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Moot Court is an artificial Court which is especially made for the lawful students to have the
practical knowledge of drafting, pleading and conveyancing. In the moot court an artificial
problem was given to the students for which they have to prepare their arguments and present it
before an expert.

In other words A moot court, or mooting, simulates a real court environment to give law
students an opportunity to put their learning into practice.

Moot court covers the appeals process rather than a trial, so there is no jury, witnesses or
evidence. Instead, students are given a hypothetical case and will take on the role of either the
appellant or respondent. The appellants will speak first, arguing the decision in the original trial
was wrong. The respondents will then present their case defending the initial ruling.

Each side must prepare both written and verbal arguments which they will present to a judge, or
panel of judges, at the moot trial. After hearing the arguments, the panel will then make a ruling
based on these submissions and declare a winner.

How to prepare for mooting?

In order to prepare for moot court, the participants must fully understand the scenario with
which they have been presented and create a strong argument to support their case.

Students will first need to thoroughly research the area of law that the case covers. This can
often be an area of the law which has recently changed or is unclear. Research will help uncover
real cases which can strengthen arguments and also those that oppose it.
Once students have completed the research they build their case and write a skeleton argument.
This document outlines the case and is given to the other participants and judges ahead of the
moot. The other side also provides a skeleton argument. This helps focus the moot court and
provides an opportunity to formulate counterarguments.

Ahead of moot court students will also prepare a trial bundle. This will be submitted to the judge
and should include the skeleton argument, as well as any legal submissions the case relies on.
The trial bundle should be well presented and thorough. Consider using clearly marked tabs and
highlighting significant parts of the text. This can help the judge navigate the document during
oral arguments.

The oral argument will be the focus of the moot court, so it is important to fully understand all
the key information. However, this is not simply making a speech to the judges. Instead, it is a
conversation between advocates and the panel. Try to make and maintain eye contact with the
judges. Speak slowly and clearly when making the case and allow the judge a moment to find
any articles cited in the trial bundle. During oral presentation a judge may also ask questions or
to clarify a point being made, so be prepared to answer the judge’s enquiries.

What is the benefit of a moot court?

The purpose of moot court is to imitate a real-life court environment as closely as possible.
Preparing for a moot court enables students to work with peers and develop your legal research
skills. Participants will also have to think critically about the law and build robust, persuasive
arguments to present during the moot.

In addition, a moot court provides an opportunity to hone courtroom manner and etiquette.
Students must learn and use the appropriate courtroom language and ensure they address
everyone correctly. Finally, after taking part, participants can reflect on their delivery and refine
their approach before the next moot.


It is worth remembering that moot court is different from a real court. The final decision is not
legally binding and will have no impact on the law. It’s always nice to win, but a moot court is a
great way to practice law without the pressure of having to change it.

It is common to feel apprehensive or nervous before taking part in a moot trial, but students
should use the process to build confidence ahead of the real thing. Many students who moot
enjoy the experience, and ultimately thrive in the moot court procedure. Journalist Sarfhaz
Manzoor had great fun when he took part in a moot with ULaw students. It even made him
lament not pursuing a career in law.

A moot court is and artificial court prepares for the law students whereas a court is always
establish by an act and it is judicial process. In a moot court the students have to argue on the
law point only whereas in a real court the filings, arguments are done as per the law and
procedural rules.

In a court the Judgement is finally delivered on the basis of facts and circumstances. Whereas in
moot court only arguments are held and no judgement will be delivered. In a real court if there is
a misconduct on the part of an Advocate he can be tried for contempt of court there is no such
provision or strict appliance of the rules.

In a real court practice the Advocate must having a registration or a sanad to appear between
court of law whereas in moot court the students have supposed to act as an advocate an argue the


The moot court is now become the part and parcel of the law syllabus in every university. It is
included as a practical syllabus, training paper. The purpose behind making it as a compulsory
subject is to make acquainted with the various procedural aspects by the law college students. It
gives an opportunity to the students to prepare their own arguments and present it before an
expert called Judge. At the one hand it provides an opportunity for the students to know the law,
to know the drafting skill, how to present the case before the Judge, the manners and eticates
etc.; and the other hand it gives the self-confidence to the students for arguing the case before
the Judge.

It increases the stage daring of the students to know there capabilities and short comings. The
most important advantage of the law students that it help themes to know the minimum
requirements in advocacy so that when they enter into the profession it really helps them to cut
down their waiting period.


Formulation of the problem.

The formulation of the problem of the first stage of the moot court generally the problem is
taken for the periodical journals that is the decided cases by the High Court or the Supreme
Court, but a hypotical problem may be taken as moot court problem.

Students Participation.

The Students are interested the duties to act an advocate for both the sides to argue the matter.

Appointment of Judges.

Judges are generally from the faculty or the persons having a minimum knowledge of law.

Students Actual Presentation of Case.

This is very important part of the moot court the Students / mooters bear in the mind that they
are presenting the matter before the court. They should properly in dress. The manner of
presentation gives the additional wattage at the time of argument the mooters should follow the
manner and aticates to the fullest extent.

Question & Answer Stage.

After completion of the both sides the judges questions the mooters on the law point. The
various specific provision of the law, the authorities etc.
Conclusion and Recommendation.

There is no final Judgement in the moot court. After the question answer session if it is not part
of competition then the mistake made by the mooters giving the presentation can be detected
and notice to the students to correct it for the next presentation.

Moot Court is a compulsory subject, we take presentations for final year Students, for
internal evualuation.

When do you practice mooting?

Law students may take part in a moot court as part of their studies. Many universities also have
mooting societies and the moot court is an extracurricular activity for students. The University
of Law hosts an annual mooting competition. There are even national and international moot
court competitions for those students who just can’t get enough.

Ultimately, participating in a moot court provides students with the perfect opportunity to
develop the essential skills needed for a career in the court room and will greatly improve
future employability.

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