Murder Story

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G simple past: regular and irregular

Did you hear

V irregular verbs
anything during
P simple past verbs
the night?
a 6,7,8 ))) Listen to the detective questi on Barbara. Write the
information in the chart. Listen again and check. Then do the
same for Cordon and C laudia.

. ~1I(l//{/U,ó({/'(f ,(j;J/,(/O/l (//ufl{/iu

What did She went for

1 READING they do after a walk.
a Read rhe back cover of a murd er srory. T hen dinner?
cover ir and look ar the photographs. Can
lt58 ....
you remember wh o rhe people are? blrthday. Whattime 11:45.
hlscountry did they go
Who's Amand~ 0he's Jeremy's wife. Amand•• hls to bed?
hls business
b 2 ))) Read and listen to rh e story. Mark the
and hfs asslstant
sentences T (rrue) or F (fa lse). Correct rhe Did they hear Jeremy's
F se ntences. foundhlm anything? dooropened
and closed.
Somebody killed Jeremy between 12:00 a.m.
and 2,00.
2 T he detective questioned Ama nda in rhe Possible She haled
living room. motive? him.
3 Jeremy went to bed before Ama nd a.
4 Amanda and Jeremy slept in the sa me room.
S Somebody opened and closed Amanda's door.
6 Amanda got up at 7:00. b Com pare your chart with a partner. Who do you think \Vas the
7 Amanda d idn't love Jeremy. murd erer: Amanda, Barbara, Gordon, or Claud ia? \Vhy?

e Look ar rhe hi ghlighted irregu lar ve rbs in e 9 ))) Now listen to what happened. Who was the murderer?
rh e story. What are the base forms? Why did he I she kili Mr. Travers? Were you right?
1 \Vas = be
4 GRAMMAR simple past: regular and irregular
2 PRONUNCIATION a Cover the story and look at th ese verbs. A re they regular or
simple past verbs irregular in the simp le past? Write the simple past form [±] and El
for each verbo
a 3 1)) Listen ro rhe pronunciation of rhese
verbs in rhe simpl e pasr. D etective Granger arrivcd at about 9:00.
H e l was a tall man with a big black
mustache. Ama nda, Barbara, C laudia,
"1 don't know, Detect ive. \'Ve ...\Ve
8 slept in separate rooms. Bui 1 9 saw
that his door was closed."
come kili clase speak sleep sit hate walk

sat could f ound heard read and Gordon 2were in lhe living room. The "Did you hear anything when you [±] came El didn't come
said saw t ook wore detective 3 came in . were in your room ?"
"Yes, 1 lOheardJeremy's bedroom b 4 10 ))) Listen and check.
"Mr. Travers died between midn ight last
b 4 ))) Now match the verbs in a w ith a night and seven o'dock this morning," he door. It opened. 1 ll thought it was
word below thar rhyrnes. Listen and check. 4 sa id . "Somebody in lhis room ki lled him." He Jeremy. Then it closed again. 1 12read
e >- p.138 Grammar Bank BA. Learn more about si mple past
regular and irregular verbs and practice them.
P ractice saying the words. looked at them one by one, bU[ nobody 5 spoke. in bed for half an hour and then
book _ __ fOUf _ __
"·Mrs. Travers, 1 walll to talk to yOll first.
Come imo the libra ry with me, pIcase."
1 went to sleep."
"What time did you get up this
d >- p.165 Irregular verbs
C heck (.1) the irregular verbs you know.
round _ __ draw ___ Chaase three new anes and learn them.
Amanda Travers followed lhe detective illlo morning?"
bird _ __ ca t _ __ the library and t hey 5 sat down. " 113 gOl up at about 7: 15. 1 14had
" \¡V hat did your husband do arter dinner breakfast and at 3:00 T lS took my
good bed ______ last night?" husband a cup of tea. 5 SPEAKING
e 5 1)) Find and underli ne nin e simple past "Whe n we finish ed di nner, J eremy said he
was tired and he 7 went to bed."
T 16found him in bed. He was ... dead."
"Tell me , :Nlrs. Travers, did you love
> Cornrnunication Poliee interview A p.104 B p.108.
regular ve rbs in rhe srory. How do you Interview robbery suspects. Are they telling the truth?
pronounce them ? Listen and check. "Did you go to bed then?" your hu sband?"
"No, 1 didn't. 1 went for a walk in the yard." ' ~erem y is.. .was a difficult man."
"What time did you go to bed?" "But did you love him, .Mrs. Travers?"
"AboUl quarter to twe1ve ." "No, Detective. 1 hatcd him."
""Vas your husband asleep?"
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