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Definition of education technology

D. Unwin: defines education technology as the application of modern
skills and techniques to meet the requirements of education and training. This includes the
facilitation of learning by manipulation of media and methods, and the control of
environment in so far as this reflects on learning (Unwin, 1969).

It can also be defined as the field of study that investigates the process of analyzing,
designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment, learning
materials, learners, and the learning process in order to improve teaching and learning.

a) Discuss the need for educational technology in kenya.

Education technology can improve the quality of teaching and learning.
There is an increase in distance learning and homeschooling in the country and around the
world, This is due to the application of technologies and the revolution occurring in the
education sector. Educational technology can increase the availability of learning resources
and be accessible to a wider audience because of the use of e-books, videos, and other online
materials to learn. Education is able to be individualized for each student, allowing for better
differentiation and allowing students to work toward mastery at their own pace.
It can improve the engagement of students in the classroom due to the use of audiovisual
teaching aids such as projectors and screens. Using dynamic text books that are filled with
custom case studies related to today’s headlines helps the student relate what is being learned
to the outside world. By using gamification (where games and activities are imported into the
classroom), it can reinforce concepts in a fun way.
It will help the educators understand the students and the efficiency of their teaching
methods. Attendance, homework assignments, and quizzes can also be administered via
educational technology and help educators gauge which students are the highest and lowest
performers. It can also be used to generate real-time insights on teaching material, style, and
format and give students an instant look at their own progress.
b) Discuss the need for educational technology in Kenyan schools.
It would enhance the learning abilities of the students. Teachers can establish credibility
through what they are teaching. Web based tools can be used for providing demonstrations
and examples that can help students establish credibility in what they are learning. It will
improve distance learning since it is gaining popularity in the country. Technology would
help in group learning since it provides chat rooms and online communities for students, thus
allowing them to collaborate even though they are in different locations. It would help lower
training costs and increase productivity because technology in education is being used to
reach many students in a shorter time. Students can also save time and increase productivity.
Blended learning gives educators the flexibility to deliver personalized, meaningful, and
equitable learning experiences.

c) Discuss the need for educational technology in TVET institutions.

Educational technology has the power to change the way individuals interact with learning by
providing new opportunities to personalize the learning process and promote ongoing
skill improvement. The TVET sector is experiencing the emergence of technology-driven
solutions that might promote skill adoption. These technologies include platforms that use 3D
and sensory data, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality
(AR). These technologies can be very helpful in capacity building through the use of
performance management systems and the simulation of projects in AR and VR.

Education technology can help recognize skills in TVET institutions through the
collaboration of students, institutions, and businesses by sharing common databases and labor
market information systems (LMIS). The technology can also help educators identify gaps in
the learning process and the skill sets needed in the market. It can also help them design and
develop more courses, depending on industry trends.
Educational technology can track learners' progress and assess them. Educators can
monitor students' development and evaluate their performance. Computerized tests and
quizzes offer quick feedback, allowing students to pinpoint their areas of weakness and
strengthen their understanding.

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