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I. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. Lina is worried ______she lost her phone.

A. due to
B. so
C. as long as
D. because
E. because of

2. There was accident yesterday on the street, _______many drivers stopped their cars.
A. so
B. as long as
C. because
D. because of
E. so that

3. The teacher suggested a game _______ the class worked so hard,

A. Since
B . If
C. Because of
D. Due to
E. Therefore

4. Sentence 1 : I cannot come to school.

Sentence 2 : I am sick.
The correct combination of the two sentences above is ….
A. I am sick because I cannot go to school.
B. I cannot come to school because of I am sick.
C. I cannot come to school because I am sick.
D. I cannot come to school, so I am sick.
E. Because of I am sick, I cannot go to school.

5. Sentence 1 : Bill makes creative vlog and posts them on Youtube.

Sentence 2 : Now he is very popular.
The correct combination of the two sentences above is ….
A. Bill makes creative vlog and posts them on Youtube, so now he is very popular.
B. Bill makes creative vlog and posts them on Youtube because now he is very popular.
C. Bill makes creative vlog and posts them on Youtube because of now he is very popular.
D. Bill makes creative vlog and posts them on Youtube due to now he is very popular.
E. Bill makes creative vlog and posts them on Youtube since now he is very popular.

The following text is for questions 6 to 10.

Precipitation is water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow,
or hail. It is the primary connection in the water cycle that provides for the delivery of
atmospheric water to the Earth. Most precipitation falls as rain.
The clouds floating overhead contain water vapor and cloud droplets, which are small
drops of condensed water. These droplets are far too small to fall as precipitation, but they are
large enough to form visible clouds. Water is continually evaporating and condensing in the
sky. If you look closely at a cloud you can see some parts disappearing (evaporating) while
other parts are growing (condensation). Most of the condensed water in clouds does not fall as
precipitation because their downward speed is not large enough to overcome updrafts which
support the clouds. For precipitation to happen, first, tiny water droplets must condense on even
tinier dust, salt, or smoke particles, which act as nucleus. Water droplets may grow as a result
of additional condensation of water vapor when the particles collide. If enough collisions occur
to produce a droplet with a downward velocity which exceeds the cloud updraft speed, then it
will fall out of the cloud as precipitation. This is not a trivial process, since millions of cloud
droplets are required to produce a single raindrop. A more efficient mechanism (known as the
Bergeron-Findeisen process) for producing a precipitation-sized drop is through a process
which leads to the rapid growth of ice crystals at the expense of the water vapor present in a
cloud. These crystals may fall as snow, or melt and fall as rain.

6. The purpose of the text above is ….

A. To amuse the readers with a text about precipitation in the water cycle
B. To persuade the readers to learn about precipitation in the water cycle
C. To present an opinion about precipitation in the water cycle
D. To discuss precipitation in the water cycle
E. To explain precipitation in the water cycle

7. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. The process of snow falling to Earth
B. Location where precipitation occurs
C. How to make precipitation happen
D. How clouds produce rain and hail
E. How precipitation occurs

8. In what form does most precipitation fall?

A. Hail
B. Rain
C. Sleet
D. Snow
E. Freezing rain

9. How does precipitation occur?

A. It occurs when water vapor forms a cloud
B. It occurs when water droplets do not fall fast enough
C. It occurs when water droplets condense into tiny particles
D. It occurs when water droplets grow as a result of condensation
E. It occurs when water droplets fall faster than the cloud updraft speed

10. “… To produce a droplet with a downward velocity which exceeds the cloud…”
The bold word has a similar meaning to ….
A. Distance
B. Velour
C. Speed
D. Space
E. Time
Read the following letter for questions 11 to 15.

67 Damai Housing Complex

Denpasar, Bali

February 21st 2017

Dear Susan,

I hope all is well with you. It has been ages since we saw you here in Bali.

I am writing to ask you to come and stay with me and Ryan on the weekend of March 5 th 2017.
We are having a little get together because Ryan is going to Australia for a year. It would be
lovely for him to see you before he goes, you are his best friend since high school in Jakarta
after all. Let me know if you can make it, and please don’t worry if you can’t. Inform me any
weekend before then is fine.

We are all in good condition from here. Very busy trying to get Ryan organized. I will miss him
while he is away. I do hope your family are well as well.



11. What does the letter talk about?

A. Asking forgiveness
B. Congratulating achievement
C. Inviting to come
D. Telling vacation
E. Wishing a safe flight

12. Who is receiver of the letter?

A. Mila
B. Susan
C. High School friend
D. Ryan
E. Best Friend

13. Where does the sender live?

A. Australia
B. Bali
C. Jakarta
D. Ubud
E. Kuta
14. It would be lovely for him to see you before he goes. What does the antonym of the
italic word?
A. Bad
B. Wonderful
C. Good
D. Fascinating
E. Nice

15. Let me know if you can make it. What does the bold word refer to?
A. Make a cake
B. Reply the letter
C. Inform the sender
D. Stay with the sender
E. Come early


Read this text before deciding whether the sentence is TRUE or FALSE.

Have you ever wondered how people get chocolate from? In this article we'll enter the amazing
world of chocolate so we can understand exactly how chocoltae is made.

Chocolate starts with a tree called the cacao tree. This tree grows in equatorial regions,
especially in places such as South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The cacao tree produces a
fruit about the size of a small pine apple. Inside the fruit are the tree's seeds, also known as
cocoa beans.

The beans are fermented for about a week, dried in the sun and then shipped to the chocolate
maker. The chocolate maker starts by roasting the beans to bring out the flavor. Different beans
from different places have different qualities and flavor, so they are often sorted and blended to
produce a distinctive mix.

Next, the roasted beans are winnowed. Winnowing removes the meat nib of the cacao bean
from its shell. Then, the nibs are blended. The blended nibs are ground to make it a liquid. The
liquid is called chocolate liquor. It tastes bitter.

All seeds contain some amount of fat, and cacao beans are not different. However, cacao beans
are half fat, which is why the ground nibs form liquid. It's pure bitter chocolate.

16. The cacao tree grows in equatorial region, for example: Indonesia.

17. The cacao fruit size is smaller than pineapple.


18. Before shipping to the chocolate maker, the beans are fermented for seven days.
19. Roasting is the first process done by chocolate maker to make chocolate.

20. The chocolate liquid is sweet.


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