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MISAMIS UNIVERSITY Prepared by: Document Code: Module Reference

Ozamiz City Eldenjan N. Godienz MU-SHS-LM-023 No.

Office of the Vice President 02
for Academic Affairs Faculty
Checked by: Revision Date: Units:
JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL May Noren Nanud June 30, 2020 3.0
LEARNING Associate Principal JHS Dept.
MODULE Reviewed by: Revision No.: Subject Code:
Analyn S. Clarin 0
Principal Basic Education Dept.
Approved by: Prerequisite: Co-requisite:
Ariel R. Clarin None None
VPAA/Director for Instruction
Descriptive Title: Empowerment Technologies

Module 1.2
Identifying the different types of websites.

I. Course Outcome : CO1. Recognize the different types of website and the structure
and content of the webpage.

II. Learning Outcome/s : LO1.2 Identifying the different the different types of website.

III. Time Frame : 2 Hours

IV. Introduction/Outline :

In this session, you will identify the different types of website

and the structure content of the web pages.

Below are key concepts for reading.

Hypertext Markup Language or HTML is the official language for web apps and web pages. It is
the combination of text instructions into an empty browser and making new forms of multimedia.

It was derived from the traditional paper margins that mark-up into paper manuscript with the
instructions of the printer.

Static Web page is a web page that is viewed by a user exactly as it is stored. It is coded in
HTML and appears as the same page for all users around the world regardless of the nature of
their use of the website, or their location, or the context of their browser.

Dynamic Web page is a web page that is capable of dynamically displaying multiple information
or content that varies depending on its users. Dynamic web pages require web programming or
database design.


V. Learning Materials : 1. PowerPoint Presentation
Filename: HTML.
This file can be accessed online through our MU-OLE.
2. Writing Materials: Pen and paper

VI. Supplementary
Learning Resources : A. Book
1. Creating Website with HTML5 and CSS3, The library
Publishing House, Inc 2017
B. Website Address/URL
VII. Learning Activities :
1. Home-based Activities
1.1 Base on the recorded discussion, give at least 5 examples
of Dynamic Web page and 5 examples of Static Web site.

1.2 In your own understanding, draw how HTML works.

Make an explanation of it through a recorded video.

VIII. Equipment : None

IX. Student Feedback : Your feedback is important. Please do not leave this blank. This
portion will allow us to evaluate how this module is going. Your
feedback will help improve this module for future revision.

1. Which part of this module you found interesting? Why?

2. Which part of this module you considered challenging? Why?


Activity 1.2: Draw how HTML works. Make an explanation of it through a recorded video. You
will be graded accordingly based from the rubric presented.

CATEGORY 10 8 5 1 Score
Accuracy All supportive facts Almost all Most supportive facts and Most supportive
and statistics are supportive facts statistics are reported facts and statistics
reported accurately. and statistics are accurately. were inaccurately
reported reported.
Sentence All sentences are Most sentences are Most sentences are well Most sentences are
Structure well-constructed well-constructed constructed, but there is not well-
with varied and there is some no variation is structure. constructed or
structure. varied sentence varied.
structure in the
Grammar & Author makes no Author makes 1-2 Author makes 3-4 errors Author makes
Spelling errors in grammar or errors in grammar in grammar or spelling more than 4 errors
spelling that distract or spelling that that distract the reader in grammar or
the reader from the distract the reader from the content. spelling that
content. from the content. distract the reader
from the content.
Position The position The position A position statement is There is no position
Statement statement provides a statement provides present, but does not statement.
clear, strong a clear statement make the author\'s
statement of the of the author\'s position clear.
author\'s position on position on the
the topic. topic.


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