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1. .If your sister was raped and becomes pregnant, will you advice her to terminate the
pregnancy or bring the pregnancy until its full term?

As her sister, I'll advise her to terminate the pregnancy since she didn't ask for it nor
want it to happen. She's a Victim. Moreover, it is Ethically Considerations for Abortion,
and My sister still has a bright future to fulfill; I don't want her to be Traumatize and
blame herself. However, I still want my sister to choose if she wants to keep the child or
not. So, as her Big sister, I will still help and support her whatever my sister's decision is.

2. .If people have the right to live, do they also have the right to die?
No, it is morally wrong, thus consider murder or suicide if people think they have a
right to die. Moreover, they most likely abuse it to use for their own convenience.
Terminally ill patients. on the other hand, have the right to express their wishes in an
advance directive, appoint a surrogate to make care decisions when they are no longer
able to do so, and have these wishes honored by health care providers. Therefore, it will
free them from pain without any distress with dignity.

3. Should marriage be exclusively for men and women?

In my view, No. Marriage should be exclusive to anyone and should not stop only to
Men-Women. All of us are children of God, and God loves us equally. Moreover,
extending civil marriage to couples of the same sex demonstrates a commitment to the
fundamental rights of equality and nondiscrimination. Furthermore, Based on Tornello
(2017), a homosexual parent is also fit and capable as heterosexual couples. Therefore,
Marriage is for anyone that wants to be legally committed to the person they love.

(Tornello, S. L., & Bos, H. (2017). Parenting Intentions Among Transgender Individuals.
LGBT Health, 4(2), 115–120.

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