165 Assignment 2

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Name: Amanda Potter

Signature: _________________________________________

Biology 165 Assignment 2

1. Provide the name of the appropriate tissue type.

a) The cells that compose the lining of the lungs are classified as epithelia tissue,
because they allow gases to diffuse.

b) Muscle tissue: Skeletal tissue initiates and controls voluntary movement, such
as walking and jumping.

c) Loose connective tissue functions in cushioning, insulation, and energy


d) Electrical signals are sent via Nervous tissue, which is located in the brain and
spinal cord.

e) Connective Tissue: Fibrocartilage Cartilage tissue is found in places such as

between vertebrae and in the knee joint, because its major function is to
absorb shock.

f) Blood is a type of connective tissue that transports respiratory gases.

g) Tendons, aponeuroses, and ligaments are composed of Dense Regular

Connective tissue.

h) Transitional epithelium is found in the walls of hollow urinary organs, and

allows them a greater degree of stretch.

2. There are 5 main functions of the integumentary system. List and describe each.
Protection: The skin has 3 different types of barriers, chemical, physical, and
Body Temperature Regulation-The body works best when temp remains within
normal limits 98.6. When body temp rises, dermal blood vessels dilate and the sweat
glands are stimulated into secretory activity.
Cutaneous Sensation-This is our bodies way of being able to sense clothes on our
body, to alert us of bumps involving deep pressure. Hair follicles receptors allow us
to feel wind blowing through hair.
Metabolic Functions-Our skin can disarm cancer causing chemicals that penetrate the
epidermis. Convert harmless chemicals into carcinogens, and activate some steroid
hormones. Our skin also synthesizes vitamin D for calcium metabolism.

Excretion-Nitrogen-containing waste are eliminated from the body through sweat,
even though most is eliminated through urine.

3. Use the diagram of an action potential shown below. Label each part of the
diagram indicated by letters A-F with these terms: hyperpolarization, threshold,
graded potential, resting potential, depolarization, repolarization.

A. Resting potential___________ D. threshhold ______________

B. __depolarization___________ E. Hyperpolaarization ________

C. repolarization_______________ F. _restored_______________


4. What is the ABCD(E) rule for recognizing melanoma? Describe what each letter
stands for, and what you should look for when examining the skin for cancer.
Asymmetry: The 2 sides of the spot or mole do not match.
Border Irregularity: The borders of the lesion have indentations.
Color: The spot has several colors, blacks, browns
Diameter: The spot is larger than 6mm
Elevation above skin

5. In your own words, briefly describe the steps in tissue repair.

When a tissue injury occurs this stimulates the bodies inflammatory and immune
response. Macrophages and mast cells release inflammatory chemicals which cause
the capillaries to dialate, and to become permeable. This allows WBC’s to enter. The
wound then starts to clot, which holds the wound together and keeps bacteria out.
Scab the forms.

6. Label each part of the neuron diagram shown below as indicated by letters A-K.

A. _______________________ G. _axon__________________

B. __dendrites_____________ H. ________________________

C. _nucleous_______________ I. node of Ranier_____________

D. __nucleoi_______________ J. _________________________

E. _cell body_______________ K. _axon terminal______

F. _axon hillock______________



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