The PM

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The Prime Minister

a. Primus inter pares

Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
(from 2022 to the present)
By the 1830s, the Westminster system of the Government had emerged. Therefore, the
Prime Minister had become ‘primus inter pares’ (it means first among equals).
People usually think that the Queen has a lot of power, but in the reality is not. The Prime
Minister is the person who can command a majority in the House of Commons. This
means the Prime Minister is the leader of the political party holds the largest number of
seats in the chamber.

Moreover, the other ministers are not powerful as the Prime Minister for 3 reasons:
 First, it is the Monarch’s powers patronage. The Prime Minister appoints and may
dismiss all kinds of jobs and confer honors on people. A few cabinet members will
be dropped, and a few new members will be brought in.
 Next, the power of the public image. The Prime Minister also acts as the public
‘face’ and ‘voice’ of the Government. Therefore, everyone in the country can
recognize the Prime Minister both home and abroad.
 The last one is all the ministers are not busy as the Prime Minister. Since other
ministers have little time to think about the Government policy, but the Prime
Minister does have. The Prime Minister knows what is going on in the country and
make decisions for that.

b. Head of the UK
The Prime Minister has several roles which are decide the direction and priorities
of the Government. The book has mentioned that the Queen appoints things based
on the Prime Minister’s advice.
Next is oversee the work. The Prime Minister has to discuss, make decisions and
has responsibility for running the Government department such as defense or
international development.
Also, the Prime Minister has to select cabinet ministers. This habit happens at least
once every two years.
List of the Prime Minister of the UK

Rishi Sunak is the current Prime Minister of the Government of the UK

(Since 25.10.2022)

c. No.10 Downing Street

No.10 Downing Street in London is the official residence and executive office
of the Prime Minister. Kenton Couse is the architect for this stunning place.
In addition, the name is not special but the structure inside is super glowing
and luxurious. This place is over 300 years old and contain about 100 rooms.
The cabinets will work in here and the Prime Minister lives ‘above the shop’
on the top floor. For more information, The Chancellor of the Exchequer lives
next door at no.11, and the Government Chief Whip lives at no.12.

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