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Department of
Electrical & Electronic Engineering


Course Title: Semiconductor Device Theory

Course Code: EEE 815

Submitted to:
Mohammad Khalid Saifullah
Lecturer, EEE
Mymensingh Engineering College

Submitted by:
Imtiaz Arefin Alif
Roll: 1029
Reg No: 1671
Group: Electronics
Batch: 10th
Semester: 8th

Date of Submission: Signature

1. What is the contribution of solar energy to the world's total energy
supply in the last two decades, and how has it grown?
Ans. In the last two decades, the contribution of solar energy to the world's total
energy supply has grown significantly. Although it is still a tiny fraction of the
world's energy mix, solar power has become increasingly popular due to its
renewable nature and the declining cost of producing solar panels. In 2020,
solar power accounted for around 3% of the world's electricity generation, up
from less than 1% in 2010.

2. How is sand converted into silicon crystals for solar cells, and why is
this process necessary?
Ans. To produce solar cells, sand must be converted to 99.999% pure silicon
crystals. This involves a complex purification process, transforming the raw
silicon into a gaseous silicon compound form. This is then mixed with hydrogen
to obtain highly purified polycrystalline silicon. These silicon ingots are reshaped
and transformed into thin slices called silicon wafers. This process is necessary
to ensure that the solar cells are made of high-quality materials which can
efficiently convert sunlight into electricity.

3. What is the role of a PN junction in a solar cell, and how does it work?
Ans. A PN junction is an easy and practical way to produce the driving force in a
solar cell. If you inject boron with three valence electrons into pure silicon, each
atom will have one hole. This is called p-type doping. If these two kinds of
doped materials join together, some electrons from the N side will migrate to
the P region and fill the holes available there. This way, a depletion region is
formed without free electrons and holes. Due to the electron migration, the
N-side boundary becomes slightly positively charged, and the P-side becomes
negatively charged. An electric field will be formed between these charges. This
electric field produces the necessary driving force. When the light strikes the PN
junction, the photon energy generated is sufficient to create electron-hole pairs
in the depletion region. The electric field in the depletion region drives the
electrons and holes out of the depletion region, resulting in the flow of electrons
in the solar cell.

4. How do solar panels work, and what are the differences between
monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels?
Ans. Solar panels consist of a layer of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are
interconnected. When sunlight strikes the PV cell, it generates an electric
current. The combination of series and parallel connections of the cells increases
the current and voltage values to a usable range. The layer of EVA sheeting on
both sides of the cells protects them from shocks, vibrations, humidity, and dirt.
The main difference between monocrystalline and polycrystalline solar panels is
their internal crystalline lattice structure. In polycrystalline solar panels,
multi-crystals are randomly oriented, while in monocrystalline cells, the entire
cell is composed of a single crystal. Monocrystalline cells offer higher electrical
conductivity but are costlier and less widely used than polycrystalline cells.

5. What are the challenges associated with solar power, and how can
they be addressed?
Ans. The challenges associated with solar power include its high capital costs,
efficiency constraints of solar voltaic panels, which do not match conventional
energy options, and the large-scale storage of solar energy required by solar
power plants. To address these challenges, efforts are underway to reduce the
cost of producing solar panels, develop more efficient solar cells, and improve
energy storage technologies. Additionally, government incentives and subsidies
can help make solar power more accessible and affordable to consumers.

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