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Methods of promoting sales:

The act of attracting the attention an interest of the target market through the product or service
offered for sale

1. Advertising- this aims to promote a brand or product by improving:

o Awareness- making people aware that it exists
o Image- making the brand or product attractive

Functions of Advertising:
1. To introduce new products on the market
2. To increase demand for a good or service
3. So market shares can be increased by persuading the target market
4. To inform and remind costumers about the product so that a personal bond/loyalty can be
5. To underscore particular strong points of a good or service in order to maintain a competitive

Important players in the advertising industry:

 Clients- the business who products is being promoted
 Advertising agency- advises the client on advertising strategies develops as and places them in
the media
 Media- businesses which carry the ads

Main advertising media:

 Television
 Print
 Radio
 Cable
 Billboards and other outdoor advertising
 Direct mail
 Internet

Types of advertising:

 Informative advertising – provides factual information about a product or service and can be
viewed as beneficial to consumers in that it assists the perspective buyer to make an informed
decision whether to purchase a good or service
 Persuasive advertising – designed to entice a potential costumer (target market) purchase a
good or service using a variety of physiological devices
 Competitive advertising- this promotes one product over competitors. It is related to defensive
 Defensive advertising- this reacts to competitive advertising by a competitor to maintain its
market shares (number of costumers) and deflect critizsm of a popular brand
 Collective advertising- promoting a range of products produced by many businesses as in a” by
local “campaign

Advantages of advertising:

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