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Group of Frogs (Encouragement) – SUCCESS DEFINED

As a group of frogs was traveling through the woods, two of them fell
into a deep pit. When the other frogs crowded around the pit and saw
how deep it was, they told the two frogs that there was no hope left
for them.

However, the two frogs decided to ignore what the others were saying
and they proceeded to try and jump out of the pit. 
Despite their efforts, the group of frogs at the top of the pit were still
saying, “give up, give up, you will never make it out”.

Eventually, one of the frogs took heed to what the others were saying
and he gave up, as a result he fell & died. The other frog continued to
jump as hard as he could. Again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him,
“stop the pain and just die, the pit is too deep, you can’t make it”.

But this frog this time jumped even harder and finally made it out.
When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?”
The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were
encouraging him the entire time.

Moral of the story:

People’s words can have a big effect on other’s lives. Think about
what you say before it comes out of your mouth. It might just be the
difference between life and death.

Also remember success comes to those who refuse to give up.

To reinstate this I would like to narrate a poem depicting who finally
Let’s start from the very START
‘who’s who in the world, who’s counted really smart.
Today when we talk of success, who come’s to our mind
Narayan Murthy of Infosys , Satya Nadella of Microsoft, Sundar Pichai
of google are just a few good find.
Oh and not to forget few others
Mukesh Ambani, Gautam Adani, Lakshmi Mittal, Ratan Tata and Birla

They all started small

But Wanted to climb the ladder tall
Wanted to make in the world their mark
So worked hard in the day and in the dark

It’s said even luck favours the brave

Since they worked hard and did pave
Their path to success treading slowly with perseverance
Worked like mad dogs not one bit worried about their appearance

And then it’s argued that well, don’t we all work hard
But we must ask ourselves, are we all that smart
Opportunities do knock at least once at every door
But how many of us are able to grab it for sure
Our indecisiveness and playing safe all the time
Doesn’t let us venture too far, least we loose any of our dime
People who finally manage to come to the top
Yes the ones who keep going ceaselessly & just don’t stop
Alas! when they achieve their long wished goals
They are blamed often for selling their souls
accused for unscrupulous methods they must have employed
rapped that to come as winners lot of lives they must have

Then hey my friends mind you

Just because the general folk failed to reach the front of the que
Let’s not demean the efforts and hardwork these winners must have
The midnight oil they burnt and boils on their foot
Let’s not ignore their perseverance, sweat & toil
Let’s not be petty, let’s not their fun spoil.

Instead let’s get inspired and also resolve

That come may what our resolutions won’t dissolve
We too will make it, and make it big
No matter how high or how deep we have to dig.

The fellows who made it big, played really, really rough

Were ready to loose for their dream all their stuff
They could have been paupers, had things been the other way round
But they didn’t care and followed their heart’s sound
Believed in themselves and their dreams
No matter how hard the time & life seemed
Did not give up at any cost
Remained humbled, grounded, never bossed.

Passed all the tests that time gave them

Came out victorious and today shine like gem

Moral of the story Friends , No pain no gain

So slog your way through sunshine & rain
Believe in yourself and your dreams
Start small first, and someday you too shall have big teams
You too can become Bill Gates, SteveJobs, Mark zukerberg, Elen
Musk, Jeff Besos, Sergey Brin or Lary Page,
Remember its never too early or too late to start at an any age.

And then some people have a totally different point of view

They say inner peace with money is lost through & through
So why work very hard when we have needs limited
Why be ostentatious why be exhibited
Well if that’s what you think, it’s also absolutely fine
Then just don’t shop, don’t party don’t outside dine
If for life’s goodies you don’t pine
Then it’s a new way of success you may define.

In life finally we need to be at peace with ourselves & others you see
What ever be our definition of success remember nothing’s for free
Which ever way we choose we must own up the responsibility
Because We are the true creators the carvers of our destiny.
So guy’s, now you decide,
Which way you wish to tide ?
Do you want to be the frog who managed to jump out of the well
Or the onlookers who were trying to send him to hell.

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