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Mike Todd’s Introduction

 Don’t dilute the praise that’s due to God – He has been so faithful to us – we are in debt
to Him. We owe God a praise. We can praise Him before our situations change. He
deserves our praise.
 We are available to whatever God wants us to do – not, “available ‘if’” – God needs us to
just be available. If he wants your day off, or for you to change careers, be available.
 The past 7 years have been amazing for Mike; mind-blowing. God told him at the end of
2021, that it was the end of an era, and He was closing that volume, and He would be
doing something brand new. That’s a scary place to be when the last season worked.
 God wants us to believe Him. God is trying to start something in you that will change
you forever. Our response has to be, “Lord, I’m available.”
 Today, Mike does not stand up out of obligation, but because He’s on assignment.
 You’re listening/reading because God has something to say, strategically to you.
 Today is vision Sunday. Let’s give God some praise.
Mike is excited because vision is his thing. He feels anointed to get vision from God and make
other people believe it. Mike feels more “on his spot” on vision Sundays than any other time.
When God gives you a vision, you can call the things that are not, and say them as if they have
already happened.
Mike is living in the vision God showed him. That’s not the mark of a good leader. The mark is
that the people following the visionary live in the vision that God has given them. Mike will not
stop preaching vision until all of us attached to this ministry are walking, living, breathing,
giving, and standing in the vision that God gave us in the night season.
Do you have a vision?
It’s something people don’t talk about because in Western culture, we’ve been taught to build
somebody else’s vision. Today, Mike wants to empower you to stand in the vision God has
given you and declare in the midst of darkness where you see the light of God coming
into that situation.
At TC, vision is most valuable. Vision is more important than people, because if you don’t have a
vision for them, you will damage them. Many are hurt by church, not because of bad leaders,
but because of lack of vision.
Your marriage may not be bad because you’re with the wrong person, it may be challenged
because of the lack of vision. The job you’re on may be your God ordained job – but you may be
ready to resign due to a lack of vision.
Let’s unpack the word of God.
The soft title for this sermon is “Clearly”, which didn’t come from a really spiritual place. In 1992,
Johnny Nash made a song that says, “I can see clearly now.” As Mike was preparing for this
message, he hadn’t heard the song in years, but the melody just came into him.
Mike began to listen to the words. God said that the past 2 years have been like rain over
people’s lives, but we need to declare prophetically that we can see clearly now, the rain has
gone, and that I can see all the obstacles in my way. The obstacles are there, but now you can
see them – friends that are obstacles. You were not able to see clearly because of the damage,
frustration, pain, hurt, or trauma. When you see obstacles, you’re able to move around it. “Gone
are the dark nights that had me blind,” declare in crazy faith that the sun is coming into your
The problem has not been a lack of vision for many. The problem has been not seeing the
vision clearly. You may have an idea of the area you should be in, but not be sure if it should be
full time, vocationally, etc. You may feel singleness coming to an end, but not know who to date.
God told Mike to tell us that the problem is clarity of vision FROM GOD.
Message Title: Clearly

1. The Problem is Not Vision…The Problem is

Clarity of Vision from God 
The question to agitate you with is – Is it from God?
Where did the package come from?  
Where did the thought come from?  
Where did the idea come from?  
If the vision came from your dad who had a high school dream, but now wants to live his high
school dream through you because you have the same athletic ability, but you feel a tug in your
heart that God is calling you to academia, and you should stop playing basketball in high school,
but you don’t because it can sever your relationship with your dad because he never dealt with
his own insecurities about what he didn’t do in his life… it didn’t come from God.
God is saying, “did it come from me?” or are you trying to fulfill a vision that you are not
graced for?
Some of you are at colleges you’re not supposed to be at. You’re in fraternities and sororities
that were a distraction to the purpose God wanted to give you. Some of you picked majors for
the salary you thought it would make you, not knowing you would never work in that field – but
God knew.
Many of us are standing, walking, and living in visions that do not come from God.
Proverbs 29:18
The Message
If people can’t see what God is doing,
    they stumble all over themselves;
But when they attend to what he reveals,
    they are most blessed.
You’ve been tripping because you don’t see God clearly.
What He reveals – not what’s trending, what’s culturally popular, not the new financial trend,
bitcoin, nft, not that – but attend to what He reveals.
To be most blessed, our vision must be challenged.
In this culture, people equate money with success and success with purpose. All of these things
are disconnected. Money does not equate to success. Many people, if you look into their life,
you wouldn’t want any of what they have. Success does not equal purpose – ask Saul. Saul
was out of purpose because he wouldn’t wait on the Lord.
See the vision clearly.
The problem is that it may contradict what you’ve been doing.
We’re going to have to walk through this all year – it’s going to anchor us. God is just building
His word. The anchoring doesn’t stop just because we’re in a new year. God is creating a
God wants us to keep anchoring ourselves, and for us to see the vision clearly.
If you wear glasses, you know that when you go into different environments, the vision gets
foggy. Even wearing glasses with a mask on during this pandemic, you can experience it. It
creates what’s called a fog – frustration, obstacle, and a gap between you and what you want
to see.
If you don’t have glasses, you may have seen your windshield fog up when the weather
changes. It becomes a frustration, obstacle, and a gap between where you are and what you
need to see.
For married people, when you share a nice bathroom with your wife, she might be in the
shower, you might be brushing your teeth, but you still need to communicate. What happens is
that a fog occurs, i.e., a frustration, obstacle, and a gap between you two communicating. Mike
and Natalie have had situations where she saw him, and he heard her, but they could not see
each other clearly.
Many lives look like this – things are in HD, then all of a sudden, the detail goes away. The
exact nature of what you thought you saw, goes away.
God says, your 2022 looks foggy currently. You’re around the place you should be, but there’s
no detail to the directions – no intentionality to the instructions. The only way Mike and Natalie
are able to communicate is to see each other clearly. This can’t happen until there’s a touch.
When Natalie touches that foggy glass (situation), it clears everything up. God is the only one
who can touch your situation and take it from a situation that looked foggy and be able to clear
up the mess, the noise, the disappointment, whatever area. Ask God to touch every area of
your life – marriage, attitude, pain, etc.
When we can see the vision of God clearly, it changes how we respond, how we react, and how
we worship.
Today, we’re not going another day in 2022 without a touch from God on this year. We will not
live a foggy, frustrated, obstacle driven, gap life.

2. One Touch From God Can Bring Clear Vision

Declare, that “I want His hands on my plan.”  What plan have you made without God? Have
you asked God about the timing of your vacation? Was He going to give you vision during that
time – or a relationship, or change something in your life?
Whatever plans you’ve made, decide to see it clearly and have His hands on your plan.
Proverbs 3:5-6
New Living Translation

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.

Seek his will in all you do,
    and he will show you which path to take.
Pastor Mike wants us to value vision today.
We value “viral” – we would rather something be big than be God. We value “verification”,
we would rather be verified by social media than God. God is saying, “would you invite Me into
all of your plans so that I can clear up everything that has been hazy/foggy in your life.”

3. What’s Not Clear Always Becomes Confused

If it’s not clear, it always becomes confused.
For example, you don’t know where you stand in your relationship because it’s not clear.
Whether or not you’re exclusively together is not clear.
If it’s not clear, it will be confused.
If you don’t get clear on your position, role, what God said to do, and what not to do, it will be

4. What’s Not Clear Will Always Be

Mike shares vision because if we don’t get clear vision, our church will get compromised. You’ll
read about us four years from now, “Pastor Mike fell off…Bella started an Onlyfans…this
happened…that happened”. Why? Because we lost sight of a clear vision. The only way Mike
falls off is when he loses sight of the vision. Practically speaking – he only falls off and eats
consecutive nights of ice cream when he loses track of the vision God gave him for his health.
God practically told him to take a picture of himself every week in his drawers. Mike sees the
progress, but he’s not fully Adam and Eve comfortable. God wants Mike to do it every week so
that he doesn’t lose sight of the vision. When Mike sees that, then gets a craving, he decides to
refrain in order to avoid a setback. You only start drifting when you don’t see the vision
There’s a story in Mark 8:22 where Jesus heals a blind man. People begged Jesus to touch him.
He had no vision, but the only way they thought the vision could become clear, is if Jesus
touched him.
If you want your year to be everything God called it to be, with no blurred vision/wrong
vision, the only thing you can do is ask Jesus to touch you. There’s only one place to go
when you can’t see. There’s only one person to turn to when you can’t see.
Some people have vision in an area of their life – and it fools you into thinking they have
vision for their life. They may have vision for their career, but no vision for their family. Some
may have a vision for health, but no vision for consistency. Don’t be surprised when people with
a strong vision in one area, fall in another area.
You can’t look at IG and determine if someone has a vision from God, because there’s
areas you can’t see.

5. You Can Go to Jesus with No Vision 

You may not know who you are if you’re not doing ____________.
You may be so conditioned to fix, plan, organize, orchestrate, or be the life of the party, that
when God calls you away to be with Him, you may have no vision for a devotion life.
You may have been fasting this week and have just been starving the past 7 days because you
don’t have a clear vision. Jesus says, come to Me – everyone who is burdened, heavy laden, and
He will give us rest.
Jesus took the blind man by hand and led him outside for the vision. Why not heal him right
there? Why not give him vision where he’s comfortable? Many of us want a clear vision
where we’re comfortable.
He can sometimes lead us outside of our comfort zones, into places that are unfamiliar.
For many, this will be the season God leads us out of comfort to give you clear vision.

6. Vision Comes Outside of Your Comfort Zone 

For Mike, when God gave him vision for TC, he was led out of his comfort zone, outside of his
skillset. He was a music producer. Mike produced the music for TC’s conference, that’s how he
got here.  He led Mike using something that Mike was comfortable with (music producing) and
made him take a step. It went from the church needing a sound man, to a music director, to a
youth pastor – God led him. God didn’t give him a vision about Transformation Towers at that
time. For some of you, the vision you’ve been believing for is outside your comfort zone.
He led this man outside the village – he led him away from people. The village is where
the people are that knew him. He had to leave the people and the places he was
normally around in order to be in position.
This whole year is about positioning and posture. God wants to give us something, but if
we’re not in position, it has no authority to even come into our lives.
Many of us would have been pulling back/pulling away as Jesus tried to lead the man out. Many
would just sit down on the situation. God is not dragging you this year. If you don’t want the
vision, He’s not dragging your marriage into wholeness. He’ll hold your hand and invite you.
It’s your invitation to get clear vision.
The blind man had to have faith.
You have to have faith to step. Some will have to have faith to get up. 2022 may have
made you sit down, despite God asking you to get up. He called you for more. You were
supposed to overcome that obstacle – it was supposed to change something in you that
would allow you to change the world.
When Jesus spit on the man’s eyes, Jesus asked, do you see anything. Wait a minute – he called
him outside of his comfort zone and then spit on him. To the natural eye, it may seem
degrading – lower than you – you used to do that – you used to work in children’s ministry –
God don’t spit on me – don’t put me in a position that degrades me – do you know who I am? –
do you know how much education I have? – do you know how pure I am and how long I’ve
waited? – whenever you see Jesus spit on something (there are several times), this was a mode
of healing. It puts people in a position that others may consider degrading but was actually the
recipient’s upgrade. The way up, is down. Let God spit on you – let Him put you in a position
that you never thought you’d go back to, something that is not popular, a lower pay grade. Let
Him spit on you for a second – He will supply all your needs – He just wants to see if
you’re humble enough to carry this miracle.
Some of you are not humble enough for the miracle you’ve been praying for. God will allow the
demotion, allow ‘them’ to walk out of your life, because He wants to make sure you have a
heart to handle the miracle.
God doesn’t embarrass this man. He doesn’t spit on him in front of everybody. He took
him out of the village. God separating you wasn’t punishment, but protection. He took
him out of the village because the work He was about to do, others would misinterpret. He had
to get him outside of what was comfortable because of the level of submission and humility
needed. He didn’t want to tarnish his reputation because of what had to be done to receive the
The man can’t see, but he can hear. This is the moment that many of us are in. God is doing
something and we hear Him changing something. We don’t see it clearly yet. The moment
of Jesus spitting in his hand is where most people would not face Jesus anymore. Can you
physically, spiritually, and emotionally be able to stand when getting the vision/receiving
it might get nasty?

7. Receiving Vision from God Might Get Nasty 

You just got your dream car and God is asking you to sell it back and ride in the hooptie again.
This man was blind. Jesus was trying to give him his DNA. The saliva is used for DNA tests to
determine if people are related. God had to put His DNA on your situation that was blurry.
The way you feel looking at the spit on the man’s eyes on stage (Brentom) is exactly how you’d
feel if God asks you to downsize after you finally decorated the whole house, or you finally
bought your family the vacation and God says, “no vacation for 2 years”, or you spent 5 years on
a major, and on the last year, God tells you to change it up and gives you 4 more years of
something else, or you’re the senior pastor at a church, and God asks you to shut it down and
serve as a youth pastor at a neighboring church – the thing about Brentom, the blind man, and
us, is if we want to see clearly, we have to allow Jesus to do it.  
Brentom allowed Mike to put his spit on him. This is Mike’s real little brother by the way. At the
end of the day, he’s bigger and stronger than Mike, but he allowed it. God will only do what
you allow Him to do.
You want to see clearly, allow God to humble you.
That person he won’t take from the job, that’s your spit.
You’ll see clearly soon if you can handle this moment of humility.
The blind man said He could see people. He didn’t remove what God put there. He didn’t wipe it
off. He had to open his eyes by faith.
God is saying, in this year, when He asks you to do it, you need to open your eyes again by faith.
The blind man said he saw people and they look like trees walking around. This tells us that he’s
seen before.
God is saying to you, that there’ve been seasons where you had vision – where He showed you
clearly what it was supposed to be, where you stepped out in faith, where you knew it was Him,
and because of the cares, trauma, hurt, and pain, you were blinded. Nobody knows when or
where he was blinded. God said, this is the year where you’re going to see what you used
to see.
Some of you used to have vivid dreams. Some of you used to point out your house on streets.
Some of you used to see sick people and be able to say, I’m going to heal them, “matter of fact,
you are healed in the name of Jesus.” Some of you used to see your family and say, “all of them
will be saved.” You used to go in impoverished areas and say, “I’m going to buy out the block
and be able to bless these people.” You used to see it.
When God touches you, He gives you vision.
He gives this man vision and the man didn’t leave His presence – He wasn’t okay with leaving
blurry. Some people would be okay with just partial sight – “at least I see tree men.” The man
lingered long enough. We’re doing 21 days of prayer and fasting because we don’t want a quick
miracle. We need to stay in his presence long enough for a second touch.
2022 is the year of once more. Once more, Jesus puts His hands on the man’s eyes. His DNA
was already on him, he didn’t need to spit again.
Stay submitted long enough for Jesus to touch you.
Mike’s hands on Brentom’s eyes is the prophetic symbol of your year. If you stay in the place
where God can touch your family, your situation, your hurt, your anger, your business plans,
your entrepreneurial ventures, your serving status, if you would just allow God to touch it again,
you will get clarity. He only touches you in the privacy of His presence. This is not a platform
situation. This is in your quiet time, when you make time, when you cut off Instagram, when
you turn off Netflix.
God will not prioritize to touch you when you have not made His presence a priority.
He touched him and all in one swoop, his eyes were open, his sight was restored, and he saw
everything clearly.
Everything – your marriage, your family, your business. God is not trying to touch you to see
some things clearly. When you allow God to touch you, you see everything clearly. God will
let you see what the therapist was not able to pinpoint. When God touches you, you can go
back to the exact date in Mrs. Miller’s class where your identity was shattered and be able to
sever that generational lie. God will show you everything clearly.
In that moment, God gave the man vision, clarity, and direction. After He saw everything clearly,
Jesus sent him home and told him to not even go back. He was sent back to the place where it
would be the biggest testimony of where God changed him. Don’t go back to the place where
you were looking for validation from ‘them.’ Many of us want to go back to the place where
people knew us one way and flex on them, “I can see…I have money now…I have a family now…
You missed out on me…” Don’t go back to the church – stop talking about them – don’t go back
to the people who hurt you – stop that. Just go home. Get used to this new thing God is doing in
you – see everything clearly.
When Mike asked God, what was the clear vision for TC, God said, “Pastor Michael, I need you
to tell the people, that this year, I need the vision to be so clear, because the vision is for
invasion.” God wants us to invade places. The vision He is giving you is for invasion. As a child
of God, you are supposed to invade the school, invade the government, invade the music
industry, invade the construction facilities, invade entertainment, invade media marketing, the
hospital systems – invade. God wants to give you vision for invasion.   
He has declared that this is the season of the church no longer playing defense. It is time
to play offense. When you are invading, it means you are the aggressor. We are no longer
getting vision to maintain what God has done. We’re not playing defense. We’re not
playing ‘not to lose’. We’re playing to win. We are going to invade Tulsa with the love,
generosity, and kindness of God. We’re going to invade every area God calls us to. We’re
going to invade social media, entertainment, the economic system, the housing system –
mark Mike’s words. We’ve seen the system clearly. We’re going to invade religion.
You can’t invade without a clear vision.
We need the ingredients. To have a good meal, you need the ingredients. We need the
ingredients for impact. A vision without impact is trash.
8. The Ingredients for Impact | Clear Vision Has:
1. Divine Inspiration: Idea from God
God wants to drop on you, in 2022, ideas that came from Him.
You know that you talk on an idea from God – your cell phone was an idea from God. The Bible
tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from above. Our father is the one that originates
these ideas and thoughts. He wants us to have the faith to believe that He can give us a God
You might not need a podcast; you might need to go back to cassette tapes.
When Mike got the clear vision for TC that the spirit bank event center would be TC, that wasn’t
a Michael idea, that was a God inspired idea.
You have several God ideas waiting for you to receive. It’s not just for your pastor, the elite,
or the people that seem to have a deep relationship with God. There are things God wants to
do in the Earth, and they will not happen unless you get the vision from God, for them to
actually come to pass. For some reason, God decides to do nothing on this Earth without the
participation of a human.
There are inspired ideas from the divine God we serve, and He wants to give you those ideas
and vision this year. Pray for divine inspiration.
2. Imagination: Incubator for God Ideas
After you get a God idea, use your imagination. Imagination is a tool given by God. It is an
incubator for a God idea.
After God gave Mike the idea that TC would be the spirit bank even center, he started imagining
it, and then went to Google and got an image, then started driving over there – 30 miles from
his house 3 or 4 times a week. Mike would walk the property, see if the doors were open, and
started imagining himself there. Mike took a picture with bishop in the building to keep
imagining what God could do. Now Mike walks in there every week now with what he imagined
being his reality.
God is no respecter of persons. If you want to see Him give you a clear vision that changes
everything, then get divine inspiration, and then start using your imagination.
Imagine your house being able to house families who are in broken situations. That’s why you
need a larger house – not to stunt on people. Imagine being able to bless people. Many of you
have not imagined it because you need it. God is asking you to step outside of your comfort
zone and imagine what you need, but for others.
3. Intercession: Interception of Impurity
After you get divine inspiration, and you start using your imagination, you then need to go to
The only way to get your wild ideas into a distilled form is to go to prayer.
We’re in 21 days of prayer and fasting because we’re asking God for divine vision. Don’t skip this
step. Come to intercession, because it’s the interception of all impurities.
God purifies your wild ideas like a food strainer. It purifies your motives, your ambition, and
shows you yourself.
For Mike, he has to live a fasted life because the vision needs to be purified continually.
Many of you have the right vision – unfiltered. It still has a lot of ‘you’ in it. God may want
you on the main stage, but not just for the sake of being on the main stage, but to open doors
and be the light in the midst of darkness. Your vision may still have too much ‘you’ in it.
After you come out of intercession, don’t leave intercession until you get instructions.
4. Instruction: Illuminates the Path
A lot of people pray about it and then still go and do whatever they want. After you pray about
it, wait until He speaks to you.
Instructions illuminate the path.
For Mike, he doesn’t like reading instructions when his kids get toys. It can look like it works, but
at some point, it will malfunction if not assembled correctly. This is due to a lack of following the
You can look like you work – look like you’re paid, doing good, or pure, but if you don’t follow
the instructions from the word of God (the manual we’re supposed to live our lives by), at some
point, it will not work – it’ll malfunction.
Mike is tired of seeing people who have presented themselves as men and women of God, stop
working, and malfunction, because they actually weren’t reading the instruction book. Instead,
they would hand it to everybody else. Posting your YouVersion app doesn’t mean you’re
reading the word.
Mike made a decision that he has to get instructions. The blind man gets healed because he
follows instructions.
Psalm 119:105
New Living Translation
Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
    and a light for my path.
This year, you need to read the word of God more than you ever have in your life. For the
amount of vision needed for invasion, you have to be anchored in God’s word. You need
instructions on how to deal with people, how to love your enemies, how to be patient and kind.
God needs us in His word.
After we get instructions, we have to follow our intuition.
5. Intuition: Instant Answer from Holy Spirit
Have you ever felt “something” telling you? The intuition is the Holy Spirit, it’s the thing that’s
innate on the inside of you telling you to do something, despite conventional wisdom.
It’s the instant answer from the Holy Spirit for an intentional decision you need to make.
The Holy Spirit will tell you.
John 16:13
New Living Translation
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will
tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.
Too many of us are not following our gut. God may have been saying, “go talk to that person”,
only for you to say, “I don’t know them.”  God may have been saying, “go and bless that person”,
only for you to say, “they look fine to me.” God is literally telling you, “give up that”, and you’re
saying, “you know how long I’ve had this?!” God is saying to follow Him.
Tune yourself into the spirit to follow the Holy Spirit.
This is the playbook for vision – then you have to make an investment.
6. Investment: Action that Ignites Faith
Any time God tells you to do something, He never pays for it in full, except for salvation. He
requires you to do something every other step of the way. You have to put some skin in the
game if He’s going to use you in might ways. You’ll have to sacrifice something, or give up
something, or leave somebody. He’s asking, “where’s your investment?” He needs something
from you. When you invest, it’s the action you’re taking that ignites your faith.
When you invest in something, you believe it’ll have a return – it’s putting your faith out there.
Some of you are so scared to lose the little bit that you have, that you won’t invest anything.
God has so much more for you in this year. What are you willing to put in?
The people receiving a huge impact from investing in Amazon, are the people who invested
when it took faith. It doesn’t take faith to invest in Amazon now, all it takes is facts.
This year, it’s going to take an investment where it seems like a desert, and if you would
have the crazy faith to invest in people who don’t look “done”, who look nothing like what they’ll
look like – invest your time, talent, and treasure. You have to invest it. If you want school
systems to be taken care of – you personally adopt a teacher this year. Tell that teacher, if you
need anything for your class, call me and I will pay for it. The investment in that one teacher will
give you access to the school system. God will not put you in high places to make decisions
when you won’t invest in the low places that nobody sees.
So many people in 2022 want the validation of the investment when it blows up, and God is
looking for someone to invest, and be obedient in the darkness. Once you start investing in the
right things, and God starts making that thing multiply, then He gives you this next piece of the
invasion – He gives you influence.
7. Influence: Instrument Used for God’s Glory
This is simply an instrument used for God’s glory.
A lot of people don’t understand why in the world God would give Mike influence – he had 6
months of TCC high quality education, almost a felony case for car insurance fraud, a liar, a
manipulator, addicted to pornography – why would God give him influence? He knew that if He
gave Mike influence, he would use it for His glory.
If God did everything you’re praying for, would you use the influence God gave you for
His glory?
Whenever Mike walks into a room, he steals the time of billionaires, and others, and tells his
testimony for God’s glory. He puts Mike in these positions because He can trust Mike with the
influence He has given him.
Can He trust you with the influence He gave you? You might be thinking of money – but He
gave you 3 kids. He gave you that cousin that for some reason has an affinity towards you. He
gave you those coworkers – but you’re waiting to have influence on a large scale. God is seeing
how you steward influence right where you are.
After influence, it’s time for invasion.
8. Invasion: Interruption
It takes a bunch of people having influence so that a bunch of people with influence, that
believe the same thing, can invade an area.
The church is weak in a lot of areas because a lot of us don’t have enough influence to actually
invade. We could build our own school systems. We could have whole communities literally
built for people and have them pay for 6 years, and if they meet all of their payments, we give
them the house. If there were enough of us in purpose, and not begging, then a single mother
needing a car would be unheard of. People could declare in the city that any single mother that
needs a vehicle could go to the church to get one.
We could invade.
We can’t invade without a clear vision.
Transformation Church is about to invade. Everybody connected to this is about to invade their
spheres of influence – government, entertainment, schooling system, education, the church
arena, the music industry, therapy, science, medicine, social work, art, politics, the public
square, every area of building, homelessness, sex trafficking – we’re about to invade. God is
going to drop clear vision. TC Nation will be strategically placed by God in positions of influence
because He’s going to give you the vision to invade places where they’ve kept believers out of
for years.
We are about to get vision for invasion. We’re about to invade. We have to see the vision very
Every year, God has made the vision very clear to Mike. One thing Mike can do well, is to go
away and get vision from God. He will not sit up here and fake it until he makes it. It’s too
imperative to see clearly.
The word for 2015 was to “survive.” It was to simply survive the season. Many of you survived
the last season you came out of.
In 2016, the word was “maintain.” That’s not sexy, but He was building something in Mike. In
those two years, he lost almost all of his staff. It was him and Tammy and he would walk in the
back of building yelling out the names of people who weren’t there – “good morning Tim.”
Tammy would be cracking up in her office. All Mike had was a vision, and it kept him going
despite the reality not reflecting the invisible truth he was holding onto. He kept walking in that
invisible truth.
For 2017, God said it would be the year they were going “beyond.” The church grew almost 400
families, 396 salvations, and the budget grew 400,000. It was the first time Mike saw a little
glimpse of what God wanted to do at TC.   
In 2018, God told Mike to hit the brakes and “stride.” Mike had started to become ambitious
about helping God do what He wanted to do in our church. God said we wouldn’t strive, but
stride – walk in long, decisive steps in a direction. Mike is a ‘runner’, and he was told to start
walking. What happens when God acknowledges who you are and tells you the opposite? Obey
Him. TC cancelled things because God was saying, “less is more.” You don’t have to
understand to obey. Mike obeyed, and December 23rd or 24th of 2018, a young lady posted a
clip of Mike pouring some water into some orange balls in a series we called “Relationship
Goals”, and that clip on Twitter was watched by 2 million people in 48 hours. God wanted to
make sure that Mike wasn’t running fast enough to make this miracle happen. God needed to
slow Him down so that He could get the glory.
God told Mike to only take 2 speaking requests per year, even though he had only received four
requests the previous year. By March, 1800 speaking requests had come in. God was setting
Mike up to continue to stride.
Then in 2019, the word was “release” to release us from stuff and release us into stuff. Clear
vision allows you to see miracles. He released us into another stratosphere of understanding,
revelation, wisdom, and influence.
In 2020, God said this was the year He would make us stronger. We didn’t know it was the year
of the pandemic. We thought it would be acceleration, but He put pressure on us. The only way
to get stronger is to lift the pressure. Some of you have been about to give up, and God put
weight on you to make you stronger to lift it. In 2020, our church exceeded every expectation
because the Holy Spirit helped us lift the burden. We went harder after people and 29,273
people gave their lives to Christ. That’s almost 30k in the year we thought would take us out –
God populated heaven.
Then last year, God told us to get anchored. He needed us to be anchored because things
would come to make us drift. For example – don’t do 21 days of prayer and fasting, don’t keep
giving and being generous, you have haters and people making YouTube videos about you,
don’t be bold, just cut it back a little bit, stop doing what got you here, play it safe, you have too
much to lose, and God said, “No, just anchor to me. If you anchor to me, we can go into deep
waters. If you anchor to me, I’ll take you places that nobody could ever take credit for, and I
promise you, even if storms come, you won’t drown.” We stayed anchored. In the year 2021,
because of giving, service, invitation, and the love of the people that are a part of this church,
47,978 people gave their lives to Christ. Almost 50,000 people got saved last year. We’re
invading. Heaven is being populated. The greatest invasion is when we invade hell and populate
We’re not backing up now. We’re only 16 days into 2022 and almost 3,500 people have given
their lives to Jesus Christ. We’re on a trajectory to see more people transformed than ever
before in our church – invasion.
As Mike prayed for what the word was for 2022, the Holy Spirit said He was closing the chapter
of this book and that it was the end of an era. He said, “I’m not giving you a word this year, I’m
giving you a phrase.” What God wants to do in His people’s lives, and in this church, is going to
be amazing. Everybody is so focused on “there” – i.e., when I get the influence, when I get
married, when I get the business, when I have the money – “My people have been focused on
the future and it’s making them negate the present.” He said, to tell us that the phrase of the
year for Transformation Church is, “Here is Holy.”

Here is Holy
With your flaws… with everything you have – here is holy.
God said we’re not going to focus on ‘there’; He’s there. He is the God who was, is, and is to
Many of us cannot be located on the map of your mission. Nobody can locate you. God said, it’s
because you didn’t like “here.” You’re mad that God let you come “here.” This whole series that
we’re about to go into will flip your perspective upside down. If He placed you here, then “here
is holy”. He’s about to use this place and separate you to do great things that you never thought
was possible, but you will never get there if you never reverence, respect, and release yourself
to embrace “here” – where your family is at, your emotional state, your money, your company.
He’ll still do a miracle “here.” “There” is taken care of, but “here” is holy. This word takes
The subtitle of this year is:

“This is the year of intentional limitations.”

The limitations this year will not be imposed by you, they will be set by you.
We’re maturing this year. The limitations are not punishment, but proof that you heard from
God – things you could do, that you won’t do, not because you can’t do it, but because you
heard from God clearly and you set the limit. Here is holy, and this is the year of intentional
Mike is about to walk us through a journey that will change the trajectory of your life. If we get it
right “here”, then we will be fine over “there.” “There” is in jeopardy if we don’t handle “here.”
Here is holy.
Prayer: Father God, today on vision Sunday, you want us to see vision clearly and give us vision
for invasion. Father, before we storm anything, you’re saying take this whole year of 2022 and
consecrate it to me. And call this place holy. ‘Here’ is holy. Whatever you want to do for this year
God, we’re open.
Request: Hands lifted in a posture to receive all over the world right now. Just change your
position. That’s what’s happening prophetically right now. Your position is changing. Your heart
posture is changing. Your perspective is being rearranged. However, if you want to kneel or
stand, just don’t be in the same position you were in.
Prayer continued: God, whatever you want to do God, I’m saying what you’re saying, here is
holy. I’m going to let you change my character, right here God, I’m going to let you change my
ideas, right here God, I’m going to let you refine me, right here God, I’m going to allow you to
help me to forgive, because ‘here’ is holy. God, I’m not going to run from this. Like the blind
man, I’m going to let you do this, even if it feels like a demotion. Even if it feels hard, I will not
come out of this year without everything you’ve asked me and considered for me to have. Right
here is holy. Father, I pray that you would give our church the faith to trust you this year, more
than we ever have before. God, give us the ability to not go back into the village and try to find
our miracle. Let us stay out here in the holy place, the separated place, the place where you
want to give us a fresh vision. We’re declaring that here is holy. Father I don’t know what you’re
going to do with all of this, but we’re here in crazy faith because we’ve seen you do it over, and
over, and over, and over, and over, and over. God, I’m just asking you, could you blow our
minds? Could you literally rewrite our family history through our obedience this year? Father
God, we will acknowledge, even when we don’t understand we will obey, even when it doesn’t
make sense, that here is holy.
God is about to teach us how to dwell in His presence.
God is not going to drag you into giving you this fresh vision.
Right here is holy.
He’s here, and it’s holy.
This year, we’re divorcing ourselves from the future. The bible tells us clearly to not be prideful
about what we’re about to do. We must say, “if it’s His will.” It’s arrogant to reverence here. The
present is our gift. Here is holy.
Next week, Mike will unpack it. This year, God is saying that right here is holy.  
Altar Call: Father I thank you that we receive your word. There are some people that are here
and the Holy Spirit has been pulling you all day. It’s like a tug. That thing on the inside of you
trying to lead you to truth. That’s Holy Spirit trying to lead you to Jesus. Literally, this week, over
2,000 people gave their life to Christ every night in prayer. Today, this moment is for you. If
you’re here and you’re watching/reading, the Holy Spirit is right there with you and he’s drawing
you. He’s trying to grab you by the hand, like Jesus grabbed that man by the hand, and lead you
into a new life so that you can be everything that God has called you to be. The greatest
decision you could ever make is to surrender your life, right here, and say, “God, I want to give
my life to you. Invade me. Change me. Transform me. Turn me into the person you want, and
give me the vision you want me to have.” God can take a broken, hurting, backwards person like
Mike, and change you to the point where you’re not perfect, but progressing, and you can help
other people become who God has called them to be. Mike was a liar, a manipulator, addicted
to pornography, had a felony case for car insurance fraud, and God found Mike at his lowest
moment and said, “Michael I’ll still use you.” Mike surrendered to Him and today is your day of
surrender. The enemy has been trying to snuff your life out and take you away from the
purpose that God has called you to, and you have not seen the vision clearly, but today, God
comes to restore your vision, and touch you once again, and give you the opportunity to walk in
His plan for your life. Today is the day of salvation. Here is holy. If you want to make Jesus Christ
your personal Lord and savior, it’s very easy, all you need to do is repent, which means to turn
from how you’ve been leading your life, what you’ve been going to, and turn to Jesus. According
to Romans 10:9, you have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus
Christ is Lord and that He died for your sins. Today, you have the opportunity to transform your
life. Wherever you are, all of heaven is in anticipation of just one person accepting Jesus today.
People who have been far from God, you may have been wayward and trying to self-medicate
and self-soothe. Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. I want to take you to my
father, but you have to come through me.” He will walk you straight to the throne of grace and
give you mercy. Acknowledge that here is holy and that today is the day of your salvation. If you
want to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, we’re about to pray. Lift your hand in the
air on the count of three no matter where you are. 1. You’re making the greatest decision of
your life. 2. Mike is proud of you, but forget that, God is going to write your name in the Lamb’s
Book of Life and your eternity is secure. 3. Shoot your hand up all over the world.
Transformation church is a family so we pray together.
Let’s Pray Together: God, thank you for getting me here. Today, I’m giving you my life. I believe
you lived, you died, and you rose again, with all power, just to save me. Today, I surrender, take
over, make me, mold me, change me, transform me, I’m yours. I believe you lived and you died,
just for me, in Jesus name, Amen.

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