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Identity Verification and Fraud Detection During Online Exams with a

Privacy Compliant Biometric System

M. A. Haytom1,2 , C. Rosenberger1 , C. Charrier1 , C. Zhu2 and C. Regnier2

1 Normandie Univ., UNICAEN, ENSICAEN, CNRS, GREYC, 14000 Caen, France
2 TestWe, 75003 Paris, France

{amine.haytom, charles.zhu, clement.regnier}@testwe.eu

Keywords: Personal Data, Biometric Authentication, Privacy Protection, Machine Learning.

Abstract: Distant learning is an alternative solution to education when the learner is far from the school or cannot attend
courses for professional or medical reasons. The main objective of this work is to design a smart application
of remote exams, using a multibiometric system combining face with deep learning and keystroke dynamics
to verify the identity of the learner. Privacy protection is consider in this work as an important issue because
many personal data are processed in the proposed solution. We consider in this paper experiments under real-
life conditions to identify abnormal behaviours with confidence indicators. We show the system ability to
make the correct decision while preserving learner’s privacy.

1 INTRODUCTION Various possible attacks that threaten the privacy of

individuals can also be observed. The student may be
Today, with the rapid growth of online courses and ex- faced with an identity theft, whether hacking his/her
ams, more and more students or professionals are ap- account, or attempting to perform fraudulent actions.
plying for distance learning. Certainly, distance learn- It is therefore mandatory to count and identify them
ing offers several advantages: the opportunity to take to define the necessary requirements for the manage-
a training course from a distant establishment, arrange ment of exams and the protection of personal data.
teaching for the personal and professional life of the The need for reliable user authentication solu-
learner, have great organizational flexibility and re- tions has increased with growing security concerns
duce accommodation and transportation costs. It al- and rapid advances in networking and communica-
lows to have the same training level obtained in real tion. Biometrics refers precisely to a computer tech-
classrooms. Yet, secure tools must be used to safely nology that stimulates the physical presence of an in-
access the exams. It is, thus, essential to control the dividual, it conceives its identity and its movements
student access and environment during an exam. On- as sources of dangers and risks. It is described as the
line assessment and supervised tests address the issue science of recognizing an individual based on their
of student verification and the environment in which physical or behavioral characteristics. This technol-
access to unauthorized documents and resources is a ogy is an excellent candidate for verifying the identity
major problem. of an individual. Biometrics are divided into two cate-
Data processing and environmental control must gories: 1) physical and 2) behavioural. Physical anal-
respect the principles defined by the General Regula- ysis may include the geometry of the hand, the retina,
tion on the protection of personal information (Carey, the characteristics of the iris and so on. Behavioural
2018). The information often collected in a regula- analysis helps to verify a person’s identity by examin-
tory context can make the verification of a person a ing measurable activity, such as gesture recognition,
safe and secure step. Higher education encourages keystroke dynamics and so on.
to fight cheating more effectively, schools are so very There are two main contributions in this work: 1)
interested in the quality and integrity of online proc- proposal of an original authentication solution based
toring. There is strong evidence that cheating has in- on facial recognition and keystroke dynamics for on-
creased in classrooms as it has been shown that 70% line assessments and the integration of a security sys-
of students cheat during their schooling (Chauvel, ). tem to detect fraud during online exams and 2) per-

Haytom, M., Rosenberger, C., Charrier, C., Zhu, C. and Regnier, C.
Identity Verification and Fraud Detection During Online Exams with a Privacy Compliant Biometric System.
DOI: 10.5220/0009874104510458
In Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2020) - SECRYPT, pages 451-458
ISBN: 978-989-758-446-6
Copyright c 2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography

forming experiments in real conditions to validate the pose in order to recognize the gender or the age cate-
proposed approach (Fig. 1). The paper is organized as gory according to the password or the edited text with
follows. In section 2, we present the related works on a recognition rate close to 75% (Giot et al., 2012;
the identity verification and fraud detection solutions Idrus et al., 2013). In fact, it is possible to combine
during online examinations. We present the proposed keystroke data with other biometric modality in order
system in section 3. Section 4 is dedicated to exper- to have a more secure verification system. In the first
imental results. We finally conclude in section 5 and place, we have integrated keystroke dynamics into our
give some perspectives of this work. remote exam management system as a basic modality
to increase the level of security and to have a robust
identity verification process.
2.2 Facial Recognition
In the literature, we can only find few studies that
deal with remote exam management. Duchatelle et Facial recognition systems have become an useful
al. conducted a real-life remote monitoring experi- tool in many fields of application. It remains an ac-
ment at the University of Caen Normandie (P. Beust, ceptable solution for many people because it is less
2016) allowing students in different countries to take expensive and easier to use. Facial recognition sys-
this exam. According to the obtained results, several tems are well-known computer vision applications
students have accepted to participate in the experi- whose purpose is to verify or identify a person. There
ment. Half of the candidates go as far as creating an are many approaches for facial recognition in the lit-
account on the platform of the organism that manages erature, such as: morphological elastic graph match-
the exams. As part of this experiment, 31 participants ing (Kotropoulos et al., 2000), scale-invariant feature
completed the test and almost a third of the candi- transform (Bicego et al., 2006) and so on.
dates could not pass the test due to technical prob- However, testing in a non-controlled environment
lems. This experience remains among the first online (variable lighting, variable orientation of the person
distance exams using biometric-based authentication. towards the camera, moving person, etc.) remains
Recently, authors in (Arnautovski, 2019) proposed a problematic, since the verification of users is carried
face recognition system for online examinations. Yet, out with high uncertainty especially during the acqui-
the proposed system provides no privacy protection sition phase. Certainly, many other methods to ver-
and has not been tested in real conditions. ify the identity of a person such as Deep Learning
based approach exist (Liu et al., 2015). To address the
2.1 Keystroke Dynamics critical environmental issue, the research activity fo-
cused on the analysis of human perception in order to
Many applications nowadays require personal data mathematically describe the processes that lead to the
about the user, where the proof of identity is used to recognition of actions, in order to mimic to the recog-
provide a secure service and to guarantee that a per- nition process of faces and objects by human beings.
son is authorized to access an online multimedia ser- Today, there are several works and scientific publica-
vice. In addition, it is necessary to convince users that tions based on artificial intelligence for user verifica-
the proposed solution is credible and that the informa- tion and identification (Liu et al., 2015; Parkhi et al.,
tion is processed reliably. Without a doubt, keystroke 2015).
dynamics could play a necessary role to improve the Face recognition is a constantly evolving field,
identity verification of individuals. This biometric so- continually improving. Identity verification through
lution has a very high degree of acceptability when deep learning has recently received a lot of atten-
compared to other modalities such as iris or gesture tion from the research and industry community and
recognition. is starting to be applied in a variety of areas, mainly
Keystroke dynamics represents the analysis of for security. We can find a study that handles the
keyboard interactions (for example the flight time be- authentication based on a Convolution Neural Net-
tween two pressed keys), recorded during the use of a work (Parkhi et al., 2015), researchers compute VGG-
laptop by the user. The collected information describe Face CNN descriptors using CNN implementation
the time when the key is pressed and the time when based on the VGG-Very-Deep-16 CNN architecture
the key is released when the learner uses his keyboard. and they evaluate it on a large databases (Labeled
Researchers have carried out numerous studies in this Faces in the Wild and the YouTube Faces). Deep
field, it is possible to explore these information for learning remains an effective technique and works
the authentication of an individual or profiling pur- much better than many facial recognition methods.

Identity Verification and Fraud Detection During Online Exams with a Privacy Compliant Biometric System

Figure 1: Multimodal biometric system with an automated monitoring.

The combination of keystroke dynamics and fa- the proposed solution. Several fraud scenarii have
cial recognition has also been studied. Unlike (Gupta been considered; direct communication with a person
et al., 2015) and (Giot et al., 2010), our approach is nearby, the use of unauthorized documents, the use of
based on a deep learning solution for faces and then a second screen smartphone and/or tablet to connect
the use of a different protocol of keystroke dynamics to the internet or sound transmission as sound effects
for free text field. In addition, the use of biometric and with fingers or hands or even leaving the room to
non-biometric data to form a model allowing identity have answers, etc. The steps of the proposal solution
verification and fraud detection in a remote examina- are:
1. Keystroke dynamics process
3 PROPOSED APPROACH 2. Face recognition process
3. Compute for each feature vector its Biocode
In this paper, we propose the integration of both facial
recognition solution and keystroke into the remote ex- Fraud detection
amination management system as a multimodal solu- 1. Perform a continuous verification
tion to increase the security level of the application. 2. Create fraud detection model
In fact, for the faces, we improved the pre-processing
phase to have a better presentation for data analysis 3.1 Identity Verification
before using deep learning process to extract the char-
acteristics of a learner. In fact, our objective is to 3.1.1 Keystroke Dynamics Process
set up a combination of several existing techniques
in a remote examination management system to have For the first biometric modality, we carry out a con-
a reliable and efficient solution. The biometric signa- tinuous verification throughout the exam session for
tures are part of a lot of so-called sensitive data. So, each learner. First of all, when the user writes a text
we implement security measures and data protection using his keyboard, each word represents a signature.
processes by obtaining an encrypted template in the Words with more than two letters are processed and
form of a secure code. The biohashing algorithm has analyzed. From several time sequences, we extract
been used to ensure the confidentiality of the data ex- the learner’s template where: 1) the time interval be-
changed since the storage of biometric templates is a tween pressed and released key, 2) the time interval
major problem. between two consecutive pressures, 3) the time inter-
Moreover, we propose the use of a fraud detection val between a release and the pressing of the next key
model to avoid frauds and identity theft problems and 4) the overall duration of a series of characters.
during remote exams. In this work, we conducted Unlike several state of the art studies, the learner’s
an experiment in real conditions in order to validate hesitation time was taken into account with the erro-

SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography

neous data. The hesitation times to write a text re- evaluate the quality of the image, using a natural
veal a unique data related to the person and his real scene statistical model of discrete cosine trans-
way of using his keyboard, which is not the case for form coefficients. The approach relies on a simple
passwords. For each keystroke, the time intervals are Bayesian inference model to predict image quality
recorded and concatenated with the duration to con- scores based on certain extracted features. During
stitute a vector of characteristics. the pre-processing step, if the image quality metric
Keystroke dynamics can be affected by a number is lower than the threshold, the acquired image is not
of variables (how well the learner prepared for differ- saved, otherwise the image is recorded.
ent exams, and how familiar he/she is with the topic
of each question within the same exam, etc), to avoid Adjusting Intensity
this, during the enrollment the user is invited to write The values of the intensity of the image have been
a text of a page, the hesitation time is taken into ac- adjusted to improve the contrast of the output image
count with a delay of 3 seconds maximum. Depend- by saturating the higher side and the lower side by 1
ing on the security requirements of the application, percent of all pixel values.
the KD is used in this context only for texts at least
one page long. Face Detection
In this part, Viola-Jones Cascade Object Detector has
3.1.2 Facial Recognition Process been used to detect the faces (Viola and Jones, 2001).
Indeed, the calculation is based on the integration of
Face recognition systems involve two important the pixels of the image as well as the use of pseudo-
phases, the enrollment and the authentication. The Haar features. After getting the size and the position
first step concerns the user enrollment: enrollment or the spatial coordinates of the region of interest.
means the acquisition of the biometric input data, the The output is cropped including all the pixels of the
detection of region of interest and the extraction of image inside the rectangle. The image is resized by
features to define a template of each genuine user. The specifying the number of rows and columns to get
genuine model is stored as a reference after applying a matrix of two dimensions (resolution 224 × 224
some quality requirements (Saad et al., 2012). For pixels).
face recognition based systems, the concerned bio-
metric data is the face image, and the extracted fea- VGG Face - Convolution Neural Network
tures are stored in the user device memory. CNN architectures were mainly used for character
To achieve the enrollment phase in a reliable man- recognition tasks. They are proven very effective
ner on a massive scale, a familiarization session was in areas such as image recognition and classification
planned to get started with the software one day be- (Parkhi et al., 2015). The model was formed on 2.6
fore the exam. During this simulation the learner is million images over more than 2,600 people. The ac-
invited to capture his image, this image will be used curacy of the system has been evaluated at 98.95%,
in order to make a verification during the real session compared to DeepFace and FaceNet system. To ex-
of the exam. tract the feature vector, VGG pre-training model has
On the first hand, to authenticate users, we start been applied to the input image (resolution 224 × 224
by capturing images using the student laptop camera. pixels), the output data represents the user pattern or
A pre-processing step has been used to enhance the the unique signature of the learner.
input data. Once the face image has been acquired,
we use a face detection tool to crop and normalize 3.1.3 Privacy Protection
the faces. Next, we extract features using the Convo-
lutional Neural Network (CNN) model (Parkhi et al., The general principle of BioHashing is to generate
2015) to obtain a template representing the signature a binary code called Bio-Code, which will be used
of the user. With the biometric model, students can during the enrollment phase and to verify the identity
access online courses and exams depending on the of the learner. It can be obtained from the biometric
threshold used for the verification process. First, data (the template of the user) and a random num-
we compare the reference model with the signature ber. In the literature, we can find many studies using
acquired during authentication and we compute a Biohashing for many biometrics modalities such as
score distance. fingerprints (Belguechi et al., 2010; Belguechi et al.,
2012), keystroke dynamics (Migdal and Rosenberger,
Quality Evaluation 2018) and so on.
The no-reference image quality assessment algorithm In this work, we use the BioHashing algorithm in
BLIINDS2 (Saad et al., 2012) has been used to order to protect the VGG face vector and keystroke

Identity Verification and Fraud Detection During Online Exams with a Privacy Compliant Biometric System

signature computed from an user for privacy reasons. blocks access to internet during the examination with
Face images and keystroke data are not stored for the a secure virtual environment, and the learner can’t
same reasons. This algorithm consists firstly in pro- manipulate other applications before sending the copy
jecting the native biometric data on an orthogonal ba- of the exam and closing the application.
sis generated from the random number. The resulting
dimension corresponds at most to the dimension of 3.2.1 Fraud Model
the primary representation of the biometric data. The
goal of this step is to hide the biometric data in a part Here, we propose to use a machine learning method to
of the multidimensional space. The use of an orthogo- detect the fraud automatically and creating a fraud de-
nal base ensures the conservation of the similarity re- tection model to manage online proctoring. The data-
lations between the templates (BioCodes), while kep- set for training contains normal cases and frauds. The
ping good recognition result. The second step aims to model was created using four supervised classifica-
quantify this result using a determined threshold. In tion algorithms: 1) the Decision Tree, 2) the Logis-
our study, for face the size of the generated biocode tic regression, 2) the k-nearest neighbors scheme and
is 512 bits. The choice of the threshold and the size 4) the Naive Bayes classifier after pre-processing and
of the bioCode guarantees the non-inversion of the re-sampling to obtain the user indicators. Indicators
process. In addition, this two-factor process (Finger- were obtained after launching a continuous analysis
Code and Seed-key) ensures that it is not possible to for each user.
retrieve the native biometric data given the BioCode. In fact, a set of biometrics and non biometrics data (25
learners) have been used to train the model, each sam-
ple contains; 1) face detection analysis, 2) the key-
3.2 Fraud Detection
board event (by counting the number of keys), 3) the
distributions of image analysis, 4) three distributions
In our study, we use face detection, analysis of events based on the amplitude of the sound signal by vary-
using images and facial recognition by performing a ing the amplitude thresholds 5) the keystroke dynam-
calculation on a four seconds duration window. In ics and 6) the feature vectors of the deep parameter
fact several parameters were used: the keyboard ac- of facial recognition every four seconds, each signa-
tivity, the keystroke dynamics and the acoustic signal. ture of face was obtained after running the process
On the other hand, we perform an analysis for each of deep learning. To form our detection model, data
type of information, then we use statistical solutions from various scenarios were used. We start the train-
such as the histogram in order to distinguish honest ing by using a class with 703 characteristics, for each
learners and learners who cheat during the exam. For user 150 instances, making a total of 3750 instances.
example, for face detection, the histogram allows to The model was trained to count cheating attempts and
represent the distribution of the numbers of detection identify frauds automatically.
continuously until the end of the test. The first step
consists in comparing the data acquired from a person
authorized to take the examination with and without
fraud attempts to the information collected from a per- 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
son not authorized to take the examination. When the
amplitude of the signal is higher than the threshold at 4.1 Experimental Protocols
a given moment, we consider that the user cheated. To
set the threshold, some machine learning tools have 4.1.1 Experiment 1
been used in order to create a fraud detection model
by automatically setting the threshold value. In this work, biometric data (face images) from 30
The threshold could have a significant impact on users working in the GREYC Laboratory and TestWe
performance. During this study we note that, the ob- Company were collected using a laptop computer.
servations are well separated between a person who This number of participants is not so high, but is in
cheats and an honest learner. In fact, the use of sev- the same range as published studies (see section 2).
eral characteristics (data from different sensors) dras- Biometric information is collected from individuals
tically reduce the impact of the threshold on perfor- via an integrated camera of a ”ThinkPad S440” com-
mance. puter. Intel Core i7-4510U computer with a CPU of
We trust the output provided by the camera, even 2.00 and 2.60 [GHz] was used during the examina-
if in a way, a user can rely on techniques similar to tion.
those provided by malware to produce a fake video This first experiment remains a preliminary study
stream. In fact, the basic exam management solution to have the feelings of the users, evaluate the pro-

SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography

posed method and the system ability to make the right Table 1: Evaluation in an uncontrolled and in a controlled
decision. Each user is invited to take the exam re- environment (Equal Error Rate).
motely with a graphical user interface (QT applica- Template uncontrolled env controlled env
tion). More precisely, the sample is recorded and Ref (aver) FaceC BioC FaceC BioC
it is the same for each user. Experiments were car- 10 0.531 0.292 0,0099 0.001
ried out with two different protocols: the first proto- 20 0.529 0.26 0,0088 0.002
col consists of passing the test in an uncontrolled en- 30 0.444 0.24 0,0069 0.001
vironment for ten participants and the second proto- 40 0.35 0.254 0,0057 0.001
col twenty people have passed the test with the same 50 0.316 0.282 0.0065 0.001
device in a controlled environment. The constraints
of the uncontrolled environment are: the variation of
light in the examination room, the face pose and the 4.2 Performance Evaluation
presence of posters and images in the background of
the learners. For this preliminary study, the database We consider that the conditions related to the sensors
contains a number of 30 people and represents a class are fulfilled. Some common error rates in biomet-
of examination, for each participant 720 images are rics will be used such as Equal Error Rate (EER) with
collected making a total of 21600 samples. computes the system configuration to have a tradeoff
between the FAR (false acceptance rate) and the FRR
4.1.2 Experiment 2 (false rejection rate) values.

We have created an application with a text editor to 4.2.1 Face Recognition

collect keystroke data. The application allows us to
collect the flight time between each pressed key as We consider the database n1 composed of 720 im-
well as the release time of the keys. Two sessions ages (resolution 224 × 224 pixels) for 10 people. The
were carried out (the same number of participants of faceCode of each user is generated according to the
the previous experience); during the first session, par- method presented in section 3.1, with deep learning.
ticipants were asked to write one page of text and then Once this is done, the biohashing has been used, 720
write ten sentences before sending the data. The sec- faceCodes are available for each person, which means
ond session consists of launching a second application 7200 faceCodes with a length of 512 bits. After ran-
(keylogger) for a period of one day in order to col- dom projection and quantization, 7200 BioCodes are
lect as much data as possible. The number of words generated. For each person, the average of several
recorded for each learner varies with an average of FaceCodes is kept as a reference, the other FaceCodes
1200. We take the minimum value (150 samples) in are used to evaluate the performance of the system.
order to process the data of all participants. A stand- For the first scenario, the reference FaceCodes
by button is used when a participant enters personal was chosen after calculating the average of the first
information (password, PIN, etc.). ten FaceCodes. Consecutively, the number of sam-
ples increased from 10 to 50 with a step of 10. On the
4.1.3 Experiment 3 other hand, for the bioCodes, the reference templates
were chosen after calculating the average in a consec-
A third experiment in real conditions was carried out utive way. The average of several BioCodes is used as
with ENSICAEN students to simulate fraud attempts a reference, the other BioCodes are also used for the
in a remote examination. Several fraud scenarios have comparison. The BLIINDS2 quality assessment algo-
been considered using unauthorized supports (smart- rithm (Saad et al., 2012) was not used to increase the
phone, blackboard, second computer, etc.) or the help false acceptance rate during the pre-processing phase.
of a friend nearby (direct or indirect communication) The EERs obtained (Table 1) are apparently far from
or even leaving the room to seek answers. The over- being the best (with errors related to non detection)
all duration is 10 minutes for each simulation. User compared to the results of the literature. However,
interface application (QT C++) has been used to col- these values allow us to define a basic system perfor-
lect the data, the information collected are the audio mance in an uncontrolled environment.
signal, the sequence of images then the flight time be- In the second scenario, the process of evaluating
tween each used key. the image quality was used, which reduces the num-
ber of false acceptances. In the table (Table 1), we see
that in a controlled environment, the error rates de-
crease. The EER value of Facecode is greater than the
EER value of the BioCode in both scenarios. Indeed,

Identity Verification and Fraud Detection During Online Exams with a Privacy Compliant Biometric System

Table 2: Evaluation of two sessions (EER). 4.2.4 Fraud Detection Model

ref template BioHash Native
(average 1-10) min max min max The idea here is to highlight the classification tools to
Keylogger 0.019 0.16 0.002 0.004 create a model that will be used to detect fraud dur-
Normal sess 0.045 0.079 0.006 0.022 ing the online exam. To detect fraud, multiple infor-
mation of 25 participants from different sensors were
Table 3: The results of the fusion of faceCode scores and used to generate the model. The target is: ”fraud at-
secure keystroke signature (EER). tempt” or ”honest learner”. We chose all the biometric
and non-biometric data available from these authors
ref BioCode KD merged
that were sufficiently numerous (with a 10 minutes
template EER EER score
duration exam), which were sufficient to carry out an
10 0.0012 0,0813 0,0813
analysis and determine the fraud attempts.
20 0.0018 0,0738 0,07378
30 0.0009 0,0722 0,07225 Table 4: Evaluation results (Cross validation, k = 20).
40 0.0009 0,0859 0,08592 Model AUC CA Precis Recall
50 0.00095 0,0880 0,08803 kNN 0.999 0.995 0.995 0.995
Tree 1 1 1 1
without the constraints related to the environment and NB 0.987 0.962 0.962 0.962
the quality of the input data, after using bioHashing LR 1 1 1 1
the error rates are close to zero. However, it must at
least the average of the first forty FaceCodes to find In order to establish the automated detection sys-
an optimal reference template. tem, a set of data was used for each user (set of char-
acteristics: face detection, facial recognition, video
4.2.2 Keystroke Dynamics
activity, keystroke dynamics, sound signal and key-
board events). We use different supervised classifi-
The same principle to secure the face data was applied
cation approaches to build the model (Decision Tree
to protect the keystroke dynamics templates. Based
(DT), logistic Regression (LR), k-nearest neighbors
on the results of our experiment, we see that the EER
(kNN) and Naive Bayes (NB)).
values vary between 0.2% and 2% for native data, and
A confusion matrix has been used to evaluate the
between 4 % and 22 % with bioHashing (table 2, key-
proposed fraud detection method. After setting the
logger and normal session). This is due to the fact
output variable (”honest learner” and ”fraud attempt”)
that the size of the characteristic vector is very small.
and comparing the detection accuracy of different ma-
On the other hand, to secure more and more the bio-
chine learning algorithms by adjusting the parameter
metric data, we increase the size of the keycode (the
of the reliability estimation method (cross validation).
keystroke signature) before applying bioHashing by
we obtain a precision close to 100% with the Logistic
adding relevant information related to the learner. We
Regression and the Decision Tree using all the charac-
note that the test based on the keylogger gives lower
teristics, (Table 4). These two methods allow to iden-
error rates than the normal session since this test al-
tify almost all fraud attempts (detecting 2100 with the
lows participants to use their keyboard in a natural
DT and 2099 fraud attempts with the LR, see Tables
5). After carrying out the experiments, the DT and
4.2.3 Multimodal Fusion RL learning methods provide the best performance.
The DT and the RL remain a relevant solution for the
The fusion during the generation of scores induces classification and the detection of fraud in a remote
several problems such as non-homogeneous scores, exam. To conclude, we can integrate these two learn-
various distributions and vectors of different sizes. In ing solutions into our biometric system to detect an
our study, we obtain an error rate of 8% with the av- anomaly or the unusual behaviour using a fraud de-
erage of the first 10 templates (Table 3, the results tection model in order to improve online assessment.
of the merger of scores), a considerably reduced er- Table 5: Confusion matrix - Tree and LR.
ror percentage compared to fusion in the extraction of Tree (predicted) LR (predicted)
characteristics. Indeed, for the reference template, the
honest fraud honest fraud
average of 10 to 50 templates was used for the signa-
honest (act) 1650 0 1650 0
ture of the face and the keystroke dynamics.
fraud (act) 0 2100 1 2099

SECRYPT 2020 - 17th International Conference on Security and Cryptography

5 CONCLUSION AND Giot, R., Rosenberger, C., and Dorizzi, B. (2012). Re-
connaissance du genre par analyse de dynamique de
PERSPECTIVES frappe au clavier sur texte libre.
Gupta, A., Khanna, A., Jagetia, A., Sharma, D., Alekh, S.,
This work addresses the general problem of the pro- and Choudhary, V. (2015). Combining keystroke dy-
tection of the privacy of a user during a remote exami- namics and face recognition for user verification. In
nation. It seeks to define the different forms it can take 2015 IEEE 18th International Conference on Com-
fraud, as well as the expected properties of a secure putational Science and Engineering, pages 294–299.
biometric anti-cheat system that respects the privacy IEEE.
of learners. To conclude, the integration of biomet- Idrus, S. Z. S., Cherrier, E., Rosenberger, C., and Bours, P.
rics into distance learning systems will help teachers (2013). Soft biometrics for keystroke dynamics. In
International Conference Image Analysis and Recog-
to effectively control student authentication, course nition, pages 11–18. Springer.
tracking, provide certificates in an automated manner,
Kotropoulos, C., Tefas, A., and Pitas, I. (2000). Morpho-
analyse student behaviour during exams, the valida- logical elastic graph matching applied to frontal face
tion of the certificates of success as well as the detec- authentication under well-controlled and real condi-
tion of fraud with a high level of accuracy. The pro- tions. Pattern Recognition, 33(12):1935–1947.
posed solution is effective against identity theft and Liu, Z., Luo, P., Wang, X., and Tang, X. (2015). Deep
fraud attempts. Indeed, this system is able to detect learning face attributes in the wild. In Proceedings
fraud automatically, it respects the privacy and confi- of the IEEE international conference on computer vi-
dentiality of the data exchanged and solves an impor- sion, pages 3730–3738.
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