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Vishwa Babulal Patel

RE: Module 4 Discussion- Healthy lifestyle among international students

As a public health professional I would recommend to every international students to stay

connected with each other either by face to face meeting or via social media. They can gather
in various places according to their mood and environment such as game zone, parks,cinemas
and other recreational places. Furthermore, they become strong when they connect with each
other and sharing their minds, ideas adn thought. One of the best thing that they can join is
any sport for instance football, swimming, cricket, vollyball etc. in which they become
mentally as well as physically strong.

The exceution of the programme such as cultural, language, education general knowledge is
to aware around the international students with each other students via social media. we can
introduce the quiz or option games which base on points, they will learn more from thise
kinds of prgramme.


Hi Vishwa, thanks for sharing valuable information and thoughts about this interesting topic.

I agree with the execution of programs that promote sports participation, and engagement
among the student community. I would like to add that it is important the inclusion of the
mental health promotion and support hubs in the academic institutions as those places are the
first point of contact. I found really interesting the fact of interactive online activities to reach

Kind Regards

Angela Urdaneta

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