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No. PBS.CPMU.FIELD (01)2022—2 234 Ped Government of Pakistan G Leta Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives D> ae Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Islamabad DDG (CP&Cc/cPMU) Ph: - 051-9106581 Fax: - 051-9106548 dated: 24-02-2023 Subject- SOP for Geo-Tagging incase of non-availability of Ima: nd Maps Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has procured high resolution imagery from SUPARCO with purpose to facilitate enumerators during field operation as well as to enhance the accuracy of geo- tagging of structures amid the 7" Population and Housing Census. However, due to some technical complexities an alternative plan was deemed necessary. Therefore, the following procedure is devised which is to be followed in case if the SUPARCO imagery is not/partially downloaded or not properly Urdu translation is also attached for convenience of field staff. i In order to facilitate the enumerator, two types of maps “Satellite Imagery by SUPARCO’ and | “Open Streen Map’ are provided in enumeration application. Enumerator can switch between them by clicking “osm-maps' or" | ii, For improved geo-tagging, the enumerator should wait for the GPS to acquire location and if the GPS location is fetched then it is recommended that the enumerator use the same location and do not change it. | il, If GPS location cannot be found the enumerator will mark the location by carefully looking at | SUPARCO Imagery. | iv. Incase SUPARCO imagery is not visible in Application, Open Street Map (OSM) is provided as an alternative (osm-maps). vy. In case SUPARCO Imagery is not available and OSM map is also blank/not available or is not helpful in identifying the location, then try to capture GPS location by moving around in the near area e.g. move to closest open air point then location will be captured. vi. fall the above options are not successful, then the following approach is to be used. Note: This approach should only be used if enumerators has sufficiently tried to capture GPS location by moving around in nearest open space. | “The enumerator will use provided manual map of block and block boundary displayed in application for estimating his/her location and mark the location according to his/her understanding.” (Rabia Z All Divisional Coordinators Provincial Census Commissioner, Punjab, Sindh, KP, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJ8K. Director FS (I&I!), PBS, Islamabad Provincial Incharges, PBS, Punjab, Sindh, KP, Balochistan, Gilgit Baltistan, AJ&K. APS to Member (SS/RM), 1 Orr abe APS to Member (CS) Bee ghacl 4 1 PBS, stom 2. Forwarded for further necessary action please. All Census District Officers Copy for information:~ easene 626 (Geo-Taggingh $18 tee F Wore SUPF ic (qete pO WEL Pret Sle dL LL Spay fhelitt ESF le nL tL SG, "Suparco -maps"t" osm-maps "wht GE LA} PoP ig fione gr Luewd AP opewars) Aggie LL: Fah Ne LHe Slt Se Be St, eve J£< 51S (SUPARCO Imagery) SFL phe HF MGR AGA -3 Age VA PL ZEAE LM gee pe TES FL tet ting eae Fe bates Sef Pole Jot Sitnie eS Fil Ses I PEE tie F LLP ISELIN MGS) AGA FEL uF bee ee ELUNE Be eI LI pene Si -6 BEM IM ELI REE EF Luh tre pte Ite 5 A SPSS se SSiIi StL e Gtet GA LL 6 Free ce CHOSE ILL EP i ihe UH Be wae "6 (Geo —Tag)

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