Adjectiv - Fisa Teorie + Exercitii

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 în faţa substativului: a young man
 după verbele: BE; BECOME; SEEM ; STAY It is expensive. She seems happy.
 cu verbe transitive după complementul direct She keeps her room tidy.
 THE + adjectiv = substantiv plural în lb. română the young; the rich; the English
article/ describing /
numeral expressing feeling size age colour origin / material NOUN
a(n) / the splendid young white Arab horse
two fantastic tall middle-aged Canadian actors

(de superioritate / de inferioritate) (de superioritate / de inferioritate)

 - er, - est Peter is (not) taller than Peter is (not) the tallest in the
- adj. monosilabice Peter is tall. Jack. group.
- adj. bisilabice care Pam is Pam is (not) luckier than Pam is (not) the luckiest girl I
se termină în -y lucky. Jane. know.

 more, the most This is This is more difficult than I This is the most difficult
 less, the least difficult. thought. problem.
- adj. lungi This is less difficult than I
+ adj. care se thought. This is the least difficult
termină în: -ed; problem.
-ing; ous; -ful; -less
! unele adjective lungi pot forma gradul comparativ şi superlativ cu - er, - est sau more, the most /
less, the least: able; clever; gentle; common; narrow; handsome; simple; unkind; polite; pleasant;

 folosim as + adjectiv + as pentru a arăta că ceva este la fel sau egal:
Jim is as tall as Peter. I am as worried as you are.
 folosim not as/so + adjectiv + as pentru a arăta că ceva NU este la fel sau egal:
Jim is not as tall as Peter. I am not as worried as you are.

 pentru adjectivele scurte: se repetă adjectivul la gradul comparativ:
He gets richer and richer every year.
 pentru adjectivele lungi se repetă: more and more + adj. / less and less + adjectivul
She is more and more beautiful every time I see her.
English is less and less difficult.

good – better – the best; old – older – the oldest;
far – farther – the farthest; – elder – the eldest;
– further – the furthest; little – less – the least;
bad – worse – the worst; much – more – the most;
ill – worse – the worst; many – more – the most;
7. ADJECTIVELE DE ORIGINE LATINĂ formează comparativul cu to (nu cu than)!
superior to ; inferior to; senior to; junior to; exterior to; interior to
1. as or than ?
1. Are you as tall _____ your brother?
2. She’s not as clever _____ her sister.
3. Is Joan’s paper better _____ Maria’s?
4. I’m studying the same subject _____ Emma.
5. Liz works much harder _____ John.
6. I don’t have as many cousins _____ you.

2. Adjective formation. Use the suffixes below to form adjectives from nouns.
- y - ed -ing -al -ful -ate -ial -ous -ent -tic


1. success successful successfully
2. luck
3. romance
4. wind
5. difference
6. happiness
7. depression
8. health
9. person
10. wealth
11. generosity
12. mess
13. noise
14. dirt
15. pollution
16. finance
17. medicine
18. fortune

Complete the sentences with an adjective from your list.

1. My dad’s really __________. He always buys presents for everyone.
2. Before you can get a credit card, you have to provide a lot of _________ details.
3. I try to lead a ____________ lifestyle – lots of exercise, fruit, and no junk food.
4. The disco was so _____________ that you couldn’t hear yourself speak.
5. After an earthquake, doctors need a lot of ________________ equipment to help
6. After such a car crash, she is ______________ to escape alive, but fortunately the
operation was ____________________
7. Venice is a very ____________city. Many people go there to spend their honeymoon.
8. Here is the ________________ news. Prices are going up this year.
9. I don’t like big cities at all. The streets are so __________________ and the air is so
A. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. It is __________ for John to play tennis than for his _________brother. (difficult, old)
2. Sibiu has __________ streets than Cluj-Napoca. (narrow)
3. Your attitude turned into the __________ outburst. (inexcusable)
4. The music is _________ than I thought and the wine is also a bit ______ (loud, strong)
5. Are the winds in Siberia __________ than in Alaska ? (icy)
6. Who is the __________ pupil at school? (hard-working)
7. I don’t think these cakes are __________ than yours. (good)
8. This silk is __________ than that I bought a month ago. (soft)
9. Try to be a little __________ please. (calm)
10. They are __________ than you imagine. (intelligent)
11. Amelia is the __________ of these nice girls. (slim)
12. Then the storm became even __________ (violent)
13. Bobby is the __________ boy in his class. (clever)
14. Hyde Park is __________ in winter than in autumn. (quiet)
15. Ann is __________ than Mary. (not enthusiastic)
16. This is the __________ view of all. (enchanting)
17. Please be __________ otherwise you’ll make the baby cry. (gentle)
18. This copy of the picture is __________ than the other ones. (exact)
19. You own the __________ stamp collection I’ve ever seen. (complete)
20. Your country house is the __________ in the region. (attractive)
21. Her story was __________ than Roger’s. (breathtaking)
22. I’ve never met a __________ man than Benedict. (eccentric)
23. They are as __________ of him as he is of them. (afraid)
24. Peter’s story was the __________ of all. (not exciting)
25. She gave a __________ description of the events than I expected. (interesting)

B. Fill in the blanks with the right form of the adjective:

1. George is _________________________ than Tom. (+ sincere)
2. My sister is _________________________ as my mother. (= generous)
3. Their grandfather is the _________________________ person I know. (+ calm)
4. Sometimes people are _______________________than we expect. (- tolerant)
5. Jane is the _________________________in our group. (- honest)
6. This is not _________________________ it seems. (= stupid)
7. Jack wants to seem _________________________ than he really is. (+ brave)
8. When she is tired she is not ___________________ when she is fresh. (= talkative)
9. My neighbour’s dog is not the ___________________ creature on Earth. (+ friendly)
10. This toy is not at all ______________________ than the toy I got last year. (+funny)
11. He is _________________________ than his desk mate. (+ smart)
12. Today she feels _________________________than yesterday. (+ ill)
13. I am the ____________person in the world when somebody wakes me up. (+ angry)
14. I am _________________________ one can be in my situation. (= forgiving)
15. Of course he is _________________________ than me. It is his car, not mine. (+ nervous)
16. This is the _________________________winter we have ever had. (+ cold)
17. The _________________________ criminals are put separately in prison. (+ impulsive)
18. He is _________________________ than I could have ever imagined. (+ rude)
19. The cat was _________________________ to me than I expected. (- hostile)
20. My mother-in-law is the _________________________person in the family. (+ bossy)

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