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Republic of the Philippines



City of Malolos, Bulacan




At the end of this module, you are expected to:

A. Identify the different functions of opinion-marking signals;

B. Express one's opinion politely; and
C. Use opinion-marking signals to share ideas.


Topic: Using opinion-marking signals to share ideas
References: English 8, Quarter 2 – Module 4: Pages 5-9. “Using Opinion-
Marking Signals to Share Ideas”. Philippines: Random House, Inc. First Edition,
Materials: Learning Module, Instructional Materials

1. Prayer
The teacher will lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
The teacher will greet the students.
3. Classroom Management
The teacher will ask the students to pick up the pieces of papers and
align their chairs before they sit down.
4. Checking of Attendance
The teacher will check the attendance.
5. Review/Recapitulation
The teacher will ask the students what they have accomplished from
their last meeting.
1. Motivation
a. The teacher will ask the students to answer the activity posted
on the board.

Directions: Write F on the blank if the sentence states a Fact and O if it states an Opinion.
Then, underline the opinion-marking signal.

__ 1. I believe there is nothing more fascinating experience than witnessing different

Philippine festivals. It is like peeking through a kaleidoscope.

__ 2. The Philippines is an archipelagic tropical country in the Southeast Asia.

__ 3. There are only two seasons in the Philippines: rainy and dry seasons.

__ 4. I totally agree that Filipinos are the happiest and most hospitable people in the world.

__ 5. I believe that the Christmas season in the Philippines starts at September and ends in

b. The teacher will call two students to act out the scene presented
on the visual aids on the board.

Lexie: Good day, Aunt Viela, do you think planting in the urban area is enjoyable?
Aunt Viela: Of course, my niece. Planting is not just helpful for the environment, but it
also gives us a way to relieve our stress. It may be entertaining to watch plants growing
and it also makes us feel satisfied.
Lexie: Oh, I see your point, Auntie, but gardening could be tiring. You have to sit as you
dig and scoop some soil into the pots. You also have to always check on the leaves and
put fertilizer for it to grow. Besides, you get dirty working on it.
Aunt Viela: You may be right at some point, Lexie, but personally, I do not find it tiring.
When I am in the garden, I see the beauty of God’s creation. My energy is restored seeing
the beautiful green plants and colorful flowers even though I get dirty while gardening.
Lexie: I think you are right, Aunt Viela. Maybe I should try urban gardening too. I want to
do something new in this very quiet village because there are only a few things to see
here. I am confident that I can also grow lovely plants as you do.
Aunt Viela: That’s a nice idea, my dear niece! I will surely teach you how.
2. Discussion
The teacher will discuss with the students the different functions of
opinion-marking signals.
a. Ask the students what they notice about the sentences of the
b. Ask the students what kind of words the underline words in the
sentences are.
c. Explain that opinion-marking signals have different functions.
d. Explain the different functions of opinion-marking signals.
e. Ask students to act out the scenes on each of the functions of
opinion-marking signals.

3. Practice
The students will identify the functions of the opinion-marking
signals on the board. They will choose the letter of the correct

A – To express agreement
D – To express
I – To politely interrupt
O – To express opinions

__ 1. You got appoint but…

__ 2. That’s exactly what I thought…
__ 3. As far as I’m concerned…
__ 4. Sorry to cut you off…
__ 5. I’m afraid I disagree with that…
__ 6. Precisely…
__ 7. That reminds me…
__ 8. Sorry but I beg to disagree…
__ 9. My impression is that…
__ 10. I think so too…
4. Generalization
The teacher will ask specific questions about the functions of
opinion-marking signals as form of a short recapitulation of the

The students will group themselves according to their respective
groups. The teacher will give a topic (Christmas) and the students will write a
short script using the four functions of opinion-marking signals. They have 10
minutes to do the script and 5 minutes to act the script out.

The students will answer the assessment questions on the module. They will write
their answers on a one whole sheet of paper.
The students will write at least 3-4 sentences about Christmas using any function
of opinion-marking signals.
The students will also look for the meaning of Multimodal Texts.

Prepared and executed by:

Maria Bernadette M. Calilap

Student Teacher
Bulacan State University – Main campus

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