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1.Why didn’t Susheel ……………………?
Sushil Chandra was in no mood to go to school on Saturday. He had many reasons
for notgoing to school. He wanted to avoid giving the dreaded geography test.
Secondly, he wanted to be a part of the display of fireworks at the Bose’s that
evening. Sushil made a pretense that he had a tummy ache. The father
understood Sushil’s trick. He gave him a bitter mixture of medicine to drink. Then
he locked him in a room. So his plan was not successful.
2.What are…………….?
Sushil wished to be independent as his father. He had always thought to spend his
entire time climbing trees, swimming in the pond, eating raw mangoes, looking
for birds’ nests, and roaming wild with his friends all day long. He would return
home only when he felt like it, and eat whatever he wanted to. There would be
no one to stop him from doing what he wanted but he didn’t enjoy fully as he
finds it difficult to eat sweets or play or climb on trees with his old bones and was
made fun of by the passer-byes
3.How was Subhal …………………?
During those carefree days, he studied as he pleased, and paid little heed to his
parents’ admonitions. His parents fawned over him then. He regretted his neglect
of studies. Subal wanted to be a child like his son so that he could study hard. But
now Subal (now young) no longer wanted to sit still and study. The thought of
school repelled him. To add to his misery, Sushil reminded him to go to school.
Subal, was disoriented and confused. He feigned stomach ache and decided to
give the school a miss.
4. What happened……………..?
At times, driven by his old habits, Subal (now young) walked into the gathering of
old folks, and make ill-thought interjections, much to their annoyance. Subal had
to dejectedly walk away after their reprimands accompanied by some wrenching
of his ears. On occasions, he inadvertently asked for a puff of tobacco from his
teacher. The teacher admonished him for such indecent manners and made him
stand on the bench as punishment, besides spanking him thoroughly.Quite
amusingly, Subal also forgets his age, and gets in trouble when he asks the
schoolmaster for some tobacco.


In the first instance when, Sushil was a child his agony mounted. The forced
incarceration in his room was too hard for the boisterous boy to bear. He wept
endlessly. He rued his being a young boy, and fancied being an old grown-up man,
so that he could take decisions about himself on his own.
Outside the room, Subal sat brooding and reminiscing about his childhood days.
During those carefree days, he studied as he pleased, and paid little heed to his
parents’ admonitions. He regretted his neglect of studies. He yearned to be young
again, so that he could make amends for his past behavior by being a studious
student again. When both the father and the son were lost in thoughts about
travelling back and forth in time, the goddess who fulfilled the desires of her
devotees happened to pass by. She heard the pleas of the father and the son, and
granted their prayers.
Eventually, the two get fed up and start to wish that they were their original ages
again. The wish-granting goddess made her appearance again and asked if the
father and son had fulfilled their desires. Quite promptly, both beseeched the
goddess to revert them to their old forms. She granted their wish, and assured
that the change-over would happen the next morning. Since both were not happy
with their reversed roles they yearned to get back their old forms. The duo
realized the mistake so they might not wish for a similar change again.
1.”Subal had no difficulty in guessing the truth”
a. What was the truth?
Sushil claimed he had a stomachache and can't go to school. Subal was not
convinced because he knew truth that his son sulked at the idea of writing the
Geography test scheduled for that day. Second, the preparations for the fireworks
at the house of Bose during the day were too exciting for him to miss. 
b. Why do you think Subal could guess it?
The Father didn’t quite like the son’s penchant for antics, which some in the
neighborhood found quite annoying. Subal, was not convinced. Knowing Sushil's
trick's, Subal tells him that he'll have to cancel his plans with his friends too. He
saw through the trick of his truant son. So he planned his counter move.
C.If Subal could guess the truth, then why do you think he did not directly tell
He saw through the trick of his truant son. He planned his counter move to teach
him a lesson.
2. “Susheel was in a fix.’’
a. Why was he in a fix
Sushil wanted to avoid going to school so he feigned a stomachache. Knowing
Sushil's tricks, Subal tells him that he'll have to cancel his plans with his friends
too, and will drink medicine instead of eating toffee besides this he locks the boy
in his room so, Susheel was in a fix because his plan did not work.
b.What way did he think of to get out of the situation?
Sushil claims that his stomachache is over, while in his room, Sushil wishes to
himself that he were grown up like his father so that he had the independence to
do whatever he wanted.
c. Did it work? Why or why not?
The father understood Sushil’s trick. He planned his counter move. He gave him a
bitter mixture of medicine to drink. Then he locked him in a room. So Susheel’s
plan did not work.
3.” They had got their wishes but it was not all plain sailing”
a. Which wishes had they got?
They had got their wishes to change their roles, that is to become young and
grown up. Subal wakes up as a small boy, with the clothes he fell asleep in much
too baggy to wear. Susheel wakes up as an old man with a grey beard, his clothes
so tight that they're bursting at the seams.
b. Explain briefly why it was not all plain sailing?
The things came to a head soon. The confusion took its toll. Both yearned to get
back their old forms. Eventually, the two get fed up and start to wish that they
were their original ages again. The duo realized the mistake.

4.”Indeed I know all about such stomach aches.”

a.Who said this to whom?
Subal said these words to Susheel.
b. How did the speaker know all about such stomachaches?
The speaker knew all about such stomachaches because he himself had done such
pretense when he was a boy.
C. What was funny about this situation?
Subal (now young) for him the thought of school repelled him. To add to his
misery, Sushil reminded him to go to school. Subal, was disoriented and confused.
He feigned stomach ache and decided to give the school a miss. Susheel (now old)
roared in disapproval. Quite amusingly he reprimanded Subal strongly, and said
he would have none of these pretenses. Susheel had used that excuse too
recently to accept it as the truth, so Subal stood defenseless and meek.

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