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Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

Schools Division Office of Zamboanga City

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zamboanga City

“Unido, Junto avanza con el EduKalidad Cree, junto junto puede!”

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

English 8 QUARTER 3 WEEK 3 DAY ___________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy


Observe the use of correct stress, pitch and juncture when
delivering a persuasive speech.
COMPETENCY EN8OL-IIIc-5 Lesson Objectives:
*Define stress, pitch and juncture in speaking; and
*Differentiate juncture from stress and pitch.

In this learning material, you are going to learn how to use correct stress, pitch and juncture, especially
in speaking. Now, let us define these three important concepts.
Stress is the emphasis placed on a sound, syllable or word by saying it relatively more loudly and
The meaning of what is being said may change depending on the stress the speaker places on a syllable or
a word. A stressed syllable usually combines the following features: It is longer, it is louder, it usually has a
higher pitch than the syllables coming before and afterwards, it is said more clearly and it uses larger facial
Generally speaking, a word is stressed if it is a content word (noun, principal/ main verb, adjective, or
adverb). A word may also be stressed for the following reasons:
1. to emphasize an idea
e.g. That was a difficult TEST. - standard statement;
That was a DIFFICULT test. - emphasizes how difficult the test was.
2. to point out the difference between an idea and another
e.g. I think I prefer THIS color. – means that it is a specific color, not any other
3. to call attention to new information
e.g. When does class begin? - The class begins at NINE O'CLOCK.

Rules on proper word stress

A. Stress on first syllable
Most two (2) syllable nouns Most two (2) syllable adjectives
e.g. PRESent EXport e.g. PRESent SLENder
B. Stress on last syllable
Most two (2) syllable verbs
e.g. preSENT exPORT conDUCT deCREASE
C. Stress on Penultimate Syllable (Penultimate=Second from End)
Words ending in –ic Words ending in –sion and -tion
e.g. GRAPHic geoGRAPHic e.g. teleVIsion reveLAtion
D. Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate= third from end)
Words ending in –cy, -ty, -phy and –gy Words ending in -al
e.g. deMOcracy dependaBIlity e.g. CRItical geoLOGical

Pitch or Intonation is the rise and fall of our voice when we speak, sometimes called "highness" or "lowness”.
e.g. abuse, dawn, kangaroo, sounds interesting

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

A person who is in great fear may utter stressed sounds in a high pitch as when he calls out:
Fire! Look! Help! Run!
A person who is embarrassed may stutter in a low pitch as when one says:
I’m s-s-s-sorry. P-p-p-please f-f-forgive me.

Juncture refers to the pause between words in an utterance. In linguistics, juncture is the manner of
movement or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds. In phonetics, juncture is the set of features
in speech that enables a hearer to detect a word or phrase boundary.
Examples: 1. My turn and might earn
2. Play nice and Plain ice
3. The president, said the secretary, is busy.
The president said, the secretary is busy.
4. Who is calling, Marc?
Who is calling Marc?
Activity 1: Stress it Out!
Directions: Choose the correct stress of the underlined word to make the sentence complete.
1. How do you pronounce this word?
a. PRO-nounce b. pro-NOUNCE
2. I want to be a photographer.
a. PHO-to-graph-er b. pho-TO-graph-er
3. Couldn’t you understand what she was trying to say?
a. un-DER-stand b. un-der-STAND
4. Whose computer is this?
a. com-PU-ter b. com-pu-TER

Activity 2: Which is which?

Directions: Choose the appropriate word/words to mean the following:

1. When you mean ‘an enlisted man or woman’.

a. cry on my shoulder b. well-mannered soldier
2. When you mean ‘a city serving as a seat of government’.
a. Capitol building b. State capital
3. When you mean ‘the president is busy’.
a. The president, said the secretary, is busy.
b. The president said, the secretary, is busy.

Activity 3: Give Me a Pitch!

Directions: Note the rising and falling intonation in the first simple statement of fact. Then, draw a line to
show the appropriate pitch or intonation in each of the sentence. Item 1 is done for you.

1. The world is beautiful.

2. It is full of lovely things.

3. The eternal stars blaze at night.

Let’s Practice!

A. Directions: Read the statements carefully. Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct and
FALSE if otherwise.
______1. Stress refers to the highness and lowness of voice when you speak.
_______2. Pronunciation does not refer only to saying of vowels and consonants sound.
_______3. Junctures are pauses in the flow of speech which helps the speaker catch up with his breath.
_______4. Pitch and stress are NOT important in the flow of conversation because they only assist in
communicating additional meaning to an utterance.
_______5. Pitch is the rising and falling of voice across phrases and sentences

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

B. Directions: Read the following phrases. Stress the italicized words correctly by writing the accented
syllable in capital letters. Item number 1 is done for you.

1. The magNIFicence and imMENsity of the Luneta Park.

2. The circumference of the circle ____________________________
3. stupendous engineering feat ____________________________
4. An angry pacific ocean ____________________________
5. A conglomerate of independent nation ____________________________

Key Points

Pitch or Intonation refers to the highness and lowness of the voice when you speak. Your pitch may
range from low, normal, high or very high. These pitch changes to make thoughts emphatic and to suggest
emotional attitudes. Pitch is a very important instrument to express one’s feelings and convey meaning.

Examples: a. I didn’t mean to disturb you. b. Hoping you’ll have a nice time.

Stress is an emphasis put on the syllables in a word. The way the words are stressed gives certain words
different meanings.
Pitch and Stress are important because they assist in communicating additional meaning to an utterance.
Both help to strengthen a specific meaning, attitude, or emotion in an utterance.

Juncture refers to breaks or pauses in the flow of speech while pauses are intervals of silence between or
within words, phrases or sentences.

Let us see how much you have learned today!
Directions: Read the selection below, aloud and with feelings. Project your voice using the pointers you have
just studied. Then copy the poem in the answer sheet and write the stressed syllable/s in CAPITAL letters, put
a bar line/ when it signals a pause and bar lines// when it signals a stop. Apply appropriate pitch or intonation
mark or symbol to show the rising and falling of voice.

The TONE of the VOICE

It’s not so much what you say as the manner in which you say it.
It’s not so much the language you use as the tone in which you convey it.
“Come here!” I sharply said and the child cowered and wept.
“Come here!” I said softly he looked and smiled and straight to my lap he crept.
Words may be mild and fair and the tone may pierce like a dart.
Words may be soft as the summer air but the tone may break a heart.
For words come from the mind grow by study and art.
But tone leaps from the inner self revealing the state of the art.
Whether you know it or not.
Whether you mean or care.
Gentleness kindness, love and hate envy anger are there.
Then would you quarrels avoid and peace and love rejoice?
Keep anger not only out of your words.
Keep it out of your voice.

Josefina Q. Cabanilla,, Language in Literature II: Afro-Asian Literature Quezon :Vibal
Publishing House, Inc. Revised Ed., 2005, 32,59,76-77.
Josephine B. Serrano, Better English for Philippine High School Quezon: Phoenix Publishing House,
Inc.,3rd Ed., 1994, 3.
Rafael H. Diaz, Speech and Oral Communication Mandaluyong: National Book Store, 2005, 57, 61-63.
Selenne Anne R. Santiago, English across Continents. Makati City, Philippines: Diwa Learning
Systems Inc., 2010, 55.

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

Capsulized Self-Learning Empowerment Toolkit

English 8 QUARTER 3 WEEK 3 DAY ___________________________________
GRADE/LEVEL dd/mm/yyyy

TOPIC Propaganda Techniques

Analyze intention of words or expressions used in
propaganda techniques.
LEARNING Code: Lesson Objectives:
• Define propagandas; and
• Recall propaganda techniques.

Propaganda Techniques

Propaganda is a form of communication that is aimed at

influencing the attitude of a community toward some cause or
position by presenting only one side of an argument.
Propaganda is usually repeated and dispersed over a wide
variety of media in order to create the chosen result in
audience attitudes. Propaganda is intended to make us accept
or approve something without looking closely at the evidence.
Here are five most common Propaganda Techniques.

Testimonial: This popular advertising technique Repetition: It is when the product name is
that uses renowned or celebrity figures to endorse repeated many times during an advertisement.
products and services. When a famous person This technique may use a jingle, which is
vouches for something, viewers are likely to take appealing and fits in the minds of masses.
account of the person’s credibility and popularity.

Transfer: It is a technique to project certain Bandwagon: It is all about Use of Emotional

persuading the target words: This is meant to
qualities (this can either be positive or
audience to take action. It’s generate positive
negative) of a person, ideology or object to
about creating an urge feelings in the minds of
other things and people. For example, major
amongst people to become a the masses. Words like
soft-drink brands were accused of having
part of the “in crowd”. To ‘luxury’ or ‘paradise’
traces of pesticides a couple of years ago. enforce such a feeling, are used to evoke
While these allegations were on the rise, the advertisers typically use certain feelings, which
entire carbonated-drink industry took a hit. phrases like, “join the crowd” they associate with the
Fruit juices and other drinks were able to do or “trending now” for their product.
great business. products and services.

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

After reading the text above, I am sure that you are now equipped with knowledge
about the most common propaganda techniques. So, be ready for the next activity.

Directions: Write the word True if the statement is correct and False if otherwise. Write your answer on the
space provide for.
1. Repetition is evident when a product’s name is repeated several times. ______
2. When celebrities give their personal experience using the product, it’s called a testimonial. ______
3. The technique in which emotional words are used is seen when the endorser gives his/her testimony of the
product. _____
4. Bandwagon is all about convincing the target audience to take action. ______
5. The goal of Transfer is to project certain qualities of a person, ideology or object to other things and
people. ______

Directions: From the many advertisements that you have seen, heard and read, choose two that are so striking
to you and write the lines inside the box. Follow the format given as an example. In this activity, you may
google for information, listen to radio, watch television and read newspapers first if you can’t remember any
Product Name Belo Products
“Only Belo touches my skin. Who
touches yours? – Sarah Geronimo
Propaganda Technique Testimonial
It’s your time!
Product Name
Advertisement no. 1 Lines
Propaganda Technique

Product Name
Advertisement no. 2 Lines
Propaganda Technique

Directions: Identify the line which does not belong to the group and determine the technique used in it. Write
the letter of your choice and the correct technique on the space provided for.

a. “When I shine with you.” - Lea S. for Ariel a. “Our idea of Pop art. Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi.” -Pepsi
b. “Get strong #Sunsilk Habamazing b. “Trusted by moms”- Clorox
1. Hair now!” - Sarah G. for Sunsilk 2. c. “Think Blue, True Blue, and Proud to be
c. “The energy pabaon for champions!” - Milo Blue.” - Blue

_____ _________________________ _____ ____________________________

Let’s Practice!

Directions: Analyze each situation given and answer the questions that follow. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to your answer.
1. Certain people give their personal experiences using the product. What propaganda technique is used here?
a. Bandwagon b. Emotional words c. Testimonial d. Transfer
2. Your product is new in the market. You want it to be endorsed by Anne Curtis. What possible technique is
a. Transfer b. Emotional words c. Repetition d. Bandwagon
3. In your advertisement, you want to show to the customers that almost everybody is using your product. In
this case, what technique should you use?
a. Testimonial b. Emotional words c. Repetition d. Bandwagon

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

Key Points

Different propaganda techniques are used by the companies/organizations to advertise their products
to the people effectively.
1. Transfer - technique to project certain qualities (this can either be positive or negative) of a
person, ideology or object to other things and people.
2. Testimonial - when a product is sold by using words from famous figures.
3. Bandwagon - persuading customers that others are doing the same thing.
4. Repetition - when a product name is repeated several times.
5. Emotional words - words that will make customers feel strongly about someone or something

Let us see how much you have learned today!
Directions: The following are lines that suggest propaganda techniques. Recall and identify the techniques
evident in the lines. Write your answer on the space provided for.

__________1. “It’s everybody’s milk.” – Birch Tree

__________2. “Zamboanga Times, Zamboanga Times, Zamboanga Times, Zamboanga Times!”
__________3. “Absolute Distilled Water lang ang pumasa sa standard ko.” – Judy Ann Santos-Agoncillo
__________4. The celebrity will then talk about their experience in using the product and its effects as proof.
__________5.“Everyone is doing it, why not you? JUST DO IT. Everyone else did.”
__________6. “Mc Donald’s Hamburger, over 99 billion burgers served!”
__________7. Serena Williams promotes Gatorade. She wants her fans to buy it.
__________8. “Happiness is measured in miles. Made in USA!”
__________9.Coco Martin loves to drink coffee. In giving himself satisfaction, he drinks Nescafe.
__________10. “Everytime I color my hair, Dough tells me it’s like I married a new woman.” – Cheska

Asuncion, Tess. “Depedgrade8englishlearningguidequarter3 131015104842-

phpapp02.” LinkedIn SlideShare, October 28, 2014.
“Types of Propaganda Techniques: A Detailed Explanation.” Marketing Wit, May
REFERENCE/S 12, 2008.
“Propaganda Techniques.” Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, June 22, 2020.
Zygomatic. “Create and Share Cartoons, Comics and Memes Online.”
Accessed June 24, 2020.
This learning resource contains copyrighted materials. The use of which has not been
specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making this learning resource in our
efforts to provide printed and e-copy learning resources available for the learners about the
learning continuity plan of this division at this time of the pandemic.
Credits and respect to the original creator/owner of the materials found in this learning
resource. This material is not intended for uploading nor for commercial use, but purely for
educational purposes and for the utilization of Zamboanga City Division only. No malicious
infringement is meant by the writer.
Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)
Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

Written by: LETICIA N. SAN JUAN (T-I) Mercedes NHS (Lesson 1)

Written by: ANNAMARIE T. MARCOS (T-I) Culianan NHS (Lesson 2)

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