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The Spanish Journal of Psychology (2021), 24, e2, 1–6.

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What is the Role of Technology in Recruitment and


Ioannis Nikolaou
Athens University of Economics and Business (Greece)

Abstract. We explore a number of new developments in the field of employee recruitment and selection with a focus on
recent technological developments. We discuss examples of technological developments across the four stages of the
recruitment and selection process. In the attraction stage we discuss how on-line/internet recruitment and especially social
networking websites have changed dramatically the focus of attracting candidates effectively. In the next stage of
screening, we discuss how cybervetting and applicant tracking systems offer opportunities but also threats for recruiters
and candidates. In the third stage of employee selection, we focus especially on two new selection methods; the
asynchronous/digital interview and gamification/games-based assessment, along with the critical role and impact
applicant reactions have on the selection process. Finally, we briefly discuss the main technological developments in
on-boarding and socialization, and we conclude with a few suggestions for future research in this field.

Received 5 November 2020; Revised 20 December 2020; Accepted 11 January 2021

Keywords: applicant reactions, employee recruitment, employee selection, technology

Employee recruitment, selection, and assessment has psychology and human resources management but also
been for many years and still remains one of the most in the fields of computer / data science and engineering
prominent and important areas of research and practice (e.g., Montuschi et al., 2014; Obaid et al., 2020)
in both work/organizational psychology (Ryan & However, as mentioned by van Iddekinge et al. (2016)
Ployhart, 2014) and human resource management regarding the gap between research and practice in the
(Markoulli et al., 2017). Dealing traditionally with the use of social networking websites in recruitment and
successful attraction, assessment, selection and onboard- selection, research in the use of technology in recruitment
ing of employees in an organization, it has always been a and selection still lags behind its extensive use in practice.
critical and expensive operation in every organization. Although a number of studies have appeared recently on
More recently though, employee recruitment and various technology-related issues and their interaction
selection has been heavily affected by the emergence of with recruitment and selection, we still need more
technology, influencing all different aspects of the research on this topic. Our aim in this brief article is to
recruitment and selection cycle (Woods et al., 2020). present some proposals that researchers may find useful
New and various forms of technological developments while studying and researching in these fields, with a
- and not only the use of the internet or the widely used work and organizational psychology focus, across the
Social Networking Websites - have appeared, making a four different phases of the recruitment lifecycle.
strong impact on the way recruiters work and job
seekers look for a job. This changing landscape of the
field, due to technology, has attracted increased research Technology and Recruitment/Selection
interest, not only in the field of work/organizational
Recruitment and selection have probably benefited the
most from the advent of technological solutions during
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to the last few decades. The first studies exploring the role
Ioannis Nikolaou. Athens University of Economics and Business. of e-hr appeared early in the 2000s (Karakanian, 2000;
Department of Management Science and Technology. 104 34 Athens
E-mail: How to cite this article:
Conflicts of Interest: None. Nikolaou, I. (2021). What is the role of technology in recruitment
Funding Statement: This work was supported with funding by the and selection? The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 24. e2.
Athens University of Economics & Business Research Centre (EΡ-3069- Doi:10.1017/SJP.2021.6
01). Published online by Cambridge University Press

2 I. Nikolaou

Stanton & Coovert, 2004) predicting the beneficial and maintain candidates’ interest, supporting exten-
impact of technology, across the different HR functions. sively the employer branding initiatives and policies a
Back then, the focus was οn topics such as the use of the company may undertake (Lievens & Slaughter, 2016).
intranet, e-learning, virtual teams, HR Information Sys- For example, companies can include in their career sites
tems, etc. Nevertheless, internet recruitment, employ- video-testimonials of current employees describing
ment / career websites and on-line psychological what it means to work for this company, or recruiters
testing (Bartram, 2000; Lievens & Harris, 2003) were explaining the hiring process to interested candidates.
also in the forefront of those first attempts to study In addition, companies may undertake supplementary
and predict how technology will change the landscape steps, such as measuring site visits, improving website
of research and practice in recruitment and selection. characteristics, tracking and following applicants across
Today, two decades since these articles first appeared, different media, such as on social media, etc. Sooner
things have progressed a lot; technology has made a rather than later we will see job ads common in digital
tremendous progress across all different aspects of marketing but still new in human resources, such as
social and professional life. Especially, in recruitment SEO (search engine specialization) hiring co-ordinator
and selection, technology has affected the whole recruit- and SEO career analyst.
ment and selection lifecycle. In the following sections Social media though and social networking websites
we will describe a number of technological develop- have been the most important development in the field
ments that have affected the four main stages of the of digital attraction. A topic that has attracted extensive
recruitment and selection process: attraction; screening, interest from practitioners worldwide but still remains
selection and on-boarding. an area which tries to catch up practice and has only
recently received increased research interest. In one of
the first studies on this topic we explored how job
Technology in Attraction
seekers and recruiters use Social Networking Websites
The first stage of the recruitment and selection process (Nikolaou, 2014), arguing that social media offer the
includes the attraction phase. Chapman and Mayers opportunity to candidates for increased networking in
(2015) emphasize the crucial but often undermined role a cheap and effective way, but also how useful they can
of attraction, as the “series of systems, processes and strat- be for recruiters as a means of attracting passive candi-
egies designed to maximize the size and quality of the appli- dates, i.e., people who are not actively looking for a job,
cant pool” (p. 27). Attraction is not identical to but who might pay attention to an interesting offer or
recruitment, especially in todays’ digital era. Recruit- suggestion by a recruiter. Nevertheless, recent studies
ment is broader, including many different elements, have challenged the wide acceptance of social media,
important for the whole selection process, such as the raising major concerns about their usefulness both
different activities organizations undertake in order to among recruiters (Zhang et al., 2020) and job-seekers
identify a desirable group of candidates, attract them (Johnson & Leo, 2020). More research is urgently needed
into their employee ranks, and retaining them at least in this field, since there is no sign that the use of Linke-
for the short term (Taylor & Collins, 2000, p. 306). dIn especially is going to go away any time soon. On the
Recruitment should also be aligned with the organiza- contrary, early signs have shown that the advent of
tions’ strategic objectives, therefore especially today, it COVID–19 has shifted both job seekers and recruiters
should include all technology-related activities that towards more extensive use of social media, according
influence the recruitment and selection cycle, such as to recent reports in the media (e.g., Wilding, 2020).
employer branding, candidate experience, etc.
Internet-based, or on-line recruitment was one of the
Technology in Screening
first technological developments in the field that has
attracted increased attention both from researchers The second stage of the process includes screening can-
and practitioners (Bartram, 2000). Job boards/job sites didates’ available information regarding their suitability
offering employers the opportunity to advertise their for the position. Traditionally, highly specialized compa-
job openings online to a wide audience were the first nies were involved in difficult to handle and execute
applications in on-line recruitment and are still used background screening, especially for sensitive positions,
heavily nowadays, since they are often perceived (and such as in the army, the security forces and in financial
probably they are) as highly effective from both institutions. The emergence of social media has trans-
recruiters and job applicants (Nikolaou, 2014). Simi- formed the scene there as well. Cybervetting has been
larly, companies have shown interest in developing defined as the use of nongovernmental, noninstitutional
specialized career / job sites where they advertise their online tools or sites (e.g., search engines and social net-
own job openings. Technology has enabled company work sites) from employers in order to extract informal,
career sites to become a very effective tool in attracting often personal information about prospective or current Published online by Cambridge University Press

Technology in Recruitment and Selection 3

employees (Berkelaar & Buzzanell, 2014). Cook et al. responses, body temperature changes, word speed,
(2020) have recently published an article describing the and so on (e.g., HireVue); sometimes with the use of
development of a new scale measuring cybervetting in an sensor devices, automatic extraction and evaluation of
attempt to support researchers doing research in this data and visualization to automate the entire interview
topic. Cybervetting seems to have a strong negative process (Langer et al., 2019). On the other hand, candi-
impact on applicant reactions, an important topic we will dates have the opportunity to apply to international job
discuss later. Candidates expect that professionally- positions, thus saving money and time (Guchait et al.,
oriented websites, such as LinkedIn, will be accessed by 2014). However, the first studies exploring how partic-
potential employers and often encourage this access by ipants perceive the digital interview and also how effec-
including their LinkedIn profile link in their CVs or tive it is compared to the traditional interview were not
application forms, but they do not have the same attitude very supportive. Langer et al. (2017) showed no differ-
towards personally-oriented social media, such as Face- ence in organizational attractiveness levels, participants
book or Instagram (Nikolaou et al., 2020). considered digital interviews to be creepier and less
Technological developments have also facilitated the personal, reporting increased privacy concerns.
administration and execution of many time-consuming Another major development in employee selection
tasks in the screening process. For example, the exten- methods has been gamification and games-based
sive use of applicant tracking systems (ATS) can reduce assessment (GBA). Gamification refers to the incorpo-
the duration of the screening process, providing effec- ration of game elements in non-gaming contexts, such as
tive resume storage, resume parsing and keyword employee recruitment and selection (Georgiou et al.,
search for very large numbers of applications. They 2019). Gamifying a selection method often implies the
can also offer additional opportunities of combining conversion and adoption of an existing selection
the information candidates provide themselves with method, such as a personality test or a situational judg-
the information publicly available for them on social ment test into a gamifying version. Using mobile or
media. Many HR start-up companies have focused on computing devices, candidates are exposed to a gami-
these issues recently, since they seem to provide fied environment or virtual word with questions that
increased opportunities for collaboration with com- candidates have to answer. The use of game elements in
puter/data scientists and the application of technolo- the selection process might promote fun, transparency,
gies, such as data mining, machine translation or even challenge and interaction. On the other hand, in GBA
artificial intelligence. and serious games, actual on-line or traditional games
are used, sometimes specifically built for use in selec-
tion, albeit not necessarily. Gamification and GBA have
Technology in Selection
recently attracted a lot of attention especially among
Traditionally, work and organizational psychologists practitioners, since they seem to offer a number of
studying the impact of technology in employee selection advantages compared to traditional selection methods.
have focused on on-line testing (Ryan & Ployhart, 2014). For example, they seem to appeal to younger candi-
More recently though two new selection methods have dates, not necessarily with past gaming experience.
attracted increased attention. These are the asynchro- Early research in this field has shown that gamification
nous interviewing and gamification/games-based can be a reliable and valid selection method (Georgiou
assessment, especially in relation to applicant reactions et al., 2019; Nikolaou et al., 2019) raising positive reac-
and candidate experience. tions among candidates and increased organizational
The asynchronous interview, often also called video attractiveness (Georgiou & Nikolaou, 2020; Gkorezis
or digital interview, is defined as the type of interview et al., 2020). However, as it is the case for any new
where candidates are required to record their responses selection method, we need more research to confirm
to a set of interview questions they are given and submit further its usefulness and applicability both from a
them on-line. The digital interview is more likely to be theoretical and a practical viewpoint.
used during the initial steps of the selection process in Applicant reactions research has become an impor-
order to assess minimum job requirements and reduce tant topic of study within the broader area of employee
the applicants’ pool. Managers might interview several selection and assessment. It has been a fruitful and
applicants at the same time without being present, while highly productive stream of research since the
multiple raters might view the interview afterwards in mid-1980s. McCarthy et al. (2017) describe applicant
order to collectively reach to an agreement (Brenner reactions, as “…how job candidates perceive and respond
et al., 2016). Companies specializing in data analytics to selection tools (e.g., personality tests, work samples, situ-
in selection attempt to measure many indicators of the ational judgment tests) on the basis of their application expe-
applicant during the digital interviews, such as the rience. They include perceptions of fairness and justice,
number of times they blinked, seconds between feelings of anxiety, and levels of motivation, among others” Published online by Cambridge University Press

4 I. Nikolaou

(p. 1695). It is obvious that applicant reactions, often entry) data bringing recruitment and selection in the big
called in practice “candidate experience” is an impor- data era.
tant area where technology has a major impact. For
example, the lack of a personal, face-to-face interaction Proposals for Future Research
with the interviewer, and the candidates’ perception of
inability to influence the outcome of the interview pro- It is obvious that technology has had a major impact
cess, as in the traditional interview (Nikolaou, 2011; across the whole recruitment and selection cycle. Unfor-
Nikolaou & Judge, 2007), has been a major drawback tunately, research has not followed in the same pace,
of the digital interview and it will be difficult to change and only recently we see published empirical studies on
this in the future, despite the obvious advantages they these topics. For example, there is still limited research
offer. Moreover, candidates nowadays have increased on how company career sites, job boards and social
opportunities to share their experiences with other can- media really make an impact on attracting and screen-
didates. The selection process is not any more an iso- ing suitable candidates. A handful of studies have
lated and “behind the closed doors” process, as it used recently focused on cybervetting and the impact of
to be in the past. More than 41 million people per month information elicited from this strategy on the validity
now use Glassdoor, a website providing for free “com- and fairness of the selection process. Finally, two new
pany reviews, CEO approval ratings, salary reports, inter- selection methods (digital interview and gamification),
view reviews and questions, office photos and more”1. which have attracted increased attention from practi-
Applicants sharing their negative experiences with an tioners and, as a result of the recent pandemic they will
employer in social media and other websites, such as be used extensively in the future (especially the former),, are quite likely to generate a negative still lack important validation studies. Furthermore, in
word of mouth and create a respective image of poten- our paper published recently (Woods et al., 2020), we
tial employers, negatively affecting the company’s discuss and propose a future research agenda with a
employer branding, or even its financial valuation. special focus on digital selection procedures (DSPs). We
Thus, this information might affect candidates’ job focus our proposals into six core areas; (a) the construct
search activities and/or create negative word of mouth validity of DSPs; (b) creating a literature on validity that
between potential job seekers, even without immediate promotes improvement and development of DSPs;
experience of the organization’s recruitment and selec- (c) exploring the criterion-related validities of DSPs;
tion process. (d) understanding adverse impact and bias;
(e) development of current and up-to-date perspectives
on applicant reactions in relation to DSPs, and finally (f)
Technology & On-Boarding understanding the impact of privacy concerns for appli-
The final stage of the selection cycle includes the day- cants and their potential implications for organizations.
after the candidate joins an organization, as a new- The impact of technology on recruitment and selec-
comer. The importance of on-boarding and socialization tion is a fascinating area of research and practice both for
have been widely explored as a significant factor of work and organizational psychologists, offering also
employee adjustment (Bauer et al., 2007; Bauer et al., increased opportunities for collaboration with other
in press). The use of socialization techniques, such as disciplines, such as computer/data science, informatics,
formal or informal training, on-the-job training, etc. and it is an opportunity not to be missed for our
coaching-mentoring, etc. have proven to be very effec- field.
tive for the quick adjustment of newcomers in their new
roles. Many companies now make extensive use of
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