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Narrative Report of Professional Development Plan

B. Short Term Plan

Starting off with my short term plans. An important short

term plan for me is to get my grades higher that usual, actually
planning this is the most important in college life,why? Because
this is the time were you need to set goals, this is the time that
you need to be prepare and contented of what you have, this is
the time to survive.
I’ve also plan to work while studying, so that I can
support my self financially and can also help my parents, The
important short term plan here is to survive in college, college
life is the most challenging on us as a student , you can’t
pursue your dreams if you don’t have money, so I’ve plan to
become a working student, My plan is to work at a café,
restaurant or a bakery.
I have skills in cooking, and baking, I’ve plan to work
there so that I can gain knowledge and have an experience on
how is it done, I have a lot of plan in my mind, I’m just scared
that, what if I can’t do it?, What if diko kaya?, That’s why I’m
planning this because when that day come, I want to be strong
and to stay positive and to think this is not just for yourself this
is also for your family because they need you.
Can’t you tell why tell why I’m planning to work on a
café, bakery, or a restaurant on my short term plan?, Actually
I’m planning this because I’ve plan to create a business
someday and u can read that in my long term plan ,

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