these drones can assist them
in making data-driven decisions, monitoring crop health, and optimizing resource

 Establish Credibility and Trust:

Building trust and credibility is crucial, especially when introducing new technology
to a less educated audience. The campaign will emphasize real-life case studies, testimonials,
and data-driven evidence to showcase the effectiveness of AI agriculture drones. This will
help instill confidence in farmers regarding the reliability and practicality of the technology.
Overall, the IMC campaign aims to effectively communicate the benefits of AI
agriculture drones, educate and engage the target audience, build trust, and drive adoption to
revolutionize farming practices and enhance agricultural productivity.

Target audience:
 Farmers: As this product preliminary usage associated with the farmers. They are the
ones who are going to use our product on their fields. Even if the farmers can’t be
able to afford it we will provide them the services in the designated area where they
want so that they also can bring productivity in their field of work.

 Agriculture Contractors: The contractors who acquire the land on lease will also be
our priority. Their main aim is to earn profit and our product/service will play an
important role in their business. This could save their Capital, time and Energy.
 Landlords: They are ones who owns a lot of land and probably looking for ways to
make their land production vast in every way. They can afford our product/ services

Key Message:
Maximize your crop yield with AI agriculture drones that can cover more ground in
less time, Stay ahead of the weather and protect your crops with AI agriculture drones that
can adapt to any conditions. Experience the ultimate in precision and accuracy with AI
drones that can target specific areas of your fields to improve the production.
Solution of Problems:

 Agriculture drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and sensors can fly over
fields and provide farmers with detailed images of their crops. This can help farmers
identify areas that need more water, fertilizer, or other nutrients.
 Agriculture drones can be used to identify areas of crops that are infected with pests
or diseases. Farmers can use this information to treat the affected areas quickly,
preventing the spread of the problem.
 Agriculture drones is equipped with pesticide or herbicide sprayers, making it easier
and more efficient to apply treatments to crops. This can save farmers time and
money, and reduce the amount of chemicals used.

Budget and Timeline:

This IMC campaign will run for 6 weeks across different channels i.e. Television,
Radio, Social Media and Print advertisement.

IMC Campaign Budget:

1. Creative Development:
Copywriting and design: Rs. 300,000
Storyboard development: Rs. 50,000
Video production: Rs. 400,000
Photography: Rs. 50,000
Print ad development: Rs. 150,000
Total creative development budget: Rs. 950,000
2. Media planning and buying:
Social media advertising: Rs. 2,000,000
Print advertising: Rs. 1,000,000
Television advertising: Rs. 2,000,000

Radio advertising: Rs. 500,000

Total media planning and buying budget: Rs. 5,500,000
3. Public Relations and Events:
Influencer Marketing: Rs. 500,000
Overall budget for 6 weeks IMC campaign: Rs 6,950,000

TOFU stands for "Top of Funnel," which is the initial stage of the customer journey in the
See, Think, Do, Care model. In this stage, potential customers are just becoming aware of a
brand or product, and the goal is to capture their attention and generate interest in the brand.
Marketing efforts at this stage are typically focused on building brand awareness and
attracting potential customers to learn more about the brand or product. TOFU metric will be
used to measure the success of the IMC campaign.

Unique reach:

UR = Total no of people who were shown Ad/ Frequency at which they shown Ad

Unique reach formula in top of funnel tells us that how many people have shown add
of agriculture drone at which frequency rate. It can provide valuable insights into size and
composition of our audience as well as effectiveness of our marketing efforts in reaching and
engaging new potential customers.
Completion rate:

CR = Number of people who completed desired action/ Total number of people

who were exposed to marketing message or content *100

Completion rate tell us that it will provide insights of how well our marketing
message or content is engaging and generate interest in the viewers and how many people
have complete the desire action i.e., view or listen the Advertisement. It will help us to
identify how effective our marketing funnel is in converting visitors into leads or prospects.
Click through rate:

CTR = number of clicks your ad receives / no of times your ad is shown

CTR indicates that our ad is resonating with our audience and generating more
interest about agriculture drone. It can provide insights into effectiveness of our ad copy,
targeting and placement.

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