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Grade & Section: 10-A


“ It’s our ability to deal with the challenges and not their
absence that gives us true glory, comfort, and
happiness in life.”
- Anonymous

• As you look closely at the drawing, try answering these

 Whose face flashed at the back of your mind?

The face that flashed at the back of Our mind was the image of God.
This picture shows a boy facing the cave, which for us it symbolizes
the challenges on our life. Because we say that nobody is perfect but
God alone is Perfect. God created us equally no more, no less.

 How do you feel as you look at it?

We feel That, It relies on your Perspective on life or on

yourself. If you claim to be the most down to earth person,
That is exactly what you will find. As you glance in the
mirror, your Feelings are influenced by your mood.
 What are its aspects / details that relate to, or show
the importance of dealing with personal challenges
in life?

We are all confronted with Challenges, The Vast majority

experience serious difficulties tolerating and managing
these challenges that emerge. People have a hard time
accepting and controlling the problems that arise. The
greater part of us get extremely anxious and avoid
problems because we would rather not face reality as it

• Now, read the quotation and relate it to the message in the

• Form groups of five, and talk about what the picture and the
quote have in common.

Our Group Have Already discussed what the picture and quote
have in common. For us, Life is full of ups and downs, one day
you may feel like you have it all figured out. Everyone has
faced their own set of challenges, learn how to overcome the
challenges that will help you stay centred and remain calm
under Pressure. Some people may be able to tolerate or even
hide it better than others, but the truth is that whatever you are
going through, other have gone through it as well. You are not
alone, express your feelings and concerns in all aspects of your
life. Do not put your difficulties in the hands of others to solve,
its your obligation to do it.


• Form triads, and list at least three questions about personal

challenges that you hope to answer in this lesson.
• Take turns in sharing these questions, and find out what they
have in common.
• Check them against this essential question: How do I deal with
personal challenges?

1.When did you thrive where others around you struggle?

=Weakness become a weapon. Every failure in life become

inspiration. Life is full of challenges, maybe you overcome that one
challenge in your life and maybe in another day you feel much down,
maybe you’re in a top of life now and someone craving to be on your
level, but everything has its own ending. The old adage goes “ what
you give is what you get” if you’ve been through a situation or have a
advice for someone you know who is going through a tough time, help
them out. Helping others not only benefits them, but it can do help you
feel happier and proud to yourself.

2.What do we finally need to accept and embrace about our self,

rather than seeing it as a weakness?

= our weakness allows us to build stronger connections with others

People will appreciate the fact that you’re willing to show our
vulnerability and they will admire that fact that you have the courage to
be yourself Even your deepest soul will be-proud for being stronger you
are. And for us, we just trying to look our failure, the mistakes and
understand what we gain to and lost Knowing that whatever I have lost
was for a better reason, we’re being proud for our selves that we have
come so far.

3. How did can we resist the challenges of our life despite of our

=challenges and problems are important part of our lives that gives us
experiences, make a lesson and help become wiser and stronger
Problems make us grow and knew ourselves more. Facing challenges
is never been easy, and these days. Our relationship with challenges is
what can bring about the most difficulty and suffering Think about what
your life is, your career would be like if you did’nt complain about or
resist challenges when they showed up. For most of us, myself
included, this would make things very different and much more

Take turns in sharing these questions, and find out what they have in

Common: After we shared this question to each other, the thing that
they have in common is all about the suffer, struggle , weakness and
challenges that they experience.

Check them against this essential question:

1.When did you thrive where others around your struggle?

=Weakness become weapon. Every failure in life become inspiration.

Life is full of challenges, maybe you overcome that one challenge in
your life and maybe in another day you feel much down, maybe you’re
in a top of life now and someone craving to be on your level, but
everything has its own ending. The old adage goes what give is what
you get” if you’ve been through a situation or have a advice for
someone you know who is going through a tough time, help them out.
Helping others not only benefits them, but it can do help you feel
happier and proud to yourself.

How do I deal with personal Challenges?

=When someone needs help, we don’t hesitate to aid them as much as

we can; we seek to help the needy if we can; if we can’t, we’ll all be
fine; if we can’t, we’ll all be fine; if we can’t, we’ll all be fine; unity will be
our focus.

2. What do we finally needed to accept and embraced about

yourself rather than seeing it as a weakness?

=Our weakness allows us to build stronger connections with others

People will appreciate the fact that you’re willing to she vulnerability
and they will admire that fact that you have the courage to be yourself
Even your deepest soul will be-proud for being stronger you are. And
for us, we just trying to look our failure, the mistakes and understand
what we gain to and lost Knowing that whatever I have lost was for a
better reason, we’re being proud for our selves that we have come so

How do I deal with this personal challenge?

=We encourage ourselves to think positively at all times and feel that
every obstacle we confront will be overcome.

3.How can we resist the challenges of our life despite of our


Challenges and problems are important part of our lives that gives us
experiences, make a lesson and help become wiser and stronger
Problems make us grow and knew ourselves more. Facing challenges
is never been easy, and these days. Our relationship with challenges is
what can bring about the most difficulty and suffering Think about what
your life is, your career would be like if you did’nt complain about or
resist challenges when they showed up. For most of us, myself
included, this would make things very different and much more

How do I deal this personal Challenges ?

=We made ourself became stronger. We applied the word “courage” to
ourself.Cause everything’s happen for a succeeding reason. You can’t
continue if you’re hiding nor avoiding the challenges in your life.

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