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“Is social media making us less social .Why/whynot?

Lately,social medias are making us more lazy than before. Nowadays

teenagers chose to scroll on social media instead of spending time
outside with their family or friends. Social medias are isolating everyone
inside the house. A lot of countrys are trying to close down social
medias because they think that is harmful for mind.
In some ways social media has it’s own benefit. A lot of people live
abroad to make money to provide their family. They want to have their
familiars face to face every second but it is impossible. In decent years
were launched a lot of apps where we can chat or talk online and keeps
us connected with our family. Beside that for bloggers and vlogers is a
way of making money. We cannot say that it is easy but if your account
take off it will be profitable. Although some people can make money
some can learn a lot of things without paying any bucks. Now are apps
that are programed to explain languages for free. For families that are
on a budget this is the right choice. They can learn new things for free
instead of paying money.
On the other hand, social medias makes a lot of damage on our brain
without realizing. We see a lot of things that makes us insecure.
Sometimes even if we know that the images we are viewing on social
media are manipulated,they can still make you feel insecure about how
you look or how your life is going. Spending all of your time in social
media isolates you. You cannot enjoy any more your real life and you
will think other peoples have a better quality of life. Also,it makes you
unhealthy and do not include us in sports to practice. Laying all day in
the couch can brig a lot of health diseases.
Furthermore,a lot of people offense without any reason and some
people are very sensitive. Those offense can lead to be more aggressive
and unsociable because you will think all people are the same. If one
person post one video he or she maybe will get negative comments. In
this way people can spread hate speech even without knowing the
person personally. The last point is about how addictive social medias
can be. Seeing a lot of different things in one hour makes you nervous.
When you are focused on something and somebody talks , you will be
angry easily. Even if your answer is wrong you will believe that the
answer is correct
Afer all I believe social medias are making a progress in our life for good
and for bad. Social medias maybe can stay still in function but the CEO-s
of each program should put an average daily time based on their age

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