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In 2007 in the day that the iPhone was first introduced and change the world of mobile devices

forever, Steve Jobs said this right before the big moment: “Every once in a while, a revolutionary
product comes along that changes everything and well, one’s very fortunate if you get to work on just
one of these in your career.”

And just like how the iPhone changed the mobile industry, today we are going to bring to you a
different story, dream. We are going to change the way you dream forever. Dream has always been
a mystery to mankind, until this moment. We’re going to present to you something that’ll change
everything: Dreamtalk

What makes dreamtalk special, the heart of this creation is the ability to record the user’s dream. So
that you don’t miss the next time when you dream of becoming a genius, billionaire, playboy,
philanthropist. Or when you dream of beating your best friend real bad with your nine tails power.

With dreamtalk, you can record and watch all of your dreams whenever you like. How about we take
it to a completely new level? With dreamtalk, not only can you record your dream, you can also
decide what to dream. Ladies and gentlemen we’re breathing rare air here. In the past there were no
such technology to ever come close to being smart enough to understand the brain signals and see
your dream. And now here we are talking about controlling dream. Just imagine how you can just go
to sleep and create the your own unique minecraft world in just one day. And it’s not even just about
Minecraft. You can play whatever game you like once downloaded in dreamtalk. Using dreamtalk,
you can also see anyone who you hope to see in your dream: your grandpa, your pet or having a
crazy and unreal date with your crush.

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