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Padiation 5500K


Uluraviolet catastrophe
Planks radiation law
Stefan's law 6E+11

Determination of Stefan's constant 5000K

Solar constant
Determination of solar temperature 4E+11

Energy distribution in black body
radiation 2E+11
distribution of energy among 3500K
the different wavelength of thermal
spectrum of a black body radiation was 500 1000 1500 2000

investigated by Lummer and

Wavelenguhi nm
Pringsheim. The experimental set up is From the graph it can be found that
shown in 1. At a given temperature, the
figure. The radiation from an energy is
electrically heated carbon tube is not uniformly distributed in the
allowed to incident on a radiation spectrum of black body
reflector 2. At a given
through a slit S. The reflected beam is temperature the intensity
dispersed by rock salt or tlourspar prism of heat radiation increases with
placed on a rotating table of the increase in wavelength and reaches a
spectrometer. Th emergent lightis maximum value at a particular
focused by
the reflector M2 wavelength and then decrease
on to a 3. An increase in
placed oehind the slit S2. The temperature causes a
bolometer is connected to a decrease in An where Am Is the
sensitive wavelength for which energy emitted
galvanometer. The deflection of the
galvanoineter is the neasure of the is maximum such that
radiant energy falling on it.
Aml is a
constant. This is known as Wien
The prism
table is rotated
so that the different displacement law
wavelengths of radiation in the spectrum 4. For all
wavelength an increa_e in
successfully fall on it. temperature causes an increase in the
Concave mirror Mz energy emissions
CARBON TuBE 5. The area under each curve
the total energy emitted for the
Slit s1
complete spectrum at
particular a

temperature. This area increases with

Fluorspar prism increase in
temperature of the body.
It is found that is
Concave mirror Mi
' To Bolomotur
proportional to the fourth power of
temperature of the body.
The intensity E «T, This is Stefan-Boltz1mann
different temperature of. the
wavelength graph for
source is law.
shown in figure.

j MIC 2019
Page 1
Wien's displacement law
This formula fitted the
product of distribution curve fairly well at shor Cnergy
The law states that the
wavelength corresponding to maximum wavelength but failed at long

energy and absolute temperature is a

constant ie,
m = Constant = 0.2892 cm K I-5800K
This relation shows that with increase in
temperature 2n decreases.

In laboratory, it is evident that

when a blackened platinum wire is
electrically heated it becomes dull red at 200

about 500 °C, cherry red at about 900

C, orange red at about 1100 °C, yellow
Rayleigh and Jeans Laws
at about 1250 °C and finally white at
about 1600 °C. On the basis of statistical
This shows that as the temperature mechanics, assigning an average energy
raised, the radiation emitted, contains equal to kT to each mode of vibration of
more and more shorter wave lengths. In an oscillator, Rayleigh and Jean found
other words the that the energy density E dà for the
as temperature is raised
the maximum intensity of emission is waves within the wavelength A and A +

displaced towards shorter wavclength d

side. This is therefore known as Wien's E da 8rkTA*da |... (2)
displacement daw.
Wien's Law Thisis known as Rayleigh- Jeans Laws
for black body radiation.
On the basis of classical theory,
This formula agrees welI. with the
Wien derived a formula for the energy
experimental curve of long wavelength,
distributi on in black body radiation. but fails at short wavelength.
Accordingly the energy density Ez da
for waves with wavelength between The Ultraviolet Catastrophe
and A+ dA is given by
According Rayleigh- Jeans Law the
energy density is
Eadh= C-se kida..(1)
Ea d= 8tkTA-*d
Where C and C2 are constants, k is
Boltzmann Constant and T 1S vt c
dE = 87kl dv

j MIC 2019 Page 2

E = nhv,n = 1,2,3,..
dE = 8TkTdv
Plank's radiation law
Accordir g to the above equation, he
Plank deduced the formula for energy
energy density will continuously for within the
increase with increase in frequency v as
density Ez da waves

E 0 and as v 0o. This is in

wavelength A and A + dh as
contradiction to the energy distribution 8Tthc
E dh = da..(3)
obtained experimentally. This objection
tothe law is known as uv catastrophe.
This is a fatal failure of classical where, c is the velocity of
physics. This failure of classical physics iectromagnetic waves
had lead Max Plank to the discovery of
the radiation law. ) For small wavelengths,
classlcal theury ekT1 , hence (3) can be
(utravlolet catas'rophe)
written as
dh = 6Thc

5 eT
T-50X C
Frequency = C15eETda
where, C = 8Tthc and
Plank's Radiation Law C2=hv
he above
On the
basis of quantum theory of equation represents Wien's
heat radiation, Plank W
proposed that
energy is emitted in the form of
packets (ii) For long wavelengths,
quantum called photorns, each photon hy
has an
energy hv where ekT1
h plank's constant
and v is the Ea dl
frequency of radiation 87thcda

According to this theory, the body

doesn't emit energy
continuously but
E dl=- 8thcd
only in EtaiH mulüples of funcdamental
As the energy of the
photon is hv, the
energy is nhv

ij MIC 2019

Page 3
E ad h 5 7 T h c d a
If a black body at absolute
temperature T, is surrounded by another
black body at absolute temperature T
8ThckTd the net rate of loss of heat energy for
5hv unit area of the surface is given by
E di = 877kTA*d... (6)
E =
This is in accordance with Prevost's
The above equation represents Rayleigh theory of heat exchange i.e., the net loss
Jeans l a
of heat depends on the difference in the
Thus Plank's formula for the energy heat radiated by hot body and that
distribution in a thermal spectrum is absorbed by it from its surrounding.
applicable for all wavelengths. Equation (2) is known as Stefan
Boltzmann Law.
Stefan's Law
Determination of Stefan's Constant:
Thelaw states that the rate of emission
oi radiant energy of a perfect black body The apparatus used to determine o is
is directily proportional to the fourth shown in fig
power of absoBute temperature. If E is
the rate of energy
emitted per unit
Surface area of a perfectly black body at STEA
T kelvin,

E =GT. where o is a constant called C

Stefan's constant and its value is

G =
5.67 x 10-8wm-(*
The Stefan's Law refers to the
emission of heat radiation only by the
body itself and not to the net loss of heat
by the body after exchange with the
surroundings. It simply deals with the
amount of heat emitted A hollow hemispherical metallic vessel
by the body by
virtue of its temperature A is enclosed in a wooden box W. The
irrespective of inner surface A is coated with lamp
what it receives from the
surroundings. black and the wooden box W is lined
The law can be extended to
represent the with tin plates. The whole apparatus is
net loss of heat.
placed on a wooden base having a small
hole at its centre. The vessel A is heated

i MIC 2019 Page 4

by passing steam into the box. A acts as
a black
body radiator. The thermometers
TT record the temp of A.
A small
silver disc B whose upper
surface is coated with lamp black is
placed at the central hole. The ebonite DEFLECTION

cOver C is used to cover and uncover the

disc B from the radiations of the t a n x= .
enclosure. It can be controlled from
(2) Measurement of absorption of metal
outside with the help of handle H. The
disc B is connected to a he disc is completely covered with C
arrangement. One junction of the and steam is passed into the chamber.
thermocouple is immersed in a tube After sometime the thermometer TT
containing oil. The tube is surrounded show constant temperature. The bath E
by a beaker containing waterA is kept at constant temperature. With the
sensitive galvanometer G is used in belp of handle H the cover C is titled, so
circuit. The leads connected to the the upper surface of disc B Receives
terminals of galvanometer are irnmersed Yadiation from enclosure. The
in the cotton wool in a box to avoid any deflections in galvanometer are observed
distribution effects due te the difference at equal intervals of time say 10 sec. A
of temperature in the terminals. A graph is plotted between time and
rheostat, Rh is used in the clrcuit to deflection. A tangent is drawn on the
obtain the deflection within the range. curve at point D.
The experiment eonsists of two parts

(1) standardise the thermocouple:

Before passing steam into the chamber,

the disc B is at room temperature. The

water bath E acts as a hot junction. E is

heated and the current is measured at

different values of temperature. A graph DEFLECTKON

between the difference of temperature of EF

the hot junction and the room tanß = . (2)
and the
temperature along the y-axis Iet at any instant the temperature of the
deflection along the x axis
galvanometer enclosure and the disc be Ti and T2
is plotted. Kelvin respectively (T,> T2). The disc
will absorb more heat from the

Page 5
j MIC 2019
surounding and radiate less heat to the
surrounding, its temperature will A(T-T) tan p
be calculated.
TIence, o can

From Stefan's law,

Solar Constant
Sun is the source of heat radiation and it
RaoT emits radiations in all directions. Thec
earth receives only a fraction of energy
R-R2 a(T{ -TA)

emitted by the sun. The atmosphere also

R is the amount
of heat radiation absorbs a part of the heat radiation and
absorbed per unit area per second by the dir, clouds, dust particles etc in the
atmosphere scatter the heat and light
R2- amount of heat radiation radiation falling on them.
emitted per
unit area per second
by the disc From the quantity of heat radiation
Let mass of the disc
be ni; be revived by the earth, it is possible to
heat; rate of change
specific estimate the temperature of the Sun.
of temperature
dT/dt and area of the upper surface is A Solar constant is the
amount of heat
energy absorbed in unit time by unit area
(R R2)A = mc-dT
dt of a perfectly black body surface
at a
mean placed
of the earth from the
o TT2)A = mc-dT sun, in the absence of
dt surface atmosphere,
* the
mc dT
being held
perpendicular to the
A(T-T)dt 4) Sun's 6ays.
The instrument used to measure the solar
To find(1)
dt and (2) are used
constant is called
dTdT de tan
heat energy pyrheliometer.
absorbed by a known area
de dt tan B (5) a fixed time is in
found with the
To find
T2 the deflection in
help of
pyrheliometer. To estimate the effects
galvanometer corresponding to absorption by the atmosphere, the of
in (b) is noted and
for this
point D of solar
constant is value
temp difference is noted deflection, the elevation of the sun
found at various
from (a). To on the same
this reading add the room temp and under similar day
find sky conditions.
T2 If S is the
observed solar
Substituting these values in (4) the true solar
constant constant, So is
elevation of sun. and z is
jj MIC 2019 angular
S =
SnaSsec z et r be the mean distance of the sun and
where, a is transmission coefficient
arth. If we imagine a sphere of radius r

/ith the sun at the centre, then the

A graph is plotted between logS along y- nergy emitted by the sun will be spread
axis and secz along x-
axis. The graplh is Iver the surface 47tr and hence the
straight line. Produce the graph to meet energy received from unit area of the
y-axis. The y-intercept is logSo from carth surface in unit time is.
which value of So can be calculated.
So =

log S

anchu, b/
sec 7. T=Sor2
The valuesolar Constant
of Was
estimated as So= 1400 Wm*
T= S 2
Temperature of the Sun
The Sun consists of a central hot portion
(10 K) surrounded by the photosphere
The central portion has a
temperature of Substituting the values of these
the order of 10 K. The photosphere has constants, the surface temperature of sun
temperature of about 6000 K. This can be estimated.
temperature is also called effective
temperature of the sun. Considering the If radius of sun, R= 6. 96 x10° m, mean
sun as a
prefect black body radiator, the clistance of sun and earth, r 1497 x =

temperature of the sun calculated. 0 m.

Let R be the radius of sun. Solar const, So =
1400 W/m.
If E is thee
emissive power of sun and T its
Stefan's constant,
temperature then assuming sun, to be
o =
5.7 x10 Wm K
perfectly black. 1
(1.497x1011)2 5.7x10-8
T 6.96x108)2 x
1400 1.

From Stefan's Law, E =

dT*, (1) 5804 K
6000 K
The total energy emitted from the whole
surface of sun in one second temperature is the effective
1emperature of the sun
acting as a
= 4TTRaTr . . (2) lackbody radiator. The actual
emperature of the sun is higher
ij MIC 2019 than this
Page 7
value. The temp of the is what could be the temperature of
sun usually
taken as 6000 K. the sun

The 6. Two large closely spaced

temp of the sun can also be
concentric spheres are maintained
calculated from Wien's displacement at temperature 200 K and 300 K.
The space between the two
mT= constant =
0.2892 cm K spheres is evacuated. Calculate
The the net rate of energy transfer
of the radiation for
which the energy is maximum in between the two spheres. Given o
spectrum An = 4900 x 10° cm
5.672 x 10 MKS unit
7. Two identical black bodies A and
Thus the value of T be
can estimated as B at temperatures 227 °C and 327
T 5902 K. C respectively are placed in an
evacuated enclosure whose walls
This value is in are blackened and kept at 27 °C.
agreement with the
accepted value. Compare their rate of loss of heat.
8. Calculate the energy radiated per
minute from the filament of an
1. If the sun emits muLXimum energy incandescent lamp at 2000 K. Iff
at wavelength 4753 A, calculate the surface area is 5 x 10 m* and
its surface temperature. Wien's relative emittance is 0.85
constant- 2.898 x 10 mK 9. The relative emittance of tungsten
2. What is the wavelength at is 0.35. A tungsten sphere of
human body radiates maximum surface area 10° m* is suspended
inside a. large evacuated enclosure
3. In an atomic explosion the whose walls are at 300 K. What
power input is required to
maximum temperature was of the
order of 10 K. Calculate the maintain the sphere at a

wavelength of the maximum

temperature 3000 K. The
conduction of heat along the
energy. supports can be neglected.
4. Calculate the surface temperature
10.A black body with an initial
of the sun and mgon given Am
temperature of 300 °C is allowed
4753 A and 14 um respectively.
to cool inside an evacuated
5. A body at 1500 K emits
enclosure surrounded by melting
maximum energy of wavelength
ice at the rate of 0.35 °C per
2000 nm. If the sun emit
second. If the mass, specific heat
maximum energy of Am =550 nm,
and surface area of the body are

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