Scratch Was Developed by The

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1. Scratch was developed by the MIT Media Lab in 2007.

2. Scratch is a visual programming language, which means that users
create programs by dragging and dropping blocks of code instead of
typing out text-based code.
3. Scratch is designed for beginners, particularly children aged 8-16.
4. Scratch is free and open-source software.
5. Scratch can be used to create games, animations, simulations, and
other interactive media.
6. Scratch programs are made up of "scripts," which are sequences of
blocks that control the behavior of sprites (characters or objects in the
7. Scratch includes a library of sprites and backgrounds that users can
choose from, or they can create their own.
8. Scratch allows users to create their own custom blocks, which can be
used to simplify complex code.
9. Scratch uses event-driven programming, which means that scripts are
triggered by specific events, such as clicking on a sprite or pressing a
10.Scratch includes a variety of programming constructs, including loops,
conditionals, variables, and functions.
11.Scratch supports multiple programming paradigms,
including procedural programming, object-oriented programming, and
event-driven programming.
12.Scratch has a built-in stage where sprites can interact with each other
and the user interface.
13.Scratch has a "backpack" feature that allows users to share and reuse
code blocks.
14.Scratch has a community website where users can share their projects
and collaborate with others.
15.Scratch supports multiple languages, including English, Spanish, French,
Chinese, and more.
16.Scratch has a built-in paint editor that allows users to create their own
sprites and backgrounds.
17.Scratch supports sound effects and music.
18.Scratch includes tutorials and resources to help users learn how to
19.Scratch has a "debugging" feature that helps users identify and fix errors
in their code.
20.Scratch can be used on a variety of devices, including desktop
computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones.
21.Scratch can be used offline or online, depending on the user's
22.Scratch has a block-based interface that is similar to other visual
programming languages, such as Blockly and
23.Scratch can be used to teach a variety of concepts, including math,
science, and social studies.
24.Scratch is used in schools and educational programs around the world.
25.Scratch has won numerous awards and accolades for its impact on
education and technology.
26.Scratch is constantly being updated and improved by the Scratch team
and the community.
27.Scratch has a large and active community of users and contributors.
28.Scratch is designed tobe inclusive and accessible to users of all
backgrounds and abilities.
29.Scratch has a "See inside" feature that allows users to view and remix
other people's projects.
30.Scratch includes a variety of sound and visual effects that can be used to
enhance projects.
31.Scratch allows users to create and display text in a variety of fonts and
32.Scratch has a "broadcast" feature that allows sprites to communicate
with each other.
33.Scratch allows users to import and export projects in a variety of
34.Scratch has a "turbo mode" feature that speeds up the execution of
35.Scratch has a "pen" feature that allows users to draw and create shapes.
36.Scratch has a "variable watcher" feature that allows users to monitor the
values of variables in real time.
37.Scratch has a "stop all" feature that allows users to stop all scripts from
38.Scratch has a "wait" block that allows users to pause the execution of
scripts for a specified amount of time.
39.Scratch has a "sound recorder" feature that allows users to record and
edit their own sound effects and music.
40.Scratch has a "broadcast and wait" block that allows users to
synchronize the execution of scripts across multiple sprites.
41.Scratch has a "clone" feature that allows users to create multiple copies
of a sprite or script.
42.Scratch has a "delete" block that allows users to remove sprites and
scripts from their project.
43.Scratch has a "hide" block that allows users to hide sprites from the
44.Scratch has a "show" block that allows users to make hidden sprites
visible again.
45.Scratch has a "set size" block that allows users to resize sprites.
46.Scratch has a "set rotation style" block that allows users to control how
sprites rotate.
47.Scratch has a "move" block that allows users to move sprites around the
48.Scratch has a "set x" block and a "set y" block that allow users to set the
position of sprites.
49.Scratch has a "go to" block that allows users to move sprites to specific
locations on the stage.
50.Scratch has a "point in direction" block that allows users to control the
direction that sprites are facing.
51.Scratch has a "change x" block and a "change y" block that allow users
to move sprites relative to their current position.
52.Scratch has a "set backdrop" block that allows users to change the
background of the stage.
53.Scratch has a "next backdrop" block that allows users to cycle through a
list of backdrops.
54.Scratch has a "broadcast message" block that allows users to trigger
scripts in other sprites.
55.Scratch has a "when I receive" block that allows users to run scripts
when a specific message is received.
56.Scratch has a "repeat" block that allows users to run a sequenceof
blocks multiple times.
57.Scratch has a "forever" block that allows users to run a sequence of
blocks repeatedly.
58.Scratch has a "if" block and an "if-else" block that allow users to
create conditional statements.
59.Scratch has a "wait until" block that allows users to pause the execution
of scripts until a specific condition is met.
60.Scratch has a "random" block that allows users to generate random
numbers or select random items from a list.
61.Scratch has a "set variable" block that allows users to create and set the
value of variables.
62.Scratch has a "change variable" block that allows users to update the
value of variables.
63.Scratch has a "ask" block that allows users to prompt the user for input.
64.Scratch has a "join" block that allows users to concatenate strings.
65.Scratch has a "length" block that allows users to determine the length of
a string or list.
66.Scratch has a "item" block that allows users to retrieve specific items
from a list.
67.Scratch has a "insert" block that allows users to add items to a list at a
specific position.
68.Scratch has a "delete" block that allows users to remove items from a
69.Scratch has a "replace" block that allows users to replace items in a list.
70.Scratch has a "set pen color" block that allows users to change the color
ofthe pen used for drawing.
71.Scratch has a "pen down" block and a "pen up" block that allow users to
control when the pen is used for drawing.
72.Scratch has a "clear" block that allows users to clear the stage or the
pen's drawing.
73.Scratch has a "stamp" block that allows users to create a copy of a
sprite's image on the stage.
74.Scratch has a "play sound" block that allows users to play sound effects
or music.
75.Scratch has a "stop sound" block that allows users to stop playing sound
effects or music.
76.Scratch has a "set volume" block that allows users to control the volume
of sound effects and music.
77.Scratch has a "repeat until" block that allows users to run a sequence of
blocks until a specific condition is met.
78.Scratch has a "for" block that allows users to run a sequence of blocks
for a specific number of times.
79.Scratch has a "wait for" block that allows users to pause the execution of
scripts until a specific event occurs.
80.Scratch has a "switch costume" block that allows users to change the
appearance of sprites.
81.Scratch has a "next costume" block that allows users to cycle through a
sprite's costumes.
82.Scratch has a "set tempo" block that allows users to control the speed of
animations and sound effects.
83.Scratch has a "start sound" block that allows usersto play sound effects
or music from a specific point in time.
84.Scratch has a "set instrument" block that allows users to choose
different musical instruments.
85.Scratch has a "set tempo to" block that allows users to set the tempo of
the project to a specific value.
86.Scratch has a "play note" block that allows users to play specific musical
87.Scratch has a "rest" block that allows users to pause the execution
of musical notes for a specified amount of time.
88.Scratch has a "sensor value" block that allows users to read data from
various sensors, such as the microphone, webcam, or accelerometer.
89.Scratch has a "loudness" block that allows users to measure the volume
of sound picked up by the microphone.
90.Scratch has a "video motion" block that allows users to detect
movement in the webcam.
91.Scratch has a "tilt" block that allows users to measure the orientation of
the device.
92.Scratch has a "set video transparency" block that allows users to make
parts of the webcam image transparent.
93.Scratch has a "broadcast and wait" block that allows users to
synchronize the execution of scripts across multiple sprites.
94.Move block is used to make a sprite move forward
95.Change size block used to change the size of a sprite
96.Set background block used to change the background color of the stage
97.Turn block used to make a sprite change direction
98.Say block used to make a sprite say something
99.Wait block used to wait for a certain amount of time before executing
the next
100. Repeat block used to repeat a block of code a certain number of
101. If , then and else block used to create a conditional statement in
Scratch(all 3 of these codes )
102. Set block used to set the value of a variable in Scratch
103. Sound block used to play a sound in Scratch
104. Bumping block used to detect when a sprite has collided with
another sprite or the edge
105. Repeat until block used to create a loop that will continue until a
certain condition is met
106. Hide block used to hide a sprite in Scratch
107. Set background block used to change the background of the
stage to an image uploaded to scratch
108. Random block used to create a random number in Scratch
109. Clone block used to create a clone of a sprite in Scratch
110. Change color block used to change the color of a sprite in Scratch
111. Create list block used to create a list in Scratch
112. Add to list block used to add an item to a list in Scratch?
113. Contains block used to check if a certain item is in a list in Scratch
114. Go to block used to set the position of a sprite on the stage in
115. Switch costume block used to make a sprite switch to a different
costume in Scratch
116. Stop all block used to stop all running scripts in Scratch
117. Set volume block used to set the volume of a sound in Scratch
118. Round block used to round a number to the nearest integer in
119. Variable block used to create a variable in Scratch
120. Set size block used to set the size of a sprite in Scratch
121. Play note block used to play a note on the Scratch piano
122. Point in direction block used to change the direction of a sprite in
123. Broadcast block used to create a broadcast message in Scratch
1. The Motion category includes blocks that control the movement and
position of sprites on the stage.
2. Some key blocks in the Motion category include "Move," "Turn," "Go to
x,y," and "Glide."
3. The "Move" block allows users to move sprites in a specified direction
by a specific number of steps.
4. The "Turn" block allows users to rotate sprites by a certain number of
5. The "Go to x,y" block allows users to move sprites to a specific location
on the stage.
6. The "Glide" block allows users to smoothly move sprites to a specified
location over a set period of time.
1. The Looks category includes blocks that control the appearance of
sprites on the stage.
2. Some key blocks in the Looks category include "Say," "Think," "Show,"
and "Hide."
3. The "Say" block allows users to display text in a speech bubble above a
4. The "Think" block allows users to display text in a thought bubble above
a sprite.
5. The "Show" block allows users to make a sprite visible on the stage.
6. The "Hide" block allows users to make a sprite invisible on the stage.
1. The Sound category includes blocks that control the playback of sound
effects and music.
2. Some key blocks in the Sound category include "Play sound," "Stop all
sounds," and "Set volume."
3. The "Play sound" block allows users to play a specific sound effect or
musical note.
4. The "Stop all sounds" block allows users to stop all sound effects and
music currently playing.
5. The "Set volume" block allows users to control the volume of sound
effects and music.
1. The Variables category includes blocks that allow users to create and
manipulate variables in their programs.
2. Some key blocks in the Variables category include "Set variable,"
"Change variable," and "Variable."
3. The "Set variable" block allows users to create a new variable and set its
initial value.
4. The "Change variable" block allows users to update the value of an
existing variable.
5. The "Variable" block allows users to reference the value of a variable in
their scripts.
1. The Numbers category includes blocks that perform mathematical
operations on numbers.
2. Some key blocks in the Numbers category include "Add," "Subtract,"
"Multiply," and "Divide."
3. The "Add" block allows users to add two numbers together.
4. The "Subtract" block allows users to subtract one number from another.
5. The "Multiply" block allows users to multiply two numbers together.
6. The "Divide" block allows users to divide one number by another.
1. The Events category includesblocks that control when scripts are
triggered in response to specific events.
2. Some key blocks in the Events category include "When flag clicked,"
"When this sprite clicked," and "When key pressed."
3. The "When flag clicked" block triggers a script when the green flag is
clicked to start the program.
4. The "When this sprite clicked" block triggers a script when the sprite is
5. The "When key pressed" block triggers a script when a specific key is
pressed on the keyboard.
1. The Control category includes blocks that control the flow of scripts,
such as loops and conditionals.
2. Some key blocks in the Control category include "Repeat," "If," "Wait
until," and "Forever."
3. The "Repeat" block allows users to repeat a sequence of blocks a
specific number of times.
4. The "If" block allows users to create conditional statements that run
different scripts depending on a certain condition.
5. The "Wait until" block allows users to pause the execution of a script
until a certain condition is met.
6. The "Forever" block allows users to repeat a sequence of blocks
1. The Pen category includes blocks that control the pen used for drawing
on the stage.
2. Some key blocks in the Pen category include "Pen down," "Pen up," and
3. The "Pen down" block activates the pen so that it draws on the stage.
4. The"Pen up" block deactivates the pen so that it stops drawing on the
5. The "Clear" block erases all of the pen's drawings from the stage.

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