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Exploring the Effect of Video Games in the Academic Performance of Student in

Benthel Asia School of Technology Inc.

A Research PresentedTo
Benthel Asia School of Technology Peninsula Place, Sudtongan Road
Basak, Lapu-Lapu, City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Subject
Practical Research 2

December 2021
Title: Exploring the Effect of Video Games in the Academic Performance of
Student in Benthel Asia School of Technology Inc.

A lot of students  in this era would definitely know about the gaming world such as
the video games, But they didn't have a proper knowledge about the possible effects
and outcomes in having too much in video gaming.

This study assessed to identify the effects of video games in Academic performances
of a student.
The following respondents are the students of Benthel Asia School of Technology

The researcher wish to express their sincerest thanks and deep gratitude to the people
who assist in the realization of this Quantitative Research. The researchers’
appreciation and gratitude for the assistance.

First of all, thanks to almighty god for the shower blessings for our  research. We
would like to express our sincere thanks to our  research teacher. Mr. Jeneses Escabas,
for assisting us for our research paper and for his encouragement and guidance which
enable to complete this work.We  would also thank my family and friends especially
my partner the prime source of ideas. This would not have been possible without their
unwavering and unselfish love and support they give to us. And lastly my deepest
thanks to our almighty god who give us strength to finished understand our  research.

Title Page 1

Abstract 2

Acknowledgement 3

Table of content 4


The Problem and Its Scope Page

Rationale of the Study 6-7

Theoretical Background 7-9

Statement of the Problem 10

Significance of the Study 11

Definition of Terms 12


Review of Related Literature 13-18


Research Design 19

Research Environment 19

Research Participants 19

Research Instruments 19-20

Research Procedure 20

Data Analysis Plan 20-21

Ethical Consideration 21


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data 22-23


Summary, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendations 24-25

Summary of Findings 24

Conclusion 24

Recommendation 24-25



Appendix A - Letter for the Dean to Request to Conduct The Study 28

Appendix B - Survey Questionnaires 29-31

Appendix C - Screenshots of sending the questionnaires 32-33

Appendix D - Contributions 34

Appendix E - Curriculum Vitae 35

In the past decades, Video game is very popular in terms of entertainment. Until now,
many players and gamers showing their skills and knowledge in playing different
kinds of video games. Even so, Video Games might affect the overall performances of
the students and the grades as well. Unfortunately, students may suffer from worsened
learning ability, which is incompetent in learning at school. Perhaps because of the
skills that are developed in the process. Video games have also been proven to raise
self-esteem and build confidence. The effect that interactive digital media has on the
learning process is not completely negative. It is not that the medium itself is
inherently flawed, but much of the information that gets transmitted through it may
be. If the content being consumed is positive, then positive results can be expected. If
the content is negative, then negative results can be expected.

Over 2 billion people worldwide play video games, and the video game industry in
America is expected to be worth $90 billion by 2020. Every week, the average gamer
spends about 6 hours playing. For most players of all ages, playing video games is a
pleasurable pastime: a way to unwind, connect with friends, and enjoy a challenge.
Unfortunately, for some players, a video game hobby can turn into an addictive
disorder that takes over their lives. Video games has the popularity in terms of
entertainment and Teenagers has the high possibility that playing video games may
affect to their academic performances. Especially the negative effective it has. And
also, These days kids are now very prone of "Addiction" in playing video games,
because at their young age they have their smartphones, gaming pc, gaming consoles,
and etc. Addiction of video games, also known as gaming disorder or internet gaming
disorder, is generally defined as the problematic, compulsive use of video games that
results in significant impairment to an individual's ability to function in various life
domains over a prolonged period of time. Moreover, video games affect the brain in
the same way as addictive drugs.

Moreover, Students who indicated that they did play video games significantly lower
the GPA's than students who did not play video games. GPA or Grade Point Average
used by high schools, colleges, and graduate schools. Besides, it is a number
representing the average value of the accumulated final grades earned in courses over
time. More commonly called a GPA, a student's grade point average is calculated by
adding up all accumulated final grades and dividing that figure by the number of
There has been a lot of research regarding the effect of video games, may it have a
positive or negative result. Nevertheless, a lot of student these days neglect their
schoolings because of video games. The student in Benthel Asia School of
Technology is not an exception. 

The development of video games goes back to the 1940s and 1950s. Computer
had started working on early stages of video games by designing simulations and
artificial intelligence as part of their computer science research. It is almost
impossible to point out the very first video game produced during that time period due
to the unorganized processes of creating video games and the lack of concern of
preservation at that time, in addition to the fact that those early games were created on
obsolete and unavailable computer systems. There are, however, a number of logic
puzzles, board games, and military simulations that are considered to be the first
video games produced.

To further explore this topic, a team of researchers conducted a survey at the Benthel
Asia School of Technology to find out if there is a correlation between playing video
games and academic performance. We hypothesized that there is a negative
correlation between playing video games and academic performance, that is, the more
time students put into playing video games the less satisfactory they perform

 We conduct this research in order to identify and explore the effects of video games
in academic performance of student in Benthel Asia School of Technology Inc. There
has been a lot of research regarding the effects of videogames, may it have a positive
or negative result. The student of Benthel Asia School Of Technology Inc. is not an
exception. This study conduct to explore the possible effects of video games in their
academic performance because it is important to understand the positive and negative
aspect of video games. The researcher shall conduct survey to a random student of 
2021-2022 in Benthel Asia School of Technology.

Theoretical Background

Playing video games is now a major leisurely pursuit among children in many parts of
the world. Over the past three decades, a number of studies have looked at the effects
of video games on children and adolescents. These studies were conducted mostly in
developed high-income countries.

Several of these studies have shown that violent video game exposure increases
aggressive thoughts, angry feelings, physiological arousal, aggressive behaviors, and
physiological desensitization to violence in the real world. However, several other
studies have found no connection between exposure to video game violence and youth
violence. Conducting a meta-analytic review of studies that examines the impact of
violent media on aggressive behavior, Ferguson and colleagues (2009) reported that
the use of poor aggression measures in most studies have inflated the effect size. Once
corrected for methodological bias, they found no support for this notion that media
violence leads to aggressive behavior. Therefore, the evidence for the harmful effects
of video game violence is, in fact, inconsistent.

Video games have rivaled all types of media for leisure time use. The technological
competition among software manufacturers has led to an unprecedented advancement
in video games. Several platforms have been developed, and graphics have been
optimized to emulate real life images, making video games more interesting, thus
attracting more gameevidence for the harmful effects of video game violence is, in
fact, inconsistent.

Ever since the emergence of video games, there have been only a few research studies
conducted for the sake of finding various types of effects of video games on human
behavior and cognition. There are even fewer studies conducted to examine the
relationship between playing video games and academic performance. Most video
game studies focus on the behavioral effect of video games, in particular, the effect of
violent video games and their possible effect on the level of aggression. Playing video
games is often associated in our society with poor academic performance. This
anecdotal idea is supported by some research.

In 2005, a research paper suggested that video games are changing education and that
games are more than a simple form of entertainment. It explains that student learning
can be enhanced by experiences in vast virtual worlds. It suggests that students are
able to actually experience and experiment with the things that they are learning
rather than simply being told them as facts or equations (The Effect of Videogames on
Student Achievement, 2011). On the other side, some research concludes there is little
evidence to suggest that interactive media enhances the learning experience. Other
sources have noted positive impacts on student performance. One study of a game
relating to numerical analysis in an engineering curriculum found that students
experienced significantly more intellectual intensity, intrinsic motivation, positive
affect and overall student engagement when completing homework (The Effect of
Videogames on Student Achievement, 2011).

During the late 1970s, a number of chain restaurants around the U.S. started to install
video games to capitalize on the hot new craze. The nature of the games sparked
competition among players, who could record their high scores with their initials and
were determined to mark their space at the top of the list. At this point, multiplayer
gaming was limited to players competing on the same screen.

The first example of players competing on separate screens came in 1973 with
“Empire” — a strategic turn-based game for up to eight players — which was created
for the PLATO network system. PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching
Operation), was one of the first generalized computer-based teaching systems,
originally built by the University of Illinois and later taken over by Control Data
(CDC), who built the machines on which the system ran. According to usage logs
from the PLATO system, users spent about 300,000 hours playing Empire between
1978 and 1985. In 1973, Jim Bowery released Spasim for PLATO — a 32-player
space shooter — which is regarded as the first example of a 3D multiplayer game.
While access to PLATO was limited to large organizations such as universities — and
Atari — who could afford the computers and connections necessary to join the
network, PLATO represents one of the first steps on the technological road to the
Internet, and online multiplayer gaming as we know it today.






Figure 1

Theoretical- Conceptual Framework of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is focused on exploring the effects of video games in the
academic performance of students in Benthel Asia School of Technology Inc. 
      Specifically, it sought to answers the following questions:

1.    What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1    Age,
1.2    Gender, 
1.3    Often video games played, and
1.4    Span of time spent on video games on a daily basis?

2.    What are the effects of video games to the respondents in their academic
performance in terms of:
  2.1    Punctuality and attendance,
2.2    Attending school activities,
2.3    Accomplishing assignments and researches,
2.4    Decision making in school,
2.5    Grades?

3.    What are the perceptions of the respondents on playing video games towards:
3.1    Academic performance over video games,
3.2    Video games over academic performance?

4.    On the basis of the findings, what is the proposed strategy for addressing the
explored effects of video games in the academic performance of students in Benthel
Asia School of Technology Inc.

The findings of this research will help us to know and include the possible effects of
video games in academic performances of students in Benthel Asia School of
To the students, using the study, they will be informed about the effects of video
games in their academic performance. This study will also help them on how to avoid
the said effects and help them focus on, but not limited to, their studies by limiting
themselves on playing video games.

        To the parents of students, this study will show to them that playing video
games are not always a hinder to their children’s academic performance. This will
better guide them on how to manage their children’s time regarding their indulgence
on playing video games.

        To the teachers, this study will help them to know the effects that their students
might get in playing video games.

        To the community, this study will inform them about the effects of video games
so that they can also help guide the students.

        To the school and future researchers, may this research be of used as future
reference for further study of effects of playing video games

The following terms are operationally used in the study.

Academic performance is how the students deal with their studies and how they
cope with or accomplish different tasks given to them by their teachers.
Student is a person who is studying at a university or other place of higher 
is education.
Video Game a game played electronically manipulating images produced by a
computer program on a television screen or other display screen. 
Interactive media normally refers to products and services on digital computer-based
systems which respond to the user's actions by presenting content such as text,
moving image, animation, video, audio, and video games.
Entertainment is the action of providing or being provided with amusement or
Effect is a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause.
Gamer is a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games.
Leisure means use of free time for enjoyment.
Desensitization, in psychology, is defined as the diminished emotional
responsiveness to a negative being concealed.
Behavior is the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.

Review of Related Literature
According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a negative correlation between the
two. Thus, meaning that there is no relation between the number of hours played by a
player and his grades. As of today, most people relate online games to low academic
performance. Through the years, studies have yielded different results. Some of them
say that they are co-related when some say that they are not.
At times, the students defend the games they are playing by saying that they do learn
something from it. A paper from EDUCAUSE backs these students up by suggesting
that the faculty learn and know about these games so as to help students in in class
learning experience (Hitch and Duncan, 2005). Furthermore, according to another
paper, these games aren't simply for fun (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005).
They believe that these games may be used to learn and experience new things, as
well as to engage with others and to be a part of a virtual community.
People, particularly students, are affected by both positive and negative aspects of
online games. This is one of the drawbacks. Addiction is prevalent among students,
and this addiction can lead to more serious issues. They may become lazy when it
comes to studying and prefer playing the whole day long. Some may even skip school
in order to have more time to play. Gamers who are addicted to the game spend so
much time playing that their personal relationships suffer as a result. Up to 50% of
married addicted gamers report a strain in their marriage as a result of their addiction.
Addicted gamers also neglect the responsibilities of everyday life such as school and
Videogames are a more frequent term for console games. They are played on a
videogame console, which is a device designed specifically for gaming. The player
interacts with the game through a controller, a hand-held device with buttons and
joysticks or pads. Video and sound are received by the gamer though a television.
Examples of consoles include the Microsoft Xbox, Sony Play station, Nintendo
GameCube, and Nintendo Wii.
Real-time strategy games are a type of game that is played in real time. This is a type
of video game in which players use tactics to defeat foes and attain a goal without
being eliminated. To win, for example, players must determine which paths to take,
what needs to be done, and how to accomplish it. In comparison, a first-person
shooter is a game in which the player controls the character.
Online games that work across multiple platforms. Creating software for several
hardware platforms or executing software on multiple hardware platforms. The Web
browser is the most universal cross-platform program. Web browsers render Web
sites "nearly" the same no matter which machine they run on, as they are written for
every desktop computer and mobile platform.
As computer and Internet use becomes more common, the risk of overuse increases,
potentially leading to addiction. Internet addiction research has revealed that
consumers can grow addicted to it. Internet addiction shares some of the bad elements
of substance addiction and has been linked to repercussions such as academic failure,
family problems, and relationship issues. Addiction to these websites becomes an
issue when it begins to interfere with their daily lives. Most individuals today
associate online games with poor academic performance. Various research have
produced various outcomes over the years.
Video Games
Virtual Gaming Video games are a universally part of almost all children’s and
adolescents lives. And most of the research done by Psychologist is on its negative
impact and has less information regarding its possible positive effects. And still, after
decades of research into the negative effects of video games, the result remains
controversial (Vitelli, 2014) but is video game playing necessarily harmful? Now,
multiple of reviews suggest that we need to look at the positive aspects of virtual
games, as well as the negative. Granic, Label,& Engels (2013) agreed that in order to
understand the impact of video games on children’s and adolescents’ development, a
more balanced perspective is needed, one that considers not only the possible negative
effects but also the benefits of playing these games. They summarized their research
on the benefits of playing video games, focusing on four main domains: Cognitive,
Motivational, Emotional, and Social benefits. With the aim of providing strong
enough evidence and a theoretical rationale to inspire new programs of research on
the largely unexplored mental health.
According to Shaffer, Halverson, Squire and Gee (2005), video games are the creation
of a simulated world. Simply, it is a world that promotes pretense to the people since
they are to pretend to be someone who are not really themselves. Also Durkin (as
cited by Kato, 2010, p.113) stated that video games, in the fast-paced progress of
technology, have become a part of the education and training of man. On the other
hand, video gamers refer to each individual who engage in the virtual environment
with an hour or more of gaming every day (Granic et al., 2013).
Since the introduction of video gaming, many MMORPG (massively multiplayer
online role-playing game) or MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena) games have
acquired popularity, including Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, and League of
Legends. Defense of the Ancients II, generally known as DOTA II, was released to
the public on July 9, 2013, by Valve Corporation, an American video game business
that has since evolved to become one of the world's largest game publishers (Lee,
2013). It took two years of beta testing before it was put online, and it attracted in 3
million users once it was fully accessible to the majority of online gamers (Thursten,
However, playing video games can be a result of a variety of factors, including low
self-esteem or emotional issues, bad social relationships, and a need for recognition
and power. When a gamer is suffering from poor self-esteem or emotional issues, he
or she would usually seek refuge in the virtual world. According to Wohlman (2012),
gamers are given the opportunity to express themselves without fear of being judged
because video games respect anonymity through the creation of an avatar and the
ability to provide a little information about the player. For recognition and power, of
course the gamer in a MMORPG would want that. Playing develops the social
competence of a person (Granic et al., 2013) because they all have that urge that
makes them want to be victorious in the game and despise them being the losers of the
Video games have already proven to be beneficial to a person's cognitive abilities,
motivation, emotional, and social well-being (Granic et al., 2013). Playing video
games, especially action-packed games, improves a person's cognitive abilities
(Granic et al., 2013)
Online Games Addiction
It's been difficult for academics to distinguish between high game involvement and
gaming addiction. We show how a well-established self-report instrument can be
utilized to distinguish between addicted and highly engaged gamers. The Game
Addiction Scale for Adolescents was completed by a nationally representative sample
of Norwegian eighth graders. Addictive gamers were defined as those who agreed
with all four basic criteria for addiction (relapse, withdrawal, conflict, and issues).
Problem gamers were defined as those who agreed with two or three of the key
This criteria, when endorsed, aims to identify extreme cases of behaviour as
addiction. The average child who plays a lot of games is not addicted. Only when
their gaming is to the severe detriment of other parts of life, and they continue to
pursue it in spite of this for 12 months does it start to fall into this diagnosis.
According to a university study, one out of every ten young gamers is "addicted," and
their gaming habits inflict family, social, school, and psychological harm. Video game
addiction treatment clinics have sprung up all over the world, including in the United
States, South Korea, and the Netherlands.
Video gaming has become a popular leisure activity in many parts of the world, and
an increasing number of empirical studies examine the small minority that appears to
develop problems as a result of excessive gaming. Studies generally agree that males
report more problems related to video gaming compared to females (Brunborg et al.
2013; Ferguson et al. 2011; Mentzoni et al. 2011). Concerning age, one study found
that young age was a strong predictor for problematic use of video games (Mentzoni
et al. 2011). Because (i) most of the research on video games is conducted on
adolescents and teenagers (Williams et al. 2009) and/or samples of gamers (Pontes
and Griffiths 2014), and (ii) there is paucity of studies based on general population
samples (Wenzel et al. 2009), more research is needed to identify sociodemographic
factors relevant for the risk of developing video game addiction.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no studies investigating the
relationship between video game addiction and country of origin in national
population-based studies. Thus this issue should be explored further. A summary of
recent prevalence studies found that there was a higher prevalence of problematic
video gaming in East Asian populations, as compared to Western European, North
American and Australian populations (King et al. 2012). Migration has been
suggested to have a stress-inducing effect that can lead to mental illness (Bhugra and
Jones 2001), but the picture is mixed and an effect of immigrant robustness has also
been found, where immigrants are protected against mental health problems (Algeria
et al. 2008). Case studies have reported that moving country can be a factor in
excessive online gaming as a way of overcoming loneliness (Griffiths 2000).
The other type of video game addiction is associated with online multiplayer games.
These games are played online with other people and are especially addictive because
they generally have no ending. Gamers with this type of addiction enjoy creating and
temporarily becoming an online character. They often build relationships with other
online players as an escape from reality. For some, this community may be the place
where they feel they’re the most accepted.
Negative Effects in playing video games
In playing Video games, there are many factors that may affect while playing video
First in your health, Repetitive stress injuries, or overuse injuries, are injuries that
come from activities that involve repeated use of muscles and tendons, to the point
that pain and inflammation develop. If these injuries are allowed to progress,
numbness and weakness can develop, and permanent injury can result. Overuse
injuries of the hands and arms are rampant among gamers.
One common example is carpel tunnel syndrome, which many gamers develop.
Carpal tunnel syndrome, often seen in office workers, involves inflammation of a
nerve in the wrist, which causes pain and numbness.
“Gamer’s thumb,” which was previously called “PlayStation thumb” (or
“nintendonitis” or “nintendonitis” when Nintendo was popular), occurs when the
tendons that move the thumb become inflamed. The medical term for this is de
Quervain’s tenosynovitis, and it can lead to swelling and limited movement. Gamers
are also at risk for trigger finger, or stenosing tenosynovitis, which is when a finger
gets stuck in the bent position due to chronic inflammation. Gamers can also get
tennis elbow, a painful inflammation of the place where the tendon inserts into the
bone on the outside of the elbow. (Peter Grinspoon, MD, 2020)
Gaming is also associated with obesity in teens and, plausibly, the same would be
shown in adults, if studied. This is due to the obvious phenomenon that if a teen is
sitting in front of a screen for hours every day, he or she isn’t getting much exercise.
The obesity is also thought to be due to increased food intake while playing video
games. And Gaming has also been associated with sleep deprivation, insomnia and
circadian rhythm disorders, depression, aggression, and anxiety, though more studies
are needed to establish the validity and the strength of these connections.
As with many other activities that have potential benefits and harms, moderation is
the key. Most of the harms that come from gaming can be improved, if not avoided
altogether, by limiting the number of hours spent in front of the screen, and by
engaging in healthy activities like exercising, or socializing in the real world instead
of the virtual game world.
In our modern, digitally driven culture, video games have become a brand
commodity. Although they are unquestionably entertaining, there is still much dispute
over their respective positive or harmful effects on individuals and society. Despite
the fact that research on this topic is still in its early stages, it can nevertheless provide
insight into the benefits and drawbacks of this popular sport.
While it’s true that video games can help combat anxiety and depression, other studies
have shown that they might cause or exacerbate these conditions instead. A study in
Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, for example, found that fifth-
graders who play video games two or more hours a day are more likely to have
symptoms of depression than those who play less.
While the arguments on both sides of this debate continue, conclusions as to whether
video games are ultimately “good” or “bad” lie with the reader. The truth is most
likely somewhere in between, with allowances made for personal circumstances and
Positive Effects in playing video games
Video games have been demonstrated to relieve anxiety and depression symptoms
both anecdotally and scientifically. According to Scientific American, the game Tetris
may genuinely help with post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Authors highlight
how video games might assist people with social anxiety disorder learn how to
establish interactions and recognize social indicators in communities like Geek and
Sundry. The ability to solve issues quickly and efficiently is referred to as "executive
functioning." Video games can assist people improve multitasking, mental flexibility,
and even reverse mental deterioration as they get older. Video games have been
shown to improve players' ability to distinguish subtle differences in shades of gray, a
phenomenon known as "visual contrast sensitivity," according to Psychology Today.
They may also improve the eyesight of the visually impaired and help players
increase their ability to visually detect movement direction.
Playing video games has been found to enhance hand-eye coordination, lengthen
attention spans and improve both working memory and rapid decision-making
Risk of Academic performance
Kids who regularly play video games are at a slightly increased risk for developing
attention problems at school. But some studies suggest that moderate gaming may
have little or no negative effect on school.
Playing video games for hours on end might seem like a rite of passage for students.
But what happens when that time devoted to video games begins to negatively affect
other aspects of a person’s life? Then it might be a gaming addiction.
Anything done in excess, including video games, can be a bad thing. The key is
moderation. When students take their video game hobby too far, it can lead to
problems with class and grades or potentially even more serious consequences.
"The addicts’ impairment is not as obvious as other addictions, like alcohol or drugs,
and often slips by unnoticed until the damage becomes very obvious". (Dr. Lisa
Whatley, 2021.)
The consequence of a video game addiction can be significant. However, it can be
difficult to differentiate normal video game play versus pathological or compulsive
play, as there isn’t a single factor that can definitely determine when the video game
hobby becomes an addiction. However, there are many signs that, when existing
together, can signify a problem with video games.
The negative correlations that have been found between video gaming and overall
school performance are augmented by reports of other school-related skills and
behaviors. Monke (2009) purported that the increased distances of time and space
afforded by worldwide online games would interfere with students’ developing
normal perceptions of time and space. Anand (2007) found that video game addicts
tended to fall asleep in class and fall behind in their assignments. Gentile (2009)
reported correlations between pathological gaming and attention deficits in class.
Griffiths (2010a) and Sharif and Sargent (2006) found that video gaming creates time
conflicts that reduce the amount of time that gamers devote to homework. The 425
(10-19-year-old) boy gamers in Cummings and Vandewater’s (2007) study spent an
average of30% less time reading for every hour that they played video games on
weekdays, and the 109 girls spent an average of 34% less time doing homework for
every hour that they played video games on weekdays. Clearly, there is evidence in
the literature that video gaming correlates with diminished school performance.
Research Methodology
This chapter presents the research methods and materials used in the study.

Specifically, it presents the research flow, the research subjects, research

environment, the instrument used, how the data gathered and processed and statistical

tool used.

Research Design

This study used the descriptive-analytical method of research since it ascertains facts

concerning the effects of video games in the academic performance of students in

Benthel Asia School of Technology, School Year 2021-2022

Research Environment

The location of the study was conducted at the school of the Benthel Asia School of

Technology, Located at the Peninsula Place, Sudtunggan Road, Basak, Lapu-Lapu


Research Respondents

The respondents of this study were the students who play video games of the Benthel
Asia School of Technology. They were selected randomly This was done to get the
data from the specific types of respondents in school. To gather more information of

the players and their academic performance. There are nine (9) respondents on

students who play video games of Benthel Asia School of Technology.

Research Instrument

Questionnaire and documentary analysis was used to gather data and information

from the respondent. In order to do that, we use data collected via student survey to

assess the academic performance of those students who plays video games. The kind
of Due to the restrictions imposed by the epidemic, the proponents chose an online

self-administered survey questionnaire as a study tool. The inquiry form was written

in English, which the majority of the population understand. A cloak a letter outlining

the information's confidentiality and how it was utilized was made available The

researchers then used the Likert scale to collect data. In terms of educational research,

a psychometric tool is used.

Research Procedure

The researcher will obtain approval from the school administrator to perform the


The questionnaire includes three parts: Part 1 includes the personal  information of the

respondents which includes the age, gender, often video games played and the span of

time spent on playing video games. Part 2 dealt with effects of video games to the

respondents in their academic performance. Part 3 dealt with perceptions of the

respondents on playing video games. These were made to explore and analyse the

effects of video games in the academic performance of the students in Benthel Asia. It

will be given to nine (9) chosen respondents. The instrumentation used will give way

and support in retrieving data for the study.

Data Analysis Plan

The administration of the questionnaires was done personally by the researcher to

utmost control in the conduct of the data gathering process. Beforehand, a letter

request to the authorities was secured for asking permission to conduct the study and

distribute questionnaires to of respondents and make an interview for clarification.

After the approval of the requests the researcher personally administered the

distribution of questionnaires to the respondents. After the questionnaires were

answered, the data gathered were tabulated and classified according to the intended

sequence for data presentations, statistical treatment, analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Treatment

Upon retrieval of the questionnaires, the data gathered was subjected to

statistical treatment. The following statistical tools were used:

To determine the profile of the respondents, the simple percentage was used, where

the formula was:

P=F/N x 100


P= the percentage

F= the frequency

N= the number of respondents

To determine the challenges and difficulties of the working students in Benthel Asia

School of Technology, the weighted mean was used where the formula was:



x = weighted mean

f = frequency of each level

x = weight given to each level

n = total number of respondent



This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of statistical analysis done and
interpretation of findings. These are presented in charts and graphs regarding the

Exploring the Effect of Video Games in the Academic Performance of Student in

Benthel Asia School of Technology Inc.

Profile of the Respondents

The four point scale of categorization was used where the following descriptive
categories are applied to the data on problem.

Weight Range Weighted mean

Descriptive Category

4 4.21 – 5.0 Storongly Agree

(Means that the students who play video games of Benthel Asia School of
Technology Inc. S. Y.2021-2022 67-100% agreed)

3 3.41 – 4.20 Agree

(Means that the students who play video games of Benthel Asia School of
Technology Inc. S. Y.2021-2022 were 34 - 66% agreed)

2 2.61 – 3.40 Disagree

(Means that the students who play video games of Benthel Asia School of
Technology Inc. S. Y.2021-2022 were 1 - 33% agreed

1 1.0 1.80 Strongly Disagree

(Means that the students who play video games of Benthel Asia School of
Technology Inc. S. Y.2021-2022 were not agreed).

(In the figure below, It shows the results and analysis upon answering the following
guide question given)
Chapter 5

Summary, Findings, Conclusion, Recommendation

This chapter summarizes the research's key findings, concludes with a simplification,
and makes recommendations for further research about the Effect of video games in
the Academic Performance of student in Benthel Asia School of Technology.

Summary of Findings

There is a huge effect of a student's academic performance when they play

video games. It also demonstrates that the students agreed on the appropriate degree
of video game play; however, students 18 years old is the highest outcome, as its
mean score is higher than 17 years old.

In terms of playing video games, the study indicates a significant difference in

risk perception between 18 and 17 years old student, all of which are smaller than the
significant level suggesting strong evidence. It also shows the difference in how 17
and 18-year-olds student play video games. As a result of this decision, there is a
considerable variation in the amount of time two teen ages spend playing video

This research shows the various effects of playing video games on students.

In terms of playing video games, the two teen ages imply that there is no substantial
association between them.


In conclusion, the data acquired suggests that students aged 18 to 17 had a

greater level of video game playing than students aged 18 to 17. For students aged 18
and up, play intent is always more sophisticated and crucial than for those aged 17.

Both student 18 and 17 years old agreed that playing video games had an
impact on their academic performance its neither positive or negative about the
playing video games and it also affect their mental and emotional health while playing
video games.

1. Future researchers should investigate additional factors such as the negative effects
of video games on academic performance and collect new data in order to create more
precise results.

2. Explore and address additional effects of video games on academic performance,

such as online gaming addiction, academic performance risk, and other factors that
may convince others to cease playing video games.

3. If the respondent obtained more accurate facts and perceptions of the student,
increase the number. For another set of respondents, it might be ideal to include
students aged 19 and up.



GRADE 12 STEM Student/s

Bethel Asia School of Technology,Inc. Peninsula Place, Sudtunggan Rd,. Basak,

Lapu-lapu city 6015




Grade 12 Sapphire students of Benthel asia school of technology Would like to
ask your permission to conduct our study entitled " The

Exploring the Effect of Video Games in the Academic Performance" This is a

partial requirements of Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research) The
researcherd intend to determine the influence of online shopping experience on

perceptions towards purchasing intensions among Student in Benthel Asia

School of Technology. We anticipate your kind response regarding this matter.
Thank you and God Bless!
Respectfully yours,

Chazel Mae A. Duropan

Group Leader



Dear Respondents,
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of
Science in Aircraft Maintenance Technology we, the undersigned 4 th

year students are conducting a research entitled “EXPLORING THE

YEAR 2018-2019”

With that regard, kindly answer the questions as honestly as possible.

Your high consideration is honesty answering these questionnaires will
help us a lot in fulfilling our tasks. Rest assured that your responses
will be dealt with utmost confidentially and only for the consumptions
of this study.
Thank you very much for your support and cooperation.

The Researchers
Name (optional):______________________
Part I. Profile of the respondents
Direction: Please read the following directions and put check mark (√)
on the             space provided that corresponds to you answer.

1.1 Age        1..2  Gender

(   ) 15-20            (   ) Male
(   ) 21-25              (   ) Female
(   ) 26-30


1.3 Often video games played

Dota 2     (    )                              Mobile Legends     (    )
PUBG     (    )                                           
LOL         (    )                              Others                   (    )
ROS       (    )
1.4  Span of time spent on video games                  on a daily basis
1-2 hours                                        (    )    
 3-5 hours                                       (    )    
6-8 hours                                         (    )    

Part II. What are the effects of video games to the respondents in their academic
performance  in terms of:

Direction: Please select your response against each statement and check (√) the
appropriate answer. Your respond should be one of the statements given below;
Weight                    Descriptive Category
 4                             Strongly Agree
     3                              Agree
2                              Disagree
1                              Strongly Disagree

A. Punctuality and attendance.

Indication                          4    3    2    1
1. I come to school late because I over 
sleep.                         (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
I skip class due to my video game addiction. (    )    (    )    (    )    (    ) 
I sleep during class due to exhaustion.      (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
Others, please specify __________________.

B. Attending school activities.

Indication                        4    3    2    1
I cannot attend school activities
Because of playing video games.            (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
2. I don’t have extra time during
school activities.                        (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
3. I cannot attend school activities 
4. because I do not get enough rest.             (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
Others, please specify __________________.

C. Accomplishing assignments and researches.

Indication                        4    3    2    1
1. I do not have enough time to do my 
assignments after playing.                  (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
2. I simple ask my classmates to copy 
their assignments.                      (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
3. Due to exhaustion, I can no longer 
focus to do my assignments well.        (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
Others, please specify __________________.

D. Decision making.
Indication                        4    3    2    1
1. I rather  play video game than to go                                                 with classmates
and do the projects.      (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
2. I prioritize my eagerness to play                                                     video games
over school works.              (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )    
I still find time playing video games                     
when I have to study.                      (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
Others, please specify __________________.

E. Grades
Indication                        4    3    2    1
1. Video games affects my grades.        (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
2. Video games has no significant                                                       
effect on my grades.                                     (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
3. With or without video games,                                                            
my grades would be the same.        (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
Others, please specify __________________.

  Part III. What are the perceptions of the respondents on playing video games?
Direction: Please select your response against each statement and check (√) the
appropriate answer. Your respond should be one of the statements given above;

A. Academic performance over video game

Indication                        4    3    2    1
1. Going to school is more entertaining                                                                 
than playing video game.                              (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
2. Playing video games is boring.                     (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
3. I love going to school, it relieves my stress.    (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
4. Others, please specify ____________________.

B. Video game over academic performance

Indication                        4    3    2    1
1. Playing video game is more
entertaining than going to school.        (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
2. Going to school is boring.            (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
3. Academic performance isn’t important,                                          
it’s only stressful.                                    (    )    (    )    (    )    (    )
Others, please specify __________________.

Screenshots of sending the Questionnaires


Member Contribution:


Chazel Mae Duropan Chapter 1 Background, Definition

of Terms, and SOP

John Rhey Bacallan Chapter 1 Introduction, Theretical


Chazel Mae Duropan Chapter 2 HALF

John Rhey Bacallan Chapter 2 HALF

Chazel Mae Duropan Chapter 3 Research Design,

Research Environment,
Research instrument,
Data Analysis Plan,
Ethical Consideration

John Rhey Bacallan Chapter 3 Research Participants,

Research Procedure,

Chazel Mae Duropan Chapter 4 Analysis and

Interpretatioin of data

John Rhey Bacallan Chapter 4 Analysis and

Interpretatioin of data

Chazel Mae Duropan Chapter 5 Summary of Finding,


John Rhey Bacallan Chapter 5 Conclusion

Chazel Mae Duropan Whole Research Gathering all the

chapters; Encoding


Full name: Duropan, Chazel Mae A.

Full address: St. Joseph Marigondon LLC

Status: Single

Date of birth: June 13 2004

Age: 17


Contact: 09335447111


Religion: Roman Catholic

Talent: Calligraphy/Lettering, Dance

Hobby: Movie Watching; Kdrama; Reading; Wattpad; Novels.

Motto: dream without a plan is just a dream

Education: Elementary: Marigondon Elementary School 1-6

Highschool: Marigondon National High School 7-10

Senior HighSchool: Benthel Asia School Of Technology 11-12

Full name:John Rhey Aninipoc Bacallan

Full address: Suba Masulog Basak Lapu Lapu City

Status: Single

Date of birth: April 2, 2004 17

Citizenship: Filipino

Contact: 09484663890


Religion: Roman catholic

Hobby: Playing games

Motto: Be yourself

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