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Territories conquered by Japan in

Territories conquered by 1941 and 1942, such as Burma,

Japan before 1941, such as Thailand, French Indochina, and the

Korea and Manchuria: Philippines:
-Burma (modern-day Myanmar): In January
1942, Japan invaded Burma, quickly wiping

-After a period of influence and authority
out British colonial forces. The Japanese
over the Korean Peninsula, Japan conquered
occupation continued until 1945, when the
Korea in 1910. Japan imposed its own culture
and language on the Korean people and country was retaken by British forces.
maintained strong control over the country
until its capitulation in 1945 at the end of -Thailand: Although Thailand declared itself
World War II. neutral during World War II, Japanese troops
invaded the country in December 1941,
By: Moustafa -On the other hand, Japan invaded
forcing the Thai government to collaborate
Manchuria in 1931, sparking the Manchurian
Fouad 11BA Incident. Japan established Manchukuo as a with the Axis powers. The occupation lasted
puppet state in 1932 and ruled the territory until the war's end.
until the end of World War II.
-French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos, and
-Taiwan: After winning the First Sino-
Cambodia): Japan forced France to allow it
Japanese War in 1895, Japan conquered
to deploy troops in French Indochina in
Taiwan. Japan ruled Taiwan until World War II
ended in 1945. September 1940, and by 1941, Japan had
complete military control of the territory.
-Okinawa: Japan seized Okinawa in 1879 and The Japanese occupied the island until 1945.
governed it until World War II ended. Japan
strongly militarized Okinawa, which served as -Philippines Japan invaded the Philippines
a significant military base for the Japanese
in December 1941, shortly after the Pearl
during the war.
Harbor attack. The US and Filipino soldiers
-The Kuril Islands: At the end of World War I, fought a fierce and ultimately futile defense
Japan captured the Kuril Islands from Russia of the islands, resulting in the horrific
and held them until the end of World War II, Bataan Death March and three years of
when they were occupied by Soviet forces. Japanese occupation.

Countries supportive of Countries opposed to Japan's

Countries threatened by
Japan's expansion, such as expansion, such as Great
Japan, such as India and
Germany and Italy: Britain and the Soviet Union

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