Steam Boilers ME 1103 Introduction To Me

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ME 1103: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering

Steam Boilers

Abhishek Kumar Ghosh

Lecturer, Dept. of MPE, AUST
The Theory of Producing Steam
 Water boils and evaporates at 100°C under
atmospheric pressure.
 By higher pressure, water evaporates at higher
temperature - e.g. a pressure of 10 bar equals an
evaporation temperature of 184°C.
 During the evaporation process, pressure and
temperature are constant, and a substantial
amount of thermal energy is used for bringing the water
from liquid to vapor phase.

The Theory of Producing Steam
 When all the water is evaporated, the steam is
called dry saturated.
 In this condition the steam contains a large amount of
latent heat.
 Further heating of dry saturated steam will lead to
increase in temperature of the steam.
 Superheated steam.

Steam Boiler
 A device used to create steam by applying heat
energy to water.
 Generally a closed vessel made of steel.

1. According to the contents in the tube
i. Fire tube boiler- flame and hot gases passes through the
tubes which are surrounded by water.
ii. Water tube boiler- water is contained inside the tubes
which are surrounded by flames and hot gases.
2. According to the position of the furnace
i. Internally fired boiler- furnace is located inside the
boiler shell.
ii. Externally fired boiler- the furnace is arranged
underneath a brick-work setting.

3. According to the axis of the shell
i. Vertical Boiler- axis of shell is vertical
ii. Horizontal Boiler- axis of shell is horizontal
4. According to application
i. Utility Boilers- large capacity steam generators used
purely for electrical power generation.
ii. Industrial Boilers- small capacity boilers intended for
use in the process industries

Selection of a steam boiler
The selection of type and size of a steam boiler depends upon
the following factors:
The power required and the working pressure
The rate at which steam is to be generated
The geographical position of the power house
The fuel and water availability
The type of fuel to be used
The probable permanency of the station
The probable load factor

Important Terms for Steam Boilers
 Boiler Shell: It is made up of steel plates bent into cylindrical form and riveted or
welded together. The ends of the shell are closed by means of end plates. A boiler
shell should have sufficient capacity to contain water and steam.
 Combustion Chamber: It is the space, generally below the boiler shell, meant for
burning fuel in order to produce steam from the water contained in the shell.
 Grate: It is a platform, in the combustion chamber, upon which fuel (coal or wood)
is burnt. The grate, generally, consists of cast iron bars which are spaced apart so
that air (required for combustion) can pass through them. The surface area of the
grate, over which the fire takes place, is called grate surface.
 Furnace: It is the space, above the grate and below the boiler shell, in which the
fuel is actually burnt.The furnace is also called firebox.

Fire-Tube Boiler

 A steam boiler in which hot gaseous

products of combustion pass through tubes
surrounded by boiler water.
 The water and steam in fire-tube boilers
are contained within a large-diameter
drum or shell, and such units often are
referred to as shell-type boilers.
 Heat from the products of combustion is
transferred to the boiler water by tubes or
flues of relatively small diameter (7.5–10
cm) through which the hot gases flow.

Fire-Tube Boiler
 The tubes are connected to tube sheets
at each end of the cylindrical shell and
serve as structural reinforcements to
support the flat tube sheets against the
force of the internal water and steam
 Examples of fire-tube boilers are:
 Simple vertical boiler,
Cochran boiler,
Lancashire boiler,
Cornish boiler,
Scotch marine boiler,
 Locomotive boiler etc.

Fire-Tube Boiler
Cochran Boiler:
This is a vertical fire tube boiler as
shown in the figure.
The fuel is fed into the grate through
the fuel door and lighted.
The fuel is burnt on the grate and hot
gases go to the combustion chamber
through a short flue tube.
The combustion continues in the
combustion chamber.

Fire-Tube Boiler
Cochran Boiler:
The hot gases pass through the fire
tubes and heat the surrounding water
and convert it into steam. Since the
steam is lighter, it goes up the steam
The crown of the boiler and the grate
are both hemispherical in shape. The
waste gases enter the smoke box and are
released through the chimney.
The amount of waste gases leaving the
chimney is controlled by means of a
damper manually.

Fire-Tube Boiler
Lancashire Boiler:
 This is a fire tube, internally
fired, horizontal, natural draft,
natural circulation type boiler.
 Lancashire boiler has two large
flues containing the fires.
The boiler is very popular and
reliable because of simplicity of
design and ease of operation.
The boiler has a good steaming
quality, can burn coal of inferior
quality and so has less maintenance
and operating cost.
Fire-Tube Boiler
The boiler is very widely used in sugar mills and chemical industries
where along with power steam, steam is also required for process work.
The boiler is commonly employed where we need large reservoir of
water and steam.

Water-tube Boiler
A water-tube boiler is a type of boiler in which water
circulates in tubes, which are heated externally by the
 Water-tube boilers are used for high-pressure boilers.
Examples of water-tube boilers are,
Babcock andWilcox boiler
Stirling boiler
La-Mont boiler
Benson boiler
Yarrow boiler
Loeffler boiler etc.

Water-tube Boiler
Babcock and Wilcox
 This is a horizontal, externally fired,
water tube, natural circulation type of
stationary boiler.
 Fuel is burned in side the furnace,
creating hot gas, which heats up water in
the steam-generating tubes.
The heated water then rises into the
steam drum.
 Here, saturated steam is drawn off the
top of the drum.
In some services, the steam will
reenter the furnace in through a
superheater in order to become

Water-tube Boiler
Stirling Bent Tube Boiler:
 A further development of the water
tube boiler is the Stirling bent tube
boiler as shown in the following Figure.
 This type of boiler operates on the
principle of the temperature and
density of water, but utilizes four
drums in the following configuration.
 Cooler feedwater enters the left
upper drum, where it falls due to
greater density, towards the lower

Water-tube Boiler
Stirling Bent Tube
The water within the water drum
and connecting pipes to the other
two upper drums, are heated and
the steam bubbles produced rise
into the upper drums where the
steam is then taken off.
 The Stirling bent tube boiler
allows for a large surface heat
transfer area, as well as promoting
natural water circulation.

Merits and Demerits of Water Tube Boiler
 Merits
 It generates steam at a higher pressure than that of fire tube boiler
 For a given power, it occupies less space than fire tube boiler
 The rate of flow of steam is more in case of water tube boilers
 The different parts of a water tube boiler can be separated, hence it can be easily
transported and erected
 The heating surface is much more effective as the hot gases flow upwards approximately at
right angles
 The bursting of a water tube does not produce any destruction to the whole boiler.
 Demerits
 The feed water requires purification to prevent the scale deposit inside the tubes. If scale is
formed inside the tube, there are chances of overheating and bursting of tubes
 The water tube boilers require careful attention for its evaporation, therefore the
operating cost is higher
 Cleaning of water tubes cannot be easily done.

Essentials of a Good Steam Boiler
 It should produce maximum quantity of steam with the given fuel
 It should be economical to install and should require little attention during operation
 It should rapidly meet the fluctuation of load
 It should be capable of quick starting
 It should be light in weight
 It should occupy a small space
 The joints should be few and accessible for inspection
 The mud and other deposits should not collect on the heating plates
 The tubes should not accumulate shoot or water deposits and should have a reasonable
margin of strength to allow.
 The water and flue gas circuit should be designed to allow a maximum fluid velocity without
incurring heavy frictional losses.

Fire-tube Vs Water-tubes Boilers
 Fire tubes boilers has a large volume of water, therefore more flexible and can meet
the sudden demand of steam without much drop of pressure.
 Fire tubes boiler is rigid and of simple mechanical construction, so greater
reliability and low in first cost.
 Fire tube boilers can be made in smallest sizes therefore simple to fabricate and
transport, occupies less floor space but more height.
 Due to mostly externally fired water tubes boiler so furnace can be altered
considerably to meet the fuel requirements.
 Water tubes boilers are more readily accessible for cleaning, inspection and repairs,
compared to the fire tube boilers.
 Modern trend is in the favors of water tube boiler due to continuous increase in
capacities and steam pressures.

Boiler Mountings
 These are the fittings, which are mounted on the boiler for its proper and safe
functioning. Though there are many types of boiler mountings, yet the following are
important from the subject point of view:
1. Water level indicator
2. Pressure gauge
3. Safety valve
4. Steam spot valve
5. Blow off cock
6. Feed check valve and
7. Fusible plug

Boiler Mountings
 Water Level Indicator: It is an important fitting, which indicates the water level
inside the boiler to an observer. It is a safety device, upon which the correct working
of the boiler depends. This fitting may be seen in front of the boiler and are generally
two in number.
 Pressure Gauge: A pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure of the steam
inside the steam boiler. It is fixed in front of the steam boiler. The pressure gauges
generally used are of Bourden type. A bourden pressure gauge, in its simplest form,
consists of an elliptical elastic tube ABC bent into an arc of a circle. This bent up tube
is called Bourden’s tube.
 Safety Valve: This a device attached to the steam chest for preventing explosions due
to excessive internal pressure of steam. A steam boiler is usually provided with two
safety valves. In brief, the function of a safety valve to blow off the steam when the
pressure of steam inside the boiler exceeds the working pressure.

Boiler Mountings
 Steam Stop Valve: It is largest valve on the steam boiler. It is, usually, fitted to the highest
part of the shell by means of a flange. The principal function of a stop valve are:
 To control the flow of steam from the boiler to the main steam pipe
 To shut off the steam completely when required.
 Blow off Cock: The principal functions of a blow off cock are
 To empty the boiler whenever required
 To discharge the mud, scale or sediments which are accumulated at the bottom of the
 Feed Check Valve: It is a non return valve, fitted to a screwed spindle to regulate lift. Its
function is to regulate the supply of water, which is pumped into the boiler, by the feed
 Fusible Plug: It is fitted to the crown plate of the furnace or the fire. Its object is to put off
the fire in the furnace of the boiler when the level of water in the boiler fails to an unsafe
limit and thus avoids the explosion which may take place due to overheating of the furnace

Boiler Accessories
 These are the devices which are used as integral parts of a boiler and help in running
 Feed Pump: Boiler feed pumps are an important part of any boiler operation. They
control the amount of water fed to the boiler and the manner in which it is fed. The
pressure of steam inside the boiler is high. So the pressure of feed water has to be
increased proportionately before it is made to enter the boiler. Generally, the pressure of
feed water is 20% more than that in the boiler.
 Air Preheater: Air preheater is a general term to describe any device designed to heat
air before another process (for example combustion in a boiler). The purpose of the air
preheater is to recover the heat from the flue gas from the boiler to improve boiler
efficiency by burning warm air, which increases combustion efficiency, and reducing
useful heat lost from the flue. Consequently, the gases are also sent to the chimney or
stack at a lower temperature, allowing simplified design of the ducting and stack. It also
allows control over the temperature of gases leaving the stack (to meet emissions
regulations, for example).

Boiler Accessories
 Superheater: A superheater is a device in a steam engine that heats the steam generated
by the boiler again, increasing its thermal energy and decreasing the likelihood that it will
condense inside the engine. Superheaters increase the efficiency of the steam engine, and
were widely adopted. Steam, which has been superheated, is logically known as
superheated steam; non-superheated steam is called saturated steam or wet steam.
Superheaters were applied to steam locomotives in quantity from the early 20th century,
to most steam vehicles, and to stationary steam engines including power stations.

Boiler Accessories
 Economizer: An economizer is a device used to heat feed water by utilizing the heat in
the exhaust flue gases before leaving through the chimney. As the name indicates, the
economizer improves the economy of the steam boiler. The advantages of using an
economizer are:
 There is about 15 to 20% of coal saving
 It increases the steam raising capacity of a boiler because it shortens the time required
to convert water into steam
 It prevents formation of scale in boiler water tube because the scale now forms in the
economizer tubes which can be cleaned easily
 Since the feed water entering the boiler is hot, therefore strains due to unequal
expansion are minimized.


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