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Determine which subtype of schizophrenia is described in each scenario

Disorganized thinking/speech, schizoaffective, A. Schizophreniform, Shared psychotic disorder

Residual type




Delusional disorder

1. Jane has spent the last half hour staring in the mirror. As you approach her she turns away and giggles. When you ask what she’s laughing
at, she answers, but you’re having difficulty understanding what she says. Disorganized thinking/speech
2. Two years ago Drew had an episode of schizophrenia, butt he no longer displays the major symptoms of the disorder. He does, however,
still have some bizarre thoughts and displays flat affect on occasion. Residual type
3. Greg’s cognitive skills and affect are relatively intact. He, however, often has delusions and hallucinations that convince him enemies are
out to persecute him. Paranoid
4. Alice usually holds an unusual posture and is sometimes seen grimacing. Catatonic
5. Cameron suffers from a type of schizophrenia that is Identified by disruption and incoherence in his speech and behavior. He also shows
inappropriate affect, often laughing in a silly way in sad situations. Disorganized

Choose from (a) schizophreniform disorder, (b) schizoaffective disorder, (c) delusional disorder, and (d) shared psychotic disorder.

Schizoaffective, Schizophreniform, Shared psychotic disorder, Delusional disorder

6. Lately Dom has become more isolated because he believes his coworkers are conspiring to get him fired. He becomes agitated whenever
he sees a group of employees talking and laughing, because he believes that they are plotting against him. C. Delusional disorder
7. Natalie reveals to her therapist that she hears numerous voices talking to her and giving her orders. Her doctor has just sent her to this
therapist for what he believes to be a major depressive episode. She had begun to sleep all the time and contemplated suicide often. B
8. If Shawn’s schizophrenic symptoms disappeared after about 4 months and he returned to his normal life, what diagnosis might he have
received? A. Schizophreniform
9. Elias believes the government is out to get him. He thinks agents follow him daily, monitor his calls, and read his mail. His roommate
Cedric tried to convince him otherwise. However, after a year of this, Cedric began to believe Elias was correct and the government was
out to get him, too.D. Shared psychotic disorder

Choose from (a) higher, (b) lower, (c) equal, (d) severity, (d) type, (f) identical twin, (g) specific, (h) fraternal twin, and (i) general.

1. The greatest risk of having schizophrenia is in those who have a(n) F . Identical twin or h.fraternal twin with schizophrenia. Any relative
with schizophrenia will make your chances of developing the disorder A. higher than those of the general population.
2. Raised in a home other than that of their biological parents, adopted children of parents with schizophrenia have a(n) A higher______
chance of having the disorder themselves. Children of people with schizophrenia adopted into families without schizophrenia have a Am
higher____-than-average chance of having schizophrenia.
3. . The likelihood of a child’s having schizophrenia is influenced by the D. type__ of the parent’s disorder. One may inherit a predisposition
for I. general schizophrenia that is the same or different from that of the parent.

Read the descriptions and then match them to the following Words: (a) olanzapine, (b) extrapyramidal symptoms, (c) serotonin, (d) dopamine, (e)
metabolites, (f) token economy, , (h) social skills training, (i) Family intervention.

1. Setting up an elaborate F. Token economy__ in which patients Are fined for disruptive or inappropriate behavior and rewarded for
appropriate behavior is beneficial in hospitals.
2. In (h) social skills training__ clinicians attempt to reteach such behaviors as basic conversation, assertiveness, and relationship building
to people with schizophrenia.
3. Aside from social skills training, two psychosocial treatments for schizophrenia, I. Family intervention__ (teaching family members to be
supportive) and (g) vocational rehabilitation (teaching meaningful jobs), may be helpful.
4. Recent studies sometimes indicate that the relationship of the neurotransmitters D DOPAMINE and C Serotonin _ may explain some
positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
5. Because antipsychotic medications may cause serious side effects, some patients stop taking them. One serious Side effect is called (b)
extrapyramidal symptoms_, which may include parkinsonian symptoms.
6. Difficult cases of schizophrenia seem to improve with a serotonin and dopamine antagonist called (a) olanzapine

Diagnose the somatoform disorders described here by choosing one of the following: (a) pain disorder, (b) hypochondriasis, (c) somatization
disorder, (d) conversion disorder, and € body dysmorphic disorder.

1. Emily constantly worries about her health. She has been to numerous doctors for her concerns about cancer and other serious diseases,
only to be reassured of her wellbeing. Emily’s anxiousness is exacerbated by each small ailment (for example, headaches or stomach
pains) that she considers to be indications of a major illness.
2. JD. arrived at Dr. Blake’s office with a folder crammed full of medical records, symptom documentation, and Lists of prescribed
treatments and drugs. Several doctors are monitoring him for his complaints, ranging from chest pain to difficulty swallowing. D. J.
recently lost his job for using too many sick days. C) SOMATIZATION DISORDER
3. Sixteen-year-old Chad suddenly lost the use of his arms with no medical cause. The complete paralysis slowly improved to the point that
he could slightly raise them. However, Chad cannot drive, pick up objects, or perform most tasks necessary for day-to-day life. D)
4. Loretta is 32 and has been preoccupied with the size and shape of her nose for 2 years. She has been saving Money for plastic surgery,
after which, she is sure, her career will improve. Trouble is, three honest plastic surgeons have told her that her nose is fi ne as it is. €
5. Betty had considerable pain when she broke her arm. A year after it healed and all medical tests indicate her arm is fine, she still
complains of the pain. It seems to intensify when she fights with her husband. (a) PAIN DISORDER

Diagnose the dissociative disorders described here by choosing one of the following: (a) dissociative fugue, (b) depersonalization disorder, (c)
generalized amnesia, (d) dissociative identity disorder, and € localized amnesia.

1. Ann was found wandering the streets, unable to recall any important personal information. After searching her purse and fi nding an
address, doctors were able to contact her mother. They learned that Ann had just been in a terrible accident and was the only survivor.
Ann could not remember her mother nor any details of the accident. She was distressed. © generalized amnesia
2. Karl was brought to a clinic by his mother. She was concerned because at times his behavior was strange. His speech and his way of
relating to people and situations would change dramatically, almost as if he were a different person. What bothered her and Karl most
was that he could not recall anything he did during these periods. D. DISSOCIATIVE IDENTITY DISORDER
3. Terry complained about feeling out of control. She said she felt sometimes as if she were floating under the ceiling and just watching
things happen to her. She also experienced tunnel vision and felt uninvolved in the things that went on in the room around her. This
always caused her to panic and perspire. B) depersonalization disorder
4. Henry is 64 and recently arrived in town. He does not know where he is from or how he got here. His driver’s license proves his name, but
he is unconvinced it is his. He is in good health and not taking any medication. A) dissociative fugue,
5. Rosita cannot remember what happened last weekend. On Monday she was admitted to a hospital, suffering from cuts, bruises, and
contusions. It also appeared that She had been sexually assaulted E. Localized Amnesia

Diagnose the following sexual dysfunctions.

1. Juanita is in a serious sexual relationship and is quite content. Lately, however, the thought of her boyfriend’s touch disgusts
her. Juanita has no idea what is causing This. She could be suffering from sexual aversion disorder,
2. After Bob was injured playing football, he started having pain in his arm during sex. All medical reasons for the Pain have been
ruled out. Bob is probably displaying Dyspareunia
3. Kelly has no real desire for sex. She has sex only because she feels that otherwise her husband may leave Her. Kelly suffers from
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder,
Aadarsh lacks the ability to control ejaculation. The majority of the time he ejaculates within seconds of penetration. He suffers from
premature ejaculation,

6. Samantha came into the office because she is unable to reach orgasm. She loves her husband but stopped initiating sex. She is most likely
suffering from (a) female Orgasmic disorder
7. When an individual is suffering from body dysmorphic disorder the symptoms include: B) Becoming obsessionally concerned
about imagined or minor physical defects in their appearance.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Preoccupation with assumed defects in physical appearance
8. Somatoform disorders include which of the following: Somatization Disorder: A pattern of recurring, multiple, clinically-significant
somatic symptoms that require medical treatment, and which cause significant impairment in social, occupational and other areas of
9. Individuals with somatoform disorders may often display a surprising indifference about their symptoms- especially when the
symptoms to most people would be disturbing (e.g. blindness, paralysis). This is sometimes known as La Belle Indifference : An
indifference about real symptoms (especially when the symptoms to most people would be disturbing) sometimes displayed by individuals
with somatoform disorders.
10. In order to assume the sick role, Intentionally produced Physical or psychological symptoms are known as?Factitious Disorders: A set
of physical or psychological symptoms that are intentionally produced in order to assume the sick role.
11. An extreme form of factitious disorder is known as Munchausen’s Syndrome: An extreme form of factitious disorder in which individuals
make up or induce physical illnesses
12. Sometimes parents or carers make up or induce physical illnesses in others (such as their children) and this is known as
Munchausen’s Syndrome by Proxy: An extreme form of factitious disorder in which parents or carers make up or induce physical illnesses
in others (such as their children
13. Which of the following is a basic feature of Conversion Disorder? Conversion Disorder: The presence of symptoms or deficits affecting
voluntary motor or sensory function
14. A Symptom of Conversion Disorder, where numbness begins at the wrist and is experienced evenly across the hand and all fingers, is
known as Glove Anaesthesia: A conversion disorder symptom in which numbness begins at the wrist and is experienced evenly across the
hand and all fingers
15. Before conversion disorder was included in the DSM, it popularly known in psychodynamic circles as what? Hysteria : A common term
used in psychodynamic circles to describe conversion disorder (prior to the latter’s inclusion in the DSM
16. Even though a thorough medical examination fails to identify any underlying medical condition, an individual with Hypochondriasis
will have a preoccupation with fears of having or contracting a serious disease or illness based on a misinterpretation of bodily signs or
symptoms. This preoccupation can be with which of the following? Hypochondriasis: Unfounded preoccupation with fears of having or
contracting a serious disease or illness based on misinterpreting bodily symptoms.
17. In Pain Disorder, which of the following are considered as central features? Pain Disorder: A preoccupation with, and fear of, pain itself
18. The essential psychodynamic view of somatoform disorders is one of Conflict-Resolution: The basic psychodynamic view of somatoform
disorders in which distressing memories, inner conflict, anxiety and unacceptable thoughts are repressed in consciousness but outwardly
expressed as somatic symptoms
19. There are many similarities between the behaviour of the individual with conversion disorder or somatization disorder and the effects
of which of the following? Hypnosis: A therapeutic technique in which the patient is placed in a trance
20. Sometimes parents view all underlying problems (including psychological ones) as being physical rather than emotional. Consequently
many individuals may learn to describe emotional symptoms in physical terms and in extreme cases begin to adopt which of the
following? Sick Role: Playing the role of being sick as defined by the society to which the individual belongs
21. In somatoform disorders the sufferer sometimes believes they have physical deficits or symptoms that are significant and threatening.
However, in most cases there is little or no medical justification for these beliefs. Such cognitive biases are termed: Interpretation
Biases : Cognitive biases in which an individual interprets ambiguous events as threatening and evidence for potential negative outcomes
22. Individuals with hypochondriasis are inclined to actively seek out and accept information which confirms their own view of their
medical state, but they ignore or reject arguments against their own beliefs. This is known as : Reasoning Bias: The tendency of
individuals with hypochondriasis to reject diagnoses that disagree with their own beliefs about their health, and to seek further opinions –
presumably in the belief that someone will agree with their own view.
23. Sufferers of pain disorder usually fear pain itself rather than the illness, injury or disease that might give rise to pain, and so when
experiencing pain they have a tendency to catastrophise it. This results in which of the following? Catastrophising: An example of
magnification, in which the individual takes a single fact to its extreme (e.g. a scratch on a new car means the car is wrecked and needs
24. Information biases acquired by those with somatoform disorders are developed by a range of experiences, and these representations
provide inappropriate templates by which information is selected and interpreted. These are known as: Rogue Representations: In
somatoform disorders, representations which provide inappropriate templates by which information about body shape and health are
selected and interpreted
25. Which form of treatment for somatoform disorders has been found to be significantly more effective than no treatment control
conditions: Behavioural Stress Management: A treatment method which attempts to deal with symptoms by eliminating reassurance
seeking from clients and supplementing this with coping skills training, relaxation training and techniques designed to reduce worrying.
26. Sometimes Behavioural methods can be used to prevent and extinguish undesirable behaviours associated with somatoform
disorders. These include which of the following? Exposure and Response Prevention: The most common, and arguably the most
successful, treatment for OCD
27. For pain disorder, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for pain would normally include which of the following? Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT: A form of counselling and psychological therapy with a focus on understanding how our thoughts effect our behaviour
28. Individuals with body dysmorphic disorder often exhibit rapid improvement in symptoms when treated with which types of drugs?
Tricyclic Antidepressants: Antidepressant drugs developed in the 1960s which have their effect by increasing the amount of
norepinephrine and serotonin available for synaptic transmission
29. Cognitive and information processing biases are common features of somatoform disorders. Which of the following are considered to
be these types of biases?Interpretation Biases : Cognitive biases in which an individual interprets ambiguous events as threatening and
evidence for potential negative outcomes
30. Which of the following procedures involves injecting radioactive molecules into the bloodstream:Positron Emission Tomography (PET):
A neuroimaging technique which scans to allow measurement of both brain structure and function by utilizing radiation emitted from the
participant to develop images.
31. According to a study, the observed mothers playing with medically related toys with their 4-8 year-old children. Who exhibited
somatization symptoms were: Somatization Disorder: A pattern of recurring, multiple, clinically-significant somatic symptoms that
require medical treatment, and which cause significant impairment in social, occupational and other areas of functioning
32. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of adopting a sick role ? Sick Role: Playing the role of being sick as defined by the society to
which the individual belongs
33. Which of the following is not a common motor symptom in Conversion Disorder?Conversion Disorder: The presence of symptoms or
deficits affecting voluntary motor or sensory function
34. According to research by Rief, Buhlmann, Wilhelm, Borkenhagen et al. (2006).what percentage of individuals with body dysmorphic
disorder reported suicidal ideation? A) 19% Body Dysmorphic Disorder: Preoccupation with assumed defects in physical
35. The prevalence rate for hypochondriasis in the general population is estimated to be C) 1-5% Hypochondriasis: Unfounded
preoccupation with fears of having or contracting a serious disease or illness based on misinterpreting bodily symptoms.
36. Body dysmorphic disorder can also occur in those who are preoccupied with their musculature, and it is often associated with
excessive weight training and the use of body-building anabolic steroids (Olivardia, Pope & Hudson, 2000). Such an obsession is known
Muscle Dysmorphia: An obsession with a muscular appearance, often associated with excessive weight training and the use of body-
building anabolic steroids

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