My Research Work Sparse Chael - Part - 3

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F. Picariello et al.

/ Measurement 167 (2021) 108259 3

2 3
y ¼ Ux; ð2Þ pð1Þ pð2Þ ... pðNÞ
6 pðN  USR þ 1Þ pðN  USR þ 2Þ . . . pðN  USRÞ 7
where y is the M-size vector of the compressed samples. In order to 6 7
6 .. .. .. ..
7 ð7Þ
guarantee the reconstruction, it is necessary that the sensing matrix 4 . . . . 5
U presents a low coherence with the dictionary matrix, where the
pðUSR þ 1Þ pðUSR þ 2Þ ... pðUSRÞ
coherence is defined as [18]:
pffiffiffiffi /Ti wj where, USR ¼ N=M is the Under-Sampling Ratio, expressing a mea-
lðU; WÞ ¼ N  max ; ð3Þ sure of the data reduction respect to the number of samples
i;j k/i k2 kwj k2
acquired according to the Nyquist criteria. The sensing matrix U
where /Ti and wj are the i-th row of U and the j-th column of W, is built as a circulant matrix obtained by shifting the pulse train
samples of USR positions in each row.
respectively, and k  k2 indicates the ‘2 norm. The reconstruction
The whole compression procedure is summarized by a block
of the ECG waveform is actually performed by solving the ‘1 mini-
scheme as depicted in Fig. 1. For the generic n–th frame, the xa vec-
mization problem:
tor is evaluated as in (5) and the xth ðnÞ value is obtained, according
^h ¼ arg minkhk ; subject to : y ¼ UWh; ð4Þ to the chosen value of percentile. If the current frame is the first
one or the absolute difference of xth ðnÞ and xth ðn  1Þ is greater than
where k  k1 indicates the ‘1 norm. a certain value e, a new p vector is evaluated, applying (6) and a
new sensing matrix U is generated. In this case, it is also necessary
3. The proposed method to transmit the p vector. If instead n > 1 and no significant change
occurred in xth (i.e. kxth ðnÞ  xth ðn  1Þk < e), the values of p and U
In this Section, the proposed method is described. In particular, of the previous frame are used. Once defined the sensing matrix to
in SubSection 3.1 the compression procedure occurring in the be used, the acquired samples are compressed by the (2) and the
acquisition node is discussed, while in SubSection 3.2 the signal compressed samples are transmitted.
reconstruction, executed at the receiving side, is presented. Fur-
thermore, in Section 3.3 the compressed data rate is described, 3.2. Reconstruction
and in Section 3.4 the computational complexity is analyzed.
As mentioned in Section 1, the ECG signal waveform is recon-
3.1. Compression structed by finding the coefficients in the sparsity domain by solv-
ing (4). To this aim, a key role is played by the dictionary matrix
As mentioned in Section 1, in digital CS–based methods, the (i.e. W) which defines the sparsity domain. In other words, the dic-
compression is operated by multiplying the acquired samples by tionary matrix allows transforming the vector of the acquired sam-
a sensing matrix. In this paper, the sensing matrix U is chosen such ples (see Eq. (1)) to a sparse vector, i.e., having a reduced number of
that the vector y performs a sort of cross-correlation between the elements.
vector x, consisting of a frame of N samples of the ECG signal As reported in [14], the dictionary that achieves the highest
acquired at the Nyquist rate, and the pulse train signal p, consisting reconstruction performance for the ECG signal is obtained by
of ones where the signal x has a high contribution and zero else- means of the Mexican hat wavelet kernel. In [23], the Mexican
where. In this way, the M samples of y contain an information that hat wavelet matrix Wbase is defined as:
is somehow related to the auto–correlation coefficients of x. The
proposed method operates on records of N samples acquired at
Nyquist rate. For each record x, the average of the samples in the
record is performed to obtain the value xav g . Then, the signal mag-
nitude xa is evaluated as:

xa ¼ jx  xav g j: ð5Þ
A threshold value xth is computed in each frame, representing a cer-
tain percentile of the waveform amplitude, by means of a sorting–
based algorithm operating on xa . Then, xth is obtained according to
the defined percentile. An analysis of the method performance ver-
sus the considered percentile is reported in Section 4.2.
The U matrix is then updated whether a significant change is
found in the xth value. Otherwise, the U matrix of the previous
frame is used. The change of xth is considered significant when
the distance between the value evaluated in the current frame
and the one obtained in the previous frame is above a specified
limit e.
In the case the U matrix must be updated, an N-size binary
vector p is constructed by quantizing the signal magnitude xa ,
with the resolution of 1 bit, according to the threshold xth .
Therefore, the n-th element pðnÞ of p, with n ¼ 0; . . . ; N  1, is eval-
uated as:

1; if xa ðnÞ P xth
pðnÞ ¼ : ð6Þ
0; if xa ðnÞ < xth
Once defined the vector p, the sensing matrix U is constructed as Fig. 1. Block diagram of the compression procedure. The U matrix is actually
follows: evaluated only whether a significant change is found in the value of xth .

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