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Name: Flores, Jhaztene I.

Course and Section:BSN-N2

Subject: Science, Technology and Society Prof. Allan E. Cataag

Based on the lesson that we have discussed, answer the following reflective questions:

1. How can Information Age improve your:

1.1 critical and innovative thinking:
- Being a critical thinker in our modern era, or the information age, to me, means vigorously
questioning ideas and presumptions as opposed to accepting them at face value. You will
constantly try to ascertain whether the concepts, claims, and conclusions represent the whole
picture and be willing to discover that they don't. In addition, you will approach problem-solving
methodically rather than intuitively or instinctively. Therefore, we may make use of the
information we can obtain, evaluate, and verify in this information age where computers and the
internet are widely used, for us to develop better solutions or concepts. In this information age, I
believe having computer literacy is beneficial for critical thinking. It would be simple for us to
gather information, develop an understanding of a problem, and come up with a solution. Since
we have access to certain information online, I believe that being able to access a variety of
information also encourages innovation. Imagine that there are numerous sources or ideas you
may use to inspire you to come up with your creation. It would tremendously motivate you and
help you develop if you could simply gain recognition for your work by putting it on social

2.2. interpersonal skills :

- We are aware that there are many ways to distribute information with today's technologies.
Users can strengthen their written and vocal communication skills by using messaging apps,
emails, or programs like Skype or FaceTime, for instance. Social media websites can also assist
you in developing your interpersonal abilities. In the present period, or the information age,
communications can be quickly transmitted to improve contact.

3.3. intrapersonal skills

- In fact, it is challenging to develop intrapersonal skills in the digital age because, merely by
browsing the internet, you'll see individuals your age succeeding, leaving you with a sense of
exclusion. However, social media and technology do have a positive side. You may get advice
on how to better utilizing social media. You can also watch different videos online or listen to
podcasts that can definitely help you increase your self-confidence. You can track your progress
or make plans considerably more easily and conveniently if you use a phone. You will
undoubtedly experience depression in this day and age; how you deal with it is entirely up to
you. If you manage to utilize it in a proper way it definitely helps you improve your intrapersonal

4.4. global citizenship

- You know that in this information age it actually improve my global citizenship by the videos I
watch online. People share something horrible, being injustice with other people, being
disrespectful toward one another, killing animals, and destroying our planet. With these videos
and news online it will really open your eyes to the reality of the world. It will help you choose
to be kind, to be respectul to every living things on earth. To have self-discipline on the things
we know that could damage our nature. To have wide knowledge about cultural differences and
peoples different way of thinking and habits. I think that is also some factors that this
information age help me to improve my global citizenship.

5.5. healthy lifestyle _

- In this information age, theres alot of guides online where they gives advice to have a healthy
lifestyle. There are also a lot of new and modern machine where we can use to have a healthy
lifestyle. Aside from those machine there are also wellness tech. Wellness tech can be
represented in an array of ways, form a wearable health and wellness technology, like Apple
Watch, Wear OS by Google, and a mobile app to a holistic wellness platform that combines a
comprehensive set of data generated from multiple sources like health records, fitness trackers,
mobile applications, and manually input information. Such a platform helps you assess the
overall state of health, predict disease risks, ensure good well-being, and even produce specific
recommendations tailored to you.

6.6. media and information literacy

- Because of the numerous internet tools that instruct kids on how to recognize true information
and reliable sources, the information age significantly enhances my information and media
literacy and makes it easier for false information, scams, and incorrect knowledge to proliferate.
We can search through various websites in the modern era, where artificial intelligence
innovations help to identify whether some information posted is false or fake news, but we also
need to be computer literate in order to gather information that is factual and trustworthy.

2. How does the Information Age help to promote Science & Technology in the Society?

Scientists can now do tests that were previously impossible because to digital technologies.
Digital technologies, however, also make it easy to manipulate study findings and scientific data
to a degree that was previously impossible or impossible to discover. Moving on to technology,
the information age promotes science, technology, and society in a way that makes knowledge in
science easily available. The information age is actually the advent of numerous technologies
that aid and help society in making life convenient.
The information era fosters science, technology, and society in a way that makes scientific
knowledge readily available. Simply watching a few online films and clips can teach you
anything. To cut a long story short, science, technology, and social advancement have all
contributed to the creation of the information era. It is a fantastic illustration of how the
information age can advance those three by serving as the primary example of them or by
serving as a reminder that because to their interconnection and advancement, the information age
has arrived.

3. As an individual, how do you confront your social media friend(s) who share(s) fake news or
fake information on social media platforms?
So what i would do Before offering any suggestions or corrections. I’ll first check to see if the
information is untrue or deceptive. Knowing something is untrue or deceptive is not the same as
having proof of it. Therefore, doing fact-check the news yourself before we try to correct
someone who has shared what you think to be false information. Our initial response might be to
publicly comment on your friend's or family member's post once you've established that the
information they published was, in fact, inaccurate or misleading. This can be advantageous,
particularly if you can include a link to a generally regarded source. If something was just
posted, we can try kindly pointing out the error in a private note. If the author of the post doesn't
feel like they've been publicly called out, I might also be more receptive. However, if a post has
already received many likes and comments, a public apology could significantly lessen any
potential harm. Therefore,I’ll be careful and will use a supportive and encouraging tone when
messaging them about their post. If you don't, you run the danger of alienating the person and
losing their interest in the information you're attempting to convey. Another excellent way to
start a conversation on misinformation is I can offer a personal example of when I spread
misleading information. I’ll make sure that whatever I decide to do, I’ll engage with empathy.
It's critical to rectify inaccurate or misleading information, whether it's shared publicly or
privately. But what can you actually do to actively assist? We must give our family and friends
information on false information and simple tools so they may examine their own facts in the

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